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2. Capital contribution.

(1) In fact, HST Company has to contribute 2.500.000.000 for 50% chartered
capital of KMP Company Limited. However, on June 2nd 2016, the Minutes of the
meeting of Members’ Council indicates that HST Company only contributes VND, equivalent to 20% chartered capital of KMP Company
Limited. This means that the company's HST has only 20% of voting capital
corresponding to the contributed capital. Besides, HST Company has sold its 20%
charter capital of KMP Company Limited to the TST Company on September 12th
2018. As result, TST Company has only 20% of the voting capital.
(2) Similarly, according to the Minutes of the meeting of Members’ Council on
June 2nd 2016, Mr. Tran Quoc C only contributes 200.000.000 VND, equivalent to
4% chartered capital of KMP Company Limited. Therefore, he has only 4% of the
voting shares in the conference.

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