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Ari Wells

Language Arts
Mrs. Colavito
I’m a Half-Blood?

Tonight for some weird reason, I just can’t fall asleep! Lately I’ve

been thinking about all the weird events that have been happening

lately. First I see pictures moving in my Greek mythology book, then my

pencil turns into a sword and today in math class when I was using my

calculator instead of numbers I see weird messages like “you have one

day to…”

I go try to get some fresh air by taking a step outside on my

balcony and then I hear strange voices in my head. All of a sudden,

there was a green flash, a bang, and then complete darkness.

When I woke up the next morning, I was laying on a cot. I was in a

strange room. It smelled like mold and like kids who haven’t washed in

days. Than, a strange man came in. When I looked closer, I saw that his

lower torso was replaced with the body of a horse. Than, I realized that

he was my tutor Ian. He told me that his name was Chiron and that he

was the trainer of all the Greek heroes. This must be a dream I think to

myself. But I can’t wake up from it. Chiron explained to me that I was

standing in the middle of camp half blood- a camp for kids who one of
their parents is a god. So than witch god is my dad I asked. Chiron didn’t

know the answer. Chiron told me to proceed to the Hermes cabin since I

didn’t know witch god I belonged to.

After weeks, I still couldn’t find out Witch god was my dad. In the

meantime, I made some friends their names were Josh and David. They

were both from the Hermes cabin and they were twins. They had a great

sense of humor.

After a month I still didn’t find out who my parent was so I

decided to go ask the Oracle. The Oracle was a green mummy who was

extremely creepy. She is supposed to tell you your fortune. She said that

I would have to go to mount Olympus and go through three tests to find

out who my dad was.

I had no idea where to go so Chiron gave me a magic mirror that

would transport me to the right place. The transportation was the worst

experience ever; it felt as if my whole body was being sucked into a tube

the size of an ant. Every second turned into hours. The only thing I was

thinking about was let me get out of here, let me get out of here. Finally I

came out.

I was in a small room. The room was extremely dark and I

couldn’t see a thing. I walked two steps to the right, bang I hit a wall. I
walked two steps to the left, bang, I hit a wall. I walked forward, bang I

hit another wall. I walked backwards, bang, I hit a wall. I jumped, I hit a

wall. I wondered how would I get out of this confined place? First I lit a

match and realized that what I was hitting wasn’t a wall but a shield. I

started to walk around but couldn’t because my right shoe was stuck to

the ground I yanked my foot out of my shoe, on the bottom of my shoe

was a switch, it had three ways to turn it. My instinct told me to turn it

right. The shield was deactivated and a tall man walked towards me he

told me that he was Apollo and that he was my father and a Greek god.

And that’s how I found my father.

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