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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: Importance of Archetypal Characters

The Sorcerer's Stone adapted into a film under the Warner Brother's Production in 2001,
written by J.K. Rowling in 1997. Which the production became a Box Office hit turned into a
milestone with a grossing reaching 1 billion dollars as it became known worldwide. The story
revolves around our protagonist, Harry Potter, the boy who lived after the massacre of his family,
where he discovers his wizardry ancestry and the world of magic and witchcraft. We meet new
characters as the story progresses, who would help spice up the plot and depth of the movie. This
element is one of the mediums for personas of archetypes. Through these characters that play key
roles in building the story, we understand the diversity of their morals, values, circumstances, and
perspectives: which the audience can form a connection to or may awaken a realization of
themselves through their point of view. Their presence continuously alters the reality with in their
universe that even a small change may lead to a different course of action for the Hero-- a butterfly

So saying, there are 8 types of mythical archetypal characters in “The Sorcerer’s Stone”; (1) The
Hero, Harry Potter is the leader and a warrior who fought against the odds of a greater evil, (2) The
best friend, Ron Weasly, a regular kind ally who supports and help the hero, (3) The
Intellectual/Boss, Hermoine Granger,a muggle who shows capabilities on being strong, determined
and is on top of her field, (4) The Warrior/ Herlad, Rubeus Hagrid, a reluctant rescuer who supports
and rely information to Potter, (5) The Nurturer, Proffesor McGonagall, the one who recommend
Harry to take participate in Quidditch and indirectly takes care of him/everyone, (6) The Bad Boy,
Draco Malfoy, a rebel who took the wrong side of the track and is a bitter crash idealist, (7) The
Traitor/ False Ally, Professor Quirell, a wolf in sheep’s clothing that acts as a double agent for the
resurrection of Voldemort,and (8) The Villain/Lost Soul, Tom Marvolo Riddle or Lord Voldemort, an
exceptional dark wizard who was fallen into his own demise and undoing.

Each of these archetypal acts as an ingredient for the build-up and substance of the story’s plot.
Their sense of individualism embodies the uniqueness of their identity; readers are swayed by the
character’s stance that enables them to unlock certain parts of themselves through the element. An
example of which is Hermoine Granger, a normal person of entered Hogwarts without a history of
the wizarding pedigree but even so, she proves to be the best in her class and all subjects despite her
background. The audience interprets this knowledge and relates to it making them gradually
understand Hermoine’s decisions and actions. Though they may represent a single archetypal trait,
some like Harry Potter possess more than one; being the orphan, hero, warrior, and rebel at the
same time.

Through them, the production gets a dramatic effect that reels in the viewers making them
immersed in the film’s production; It powers the imagination of the audience and enamors them to
the point of wanting more. Lusting, to discover and learn about the characters and story. One of the
reasons why the Harry Potter series is preeminent to fantasy genres. Therefore I conclude, that
archetypes are major variables in the impact of the story because of the connection to its readers.

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