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Prep C

Datatypes and Directories

Dr. Madhav Rao
July 17, 2019

Create a directory named dtypes that hangs off of your home directory. Move into that directory. Create a
C file named minmax.c and place into the following code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

int main()
printf("Q1. Signed char minimum value: %d\n", SCHAR_MIN );
printf("Q2. Signed char maximum value: %d\n", SCHAR_MAX );
printf("Q3. Unsigned char minimum value: %d\n", 0 );
printf("Q4. Unsigned char maximum value: %d\n", UCHAR_MAX );
printf("Q5. Char minimum value: %d\n", CHAR_MIN );
printf("Q6. Char maximum value: %d\n", CHAR_MAX );
printf("Q7. Signed short minimum value: %d\n", SHRT_MIN );
printf("Q8. Signed short maximum value: %d\n", SHRT_MAX );
printf("Q9. Unsigned short minimum value: %d\n", 0 );
printf("Q10. Unsigned short maximum value: %d\n", USHRT_MAX );
printf("Q11. Signed int minimum value: %d\n", INT_MIN );
printf("Q12. Signed int maximum value: %d\n", INT_MAX );
printf("Q13. Unsigned int minimum value: %u\n", 0 );
printf("Q14. Unsigned int maximum value: %u\n", UINT_MAX );
printf("Q15. Signed long minimum value: %ld\n", LONG_MIN );
printf("Q16. Signed long maximum value: %ld\n", LONG_MAX );
printf("Q17. Unsigned long minimum value: %lu\n", 0 );
printf("Q18. Unsigned long maximum value: %lu\n", ULONG_MAX );
printf("Q19. Signed long long minimum value: %lld\n", LLONG_MIN );
printf("Q20. Signed long long maximum value: %lld\n", LLONG_MAX );
printf("Q21. Unsigned long long minimum value: %lu\n", 0 );
printf("Q22. Unsigned long long maximum value: %llu\n", ULLONG_MAX );
return 1;

Compile this code and name the executable as minmax file. Run the executable. After running the
executable, you will see 22 lines/statements coming from your minmax program. During the demonstration,
you will be asked to explain the number of bits for each datatype.
Create another directory named enum within dtypes directory and form two new files named send.c and
recv.c in enum directory. The two files are created to visualize how transfer of data takes place from sender-
end to receiver-end. Part of the protocol in transmitting and receiving requires data and parity checking.
We will not bother of parity today, but will learn later. We will assume that we are sending and receiving
the data on the same terminal. The ZLINE, MPD and QPD are the names of the petrol pumps used by
Larsen And Toubro company. We will not go into the details of the embedded controller operations of these
petrol pumps. However think of this code written by developers for user operations. The user can select
either of the three petrol pumps used, combined with the either of parity checking schemes. In the following
code, ZLINE is used as petrol pumps and no-parity is used as parity-checking scheme.
Place the following code in send.c
int main()
enum petrolpumps {ZLINE=0, MPD, QPD};
enum parityTypes {noparity = 0, odd, even};
enum petrolpumps using= ZLINE;
enum parityTypes parity = noparity;
int packet = 0;

/* Forming data packets */

packet = using << 8;
packet = packet | parity;

/* Sending the data packet */

fprintf(stderr,"In send program- Sending the packet\n");
return 1;
and the following code in recv.c file


void packetIdentify(int data)

enum petrolpumps {ZLINE=0, MPD, QPD};
enum parityTypes {noparity = 0, odd, even};
int pumps=0, par=0;
par = data & 0xff;
pumps = data >> 8;
if(pumps == ZLINE)
fprintf(stderr,"ZLINE pumps \n");
else if(pumps == MPD)
fprintf(stderr,"MPD pumps \n");
else if(pumps == QPD)
fprintf(stderr,"QPD pumps \n");
fprintf(stderr,"Not specified\n");

if(par == noparity)
fprintf(stderr,"No parity was used\n");
else if(par == odd)
fprintf(stderr,"Odd parity was used\n");
else if(par == even)
fprintf(stderr,"Even parity was used\n");
fprintf(stderr,"None parity specified\n");


int main()
int packetrecv;
fprintf(stderr,"In recv program, Receiving the packet\n");
return 1;

Now compile the following code into respective executables. Name the executables as send and recv.
For transmission and receiving purpose, we normally need a channel. In this activity we will make console-
terminal as a channel. Our intention is to pipe the output of send program to recv program. Following linux
command will do the needful.
./send | ./recv
Currently the send program sends ZLINE as the petrol-pump type with no-parity. You are supposed to
modify the send.c file in such a way that you need to send all 9 combinations from send program. All nine
combinations are stated in the below table.

No. Petrol pump types Parity type

1 ZLINE no parity
2 MPD no parity
3 QPD no parity
4 ZLINE odd
5 MPD odd
6 QPD odd
7 ZLINE even
8 MPD even
9 QPD even

Also modify the recv program such that it receives 9 such combinations.
HINT: For nine combinations, use nine different variables. packet is one among nine such variables
in send program or you can use a loop nine times. For recv program, use nine variables and call the
packetIdentify nine times with each such variables or use a loop nine times to receive the data.
Directories to practice
But first, you will need to learn a little bit about Linux, the operating system you are using. Please do the
following web tutorial:
When you are done, continue to the next section.
Starting Up
To do this activity, you will use the following commands, among others:
ls list the files in the current directory
ls x list the file or directory x
cd x change to directory x
cd .. change to the parent directory x
cd change to the home directory x
pwd show the current directory x
mkdir x create directory x
In your home directory, create a directory named dire. Move into the dire directory and create the
following directory structure:

Your home directory is the one named after your name, not the directory named home. This is because
Linux is designed as a multi-user system and there may be more than one home directory (one for each user).
The home directory holds all the users’ home directories.
Please read the rest of this actvity before starting. There’s one tricky part that you need to keep in mind
while creating directories.
Placing files in directories
In each directory, create a file whose name is the first letter of the directory. For example, in the dire
directory, create a file named d. An easy way to create a file is to use the touch command. To create a file
named d, issue the command:

touch d

A file created in this way exists, but has nothing in it. You could have also created an empty file with
vim, as in:

vim d

and while in vim, immediately running the vim command :wq.

Sharing directories
To share a directory (such as cry), one parent directory needs to own it and the other parent needs to link
to it. For this activity, have the wolf directory own the cry directory (that is to say, create the cry directory
while in the wolf directory). Now move up to the dire direction and then share or link the cry directory with
this command:

ln -s wolf/cry

Make sure you are in the dire directory! Now do a listing of the dire directory. You should see something
like this:

cry d straits times voir wolf

Listing the cry directory (ls cry), should yield:

To see if you did things correctly, run this command while in the dire directory:

find . -print

You should see the following output:


Note that the file c in the directory cry is listed only once. The order of the listing will depend upon the
order you create your directories.
Starting all over
If you’ve made a mistake and you wish to start all over, first move to the home directory and then run the

rm -r dire

The rm command with the -r option (the -r stands for recursive) is quite dangerous. It removes the
entire directory hierarchy. Remember, any file or directory removed with the rm command is unrecoverable!
As usual, show the activities to your instructor. Before that, do a directory listing (ls); you should see
something like

cry d straits times voir wolf

Commandline arguments – Introduction

Command line is another way of providing arguments to your developed program. You normally use many
options in linux commands such as
ls -al
Here ls is your executable which accepts a and l as command line arguments. In this activity, you are to
remind yourself how to get data from the command line.
The Command Line
The command line is the line typed in a terminal window that runs a C program (or any other program).
Here is a typical command line on a Linux system:

madhav@madhav:~/clab$ ./prog3

Everything up to and including the dollar sign is the system prompt. As with all prompts, it is used to
signify that the system is waiting for input. The user of the system (me) has typed in the command:


in response to the prompt. Suppose prog3.c is a file with the following code:


int main(int argc, char *argv[])

printf("command-line arguments:");

In this case, the output of this compiled program would be:

command-line arguments: ./prog3

Command-line arguments
Any whitespace-delimited tokens including and following the program file name are stored in argv array. For
example, suppose we modify the program prog3 by adding statements to print all the arguments such as
argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], and argv[5]

./prog3 123 123.4 True hello, world

Then the output would be:

command-line arguments:
"prog3" "123" "123.4" "True" "hello" "world"

From this result, we can see that all of the tokens are stored in list of argv and that they are stored as
strings, regardless of whether they look like some other entity, such as integer, real number, or Boolean.
If we wish for "hello, world" to be a single token, we would need to enclose the tokens in quotes:

./prog3 123 123.4 True "hello, world"

In this case, the output is:

command-line arguments:
'./prog3', '123', '123.4', 'True', 'hello, world', (null)

There are certain characters that have special meaning to the system. A couple of these are ’*’ and ’;’.
To include these characters in a command-line argument, they need to be escaped by inserting a backslash
prior to the character. Here is an example:

./prog3 \; \* \\

To insert a backslash, one escapes it with a backslash. The output from this command is:

command-line arguments:
'./prog3', ';', '*', '\'

Although it looks as if there are two backslashes in the last token, there is but a single backslash. C
Program uses two backslashes to indicate a single backslash.

Counting the command line arguments
The number of command-line arguments (including the program file name) can be found by using the other
argument passed in main function:

printf("Length %d",argc)

and enter the following command at the system prompt:

./prog3 123 123.4 True hello world

we get this output:

Length 6

As expected, we see that there are six command-line arguments, including the program file name.
What command-line arguments are
The command line arguments are stored as strings. Therefore, you must use atof, atoi functions if you wish
to use any of the command line arguments as numbers.
Task: Calculator
Create a directory named cmdline that hangs off your clab directory. Write a program named calc.c that
takes three command-line arguments (not including the program file name) and performs a simple calculation.
Here are some examples:

$ ./calc 2 + 3

$ ./calc 5 / 2

$ ./calc 5 - 6

$ ./calc 4 \* 6

Remember, you need to place a backslash in front of the asterisk in the last example because an asterisk
means something special to Linux.
HINT: To compare arguments with the symbols ’+’, ’-’, ’*’, ’/’, use *argv[2] or argv[2][0]. The argv[2] will
contain strings and to compare the starting character we need to specify *argv[2] or argv[2][0]
Task: Looping over the numbers
Create a program (for.c) which will take three arguments (intial final step) as shown below and prints the
numbers over step-size. Use For loop in this task. For example:
./for 3 10 2

should show the following output.

3 5 7 9

Task: While loop

Create a program (while.c) which does the same task as above, but using while loop.

Task: Arithmatic logic unit
Develop a program (alu.c) which does eight modes of arithmatic logic unit (ALU) operations: multiplex-
ing, demultiplexing, encoding, decoding, direct-memory-access, random-memory-access, updating-cache, and
recent-memory-search. All eight modes are controlled by eight bits. Design an ALU such that when user
specifies an option in command line argument, the program should indicate the specific operation. The users
can specify multiple operations by passing the bits in the command line argument. In the multiple opera-
tions scheme, we will assume that sequential operations are performed in the ALU. Use bitwise operations
to display the operations selected by the user. Passing a Zero (0) option, should display entire menu of ALU
as shown below:
./alu 0

Select menu
0x01: multiplexer
0x02: demultiplexer
0x04: encoding
0x08: decoding
0x10: dma
0x20: rma
0x40: updating-cache
0x80: recent-memory-search
Passing 1 option, should display ”multiplexer” as shown below:

./alu 1
Multiplexer selected

Passing 2 option, should display ”Demultiplexer” as shown below:

./alu 2
Demultiplexer selected

Passing 3 option, should display two operations as shown below:

./alu 3
Demultiplexer selected
Multiplexer selected

Passing 255 option, should display all the operations.

Make sure your are in the cmdline directory. Then run the command ’ls’ to check the following source-code
files and executables:

File input and output
Create a directory named files that hangs off your activities directory. Write a program named calc.c that
reads three tokens from a file and performs a simple calculation. Here’s an example:
Suppose the file simple-sum contains the line:

2 + 3

Then, we would expect the following result when running your program:

$ ./calc simple-sum

Modify your simple-sum file to include four different operations as given below:
5 + 2
5 - 2
5 / 2
5 * 5
In fact, your program should behave exactly like the program you wrote in the previous activity except
the tokens are placed in a file rather than on the command line. Now modify your program calc.c such that
you include a loop to cover all four operations. You don’t need to use a backslash to protect the operators
when reading from a file.
You must use the file operations: fopen, fclose, fscanf for this activity. Instead of fscanf, you can use fgetc
as well. But make sure you ignore the space after reading the character. For getting operational character,
you might have to use fscanf or fgetc twice as shown below.

ch = fgetc(in);
ch = fgetc(in);



Make sure your are in the files directory. Then run the command ’ls’ to check all the files.

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