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Phrasal Verbs 1

- act up comportarse mal (personas); no funcionar bien (máquinas)

The children acted up until their mother got really angry with them.
That washing machine is new but it´s acting up already.
- add up tener sentido (a menudo en frases negativas); sumar
He seemed to believe the story but I don´t think it adds up.
We bought too many things. Can you add up the amounts of the bills?
- add up to ascender a (una cantidad)
The total amount of all those bills adds up to over 1,000 euros.
- ask out invitar a alguien a una cita
He´s fancied her for months and last night he finally asked her out.
- back down/off echarse para atrás
Paula said she´d help us, but she´s backed down/off.
- back up retroceder; avalar, respaldar, confirmar; hacer una copia de seguridad
I can´t open the door, can you back up, please?
I know it´s an incredible story but there are people who can back me up.
Back up all the database. It´s really important and we can´t lose it.
- beg off declinar una invitación dando una excusa
We thought she was coming but she begged off in the last minute.
- blow up inflar; explotar; enfadarse mucho repentinamente
I hate blowing up balloons.
They put a bomb in the building, so everything blew up.
When he was told he wouldn´t get a pay rise, he blew up.
- bone up on estudiar, ponerse al día en alguna materia (coloquial)
You´d better bone up on your computer skills if you want to get that job.
- break down descomponer cifras o datos, analizar; estropearse (máquina); echarse a
I´ll break down the total expenses to see how much each person must
My car just broke down in the middle of the motorway.
He broke down when his girlfriend left him.
- break in/into entrar por la fuerza en una casa o edificio
The burglars broke in/into the big house at the end of the street.
- break in domar; ablandar (calzado)
That horse was born wild but they broke it in.
The shoes are a bit uncomfortable, but I hope I break them in soon.
- break in (on) interrumpir
Sorry for breaking in on your meeting, but I need your help.
- break up terminar una relación personal
They used to argue every day, so they broke up.
- bring/take back devolver algo
I can lend you those books but don´t forget to bring them back.
- bring off lograr, conseguir algo difícil
It was incredibly difficult to win that race, but she brought it off.
- bring up mencionar; educar, criar; vomitar
I didn´t want to talk about his divorce, but he brought it up.
They were brought up in Manchester by their uncle.
I think the fish we ate was off because I brought up after eating it.
- brush up on repasar, refrescar conocimientos
I need to brush up on my German before leaving for Austria.
- burn down quemarse totalmente (cosas verticales como casas, árboles...)
The office building burned down due to a short-circuit.

Phrasal Verbs 2

- butter someone up hacer la pelota

He´s been buttering up his boss all week. I think he´ll get the promotion.
- call off cancelar
The meeting was called off because too many people were missing.
- calm down calmarse, calmar a alguien
I know they´ve broken into your house but you must calm down.
- catch on comprender o aprender
I´m not good at computers but I´m catching on with these lessons
- catch up (with) ponerse al mismo nivel, dejar de estar detrás
He started the course later but he´s caught up with his classmates.
- check in/into registrarse, anunciar la llegada; facturar (el equipaje)
We checked into the hotel when we arrived.
You must arrive in time at the airport to check in your luggage.
- check off marcar los puntos de una lista cuando ya se han completado
Take the list of things to do for today. Check each off once they´re done.
- check out abandonar un hotel; realizar el procedimiento para sacar un libro de una
biblioteca, por ejemplo
We must check out of the hotel before 12 am.
If you want to borrow those books you must check them out first.
- cheer up animarse, animar a otra persona
He´s so sad! We should do something to cheer him up.
- chicken out perder el valor para hacer algo
He was going to tell her the truth, but he chickened out in the end.
- chip in contribuir con dinero para comprar algo
We´re going to buy a present for Nora, do you want to chip in?
- clam up callarse por completo repentinamente
She was talkative but when I asked her about her job she clammed up.
- come across encontrar por casualidad
I´m looking for this customer´s file, so let me know if you come across it.
- come down with enfermar de…
I seemed to be ok yesterday, but I came down with the flu this morning.
- come to ascender a (una cifra); recobrar el conocimiento
Our monthly expenses come to over a thousand euros.
She fainted after the blow but she came to after a few minutes.
- count on contar con alguien o algo
Can I count on you to help me with the move?
- cross out tachar algo escrito
Paula isn´t coming to the wedding, so cross out her name on the list.
- cut back (on) reducir el consumo de algo
You should cut back on fattening food if you want to lose weight.
- do in cansar; asesinar (coloquial)
All those hours in the office really did me in.
The film has just started and four people have already been done in.
- do over hacer algo de nuevo, repetir algo
I spilled water over the paper I was writing, so I´ll have to do it over.
- drag on durar más de lo esperado o de lo necesario
I almost fell asleep at the cinema. The film dragged on for three hours!
- draw up redactar, preparar documentos legales
I´m waiting for the lawyer to draw up the contract.
- drop off entregar una mercancia; dejar a alguien en algún sitio
Can you drop off this parcel at the post office?
We live very near. I can drop you off if you like.

Phrasal Verbs 3

- drop in (on) / by visitar a alguien informalmente, sin avisar

While I was in town I dropped in on Terry to see how he was.
If you have time next week, try to drop by the house.
- drop out (of) dejar de asistir al colegio o a una institución
He dropped out of university many years ago but he´s gone back now.
- egg on incitar a alguien a hacer algo
Her wife egged him on to accept that job even though he didn´t like it.
- end up acabar haciendo algo o acabar en algún sitio
If you don´t stop drinking so much you´ll end up in hospital.
- fall through fracasar (plan, acuerdo)
My holiday plans fell through when I was dismissed.
- feel up to sentirse con fuerzas o ganas para hacer algo
The walk to the peak is quite long. Do you feel up to it?
- figure out comprender, encontrar la solución a un problema reflexionando;
comprender el comportamiento de alguien
I must figure out all these notes before the exam.
He´s a really weird person. I can´t figure him out.
- fill in / out rellenar (un impreso)
I had to fill in/out lots of forms to apply for a mortgage in the bank.
- fill someone in (on) poner al corriente, informar
I missed last meeting. Could you fill me in on it?
- find out averiguar, enterarse
Did you know the library is closed for works? I just found out yesterday.
- get across comunicar, hacer entender una idea; atravesar (río)
I said many times I couldn´t go, but I didn´t get the idea across.
We got across the river and then walked through the forest.
- get along with llevarse bien con alguien
I´ve just started working there, but I get along with everyone already.
- get (a)round evitar hacer algo, librarse de hacer algo; desplazarse, moverse
I got round that English exam because I had already done a course.
You can get around on foot in a small town.
- get (a)round to encontrar el tiempo para hacer algo finalmente
I hope to get round to doing all the housework sometime tomorrow.
- get by sobrevivir, arreglarselas en una situación económica difícil
My salary isn´t great but I manage to get by anyway.
- get in entrar en un vehículo pequeño
Come on, get in the car now or we´ll miss the plane!
- get on entrar en un vehículo grande
He got on the train/bus/plane carrying lots of luggage.
- get off bajar de un vehiculo grande (tren, autobús, metro, avión); tener un día
I got off the bus and then got on the train.
Thank God I´m getting some days off. I´m exhausted.
- get out of bajarse de un vehiculo pequeño; librarse de hacer algo
When I got out of the car the weather had changed completely.
I got out of doing the housework because I had to leave for work.
- get something terminar una tarea
over with This essay is boring me to death. I just want to get it over with.
- get over recuperarse de una enfermedad o mala experiencia
She´s still getting over her broken leg.
They broke up a year ago, but he still hasn´t got over her.

Phrasal Verbs 4

- get rid of deshacerse de algo; despedir del trabajo

You never wear those jeans. Why don´t you get rid of them?
He was always late, so his boss got rid of him.
- get up levantarse de la cama
I must get up at 8 every day to go to work.
- give up dejar de hacer algo (un hábito); rendirse, darse por vencido
I gave up smoking alter the doctor advised me to do it.
I tried to learn Japanese but I gave up after one month.
- go out with salir con alguien
He´s been going out with his girlfriend for over a year.
- go (well) with conjuntar, quedar bien varias cosas juntas
I think that red T-shirt doesn´t go well with your pink skirt.
- goof off holgazanear
I didn´t do anything at the weekend. I just goofed off.
- grow up crecer, convertirse en adulto
Laura grew up in London, that´s why she speaks English so well.
- hand in entregar un trabajo, deberes, etc.
I haven´t started writing the essay and I must hand it in tomorrow.
- hand out distribuir, repartir
The teacher handed out the corrected homework to the students.
- hang up colgar el teléfono
We didn´t talk much. He had to hang up because his boss arrived.
- hold up levantar; retrasar; atracar
The teacher held up the book so that the pupils could see it.
Sorry, I was hold up by a traffic jam.
She´s been quite frightened since she was held up in the street.
- iron out resolver (dificultades, desavenencias…)
They had very different opinions but they ironed them out.
- jack up levantar con un gato; subir los precios
We had a puncture, so we had to jack up the car and change the tyre.
Shops always jack up the prices before Christmas.
- jump all over sb regañar, echar la bronca
His mother jumped all over him for arriving so late.
- keep on continuar; recordar a alguien continuamente lo que tiene que hacer
He keeps on telling her how rich he is..
You have to keep on her if you want her to study for the exams.
- kick out expulsar a alguien de algún lugar o institución (coloq.)
They kicked him out of the course for missing too many lessons.
- knock out dejar inconsciente
They started fighting and one of them knocked the other one out.
- knock oneself out trabajar más de lo normal o de lo esperado
I knocked myself out to have everything ready for the presentation.
- lay off despedir por falta de trabajo o recursos económicos
The company was doing quite badly, so it laid off lots of employees.
- leave out omitir, olvidar incluir
This report is too long. You should leave out some details.
- let down decepcionar
He let her down when he forgot her birthday.
- let up aflojar, amainar
It´s been raining for hours but it seems to be letting up now.
- look back on recordar, volver la vista atrás sobre algo
I laugh when I look back on my school years.

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Phrasal Verbs 5

- look after cuidar

Could you look after the dog this weekend, please?
- look down on considerar inferior a alguien, mirar con aires de superioridad
He always looks down on people who don´t make as much money as him.
- look forward to tener ganas de que llegue/ocurra algo
I´m looking forward to going on holiday. I´m so tired of working!
- look in on ir a ver algo o a alguien para comprobar su estado
I haven´t seen my grandma in weeks, I´ll look in on her today.
- look into investigar, buscar más información sobre algo
I haven’t received any letters in a month. I´ll tell the postman to look into it.
- look like parecerse físicamente
She looks exactly like her mother.
- look on plantearse; quedarse mirando
The city centre is too expensive. I´m looking on moving to the suburbs.
He saw that I was being robbed but he just looked on.
- look out tener cuidado
Look out! That step is about to collapse.
- look out for estar atento a
Look out for animals crossing the road when you drive on country roads.
- look over repasar, comprobar
He´s looking over her son´s homework.
- look up buscar algo en un diccionario, enciclopedia, etc; mejorar (intransitivo)
You´ll need to look up a few words to understand that text.
After so many problems, it seems things are looking up.
- look up to respetar, admirar a alguien
She´s so efficient at work that all her colleagues look up to her.
- luck out estar de suerte, tener suerte
He lucked out! The exam was about the only unit he had studied.
- make after perseguir, correr tras
The dog made after the ball its owner had thrown.
- make away escaparse, largarse
The police tried to catch the burglars, but they made away.
- make away with suprimir, acabar con; largarse con; matar (en literatura)
The government made away with the new law.
The robbers made away with the money.
He made away with himself.
- make for ir, dirigirse a; conllevar, resultar en
We made for the city centre after lunch to do some shopping.
So much traffic makes for lots of pollution.
- make fun of reirse / hacer bromas sobre alguien
They started making fun of him when he dyed his hair red.
- make out comprender lo que se ve o escucha (a menudo en oraciones negativas).
The picture was blurred and I could hardly make it out.
- make over to transferir, ceder propiedades o dinero
Her grandfather made over the land to her.
- make up inventar información (historia, etc)
I can´t believe that story. I think they made it up.
- make up (for) compensar por algo
I know you´re upset for what I said. Can I make it up?
I forgot his birthday, but I´ll make up for it by giving a party next week.
- make up (with) reconciliarse
They didn´t talk for a month, but now they´ve made up (with each other).

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Phrasal Verbs 6

- mark down reducir el precio de

Clothes are marked down during the sales period.
- mark up aumentar el precio de
Shops always mark things up at Christmas.
- mix up confundir a alguien
The map was wrong so it mixed me up and I couldn´t find the place.
- nod off quedarse dormido (a menudo sin pretenderlo)
The film was so tedious that some people nodded off at the cinema.
- pan out tener éxito, salir bien (planes) (a menudo en oraciones negativas)
He won´t be promoted because his business strategy didn´t pan out.
- pass away fallecer, morir
He passed away after a very long disease.
- pass off as hacerse pasar alguien / algo por
He passed himself off as a journalist to get into the concert.
- pass on pasar
Please, pass on the message/information.
- pass out desmayarse, perder el conocimiento; distribuir
He passed out during the concert because it was too hot and crowded.
Can you please pass out these sheets to the rest of the class?
- pass up dejar pasar, desaprovechar (una oportunidad) (coloquial)
You mustn´t pass up that opportunity! It´s the job of your dreams.
- pick on meterse con alguien
He´s always picking on her, telling her how terrible she looks.
- pick (out) elegir
The painting is beautiful. The person who picked it out has good taste.
- pick up recoger, levantar; recoger a alguien con un vehículo; mejorar (salud,
tiempo, economía), ligar con
Please, pick up those toys from the floor and put them away.
I´ll pick you up at the airport at ten.
It seems the weather is picking up after all the rain.
He spent the whole night trying to pick her up.
- pitch in ayudar, colaborar con entusiasmo
If we all pitch in, we can get this finished before going home.
- pitch on optar por
After some discussion the company pitched on the older candidate.
- pull out sacar, extraer; salir, irse en un coche
I´m afraid the dentist will have to pull that back tooth out.
That car was parked there for two hours but it´s just pulled out.
- pull over parar el coche en un lado de la carretera
The car was making a strange noise, so I pulled over and had a look.
- pull up arrancar (plantas); detener un vehículo; parar a alguien (policía)
I must pull up all those weeds in my garden.
Look! He´s here, he´s just pulled up (the car).
The police pulled him up for speeding.
- put away guardar, devolver a su sitio
This room is a mess! Why don´t you put all that stuff away?
- put back devolver a (un sitio), volver a poner en
Please, put the cutlery back in the top drawer.
- put off posponer; apagar (luz); disuadir a alguien de hacer algo; dar asco
We had to put off the meeting because too many people were absent.
I forgot to put the light off before leaving.
He tried to put me off moving to that area.
That smell really puts me off.
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Phrasal Verbs 7

- put on ponerse (ropa); encender; poner (música).

It´s a bit cold. I´ll put my coat on.
Please, put the kettle on.
Shall I put this cd on?
- put out apagar (luz, fuego); molestar
Please put out the lights before leaving.
I don´t want to put you out, but I need help with this.
- put up levantar, subir; montar; colgar en la pared; alojar a alguien.
Put up your hands if you agree.
It´s not always easy to put up a tent.
Why don´t you put those pictures up?
Don´t worry, I can put you up for the night.
- put up with soportar, aguantar
You don´t have to put up with your rude colleagues. Try talking to them.
- rip off cobrar demasiado por algo, estafar
Don´t buy anything in that shop. They´ll rip you off.
- round off redondear (una cifra)
Some shops round off prices, $1.99 becomes $2.
- run after perseguir, correr detras
They ran after the pickpocket but he was faster than them.
- run away escapar, huir
He tried to catch the dog but it ran away.
- run down gastarse (pila, batería)
The radio isn´t working because the batteries have run down.
- run into/across encontrarse a alguien por casualidad
You won´t believe it, but I ran into Tom in the supermarket the other day.
- run into atropellar (con un vehículo)
That man ran into a poor dog by accident.
- run out of acabársele algo a alguien
We´re running out of milk. Why don´t you go to the shop and get some?
- run over atropellar (con un vehículo)
The poor woman was ran over when she was crossing the road.
- run through hojear; repasar (plan), ensayar (teatro).
I´ve run through the book but I haven´t read it yet.
Ok, let´s run through your schedule for next week.
- see to someone atender a alguien (en una tienda)
Can I see that bag over there, please? – Sure, I´ll see to you in a moment.
- see to something ocuparse de algo, encontrar la solución a algún problema
Can you write me a report, please? – I´ll see to it in a moment.
- see someone off despedir a alguien que va a viajar (acompañándole al aeropuerto, etc.)
I prefer not to see you off at the airport. It would make me too sad.
- see someone out despedir a alguien acompañándole hasta la puerta.
It´s getting late. I´ve got to go. – I´ll see you out.
- see (you) through tener suficiente dinero para comprar lo necesario
I´ve got 100 euros to see me through the month.
- see through descubrir las verdaderas intenciones de alguien
He seemed nice but I could see through him and I knew he wasn´t honest.
- set up crear (empresa, etc.); convocar (reunión, etc.); tender una trampa
He´s thinking of setting up his own business.
We must set up a meeting for next Wednesday afternoon.
They set me up! They said John was not going to the party but he went.

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Phrasal Verbs 8

- set back retrasar, entorpecer; costar (fam.)

The bus didn´t arrive on time, so that set us back an hour.
Her new flat is amazing, do you know how much it set her back?
- show sb (a)round enseñar una casa o lugar a alguien
Do you like my new flat? I´ll show you (a) round.
- show off presumir, alardear, llamar la atención
He´s always talking about how big his house is just to show off.
- show sb out acompañar a la puerta para despedirse
Do you have to go now? I´ll show you out.
- show up llegar, aparecer
It´s about time you showed up! We´ve beenwaiting for an hour.
- show sb up hacer algo mejor que otra persona haciéndola parecer inferior
Jim was so good at bowling that he showed us all up.
- slip up cometer un error
I slipped up and wrote 3 instead of 5.
- stand down renunciar a un puesto, dimitir
He should stand down as president of the company. He´s useless.
- stand for representar; tolerar (a menudo en forma negativa)
UNO stands for United Nations Organization.
I won´t stand for that kind of behaviour.
- stand in for sb sustituir a alguien
I have to stand in for my colleague because she´s got the flu.
- stand out destacar, sobresalir
She´s so tall that she stands out wherever she goes.
- stand up levantarse (cuando se está sentado); dejar plantado, no acudir a una cita
I´m so tired I don´t feel like standing up.
He was supposed to meet her at 10 but he stood her up.
- stay away from mantenerse alejado
You´d better stay away from that area. It doesn´t have a good reputation.
- stay in quedarse en casa
Do you prefer to stay in or would you rather go out?
- stay out salir por la noche
I´m very sleepy because I stayed out until late last night.
- stay over quedarse a dormir
You can stay over for the night if you like.
- stay up estar levantado, no irse a dormir
I stayed up until 3 o´clock watching that comedy.
- stick by ser fiel a; atenerse
I´ll stick by him no matter what he´s done.
You must stick by your promise.
- stick in meter, introducir
Let´s watch a film. Stick the dvd in.
- stick out sobresalir, resaltar; sacar (lengua, pecho)
You really stick out in that bright orange top.
Don´t stick out your tongue!
- stick to atenerse, ceñirse a
We don´t have much time, so we´d better stick to our plan.
- stick up ponerse de punta (pelo)
Your hair is sticking up.
- stick up for sb defender a alguien (a menudo alguien a quien se está criticando)
Everybody criticises her for her clothes, but I´ll always stick out for her.
- stick up on pegar, adherir
You´re not allowed to stick posters up on the wall.

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Phrasal Verbs 9

- take after sb parecerse físicamente

She definitely takes after her father. She´s got his eyes.
- take apart desmontar
Before I realised it he had taken the whole computer apart.
- take/bring back devolver
She lent me this book a month ago, so I should take it back to her.
Don´t forget to bring back those dvds if you´ve already watched them.
- take back retirar (un comentario, insulto, etc.)
He called me stupid! If he doesn´t take it back I won´t speak to him again.
- take care of cuidar de alguien, cuidarse; encargarse de planificar algo
He always takes care of the baby whenever he gets sick.
Can you please take care of booking a table for ten for tomorrow?
- take down anotar
I tried to take down the address but she spoke too fast.
- take in asimilar, comprender; estrechar, subir el bajo (ropa)
The grammar explanation was too long and I couldn´t take everything in.
These jeans need taking in.
- be taken in ser engañado
I was taking in by his flattering comments.
- take off quitarse (ropa); despegar; tomarse días libres.
It was so hot I had to take off my jacket and jumper.
The plane took off on time.
I´m exhausted. I think I´ll take a couple of days off.
- take on contratar, emplear, aceptar, hacerse cargo de
The company needs to take on a new receptionist.
I´ve taken on too many responsibilities and I´m starting to regret it.
- take out sacar; firmar, aceptar (hipoteca, préstamo)
She took out 20 euros from the cashpoint machine.
I had to take out a huge mortgage to be able to pay my house.
- take it out of sb cansar, fatigar
Going shopping takes it out of me.
- take it out on sb enfadarse con alguien injustamente, pagarlo con alguien
Don´t take it out on me just because you´ve been fired.
- take over tomar el control de un negocio
If the president of the company decides to retire, his son will take over.
- take up comenzar a practicar un deporte, hobby o actividad de ocio.
He needed to do some sport, so he took up rowing and he loves it.
- take sb up on sth tomarle la palabra a alguien, aceptar su propuesta/ofrecimiento
He offered me a job in his shop and I took him up on it.
- talk around evitar hablar de un tema
After his girlfriend left him he always talked around the subject/it.
- talk away hablar sin parar durante un largo rato
I told her I was in a hurry but she continued talking away.
- talk back to sb contestar a alguien con malos modales.
Even though he was 2 hours late he still talked back to his best friend.
- talk down to sb hablar a alguien con aires de superioridad.
She always talks down to her employees.
- talk sb into sth convencer a alguien para que haga algo
I didn´t want to go to the party but my friend talked me into it.
- talk sb out of sth convencer a alguien para que no haga algo.
Her mother talked her out of marrying him.
- talk over discutir, debatir algo
I´m not sure about selling the house. We should talk it over carefully.
- tell off regañar
He told off the children for being so noisy.

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Phrasal Verbs 10

- throw about/around pasarse una pelota de una persona a otra

Why don´t we go to the park and throw the ball around?
- throw away /out tirar a la basura
Don´t throw those books away/out. Someone might want them.
- throw back beberse algo muy rápidamente
He threw back a pint of beer in a couple of seconds.
- throw sth back to sb tirar algo a alguien para devolvérselo
Come on, throw the ball back to me!
- throw sb off despistar a alguien que te sigue o busca
She took a different bus that day to throw off her husband.
- throw off quitarse la ropa rápidamente
Throw off your clothes and get into the shower!
- throw out echar a alguien de un lugar; vomitar
He was thrown out of the pub for being drunk.
I ate so much that I threw up.
- throw together preparar una comida rápidamente usando alimentos que ya se tienen.
I usually throw some food together when I´ve just arrived from a trip.
- tick off irritar a alguien; poner una marca al lado de los puntos de una lista para
indicar que la acción ya se ha realizado.
He really ticks her off when he starts talking so loud.
At last I have ticked off all the items on my to-do list.
- try on probarse (ropa)
I´d like to try on that dress in the shop window.
- try out probar una máquina para ver como funciona
I love your car! Can I try it out for a minute?
- try out (for) hacer una prueba para entrar en un equipo, orquestra, etc.
He sings so well he should try out for the choir.
- turn against volverse en contra de
The dog turned against its owner.
- turn (a)round girarse o girar algo
When I turned around I saw him coming towards me.
- turn away negar la entrada a alguien; apartarse.
They were turned away when they tried to enter the pub.
He was going to kiss the girl but she turned away.
- turn back volverse; atrasar (el reloj)
We had to turn back because of the bad weather.
We turned the clock 2 hours back when we arrived.
- turn down bajar el volumen o la temperatura; rechazar
Can you turn down your hifi, please?
He turned down the job in spite of being a very good one.
- turn in entregar, enviar; irse a dormir; entregar a las autoridades
I must turn in this report by Monday.
I´m exhausted, I think I´m turning in.
Fortunately the burglars were caught and turned in to the police.
- turn off apagar (girando algo); repugnar, no gustar en absoluto
I turned off the oven half an hour ago.
Fish really turns me off.
- turn on encender girando algo; interesar, gustar, excitar.
Do you want me to turn on the heating?
Good food always turns her on.
- turn out producir; apagar (la luz); desahuciar; resultar
The company turns out over a million cars a year.
Please, turn out the lights before you leave.
The landlord turned him out for not paying the rent.
I didn´t want to see that film but it turned out really moving.

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Phrasal Verbs 11

- turn over dar la vuelta; facturar

You must turn over the omelette so that both sides get cooked.
The company turns over a million euros every year.
- turn up subir el volumen o la temperatura; aparecer de pronto, presentarse
I can´t hear the music. I´ll turn it up.
He turned up at the end of the party, when we weren´t expecting him.
- wait for esperar
We waited for her to finish work and then we went shopping.
- wait on servir, atender (en restaurante, tienda, etc.)
The shop assistant that waited on us was really nice.
- wake up despertarse o despertar a alguien
I woke up at dawn because I was having a nightmare.
- watch out for tener cuidado con
Watch out for bees while you are in the garden. There´re lots of them.
- wear out desgastar, usar algo hasta dejarlo inservible; cansar, extenuar
I must buy a new pair of trainers. I´ve worn these out.
All that uphill walking has worn me out.
- work out hacer ejercicio; solucionar un problema, encontrar una solución;
resultar, salir bien.
She´s been working out hard at the gym because she wants to lose weight.
I don´t know how we´re going to pay for the holidays but we´ll work it out.
We weren´t sure about the plan, but it worked out.
- wrap up abrigarse, llevar suficiente ropa; terminar
It´s freezing outside, so wrap up well.
We´ve been writing this report for five hours and I hope to wrap it up by 8.
- write back contestar por escrito
I sent an email to him last week and he wrote back yesterday.
- write down anotar, escribir
Did you write down the address?
- write off destrozar un vehículo en un accidente, dejar para el desguace;
cancelar (deuda)
They wrote off the car when they crashed against the tree..
We´ll try to write off our debts by the end of the summer.
- write sb off descartar a alguien por incapaz
Jill was written off for the job because she can´t type.
- write out anotar; extender (un cheque); pasar a limpio
Did you write out the phone number?
The company wrote me up a cheque for 500 euros.
You should write up your notes before you start studying them.
- zip up subir una cremallera
Can you zip up my dress, please?

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