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Negatif Factors to Avoid in a Job Interview

Going on job interviews is a stressful aspect of searching for employment. For many, a feeling
of anxiety in the days and moments leading up to a job interview is common. However, while some level
of nervousness is understood and perhaps anticipated, you do not want to do anything that will result in
a interview failure.

Much preparation is involved for an interview with many details to consider. These details range
from finding the right clothes to wear to planning enough time for traffic. Another significant worry
many people experience is concerns over what to say and what not to say.

It is brest to make a concentrated effort to steer clear of the negative aspects when going on
your interviews. Here are a few pitfalls to avoid so you don’t encounter any negative experiences when
going on interviews:

1. Poor Attitude
A positive attitude is winning attitude. If you exhibit a pooor attitude during your
interview this is likely to result in failure. Another thing to remember is to never put down your
previous employer; while your reasons for no longer working there and looking for new work
may be a legitimate complaint, an interview is not the place to air these issues. It doesn’t matter
what kind of employment it is because an employer is going to consider a positive attitude to be
a good attribute, a negative one will be failure.
2. Careless Preparation
As your resume should be tailored to the kind of job you’re applying for, your
preparation should be just as customized. When going on an interview, practice what you want
to say and familiarize yourself with ways to answer question that are though.
It is always a good idea to do research on the company, explore their website and
demonstrate a bit of knowledge about the company. This isn’t necessarily a “must”, but it will
work in your favor. Today many employers expect you to be familiar with what a company does
and what they are all about. Always be prepared before you walk into the interview. So if you
have a careless preparation, your interview will be failure.
3. Inability to answer questions
Potential employers will likely allow a degree of leverage for nervousness, but if you
avoid questions or stammer as if you are trying to hide something, this won’t fare well and could
result in a failed interview.
Honesty is the best policy an chances are you may be asked some hard questions.
Before the interview, reflect on what your weaknesses are and brush up on some ways you can
answer those hard questions with a positive spin; this will work in you favor for those difficult
4. Poor Scholastic Record
Attending school that are not recognised or which are know for bad record of crinal acts
and obtaining not too impressive or poor results. Some schools are more recognised or value
more than the other due to their previous outstanding performance or pedigree. Scholastic
record will show all the school attended, additional qualification and grades recorded in those
schools. Interviewers are interested in you good record. Bad records or resume may fail an
applicant even before the real interview.
5. Low grades without reasonable explanation
Low grades means below average and having the last grade or ranking in a subject. Low
grades signifies unseriousness and unintelligent. If the interviewer reason is a longside
seriousness, he may feel that your may not be the right person to hire the job.
6. Low level of accomplishment
Level of accomplishment means level of achievement in your past and present job. For
instance, as a marketer, how did you help your formal organization to make their product
known to the public and sales of the product? Such accomplishment normally interests the
interviewer. This is caused by the organisation has a problem and willing to hire anybody who
would help solve the problem.
7. Inadequate personality
Inadequate personality means who are you what you are capable of achieving based on
your skill, ability experience.
8. Poor motivation
Motivation means ability to maintain a positive attitude in whatever one is doing
attitude determines everything. Many people have succeeded in interviews not because of
qualification alone but how you feel about yourself and the job you want to undertake. This is
especially for marketers. If one is not motivated, you can motivate a prospective buyer to buy a
product. When you are not motivated, which is one of the prerequisite for becoming a good
9. Poor in interest
Interest means what one actually wants to do in the job. No focus and attention. Not
knowing the job you actually wanted.

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