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Mexico City, Mexico.

August 6, 2013

Protocol Summary

The following is a brief summary of different compounds that can be found in internet and
It is meant as a guide to those interested in trying alternatives to help their loved ones
through the cancer ordeal. It is by no means a cancer treatment and should not be
considered and taken as such.
Nothing that is included here should be used unless discussed with a licensed medical
practitioner and if anybody decides to experiment with any of these compounds, they do
so at their own risk and under their own free will.

I hope the following information helps you in some manner.

My Father went through a fight with pancreatic cancer and lives 15 months. We both won
and lost the fight.

We won because when he was diagnosed they did not give him more than 3 months to
live and a more those would be filled with excruciating pain. He was able to live a “normal
life” with good quality of life surrounded by his friends and family without the pain that was
predicted. And 1 month before he passed away, he was declared cancer free (to Dr´ s
amazement and confusion as it is a type of cancer that has less than 5% chances of
We lost because at the end he passed away (though painlessly) due to the chemo and
conventional radiotherapy side effects.

This is not meant to be a scientific presentation.

All the information I researched with the help of Family, Friends and Dr’ s was related to
pancreatic cancer. I can´t say how this correlated to brain tumors as the brain has a barrier
that prevents certain chemicals from entering but I assume that due to the nature of the
chemicals used, they would be able to trespass such barrier and positively affect the

There were several other compounds which I read of or that people recommended that did
not have “solid” research or could have serious side effects: i.e. cesium chloride or
Simmoncini protocol (sodium bicarbonate) which I did not even consider using.

The protocol listed below evolved as time went by both in content and dosage and it was
meant to:
1. Attack the tumor directly
2. Attack the tumor by modifying its environment (changing the acidity and Oxygen
content of its surrounding to a more alkaline and oxygen rich environment)
3. Strengthening the rest of the organs and trying to improve overall health and
All of the items you will see except for sodium lactate which was administered right before
the chemotherapy sessions were given at home.
Before we even had the opportunity of applying chemotherapy (because his physical state
was very fragile), we started applying some of the compounds that are listed below.
I had my Father´s blood sampled once a week to check for tumor activity and metabolism
as well as liver, kidney and other functions. We saw a significant decrease in tumor activity
and tumor markers which was afterwards reinforced by the initiation of chemo.

The protocol we used with my Dad is attached in the excel file included in this email. It
contains everything we did; the Dr’ s we consulted and if the medicines / compounds could
be found in Mexico.
Most of the compounds are quite inexpensive and easy to find either in Mex or the USA, I
do not know about the name and availability of them in Europe but I am sure there are
alternatives to get them to you.

Medicines / Compounds / Other Treatments.

1. Vitamin C Intravenous (I.V.) preparation

Intravenous Vitamin C.
This was administered in a Ringer Solution or a normal I.V solution. We started with 1
gram daily and ended with 25 grams 4 times a week
The assumed pathway is that it helps oxidize the tumor from within as well as making the
surroundings less acidic and helps eliminate free radical.
Before using IV Vitamin C, you should have the person tested for 6 Glucose phosphate
dehydrogenase deficiency

Intravenous Magnesium.
10 cc administered in the same solution as the Vit C
It can be complemented orally with chelated magnesium although I.V, works better than

2. Oral Ezcosul
This is a “homeopathic” preparation of “blue scorpion” venom. A type of scorpion found in
Cuba. If you were not able to find this brand, I believe there are other types of scorpion
venom in the market.
The way it works is that it helps reduce the inflammation (thus reducing pain) and it helps
prevent the tumor from generating it own network of veins (angiogenesis).
Ezcosul needs to be taken between meals so it is not digested with the food, otherwise the
proteins that make up the venom are broken up and are not useful as they should.

3. “Carzilasa” and “Ridasa”. Both IV solution preparations

Carzilasa and Ridasa.
These two compounds are made in Mexico and we can send them to you. I used them as
part of what is called Enzyme Therapy.
Carzilasa is a liquid form of Thiamine Pyrophosphate, a substance that participates in the
ATP cycle.
Ridasa is a desoxyribonuclease. It is an enzyme that is claimed to help in the degradation
process of DNA.
Both were administered on a daily basis, 10 ml each, on 250 cc of an I.V. solution.

I.V. Multivitamin, Trace Elements and B compound.

A mix of MVI 12 (IV multivitamin), zinc, germanium, selenium, manganese, chromium,
potassium, sodium and molybdenum were also administered in the solution of Carzilasa &
Ridasa. The dosage depends on the brand. Also I.V B complex was prepared in this
solution, dosage also depends on the brand.

4. I.V Alpha Lipoic acid

600 mg of I.V Alpha Lipoic acid were administered in a 100 cc IV solution 3 times
per week. Preferably the same day when the Vitamin C I.V solution was

Oral Naltrexone
5 mg of Naltrexone was given daily at night.
Three cases of pancreatic cancer with liver metastasis were treated witha mix of IV Alpha
Lipoic and Naltrexone and all showed elimination or containment of the metastasis.
In the case of my father, the protocol eliminated the metastasis.
Naltrexone in the USA needs to be prescribed by a Dr. I don´t know if that is the case in
other countries.

Oral Hidroxycitric Acid (Garcinia Cambodgia)

This product can be found in most healthfood stores and is used by most people as a
weight loss aid, but in conjunction with Naltrexone it has proven to be a powerful an
effective aid to combat tumors.

Sodium Lactate & Glucose IV solution 1 hr before chemotherapy

This was suggested by the US Oncologist and had excellent results.
Prior to the chemotherapy, an IV solution of 100 grams of Glucose and 16 grams of
Sodium Lactate was given to my Dad.
The tumor would accelerate its metabolism with the glucose and the sodium lactate would
prevent the tumor of disposing of the Lactic Acid which is a by product of its metabolism
thus “intoxicating” the tumor with its own metabolic by products.
We knew it was working because the tumor metabolic markers fell at a lower level and
stayed there.

We would put 8-10 ml of reduced L-Gluthatione liquid form in the Alpha Lipoic IV solution 2
days after chemo to help eliminate free radicals and help with liver detox

Citric Acid
We did not use it because we learned of it by the end of the treatments.
Several people report extremely positive results from taking one or two tea spoon in liquid
I personally know a person that treated himself with Citric Acid exclusively for 2 years and
had very good results

Other Oral
All these were given either because we could not find the I.V. version or because oral
supplementation was used to reinforce the I.V. compound already administered.
- Vitamin D3: promotes the immune system
- Omega 3. Promotes healthy lipid metabolism and reduces inflamation
- Shark Cartilage promotes the immune system and the creation of white cells which
are affected by chemotherapy
- B Complex, Multivitamin complex, promotes metabolism and well being
- Vitamin B-12. Promotes the creation of hemoglobin which is affected by
- Chelated Magnesium: involved in several metabolic pathways
- Vitamin C. 3 grams (1 gram per take)
- CoQ10
- Phosphatydil-Choline. 2 capsules at night as a liver detox.
- Curcumin. 3 takes (500 milligram each) has antitumor properties and is synergistic
with chemotherapy.
- Wobenzyme. A mix of enzymes that were given with every meal (to help digestion)
and between meals to help make the tumor more sensitive to chemo and the rest
of the compounds that were administered. It is made in Germany.

As for the rest of the oral recommendations:

Metformin, Celecoxib (Celebrex), Esomeprazole (Nexium), Methazolamide, Amiloride,
Ammonium Tetrathiomolybdate (which were recommended by an Oncologist in the USA)
we were unable to give them consistently due to my Dad´s fragile state of health.
Also, because the other compounds were working and there is so much a person can

All these compounds have been used by Oncologist who practice Functional Medicine or
use complementary compounds, whether natural or man made, and whether they were
design for that use or not, to fight tumors with a synergistic approach with chemotherapy.

This approach was somewhat limited because my Dad fell into a septic shock right after
being diagnosed and remained in a “chemical comma” for 6 weeks sol he immediately lost
a lot of weight.

There are several diets which work on reducing the carbohydrate intake and helping the
body become more alkaline (i.e. Gerson Diet) but we were very cautious with that

This is a mix of wheat grass extract and other products which has been published as a
helper in fighting cancer. We gave it to him daily.

There are several brand names and it is a type of sugar taken by athletes that enhances
metabolism and general well being. We gave him a small spoon in his beverages.

Other treatments.

Hyperbaric oxygen
We were unable to treat him in hyperbaric chambers or ozone therapy (he was most of the
time very anemic which is counter-indicated and this is where he decided to draw the line
in terms of having to drive to another therapy)
Tumors are basically anaerobic creatures (their metabolism requires very little oxygen) so
when oxygen is administered, the theory is that metastasis are controlled and a direct
impact to the tumor is made by excess oxygen. It also promotes overall well being and
boosts the immune system.
There counter-indications to both Hyperbaric oxygen chambers and ozone therapy that
have to be considered.

Gamma Knife
This form of submillimetric radiotherapy is used for brain tumors. Its use is complemented
with chemotherapy. It has good results because the beams are very precise. I only have
information about treatments in China. I will attach the different Chinese alternatives in a
separate file.

Similar to Gamma knife but a little less precise (although much more than conventional
radiotherapy). Used extensively in head tumors.
I have no information about machines in Europe but I understand it is more wide spread
than Gamma Knife.

At the time of my Father´s treatment, neither Gamma Knife nor Cyberknife were available
in Mexico and most Cyberknife machines are used for head tumors.

Ultra High frequency tumor ablation

This is a new technique that is being used to eliminate tumors.
I understand there is an Oncology Center in Milan that uses such technique.
It seems to be very effective to destroy the tumors without the side effects of radiation
I will look for the name of the Dr and send it to you.
I contacted him because he was one of the few Dr´s that used that technique in pancreas
tumors. I learned from this alternative after we had started with conventional radio-therapy.

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