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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,024,070 B2

Sano et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 20, 2011

(54) PASSIVE WALKING LEGGED ROBOT 901/46, 47, 48,50; 180/8.1, 8.6; 74/490.04;
O O 52/69, 117; 173/28: 701/23
(75) Inventors: Akihito Sano, Nagoya (JP); Hideo See application file for complete search history.
Fujimoto, Nagoya (JP); Yoshito
Ikemata, Nagoya (JP) (56) References Cited
(73) Assignee: Nagoya Institute of Technology, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Nagoya-Shi (JP)
- 6,243,623 B1* 6/2001 Takenaka et al. ............. TOO.245
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued)
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 919 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(21) Appl. No.: 11/921,789 JP A-05-337849 12/1993
(22) PCT Filed: Jun. 8, 2006 (Continued)
C s
(2), (4) Date: Dec. 7, 2007 McGeer; "Passing Dynamic Walking.” The International Journal of
Robotics Research; vol. 9; No. 2; Apr. 1990.
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2006/132330 (Continued)
PCT Pub. Date: Dec. 14, 2006
Primary Examiner — James P Trammell
(65) Prior Publication Data Assistant Examiner — McDieunel Marc
US 2009/OO55O21 A1 Feb. 26, 2009 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Oliff & Berridge, PLC
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data (57) -
The present disclosure provides a fixed point stabilization
Jun. 8, 2005 (JP) ................................. 2005-168905 device for a legged mobile body having a generating mecha
nism for generating a fixed point. The present disclosure also
(51) Int. Cl. provides a fixed point stabilization device for a legged mobile
G05B 9/18 (2006.01) body comprising a stabilizing device for stabilizing the fixed
(52) U.S. Cl. ........ 700/254. 700,245. 700,246. 700,247 point in accordance With a leg grounding position of the
700/249: 700/250. 31 8,568 1: 3.18/568 2. legged mobile body. The fixed point is generated by inputting
4. iro 12. a predetermined constant torque to a joint of a leg of the
31 85.5 : 5. 3.As legged mobile body on the basis of the energy balance in the
- s s s legged mobile body, leg Switching, and a leg Swinging
(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 700/245, motion. The fixed point is stabilized globally by keeping the
700/246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252,253,254, leg grounding position of the legged mobile body constant
700/258, 260, 261, 262, 264; 318/.568.1, using a stopper.
318/.568.2, 568. 11,568.12,568.15, 568.16,
318/.568. 17,568.22; 901/1, 2, 9, 23, 33, 2 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
US 8,024,070 B2
Page 2


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6,876,903 B2 * 4/2005 Takenaka ........... 700,245 Collins et al.; "A Bipedal Walking Robot with Efficient and Human
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JP A-2005-096068 4/2005 Evaluation by an Actual Robot.” Japan Society of Mechanical Engi
JP A-2006-116672 5, 2006 neers; Collection of Papers; vol. 71; No. 705; pp. 1669-1677; May 25,
JP A-2006-142465 6, 2006 2005.
WO WOO3,O90982 A1 11, 2003
WO WO 2006,132330 A1 12/2006 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Sep. 20, 2011 Sheet 2 of 2 US 8,024,070 B2


US 8,024,070 B2
1. 2
PASSIVE WALKINGLEGGED ROBOT In this specification, the stopper may be referred to as a
fixed point stabilization device or stabilizing means. Further,
TECHNICAL FIELD the passive walking legged robot may be referred to as a
legged mobile body.
The present application claims priority on the basis of 5 The fixed point stabilization device (stopper) preferably
Japanese Patent Application No. 2005-168905, filed on Jun. generates the fixed point from an energy balance in the pas
8, 2005, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated sive walking legged robot, leg switching, and a leg Swinging
in this specification by reference. motion.
The present invention relates to a passive walking legged Further, the stabilizing means (stopper) stabilize the fixed
robot. 10
point globally by keeping the leg grounding position of the
passive walking legged robot constant or Substantially con

Patent Document 1 and so on are known as examples of Furthermore, the stabilizing means preferably stabilize the
attitude stabilization control for a legged mobile robot, in 15 fixed point locally by varying the leg grounding position of
particular a bipedal walking legged mobile robot employing the passive walking legged robot in accordance with a devia
Zero Moment Point (ZMP). Further, Non-Patent Document 1 tion between the fixed point and a current quantity of State.
provides detail with respect to stabilization of the fixed point According to the present invention, a fixed point can be
of a legged mobile body, in particular a passive walker. generated, on level ground or uphill, simply by inputting a
Conventional legged mobile robots stand at the forefront of constant torque at each step period based on a mechanical
technologies including high-precision sensors, high-perfor structure of a fixed point formed from an energy balance, leg
mance actuators, and advanced control. The keystone of the Switching, and a leg Swinging motion. As a result, a natural
technologies is ZMP. A walking control method employing and highly energy-efficient gait can be realized.
ZMP focuses on trajectory planning and control (including By keeping the grounding position of the leg constant or
measurement) of ZMP. 25 Substantially constant, the fixed point can be stabilized glo
Meanwhile, the gait known as passive walking, cannot be bally, enabling extremely stable continuous walking. More
ignored, and always generates a great deal of interest in terms over, robustness increases dramatically.
of the possibility of engineering applications. A feature of Finite setting is performed through local stabilization of
passive dynamic walking is that a natural gait can be produced the fixed point, and as a result, the fixed point converges to a
by the interaction between the dynamics of the legged mobile 30 Substantially steady state in a few steps.
body and the environment (a downward slope) with no con
Patent Document 1: Japanese Patent No. 3269852
Non-Patent Document 1: T. McGeer, “Passive Dynamic FIG. 1 is a schematic view showing a legged mobile body
Walking. The Int. J. of Robotics Research, Vol. 9, no. 2, 35 having a knee joint;
pp. 62-82, 1990 FIG. 2 is a view showing the results of a walking simula
tion; and
DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION FIG.3 is a schematic view showing the entirety of a legged
mobile body employing the present invention.
ZMP is an important mechanical index relating to attitude 40
stabilization not only during walking, and is the most power BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE
ful tool for enabling walking without falling. However, with INVENTION
attitude stabilization control employing ZMP, it is difficult in
principal to realize a highly energy-efficient gait. Moreover, A preferred embodiment of a fixed point stabilization
the resulting gait feels unnatural compared to passive walk 45 device for a legged mobile body according to the present
1ng. invention will be described below.
In passive walking, the resolution of a nonlinear leg Swing A generating mechanism for generating a fixed point,
ing motion jumps discontinuously due to the leg Switching which is provided in the fixed point stabilization device for a
phenomenon. A cyclic trajectory is generated from this type legged mobile body according to the present invention, is
of hybrid system. When the trajectory forms a limit cycle, the 50 capable of calculating a fixed point directly, without search
state immediately after grounding is fixed as the fixed point. ing for a fixed point numerically, from the energy balance in
With conventional passive walking, however, a stable fixed the legged mobile body, leg switching, and a leg Swinging
point does not exist when walking uphill and along level motion. Hence, by varying the energy balance and the leg
ground, and therefore a steady gait cannot beachieved. More Switching and leg Swinging motions, a fixed point can be
over, the robustness of passive walking is low, and stable 55 created as desired. For example, a fixed point is preferably
continuous walking is difficult. Furthermore, convergence on calculated from an energy balance formula, a leg Switching
the fixed point is poor. formula, and a leg Swinging formula, whereupon a fixed
It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide torque required to generate the fixed point is generated in the
a passive walking legged robot that is capable of stabilizing a joints of the legged mobile body.
fixed point. 60 In the fixed point stabilization device for a legged mobile
A passive walking legged robot according to the present body according to the present invention, the most important
invention comprises two outside legs, a single central leg, and feature of the stabilizing means is to keep the leg grounding
a stopper. The two outside legs are connected rotatably and position of the legged mobile body constant or Substantially
coaxially to a waist. The central leg is connected between the constant in order to stabilize the fixed point globally. Keeping
two outside legs rotatably and coaxially to the two outside 65 the leg grounding position constant or substantially constant
legs. The stopper is connected to the two outside legs and is preferably realized actively by a servo mechanism employ
formed in a loop shape Surrounding the central leg. ing an actuator, or more preferably realized passively
US 8,024,070 B2
3 4
employing a passive element. Attaching a stopper to the shown in FIG. 3 is attached in order to fix the leg grounding
legged mobile body, for example, is simple and reliable. position (the inter-leg angle at the time of grounding) of the
Further, by varying the leg grounding position of the legged legged mobile body. Note that the stopper is not limited to this
mobile body in accordance with a deviation between the fixed example. When the leg grounding position is not fixed (the
point and the current quantity of State, the fixed point is 5 stopper is not provided), continuous downhill walking for five
stabilized locally. The quantity of state is preferably taken as paces or more is impossible. When the grounding position is
the state immediately before or immediately after grounding, fixed, on the other hand, continuous downhill walking for
and the leg is grounded in a grounding position that has been nine paces (the maximum number of possible steps) is
varied according to the deviation from the fixed point, pref achieved with a success rate of approximately 70%. Note
erably such that local (in the vicinity of the fixed point) 10 that the experiment was conducted 350 times.
stability in a discrete time system reaches a maximum.
EMBODIMENT tf it fM l(y'-y) Formula 1
t = t2f = u2 in1 = -(b1 + pl -- pb)(y - y) g
First Embodiment 15
3f usin2 -b(y' - y)
FIG. 1 schematically shows a legged mobile body having a tf it fM i(y'-y) Formula 2
knee joint. First, fixed point generation and local stabilization C = f g
on level ground (Y=0 rad) will be described. In FIG. 1, 1=0.7 t2f u2 in -(1 + p)b(y' - y)
m), 1=1-0.35 m), a =b-a-b-0.35 m), and p-m/
m=0.4. The fixed point of the passive dynamic walking class 1 def (of + 4g sin-sny
of = door . Of . -- 2:1)
12 Formula 3
corresponding to a slope angle of Y=0.073 rad is derived of of . tf
from a legged mobile body energy balance formula, a leg ef
2ldf- (Sin-a-cosy
2 + cos--Siny
2 ) + ef 22df
Switching formula, and a leg Swinging motion formula. The Where
quantity of state at this time corresponds to an inter-leg angle 25
C, 0.73750 rad immediately after grounding and the angu 4
df = lb., -- sin siny + f f
C 21; a
lar velocity of a stance leg (d0/dt), -1.35140 rad/s). Note
that in this embodiment, the knee joint of a Swing leg is fixed e f = coSof
at the point where the Swing leg becomes straight and the knee
joint of the stance leg extends straight, and therefore the 30 8 ?-sin'? Of .
b f = ef it, Sin- cosy + cos 2 siny) + ef 2Pdf
tf Formula 4
inter-leg angle immediately after grounding is considered
equivalent to the grounding position of the leg. 8.f Formula 5
Joint torque vectors T., T required to generate the fixed C F = ef d
point are calculated from Formula 1 and Formula 2 and
obtained as follows, 35 Öak+1 - ... bfcf Formula 6
t=0.50078-0.275429,-0.125195Nm/kgm' dak bf + af clf

t=0.50078-0.275429Nm/kgm’ Öak + 1 c; Formula 7

f =-
Until the knee joint of the Swing leg is fixed, t is input, and 88. bf + af cf
after the knee joint is fixed, T is input.
A coefficient is calculated from the inter-leg angle C, at the
fixed point, the angular velocity of the stance leg (d0/dt), , t=K.(C-C +Ko(6'-6)+t, Formula 8
and Formulae 3, 4 and 5, and obtained as follows,
The meanings of the symbols in the above formulae and the
a-0.002 (1/s), b=-0.8156 (1/s), c=0.5478 drawings are as follows.
Then, a rate of change in the inter-leg angle at the time of g: acceleration of gravity
grounding as finite setting is calculated from Formulae 6 and y: slope angle
7, and obtained as follows, u: ankle torque, ul: hip torque, us: knee torque
T: joint torque vector of fixed point
T. joint torque vector of fixed point when locked at knee of
Swing leg extends Straight t and t can be expressed as
Finally, when setting is performed to obtain the numerical follows.
value of (ÖC/ÖC)la (ÖC/6(d0/dt)")), at which the
coefficient of Formula 8 is obtained, tr-tattsd=ful/M, u2/m, us/m2)
K=1.7582, Kola-1,4508
By controlling the leg grounding position (the inter-leg to-tat-fur/M, u/mi)
angle at the time of grounding) using Formula 8 in the vicinity C, the inter-leg angle at the time of grounding at fixed point
of the fixed point, the fixed point can be locally stabilized. e, cos C, loss factor at the time of grounding
FIG. 2 shows the results of a walking simulation. The 60 where ef denotes the energy Survival rate when the legged
abscissa and ordinate respectively show the number of steps mobile body collides with a floor surface.
and the inter-leg angle at the time of grounding. As is evident y': control coefficient during fixed point generation
from the drawing, a fixed point (gait) is generated even on K: control coefficient for stabilizing fixed point
level ground and converges to a Substantially steady state Koto: control coefficient for stabilizing fixed point
after three steps. 65 d/dt: time differential (a symbol formed by attaching a dot to
FIG.3 is a schematic view showing the legged mobile body “0” also denotes the same time differential)
employing this embodiment. A simple stopper Such as that 6: partial differential
US 8,024,070 B2
Superscript suffix "+”: the value of a variable to which the point, wherein the fixed point stabilizing portion stabilizes the
suffix '+' is added immediately after grounding fixed point in accordance with a grounding position of the
Superscript suffix '-': the value of a variable to which the legged mobile body.
suffix '-' is added immediately before grounding An embodiment of the present invention was described in
Subscript suffix “f: the value of a variable to which the suffix 5 detail above, but this is merely an example of the present
“f” is added at the fixed point invention, and does not limit the claims. The techniques
Subscript suffix "k': the value of a variable to which the suffix described in the claims include various alterations and modi
“k” is added at step “k” of walking fications of the embodiment described above as an example.
Subscript suffix "k--1: the value at step “k+1 The technical elements described in the specification and
Further, “k' on the abscissa in FIG. 2 denotes step “k” of 10 drawings exhibit technical usefulness either independently or
in various combinations, and are not limited to the combina
walking, and Ok on the ordinate denotes the inter-leg angle at tions described in the claims at the time offiling. Further, the
the time of grounding at Step 'k'. techniques cited in the specification and drawings achieve a
The term “fixed point in this specification is defined as plurality of objects simultaneously, and technical usefulness
follows. A certain space (not only a physical space, but also a is attained simply by achieving one of these objects.
mathematical n-dimensional space) is assumed. A case in 15
which an arbitrary plane (strictly mathematically speaking, INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY
an (n-1)-dimensional space) defined within the space has an
intersection point with a trajectory realized within the space is Legged mobile robots may be used on construction sites, in
assumed. When the plane and a closed cyclic trajectory have medical and nursing facilities, in general households, and so
an intersection point, the intersection point is known as the 20 on. However, with a conventional control method that does
“fixed point'. When a state away from the fixed point con not employ the present invention, energy efficiency is low,
Verges on the fixed point, the fixed point corresponds to leading to great limits on long-term use. By employing the
“stable', and when the fixed point is stable, the trajectory is present invention, usage time is extended dramatically.
mathematically proven to be “stable'. Further, a trajectory The present invention is capable of generating an
having a stable fixed point is known as a stable limit cycle. 25 extremely natural and stable gait and maintaining a high level
The expressions “trajectory”, “fixed point, and “stable' used of robustness. Hence, the present invention is highly likely to
above are typical mathematical expressions, and the basic be of use in future robots that will serve as the key to the
concepts behind these expressions as used in this specifica industrialization of coexistence with human beings.
The invention claimed is:
tion are identical to the concepts thereof when used math 1. A passive walking legged robot comprising:
ematically. 30
In this specification, the “fixed point' is defined in relation two outside legs connected rotatably and coaxially to a
to a trajectory drawn by a arbitrary point fixed on a leg of a waist;
legged mobile body during walking. The arbitrary point is a central leg connected between the two outside legs rotat
referred to hereafter as a reference point. The claimed fixed ably and coaxially to the two outside legs; and
point stabilization device serves to stabilize the fixed point. 35 a loop-shaped
to Surround
stopper connecting the two outside legs So as
the central leg, wherein the stopper keeps a
The space for defining the reference point may be a space relative grounding position between the outside legs and
employing a so-called generalized coordinate system. The the central leg Substantially constant by limiting a rela
generalized coordinates may be the relative position of the tive Swing range between the central leg and the outside
reference point to the waist of the legged mobile body within legs.
a three-dimensional physical space, for example. Alterna- 40 2. The passive walking legged robot according to claim 1,
tively, the joint angle of the knee joint of the leg, the joint wherein, each
angular Velocity, and so on may be used. In other words, the leg portion thatofrotate the legs has an upper leg portion and a lower
relatively via a knee joint, and
coordinate value at a point on the trajectory denotes the quan the stopper connects said lower leg portions of the two
tity of state of the leg reference point. The features of the outside legs, and limits the relative Swing range between
legged mobile body according to this embodiment may be 45 the central leg and the outside legs by contacting the
expressed as follows. A legged mobile robot comprises a lower leg portion of the central leg while the legs Swing
fixed point generator for generating a fixed point defined in 1ng.
relation to a closed cyclic trajectory of a reference point fixed
on a leg, and a fixed point stabilizer for stabilizing the fixed

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