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Youth: Insignificantly Significant

Equality in society is just another living fantasy.

To speak of Rizal’s words, stating that the youth is the hope of our
country, humanity decided to pursue meaning on education. Humanity
decided to put education as another factorial in determining it’s future to soon
wield and dominate our lands.
Educate the youth for the future, with that, our education system was
forged. Giving teenagers a new light, showing them that in order to escalate
the attainment of our lands, education is a must.
Yet, if we look at it in a different angle we are to realize the focal point it
particularly gives a limelight. Is it an education for everyone or education just
for someone?
We can say that there are youths inside the school campus who spend
sleepless nights, bending their backs over books to complete projects, pass
written works and meet deadlines.
But, we can’t deny the fact that there are youths outside the school
campus, also bending their backs. Not over books, but over computer
screens, sipping smoke from tobacco sticks and carrying sacks of rice on the
streets of a marketplace.
There are youths who pass ahead of deadlines and there are youth work
ahead of their time.
It may be that our government gives out their overwhelming support for
education. It may also be that their support reaches not the other end of the
Our teachers may inspire and push us students to achieve greater heights
and prove ourselves. Yet, they’re not to be blamed if they don’t work twice as
hard as they do for the students outside the range of their scope.
But, ladies and gentlemen, this is not the end of it.
As Isaac Newton ate the apple that became the object of his discovery,
“The Gravitational Formula,” we were there. We are the ants who tidied up the
bones of the fruit.
During the alleged, “Cut A Cherry Tree Day,” of the late U.S President
George Washington, we were there. We are the tiny termites, gnawing the
trunk soft.
When Galileo Galile discovered the beauty of the celestial wonders, we
were there. We are the million dusts who fogged up and planted a fake
impression of how starts glitter.
We, the youth, are like the unseen decomposers. Forever working and
forever unnoticed. Insignificant. Are we really?
The time of history period lengthens and continues to grow. New era for
different kinds of people, upon looking back, we youth remained nameless on
history’s pages.
We laid our laurels at rest, letting much greater clouds shadow our
perception. We forged ourselves to think that age determine the capabilities of
an individual.
And yet, we are here. We are still here. If those greater clouds are not
enough to pour the rain of support, we can always lend a hand. Our times
being the ants and termites of the ecology should long be gone.
Let’s inspire our fellow youths more. It’s time we do our part as the hope
of our motherland, because youth doesn’t only point out a particularity. It
points us out together, as one. Let’s move hand in hand towards the future as
millennials whose names are printed on history.
We should prove that we are not an irrational speck of dust in the grand
cosmos. Let’s not set our laurels over something shallow. We are the youths
who spoke.
Youth speaks. Equality in society, we can make that fantasy into a living

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