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In the middle of crowded Fitauri streets, clumsily holding the corrugated glass of tea, I laid my eyes

upon the figure I never thought I would lay my eyes again this lifetime. She turned and our eyes
inevitably met. Then there was silence.

Eventually a small smile appeared on the wrinkled, skinny face with saggy eyes. She remembers! A
tear quietly escaped before disappearing in the convex curves of my face. But I still felt her hand,
bruised yet gentle, wiping off the non-existent tear from my ragged face.

“You finally decided to return with one foot in the grave.”

“My husband died a decade back and my grandchildren have started making their decisions. So, I
came full circle.”

“I am but a remnant of the man I was. My kids have moved on and I did too…”

“It may have been different if I held on then, but what about now?”
“All chores of your life are done”
“Perhaps I wasn’t destined in the morning of life”
“But now it’s well into the evening,
And destiny will have no say to someone dying.”

“Would you like to spend the meager years,

That we continue to exist with me?”


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