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Introduction to Using A Pendulum

Ayurban Wellness
My goal is to introduce you to an amazing tool that will assist you in taking your mental,
emotional, physical and spiritual health deep into your own hands, in partnership with the
Highest Divine Realm of Love. The pendulum is an extraordinary spiritual tool. It is a phone line
to the Realm of Divine Love. It’s a toll free call and you will never get a busy signal, unless you
willed it. The pendulum will *temporarily* act as a bridge for you, between 3D (ego) and the
Illumined Essence known as God; your Highest Self. Eventually, you will no longer need tools to
Know Your Self.
At this time, I would like to speak about the other side to using the pendulum. When you use
the pendy to make a connection to energy, of any kind, you do run the risk of making contact
with lower level entities flitting about in nowhere land, and other cheap dive bars. Many of
these spirit beings are bored stiff. They can smell an easy target a mile away. Please don’t let
this alarm you. It happens more when you are first starting out using this tool. Understand here
and now, that no entity can hurt you, unless you detach from your heart center and become
afraid. Additionally speaking certain protective words and using certain substances (sage, salt,
cascarilla, floral water, etc) will also keep this low level energy at bay.
There is nothing mysterious about the pendulum. We were always meant to hear and
experience our High Self. Some people call our Highest Self their Holy Spirit. Whatever
terminology you want to use is fine. My belief is that the Highest Self is the One Divine Mind.
We are all One. We all share perfect Love equally. Some people believe in *forms* and that is
fine. I paint my own canvass. It matters not what form you use. What does matter is that you
believe in Love. Love is Love. There are no degrees of Love. Nor are there ANY conditions placed
on Love. Love is perfect and knows no boundaries and no law.
The pendulum is not God. The pendulum is a tool to help you make the connection. Prayer is
the most important mode of communication. I am a huge fan of prayer. The pendulum is simply
another tool to amplify your prayers and their results. It is the best way I know to open two way
communication to God/Source/Creator. This includes the energy of the Archangels, Guardian
Angels, High Light Guides, as well as appointed Ascended Masters closer in vibration the earth
energy. You can choose who to speak with if you like. Simply place the call.
The pendulum itself does not provide answers to your questions. Therefore, please be cautious
about becoming overly attached to a fave pendy. It is your heart and mind, communicating
through your nervous system with Light from the Divine Realm which gives you signals. The
pendulum *amplifies* and interprets the signals through codes set up between your conscious
and sub-conscious mind.
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