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A) Change the verb into the correct form of Simple Present:

1. Christopher___________ (drive) a bus.
2. We___________ (have) some money.
3. ______________(you watch) movies?
4. They ______________ (not work) for us.
5. I_________ (love) to dance.
6. She________ (have) many friends.
7. Alexis and her husband always__________ (come) for the summer.
8. ________________(he draw) well?
9. James______________ (not remember) me.
10. Laura ______ (be) a beautiful girl.

B) Put the verb in brackets in the correct form of the Present Continuous Tense.

John ________________ (read) a book now.

What________________ (you do) tonight?
Jack and Peter______________ (work) late today.
Silvia__________________ (not listen) to music.
Maria________________ (sit) next to Paul.
How many other students __________________ (you study) with?
The phone________________ (not ring).
My Dad _________________ (not have) his lunch now.
The kids_________________ (not study) tomorrow.
It_______________________ (not rain) today.

C) Complete these sentences below using either the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. (Play) I_____________ golf every weekend

2. (Play) The children__________________ outside at the moment.
3. (Work) Harry__________________ today.
4. (Work) You can’t borrow my lawnmower because it doesn’t _____________
5. (Make) Smells good! What _______you __________________?
6. (Make) My husband never___________ me breakfast.
7. (Live) Pauline __________________ in Hong Kong.
8. (Live)Do you still ____________ with your parents?
9. _________________________(you/come) tonight?
10. _____________________(he/eat) rice every day?
11. I____________________ (work) at the moment.
12. ____________________ (he/come) to London often?
13. He___________________ (play) tennis now.

D) What time is it?. Write the time in two different ways.

2:45 p.m.______________________________ 11:35 a.m._____________________________
______________________________ _____________________________

3:30 a.m.______________________________ 8:00 p.m.______________________________

E) Could you please tell me how to get from city hall to the school? Write sentences giving

To get from city hall to the school, first you__________________________________________

Then you_____________________________________________________________________
The school is__________________________________________________________________

F) Write advices on means of transportation using have to/ has to/ don’t have to/ doesn’t
have to
1. People ____________ take a Bella Vista bus to go from Costa Verde Mall to plaza Republica.
2. Mary_____________ to take a subway to go work. She drives her own car.
3. A tourist__________________ take a taxi to go to the airport from Kristoff Hotel.
4. I_______________ ___ take a taxi to go from Cevaz to Las Mercedes Church.

G) Write the questions and sentences by putting the words in the correct order.

1. Sally / play / volleyball / Can / us / with/?


2. phone / I / please / your / Could /use/?


3. close /Peter/ that door. / can’t


4. go / We all / can / to / the game.


5. join /Could / your/ drama club / I/?


H) Read the description. What clothes are these?

We wear them to keep our hands warm. They’re__________
We wear it to keep our heads warm. It’s a_______________
We wrap it around our necks in winter. It’s a_____________
'Levis' and 'Wranglers' are ___________________________
Men usually wear one around their necks. It’s a_______
We wear them on our feet under footwear. They’re____________
It has buttons up the front, a collar, sleeves and is often white. It’s a_______

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