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Kindergarten Supply List

NO BOOK BAGS/BACKPACKS will be allowed for kindergartners because the cubbies
are too small. Students will use TOTE BAGS.
Monroe Primary totes will be PROVIDED to all students during open house courtesy of the
Monroe Primary PTO OR you may provide your own (14’’-15’’ wide x 15 ½’’-16 ½’’ high). Please label
tote bags with your child’s name.
☐ 1 PLASTIC purple 3 prong 2 pocket folder (NO Binders): labeled with your child’s name
☐ 1 PLASTIC green 3 prong 2 pocket folder (NO Binders): labeled with your child’s name
☐ 6 black Expo dry erase markers (fine tip, no colored, NO CRAYOLA)
☐ 1 pack of plain yellow Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened)
☐ 3 boxes 24 count Crayola crayons (no jumbo)
☐ 8-12 glue sticks (no jumbo)
☐ 1 3-Ring Zippered Pencil Pouch: labeled with your child’s name

Please only label tote bag, folders, and pencil pouch with your child’s name.
Do not label other supplies.
Your child’s teacher will have some additional donation items posted at a later date.
(Mrs. Austin’s Donation/Wish List is shown below.)
Donation items may include: tissues, paper towels, baby wipes, baggies (gallon or sandwich size), disinfecting wipes,
Lysol disinfectant spray, pink bar erasers, index card case (NOT recipe box size)

Mrs. Austin’s Wish/ Donation List

***Optional items that Mrs. Austin would like for each parent to get for their own child
1 3”x5” Index card case (see picture to the right) for your child’s
word cards (Do not send index cards or recipe card boxes.) labeled with your
child’s name
pink bar erasers labeled with your child’s name (Send one at a time, as needed.)
Additional donation items for Mrs. Austin’s students.
- facial tissues
- baby wipes
- Resealable plastic baggies (gallon or quart size)
- pink bar erasers (not labeled)
Thank you,
Mrs. Charlotte Austin

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