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8 Constants of Change

By Stacy Aaron and Kate Nelson

If organizations want to make effective change, they need to recognize and deal with the eight
constants, the eight undeniable truths about change. In achieving any type of change, these
eight constants can't be avoided, but we can work with them, mitigate their impact and use
them to our advantage.

1. It Takes a Village
Organizations change when the people within them change. Organizations are in essence,
groups of people. If an organization is going to change, a critical mass of the people within
that organization need to go through their own individual change process.

2. An Object at Rest Tends to Stay at Rest

Resistance is inevitable. There are personal, structural, and physiological reasons for people
to resist change. Organizations that expect and deal with resistance proactively will be able to
experience the most effective changes.

3. Old Trees Have Deep Roots

Commitment to the past hinders change in the future. The success or failure of changes in the
past, the employees’ perception of the current state, and the culture of the organization all help
determine how deep the roots of an organization go, and how hard it will be to change.

4. Get to the Heart of It

Connecting to the head and the heart builds commitment. People are not purely rational. They
need to have a rational recognition of the need to change, as well as a deeper emotional
connection to believe in what the change is all about.

5. Beware the Paparazzi

A leader's actions speak louder than words. What leaders do and say have more influence
than anything else over the success or failure of a change. People are watching leaders
constantly (not just in “scripted moments”) for cues about changes.

6. You Can Say That Again

Effective communication demands quality and quantity. Effective communication is critical
during any change effort. Honesty, organization, consistency, and responsiveness will all help
ensure that communications are supporting the change.

7. If They Build It, They Will Come

People support what they help create. People inherently connect with something they help
build. Engaging people in the change effort early on will pay out big dividends in the long run.

8. You're Not in Kansas Anymore

Sustaining change takes support and reinforcement. Organizations that make change stick
make sure that they are hiring, training, developing, measuring, rewarding and communicating
with people in ways that are consistent with the new way rather than the old way.

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