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Seducers and seductresses for D&D 5th Edition

From heroic swashbucklers to deadly femmes fatales

Anders “the Night Owl” Jordahl

The seducer or seductress, sometimes also called rake, is a rogue skilled in charming others
by an appeal to the senses. This archetype plays a prominent – and memorable – role in many
legends and stories. Who has not heard of Casanova, Cleopatra, Salome or Don Juan? Or
enjoyed the countless seducers appearing on film and TV, from femmes fatales – think Basic
Instinct – to James Bond or Firefly’s Inara ... As long as there are humans (and similar races),
there will be seducers and seductresses. No campaign world is complete without its own
prominent examples.
Many famous seducers are known for their romantic involvements, but the seducer archetype
is not limited to this. At its roots, the seducer is all about using personal charm to get what
you want and avoid what you do not want. Such abilities come in handy for most adventuring
parties, and not only in urban environments.
In this respect, seduction is the act of influencing someone – male or female – by an appeal to
the senses, often with the goal of changing their behaviour in a specific direction. While a
wizard might “artificially” and very temporarily influence a person’s mind through spells
such as Charm person, a seducer skilfully uses his charisma to invoke a natural effect in the
target. The target may or may not succumb to the seduction, but will always think his reaction
is a natural response, not that he is the victim of a magical manipulation of the mind. This
stays true even after a seducer’s charm effects have ended, even though the target’s feelings
may change because of what happened.
That said, in the worlds of D&D, the power of seduction is not simply based on an efficient
use of social talents and personal charisma – it can draw upon a mystical force, strong enough
to establish bonds and turn the mind of both peasants and kings. It has not only broken hearts
and souls, but started wars and ruined kingdoms. It is the stuff of legends, good stories – and

The seducer hones the skills of personal charm and charisma, persuasion and often deception.
Seducers develop their talents in conversation, character judgement, non-verbal
communication such as body language, and can play with their voice and expressions as
skilfully as a musician plays his instrument. A skilled seducer need only his voice and facial
expressions to wield influence over those around him.
As adventurer, the seducer may use his skills for a variety of direct purposes, such as theft,
gaining information or distracting a target while companions slip past.
Like the rogue archetypes in the Player’s Handbook, this archetype reflects a person’s focus
and preferred techniques – it does not necessarily indicate any profession.
Those who adhere to this archetype are very diverse – almost any profession and background
can be combined with it. Obvious seducers may be active as swashbucklers, courtesans,
dancers and other performers, but are also found among merchants, nobles and in other
privileged positions, including kings and queens. Less obvious but no less effective seducers
may be spies, diplomats, criminal masterminds, con artists, charlatans, investigators or the
personal servants of powerful leaders.
Many seducers of evil alignment use their talents to lead others astray, be it from duty, their
principles or faith. Good–aligned seducers simply use their talents in service to what they
believe in without compromising their own moral code. In the often dark and corrupt worlds
of D&D it is not difficult for a seducer to find use of his talents for a greater good. While
some seducers thrive on scheming,
intrigue and manipulation, others are
simply confident good-hearted characters
who delight in the qualities nature has
endowed them.
Many seducers, of both types, rebel
against the narrow-mindedness and
hypocrisy they see lurking behind the
façade of a tightly controlled society.
While seducers are often at odds with
certain aspects of society, many are
nonetheless experts on social rules and
expectations, playing on these to achieve
their aims.
While wizards or clerics may show off or
boast about their powers, most seducers
instead avoid ever being too explicit.
Indeed, the real goals and aims – even the
proposed way of action – are never
clearly vocalised by the seducer.
Seducers often therefore come across as

The seducer in-game
Seduction attempts
When a seducer tries to use his Charisma to influence a target, he is making a seduction
attempt. The basic rule for such an attempt is to make a Charisma (Persuasion) check
contested by the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If the attempt succeeds, the target is
seduced in some way, depending on the action carried out and the circumstances.
The DM is encouraged to apply modifiers or house rules to seduction attempts, as fitting for
the group of players and the setting. For example, the DM can enforce that a seduction
attempt on someone of another race (e.g. human versus dwarf) has disadvantage (in case of
human-like humanoids) or is impossible (in case of monsters and monstrous humanoids). In
any situation where the DM judges that a seduction attempt would have no reasonable way of
succeeding, no die roll is made. The role of roleplaying the attempt and the resulting effect in
game mechanics is also for the DM and group to decide. It should be noted though that
seduction attempts as discussed here are not limited to romantic overtures – a charismatic
presence can achieve a lot and only the roleplaying sets the limits. If the attempt does not go
against the nature of the target or seems unreasonable under the circumstances, an inventive
and well-played attempt should have a chance of succeeding.

Choosing the seducer archetype

If planning to choose the path of the seducer, make Charisma your highest or one of your
highest ability scores, with Dexterity as the other priority (as rogue).
Think about your relationship to the law. Have your past feats in seduction lead you into
trouble with the law, with the local religion or other powerful institutions or entities? How is
your past behaviour viewed by the local population? Have you earned a reputation (good or
bad) or have you been very discreet? Your relationships to those around you are key. You
have probably earned both fans and enemies …

Seductive presence
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you double your proficiency bonus for both
Persuasion and Deception skill checks. In addition, you have advantage on all Charisma
(Persuasion) checks carried out in a seductive way in an appropriate environment (calm,
cosy, familiar, etc but excluding combat and any threatening situation) when you are alone
with your target (i.e. no one else close enough to disturb your privacy).

Make them talk

Once a day, if you succeed with a seduction attempt, you can choose to place your target
under the effect of a Zone of Truth (without any saving throw), only affecting your target
when answering you. The target is aware that it is unable to lie and may be evasive, but
considers it a normal reaction to your presence, not a magical effect.

Charming touch
Starting at 9th level, your touch allows you to put your target under the effect of Charm
person, once a day. If the touch is made in an affectionate way (caress, kiss etc) and the target
does not disapprove of this, the target rolls its saving throw with disadvantage. The DM sets
the DC according to the difficulty of the specific circumstances. When the charm effect ends,
the target realises that it was charmed by your presence, but not by any magic.

Seductive glance
Starting at 13th level, by making eye contact, as a reaction, you can try to impose
disadvantage on an attack roll, ability or skill check targeted against you. If you succeed with
a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check, you impose
disadvantage on the roll. You can only use this seductive glance once at any one target until
you have a long rest. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma
bonus (minimum 1) until you have a long rest. You must state your reaction before the die
roll against you is made.

When you reach 17th level, your powers of seduction are so potent that you can effectively
dominate a target that is receptive to your charms. If you succeed a seduction attempt on a
target that is currently not hostile towards you and that you have in the past (at least one day
ago) in some way charmed or seduced, you can choose to place your target under the effects
of a Dominate person. The duration is concentration, up to 8 hours. The feature can be used
only once a day. Once the charm has ended, the target is aware that it was dominated by you,
but thinks it a natural reaction to your charismatic presence and not a magical effect. The
target may however still become hostile towards you, depending on what results from the

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