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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

ENGL 2116

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

Planning for the white paper was easy because I know what I wanted to talk about from reading the
realkton book “Air”. Since modern day is still have problem with air pollution, the planning was a
smooth sail for me. However, it was different on the writing part. Because there were so many
subjects I wanted to cover about, it was hard for me to decide whether I wanted to keep the
information and if I keep the information; I was not sure how to tied it in the paper.

First Draft (for peer editing)

I had good feedback on my peer review. Majority of my problems were grammar. some of the
problem was because I had information on the paper that did not go well with the subject that I was
discussing. Thus, I deleted unless information or unnecessary information and only kept what is

Second Draft (for your packet)

For the second draft, I corrected my grammar mistaken and delete information that was not as
important to the topic of the paper. This was hard for me, because I felt like everything I had written
was important to me. The last thing before I finish my second draft is citing my sources and rewrite
my conclusion.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

I felt like my final draft for the white paper was as hard as my first and second because I still had
grammar errors and my paper is not loading correctly on weebly. Not only that there were more
addition information I deleted from my white paper because I was trying to condense the solutions.
However, for my final white paper draft, I had someone peer review my paper again and help my go
through to check for any grammatical errors. I did remove a picture from the white paper only
because I felt that it was not as useful as it should be.

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