Labor Union Is An Organization of Workers Whom Strive and Unite To Bring

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Labor Union is an organization of workers whom strive and unite to bring

economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our nation.

 Promote higher wages and better benefits – union representation helps
worker bring in significantly higher wages and receive better benefits from
their employer compared to non-union workers.
 Consistency – A business without union representation can often change its
expectations from workers without notice. Meanwhile, in a union workplace,
these responsibilities are determined in advance.
 Create clear chain of command – Workers who are in a unionized
environment are professionally treated by their manager and/or supervisor.
 Equality and Justice – The union contract specifies guidelines, qualification
and responsibilities which are subject for everyone to prevent favoritism. It
also provides an outlet for advocacy for workers can get involved at the
negotiating table and others are supported with their work as they speak with
local representatives in government at every level.
 Give individual workers the power of the group voice – The structure of a
labor union enables like-minded people to unite and speak as one with
louder voice about the issues they encounter.
 Seniority – it is honored in a union because they believe loyalty is much
more important over a person’s subjective opinion of the qualifications of
candidates applying for promotion.
 Requires ongoing dues and initiation fees – Union dues are often deducted to
the worker’s salary automatically. There may also be initiation fees which
are said to be paid upon joining the union.
 Discourages individuality - Being in a union, workers are often bound by the
decisions a union will make even though you disagree with them you are
stuck with that decision unless you resign.
 Reinforce the socioeconomic divides of society – labor union structure
creates a culture that pits the worker against the managers in the company,
even though both parties are trying to do what is best for the company.

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