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Arjuna. I cannot do so for my presence is hands.

But remember he is a great archer,

necessary in this part of the field. See well-versed in bow lore, and also a keen
there, the clouds of arrows! The Pandava and strong-limbed fighter." Thus said
army is attacking us in great force. Krishna and they halted to give battle to
Yudhishthira is here unsupported by the Kaurava.
Arjuna and is this not just the opportunity Duryodhana approached without fear.
we wanted? Our very plan has borne fruit "They say, Arjuna, that you have done
and I must now take Yudhishthira acts of prowess. I have not seen this
prisoner and deliver him to you. I cannot myself. Let me see if your courage and
give up this objective and run after your skill are indeed as great as your
Phalguna now. If I go after Arjuna now, reputation," said Duryodhana to Arjuna as
our battle array will be hopelessly broken he began to battle.
and we shall be lost. Let me put this armor The combat was fierce indeed and
on you. Go in confidence. Do not fear. Krishna was surprised.
You have valor, skill and experience. This "Partha, I am astonished," said Krishna,
coat will protect you against all weapons. "How is it your arrows do not seem to
It will not let any blow pass through your hurt Duryodhana? This is the first time I
body. Go forth to battle, Duryodhana, in see the shafts proceeding from the
confidence as Indra did, clad in the armor Gandiva bow strike their targets without
given by Brahma. May victory be yours." effect. This is strange, Have your arms
Duryodhana's confidence was restored lost their power? Or has the Gandiva bow
and, as the acharya directed, he went, lost its quality? Why do your arrows strike
dressed in magic armor and accompanied Duryodhana and drop to the ground
by a large force of soldiers, to attack without piercing him? This is most
Arjuna. puzzling."
Arjuna had crossed the Kaurava army and Arjuna smiled and replied: "I understand.
gone far ahead towards where Jayadratha This man has come dressed by Drona in
had been kept for safety. Seeing that the charmed armor. The acharya has taught
horses were somewhat fatigued, Krishna me the secret of this armor, but this man
stopped the chariot and was about to wears it as a bullock might do. You will
unyoke the tired animals, when the see some fun now!"
brothers Vinda and Anuvinda came up Saying thus, Arjuna proceeded to shoot
suddenly and began to attack Arjuna. his arrows, first depriving Duryodhana of
They were defeated and Arjuna scattered his horses, his charioteer and his car.
their forces and slew them both. After Then, Arjuna broke his bow and disarmed
this, Krishna unyoked the chariot and let him completely. There after he sent
the horses roll in the mud. The horses needle-eye darts which pierced just those
rested for a while and were refreshed. parts of Duryodhana's body that were not
Then, they proceeded again according to covered by armor, until he could bear it no
plan. longer and turned and fled.
"Dhananjaya, look behind! There comes When Duryodhana was thus discomfited,
the foolhardy Duryodhana. What good Krishna blew his conch and it sent a thrill
luck! Long have you suppressed your of fear in Jayadratha's army. The warriors
anger, and now is the time for you to let around the Sindhu king were surprised.
yourself go. Here is the man who caused They at once got ready in their chariots
all this grief, delivering himself into your and Bhurisravas, Chala, Karna,

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