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Tablescape (1970) by Ang Kiukok is a 6” x 21 1/2” (15 cm x 54 cm) dimensional art made from oil

and pastel on a wood.Ang Kiukok was a Filipino painter known for his expressive, Cubist -like
works. He often chose dynamic or disturbing subject matter, frequently depicting rabid dogs,
crucifixions, and screaming figures in an abstracted geometric style. Born on March 1, 1931 in
Davao City, the Philippines, Kiukok gained both critical and commercial success in his home
country throughout the 1960s. Some o f his most gruesome paintings were made during the rule of
Ferdinand Marcos, who held the Phillipines under martial law throughout the 1970s. Kiukok was
awarded the title of National Artist by his home country in 2001, and continued to exhibit with
success until his death on May 9, 2005 in Quezon City, the Philippines. His painting “Telescape” is
famous all over the world because of it simplicity and abstraction.It is an abstract painting inspired
by indian and southeast asian art together with Cesar Legaspi and Pablo Picasso.

I’ve choose this painting of Ang kiukok because it seems inspired by the other nationality.Since
Ang kiukok has a chinese blood but still he able to cope and made his own painting with the
Pilipino artist and dedicated to the Filipino.For me,that painting ensembles and implies a
complicated formation but colorful in its own appearance. The painting is full of story ,every
dimension we seen is really meaningful which hides something that a painter want to deliver to the
people.And that makes me decided to choose that painting.

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