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PAR Plan and Progress Monitoring

Visit Schedule

- First Visit
- Explanation of PAR, how the structure of sessions will change, information we
hope to gain by the end
- Consent Form
- Family Quality of Life Scale: verbally discuss measure, what we hope to gain,
address any questions. Leave two copies of scale for Mom to complete for next
session, Dad may complete if desired.
- Eco-Map: Discuss purpose of ecomap, why we like to identify this information.
Follow conversation process of who, how, when, and where for each circle.
Determine the strength of support, areas where Mom feels well supported, areas
where she feels like she could use additional support.
- Video discussion and administration of family assessments.

- Time Permitting: Child assessments.

- Westby Play Scale? / IGDI movement?
- IGDI: Communication - determine area with limited distractions, explain protocol
to mom. Video each assessment - keep video going and edit time extra time out
after, ask supervisor to keep time.

- Following Visits:
- Discussion of Results/review completed Family QOL scale with Mom.
- Identify one outcome to focus on, take into account existing IFSP
outcomes/discuss adding a motor element?

- Score outcome with OAT

- Compile synthesis on identified strategies/methods
- Create intervention plan for Mom.
- Movement/Sensory diet? Daily checklist, ID one routine per day where
Mom will practice strategies, provide daily refrigerator log to track parent
- Consider dosage of intervention

- Communication
- Modeling
- provide words and labels for routines and/or familiar objects/people. provide
repeated examples of simplified language to promote labeling and production of
targets. If appropriate, Mom will expand by adding on developmentally
appropriate semantic information to the child’s produced utterance. Pair verbal
models with physical/gestural models during play and routines or expand upon
child gestures if applicable.
- Saturation
- Provide repeated models of targeted vocabulary throughout activities and across
appropriate contexts. Mom will keep language simple and will use saturation
when modeling functional words. (i.e. “more” during meal times, with toys, and
with sensory play)
- Behavioral
- “Don’t then Do”
- State the command to stop the undesired behavior in simple language, (i.e. no
throwing), followed with positive alternative behavior (i.e. roll the truck).
Redirect child with appropriate action. Mom can repeat the strategy as she feels is
- Purposeful Ignoring
- When Gavin begins undesired behavior, (i.e. hitting self in the head or pushing
toys) Mom will evaluate the safety of the situation. As long as Gavin is not a
safety risk to himself or others Mom will ignore attention seeking behaviors.
Ignoring includes avoiding eye contact, not speaking about the behavior, or
removing herself from the situation as much as possible.
- Adaptive
- Use guided assist with utensils, providing physical support for utensil grasp and to
bring utensil to mouth if needed. Mom can scaffold to verbal and visual cues as
Gavin develops use.
- Gavin will begin use of 360 cup/straw cup/open cup in order to practice oral
motor movements and creating a lip seal. Mom will begin to try these cups while
Gavin is secured in his chair at meal times, and will then expand use within other
routines such as in the living room during play time.
- Decrease use of bottle and pacifier. Z-vibe and oral chews have been ordered in
order to encourage increased oral motor input and movements. Mom will decrease
pacifier use by routines, working to only allow its use while Gavin is in his crib.

- Post-Assessments
- IGDI Communication and AEPS Adaptive
- Compare pre and post child assessments
- Review concept of progress monitoring with Mom
- Share pre and post scores with Mom, discuss areas of growth (feeding skills,
single word use, vocalizations to request)
- Identify Mom’s observations of growth

Progress Monitoring
- Pre and Post child assessment scores
- IGDI and AEPS Adaptive
- Identify growth in specific domain/skill breakdowns. (i.e. feeding skills, gestures,
word use, fine motor skills)
- Dosage: Gavin will receive speech services once a week except in the case of scheduling
changes due to family circumstances, where services will be provided every other week.
During these times use of all categories of strategies (communication, behavioral, and
adaptive) will be covered. SLP will talk through routines, provide live feedback, and
discuss ways to modify activities and behaviors to incorporate strategies into natural
- Mom will be encouraged to utilize strategies from at least one category per day and will
log these experiences with a tally sheet and if permitting a brief description of the event
so that it may be reviewed during the next visit.
- Mom checklist: Social Validity Questions to measure parent ease of implementation and
frequency of use
- What strategies she feels worked best
- What strategies were not attainable for your family
- What was helpful
- What was consistently used
- Child changes she has observed
- Family changes she has observed

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