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Create Database dbEmployee

Use dbEmployee

-------------Table 1------------

Create Table tblEmpList

Employee_ID int primary key,
First_Name nvarchar(max),
Last_Name nvarchar(max),
Employee_Salary money,
Insert into tblEmpList values (100,'Steven','King',24000);
Insert into tblEmpList values (101,'Neena','Kochar',17000);
Insert into tblEmpList values (102,'Lex','De Haan',17000);
Insert into tblEmpList values (103,'Alexander','Hunold',9000);
Insert into tblEmpList values (104,'Bruce','Ernst',6000);

Insert into tblEmpList values (105,'David','Austin',4800);

Insert into tblEmpList values (106,'Valli','Pataballa',4800);

Insert into tblEmpList values (107,'Diana','Lorentz',4200);
Insert into tblEmpList values (108,'Nancy','Greenberg',12008);
Insert into tblEmpList values (109,'Daniel','Faviet',9000);
Insert into tblEmpList values (110,'John','Chen',8200);

Select*from tblEmpList

-----------Question 1--------
Select First_Name, Last_Name, Employee_Salary from tblEmplist where Employee_Salary
> ( Select Employee_Salary from tblEmpList where Employee_ID = 110);

--------Question 2-----------
Select First_Name, Last_Name, Employee_Salary from tblEmpList where Employee_Salary
> All (Select avg(salary) from tblEmpList);

--------Question 3-----------
Select*from tblEmpList where Employee_Salary between (Select MIN(salary) from
tblEmpList) AND 2500;

------------Table 2------------
Create table tblDepartment
Department_ID int primary key identity,
Department_Name nvarchar(max),
Insert into tblDepartment Values ('Web Developer');
Insert into tblDepartment Values ('Graphic Designer');
Insert into tblDepartment Values ('Clerk');

------------Table 3------------

Create Table tblEmployee

ID int identity,
Name nvarchar(max),
Gender nvarchar(max),
DepartmentID int foreign key References tblDepartment(Department_ID),

Insert into tblEmployee values ('Smith','Male',1);

Insert into tblEmployee values ('Ram','Male',1);
Insert into tblEmployee values ('Kevin','Female',1);
Insert into tblEmployee values ('Jack','Male',3);
Insert into tblEmployee values ('Smith','Male',3);

Insert into tblEmployee values ('Olivia','Female',2);

Insert into tblEmployee values ('Jacob','Male',1);
Insert into tblEmployee values ('Neymar','Male',2);
Insert into tblEmployee values ('Muller','Male',1);
Insert into tblEmployee values ('Priyanka','Female',2);

Select*from tblEmployee

---------Question 4---------

Create Procedure spEmployeeGenderCount
@Gender nvarchar (50), @CountEmployee int Input AND output
Select @CountEmployee = count(ID) from tblEmployee Where Gender = @Gender

Declare @TotalEmployee int

Execute spEmployeeGenderCount 'Male', @TotalEmployee output

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