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Challenger Guide to All Matchups
Tryndamere Top
Completed 7/15/2019 Patch 9.13
3 Builds: (choose depending on matchup)
Click on the tabs to see the builds

Links to images in case you can't find the tabs:

Lethal Tempo Build
Lethal Tempo Runes
Fleet Footwork Build
Fleet Footwork Runes
Grasp Build
Grasp Runes
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Subscribe to my Youtube channel. I upload fun gameplay, serious guides, tips, and resources for
Tryndamere players
More Resources
Click on the "Resources" tab to find more Tryndamere resources from foggedftw2
List of Champions
Aatrox Medium
Ahri Medium
Akali Hard
Alistar INTeresting
Amumu Easy
Anivia Medium
Annie Medium
Ashe INTeresting
Aurelion Sol Easy
Azir Medium
Bard Medium
Blitzcrank Easy
Brand Medium
Braum INTeresting
Caitlyn Medium
Camille Medium
Cassiopeia Hard
Cho Gath Medium
Corki Easy
Darius Medium
Diana Easy
Dr. Mundo Easy
Draven Hard
Ekko Easy
Elise Easy
Evelynn INTeresting
Ezreal Easy
Fiddlesticks Easy
Fiora Medium
Fizz Medium
Galio Easy
Gangplank Medium
Garen Easy
Gnar Hard
Gragas Hard
Graves Easy
Hecarim Medium
Heimerdinger Medium
Illaoi Easy
Irelia Medium
Ivern Trolling
Janna Easy
Jarvan IV Easy
Jax Medium
Jayce Hard
Jhin Easy
Jinx Easy
Kaisa Easy
Kalista Medium
Karma Medium
Karthus Easy
Kassadin Easy
Katarina Easy
Kayle Easy
Kayn Easy
Kennen Medium
Kha Zix Easy
Kindred Easy
Kled Medium
Kog Maw INTeresting
LeBlanc Medium
Lee Sin Easy
Leona Easy
Lissandra Medium
Lucian Hard
Lulu Medium
Lux Easy
Malphite Medium
Malzahar Easy
Maokai Easy
Master Yi Easy
Miss Fortune Easy
Mordekaiser Medium
Morgana Easy
Nami INTeresting
Nasus Easy then Hard
Nautilus Easy
Neeko Hard
Nidalee Easy
Nocturne Easy
Nunu Trolling
Olaf Medium
Orianna Medium
Ornn Medium
Pantheon Easy
Poppy Hard
Pyke Easy
Qiyana Hard
Quinn Medium
Rakan Easy
Rammus Medium
Rek Sai Easy
Renekton Hard
Rengar Medium
Riven Hard
Rumble Medium
Ryze Medium
Sejuani Easy
Shaco Easy
Shen Medium
Shyvana Easy
Singed Medium
Sion Easy
Sivir Easy
Skarner Easy
Sona Easy
Soraka Easy
Swain Medium
Sylas Medium
Syndra Medium
Tahm Kench Hard
Taliyah Medium
Talon Easy
Taric Easy
Teemo Hard
Thresh Trolling
Tristana Easy
Trundle Medium
Tryndamere wat u doin
Twisted Fate Medium
Twitch Easy
Udyr Medium
Urgot Medium
Varus Easy
Vayne Hard
Veigar Easy
Velkoz Medium
Vi Easy
Viktor Medium
Vladimir Medium
Volibear Medium
Warwick Medium
Wukong Easy
Xayah Easy
Xerath Easy
Xin Zhao Medium
Yasuo Medium
Yorick Easy
Yuumi ?
Zac Easy
Zed Medium
Ziggs Easy
Zilean Easy
Zoe Medium
Zyra Medium
Challenger Guide to All Matchups
Tryndamere Top
Completed 7/15/2019 Patch 9.13
hoose depending on matchup)
bs to see the builds

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urces" tab to find more Tryndamere resources from foggedftw2
List of Champions
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Can run Ghost+Flash or Ignite+flash.
Fleet Footwork refillable
Runespotion Aatrox+matchup
and Build. is aboutshield
Flash. Dorans settingstart.
up reallyAhrigood
strong poke, but you can outsustain her mana pool. If you
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Early gamedodge her charm pre-6 you
against Akali you Runes
Fleet Footwork want to andmostly lookIgnite
Build. to farm, + ifFlash.
you have an opportunity
Dorans shield start. to trade
If youwith
actually against an Alistar top, your sustain advantage
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potionwith this setup is very beneficial.
start. Amumu is weak
Fleet Footwork Runes in and
the top lane Ignite
Build. especially early. Dorans
+ Flash. You can force
shield allstart.
in trades even
Anivia is a
very annoying champion to lane against. It is really hard
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. To win to force an all in on her because
against annie top,Runes
Fleet Footwork you need andto Build.
look to Ignite
farm taking
+ Flash. as little
Doransdamage as possible.
shield start. If Use
you your
playing against Ashe top, be very careful with early game.
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion Ashe good range and good
start. If you are playing
Fleet Footwork Runesagainst aurelion
and Build. sol +
Ignite inFlash.
the topDorans
lane, then you can
shield lookAgainst
start. for all in
it is mostly a farm matchup. Azir has strong poke, good scaling,
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Bard top and good disengage.
Lethal Tempo is all about
Runes getting
and good
Build. farm without
Ghost + Flashtaking ortoo much
Ignite poke damage.
+ Flash. Long swordBard's
Fleet FootworkpotionRunesstart. Blitzcrank
and Build.inIgnite
a solo + lane doesDorans
Flash. not haveshield
start.If you
has a
lot of damage and can kite you with his 1.5 second stun
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost+Flash. Long sword on his Q. The way you can beat
Fleet start. ItRunes
Footwork might beand hard to kill
Build. a Braum
Ignite in theDorans
+ Flash. solo laneshield
because of his
start. disengage
Make sure
to use the brushes to hide your champion while you
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash OR Ghost+Flash. Long swordwait for minions to get low to avoid
Fleet start. Early
Footwork Runes trades
Build. camille
Ignite +can be pretty
Flash. Dorans brutal with start.
shield her passive
One ofthat
hardest top laners to face against, if you want on the runes
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion you can take double magic
start. Cho'gath has high sustain and a 7 second crowd control knockup in a circle aoe.
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ghost+ Flash. Dorans shield start. Corki is
Lethal so he hasRunes
Tempo some decent poke Ignite
and Build. early, but not enough
+ Flash where+tryndamere's
OR Ghost Flash. Longsustain
refillable potion start. Darius has very strong all in trades and
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion his passive when
start. Tempothird autoand
Runes attack in a short
Build. Igniteperiod of time
+ Flash. Long deals extrarefillable
sword damage, potion
start. Mundo is very
Fleet Footwork goodand
Runes at farming from range
Build. Ignite and staying
+ Flash. Cloth 4safe, but if start.
potions he everDraven
walks up
top's lane laning phase is super greedy (can get ganked easily)
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potionbut can also be super
start. Ekko matchup
Fleet Footwork is mostly
Runes a farmIgnite
and Build. matchup because
+ Flash. of howshield
Dorans easily he can clear
start. Elise waves
has a
little bit of poke damage but Tryndamere can just sustain through
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Long sword her damage pretty
Fleet start. Evelynn
Footwork is honestly
and Build. Ignite +a pretty
Flash.troll top lane
Dorans pick.start.
shield You can justhas
Ezreal all in
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. If you want to
poke early and is a ranged matchup so make sure you are using the lane brushes to
cheese a fiddlesticks top, you can even take cleanse in this matchup
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Long sword to get rid of his fear
refillable potion
Lethal Tempo Fiora
Runes is a tough
Build. Ignitematchup
+ Flash.early
Longin the gamerefillable
sword especiallypotion
if the fiora
start. can be
Tempo annoying
Runes andwith hisIgnite
Build. short trades
+ Flashearly and if he
or Ghost + gets ahead
Flash. cansword
Long snowball
refillable start. Tryndamere
Fleet Footwork is one of
and Build. Ignite the bestDorans
+ Flash. champions at forcing
shield allins with
start. Gangplank
Lethalgrasp has aRunes
Tempo really good
and early into
Ignite + Tryndamere.
Flash. LongLook swordto farm up and
refillable sustain
start. problem
Tempo Runesthatand
a lotBuild.
of people have+with
Ghost theLong
Flash. garen sword
matchup is that they
refillable do not
Fleet or you canRunes
Footwork take Fleet
and Footwork Runes
Build. Ignite and Dorans
+ Flash. Build with Ignite
shield + Flash
start. and
Gragas has
pretty good sustain and can deny any kind of all in opportunities with
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash or Ignite + Flash. Long swordhis body slam
refillable potion
Lethal Tempo Graves
Runes doesn't
Build. have
Ignite + enough kiting sword
Flash. Long tools torefillable
survive a straight
potion up
start. Hecarim can
Fleet Footwork stack and
Runes up a Build.
LOT of damage
Ignite +with hisDorans
Flash. q, so theshield
most important
start. Headthing
to lane
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion and
the very start of the game and make sure heimer doesnt set up his turrets in lane,
start. biggest
Tempo learning
Runes andpoint Ignite
this matchup is knowing
+ Flash. whenrefillable
Long sword to preemptively
If Tryndamere
you play against can beat irelia
an ivern top heinisallins early BUT you must be careful about her
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Janna does
not haveTempo
Lethal enoughRunes
damage andto poke out of+lane.
Ignite Flash.Tryndamere
Long sword withrefillable
this setuppotion
just has
start. has decent short trades
and Build. Ignitewith his shield
+ Flash. Doransand passive auto every
blade start. Jax is 10 seconds that
a matchup and
you MUST
Lethal Tempoget anRunes
advantageand on earlyGhost
Build. game if+you wantCloth
Flash. to have good impact
4 potions onJayce
start. the is a
matchup that youRunes
Fleet Footwork DO NOTand trade with Ignite
Build. early. You purelyDorans
+ Flash. look to farm
that is it. You
Look to will
Fleet up fury without
Footwork Runes taking
andtoo muchIgnite
Build. damage and you
+ Flash. can trade
Dorans withstart.
shield him even
Canfromlook for
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Kaisa hasin
even from level 1. Just look to build up fury and spin on her when she comes
Tempo poke damage
Runes and early on but
Build. Ghostshe is+ mostly
Flash immobile
or Ignite + besides
Flash.a Long
speed up
refillable potion start.
Fleet Footwork Runes Kalista
and can stack
Build. up a +
Ignite lotFlash.
of damage Doranson you withstart.
shield her spears
Karma tohas
Fleet strong
Footwork pokeRunes
early on and so try to avoid
Build. damage
Ignite + Flash. by dodging
Doransher q's and
shield using
start. the q's
Fleetreally annoying
Footwork early but
Runes andhe is gated
Build. by his
Ignite mana pool,
+ Flash. Doransso if shield
you dodge enough
start. You can of his
heavily outsustainRunes
Fleet Footwork kassadinand inBuild.
short trades,
Ignite and if he isDorans
+ Flash. on yourshield
side of start.
the lane he has no
has a really weak level one that you can abuse, get level
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion 2 advantage on her and look to
start. Tempo is EXTREMELY
Runes andweak Ignite
the early game. She
+ Flash. Long is melee
sworduntil level 11potion
refillable so that
Kayn is weak
start. Footwork
Fleet early and
Runes before his form,
Build. but that
Teleport doesntDorans
+ Flash. mean you should
shield giveKennen
start. him free
is a tough matchup early game, but with this setup its manageable.
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Khazix The reason we take
decent burst but for a solo lane khazix he is going to have
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion a hard time trading with you
start. Tempodoesnt
Build. range
Igniteearly to putLong
+ Flash. enough pressure
sword on you.
refillable Her
start. Kled can be difficult in the early game if he lands too many q's on you to poke you
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + flash. Dorans shield start. Kogmaw is a
ranged championRunes
Fleet Footwork that canandpoke you down
Build. Ignite early but heDorans
+ Flash. is reallyshield
and immobile
Leblanc issoa
Lethalgood laneRunes
Tempo bully. Avoid
and damage using +
Build. Ignite the brushes
Flash. top sword
Long lane as refillable
well as potentially
start. Lee sin really needs to hit his q in order to get effective
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion trades on you. This is hard
start. Bruiser leona
Fleet Footwork top has
Runes anddecent
Ignite but just not
+ flash. enough
Dorans to takeLissandra
shield. down has
really good poke but with this setup she will run out of
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Cloth 4 potions start.mana before poking youLucian
out ofhas
Fleet good poke and
Footwork Runesin combat mobility
and Build. even+ from
Ignite Flash.early on in the
Dorans game.
shield OnceLulu
start. yourhas
good poke but is extremely squishy. If you are able to get on
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Lux hastop of her even early levels
really good disengage
Fleet Footwork Runes with
andher q butIgnite
Build. if you+spin towards
Flash. Dorans hershield
and then immediately
start. A lot of juke
Fleet playersRunes
Footwork are doingand the Q max
Build. Ignite arcane
+ Flash.comet buildshield
Dorans with biscuit
start. delivery
good poke and is ranged so he can get some good auto
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion attack damage on you early.
The biggest
Lethal Tempo thing
Build. matchup
Ignite + sticking
with his ways
potionof start.
Be careful
Fleet of master
Footwork Runes yi and
in the earlyIgnite
Build. levels!+He actually
Flash. Dorans hasshield
a lot ofstart.
sustained damage.
Miss fortune is
immobile and squishy
Lethal Tempo Runes andbut Build.
she has strong
Ignite poke. Long
+ Flash. Just make
swordsure you don't
refillable takestart.
potion too
Mordekaiser hasRunes
Fleet Footwork really and
damage early,
Ignite but our
+ Flash. all in with
Dorans lethal
shield tempo
start. is justto
It is hard
Fleetfor trades on
Footwork a Morgana
Runes because
and Build. she
Ignite will always
+ Flash. save
Dorans her bind
shield start.for when
Nami is you
terrible laner. She has no waveclear, not enough poke, cant farm well. Don't
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. get
Can also
Lethal run Grasp
Tempo RunesRunes and Build
and Build. with
Ignite unflinching
+ Flash. and tenacity
Long sword instead
refillable potionofstart.
Nautilus gains extra
Fleet Footwork damage
Runes on hit while
and Build. Ghost+his Flash
W shield is active
or TP but Dorans
+ Flash. his damage is very
start. Neeko is myRunes
Fleet Footwork #1 permaban on this
and Build. patch
Ignite for a reason.
+ Flash. DoransSheshield
has really good
start. pokeearly
In the
game against Nidalee, she is a ranged champion so she can poke you down and
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. use the
If theygame nocturne
play nunu has strong
top they waveclear and strong damage. He gains an AD
are trolling.
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start.
Fleetbiggest partRunes
Footwork about and
the Olaf matchup
Build. Ignite +isFlash.
to getDorans
him to throw
you while you
really Footwork
Fleet good ranged harass
Runes andand zone
Build. with+her
Ignite ball,Dorans
Flash. however; she start.
shield is immobile.
Ornn hasEarly on
good early damage and it is very hard to take successful trades
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Cloth 4 potions start. This is the onlyinto him whether its
matchup in the game
Fleet Footwork Runeswhere you will
and Build. start+QFlash.
Ignite ratherDorans
then Eshield
(dont level
start.up your is
Poppy q before
one of
the hardest counters in the game to Tryndamere all throughout
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Pyke does the game. She is a
not have
Fleet good waveclear
Footwork Runes and andBuild.
all in +Tryndamere.
Flash. Dorans Tryndamere withQiyana
shield start. the sustain
very strong trades and has the ability to go invisible for 3.5
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Cloth 4 potions start. Quinn has seconds on a 7 second
Lethal poke
Tempo and strong
Runes and disengage. You+do
Build. Ignite not want
Flash. Longtosword
into quinnpotion
early start.
Rakan in a soloRunes
Lethal Tempo lane will
Build. run
Igniteap +which
sword very strong short
refillable potiontrades.
The best way to beat a rammus is by committing to an allin when
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. his W is down.
SHE has
Lethal goodRunes
Tempo short trades against
and Build. tryndamere
Ignite but will
+ Flash. Long haverefillable
sword a hard time disengaging
potion start.
Lethal is one
Tempo of the
Runes most
and annoying
Build. Ignite early game
+ Flash bullies to faceLong
or Ghost+Flash. as asword
melee top
refillable potion start. Stay away from the brush early on! You need
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion to keep start.
out of
Lethal Tempo is Runes
strongerandthen riven
Build. in level
Ghost 1 andLong
+ Flash. levelsword
2 allinsrefillable
(as long potion
as rivenstart.
Fleet has veryRunes
Footwork strongandpressure
Build. on Tryndamere
Ignite early game,
+ Flash. Dorans shieldbut will struggle
start. Ryze hasheavily
good poke
Lethal early
Tempo but since
Runes his W Ignite
and Build. is no longer a root
+ Flash. Long(unless
swordhe empowers
refillable it with
potion. his E
can play
Fleet the laneRunes
Footwork fairly and
but also cannot
Ignite stopDorans
+ Flash. you from farming
shield. well.
Stay If you
within want
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion has
wave if you are playing against AP shaco and just shove him in. AP shaco
start. Shen early game can take very good short trades with you. Be very careful about
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion
start. Tempo topRunes really
and has no way
Build. of escaping
Ghost + Flash.your
in if you hit yourpotion
refillable w slowstart.
to stick
Lethalare two types
Tempo Runes of and
singed players,
Build. Ignite singed players
+ Flash. Long who go for
sword laning dominance
refillable potion.
Sion matchup is all about looking to force extended trades. Level
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion one build up a little
has noRunes
way toand escape your
Build. all in,+she
Ignite gains
Flash. a bitsword
Long of movespeed
refillableon each auto
What you wanna
start. Footwork
Fleet Runes watch out for
and Build. when+dueling
Ignite Flash orskarner
Ghost top lane is
+ Flash. his E. Ifshield
Dorans you get
start. Sona is the squishiest champion level 1. You can look to trade
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Soraka has and fight her
some ability to kite
Fleet Footwork andand
Runes poke you but
Build. you+outscale
Ignite her very
Flash. Dorans easily.
shield If she
start. is playing
Swain has
really good
Lethal Tempo poke, but and
Runes you Build.
can getIgnite
Flash.on himsword
Long every refillable
time he misses
potionhis E or
Sylas Footwork
Fleet has really Runes
good short tradesIgnite
and Build. but his+ sustained damage
Flash or Ghost sucks.
+ Flash. Look for
Dorans shield
start. Syndra has amazing poke and disengage, however before she
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Do not gets herlook
fights or trades with
Fleet Footwork Runestahm
Ignitesure that or
+ Flash when he applies
Ghost+ a stack shield
Flash. Dorans on you that
LethalTaliyah's rocks she
Tempo Runes and scatters across
Build. Ignite the ground
+ Flash. Long will damage
sword you ifpotion
refillable you spin into
Lethalhas veryRunes
Tempo good burst but lacks
and Build. damage
Ignite in aLong
+ Flash. sustained
sword trade. Lookpotion
refillable to force
Taric has really good base armor values and has good on hit damage but early
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. TP + Flash or Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. on will
The most
if they pickconsistent
thresh topway
beat teemo is to look to farm up early with tp and wait for
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Since tristana
has range
Lethal she Runes
Tempo does have pretty good
and Build. Ignitepoke, but Long
+ Flash. her range
swordisnt great early
refillable andstart.
potion her w
??????????????????????????????? TRUNDLE
of normals)
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start, You have the
option to take Legend:Tenacity
Fleet Footwork inIgnite
Runes and Build. this matchup instead
+ Flash or Ghostof alacrity.
+ Flash. TF topshield
Dorans with the
Tempo has no escapes
Runes except
and Build. for a+slight
Ignite Flashmovespeed
or Ghost +bonus
Longhis stealth.
Lethal potion
Tempo start.
Runes andUdyr top has
Build. really
Ignite good Can
+ Flash. earlystart
damage withshield
dorans tiger stand and
or long
sword refillable potion. Urgot has strong poke in the early game but by the time
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost+Flash. Dorans shield start. you
Fleet has good Runes
poke and
anddisengage but +he
Build. Ignite is anorimmobile
Flash champion.
Ghost+Flash. DoransLook for start
or cloth 4 potions start. Vayne top is the bane of all melee tops. If you can
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. look to
Veigar's cage is Runes
Fleet Footwork the only thing
and stopping
Build. Igniteyou fromor
+ Flash running
Ghost him downDorans
+ Flash. the lane. He is an
Tempohas really
Runes and good poke
Build. and+disengage
Ignite with his
Flash or Ghost abilities,
+ Flash. Longyour chance to all
refillable potionRunes
Fleet Footwork start. and
Vi can pokeIgnite
Build. you through
+ Flash.minions
Dorans with herstart.
shield E, pay attention
Viktor has to
really good pokeRunes
Fleet Footwork but your
Build.stats are +higher
Ignite Flash.then
Doranshis level one.
shield CanLook
start. lookfor
to sit in
Lethal against vladimir
Tempo Runes after
and building
Build. some
Ignite fury. Long
+ Flash. Look sword
to backrefillable
off whenpotion
his start.
Volibear is really good at denying allins on him, he can cancel your
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. spin with his e
Warwick has mana
Lethal Tempo Runes issues in laning
and Build. phase.
Ignite If you
+ Flash. takesword
Long enough trades with
refillable himstart.
potion without
Wukong has really
Fleet Footwork goodand
Runes shortBuild.
trades, but has
Ignite no way
+ Flash to disengage
or Ghost + Flash.from you when
Dorans shield
start. Xayah has good disengage with her feathers and because she
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost + Flash. Dorans shield is ranged she can
start. Tempoto dodge
and Build. by Ignite
juking +toFlash.
the side after
Long walking
sword up and potion
refillable w slowing him
Xin gains
Fleet bonusRunes
Footwork range and Build.
damage with +his
Ignite Q and
Flash. his 3rd
Dorans auto start.
shield attackOrwith hiscan
you Q will
take Lethal Tempo Runes and Build with Ignite+Flash with long sword refillable
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ghost+Flash. Longsword refillable potion start.
You want extended
Do people trades
actually think vsisyorick,
this look to start every trade with an auto attack so
a champion?
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start.
Fleetbeat zac in allins
Footwork Runesbecause he Ignite
and Build. simply+cannot
Flash. deal enough
Dorans damage
shield to you.
start. Zed hasHe has
decent harass in lane phase from a distance but must burn his w cooldown to deal
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ghost + Flash. Dorans shield start. Ziggs has good
poke, but is mostly
Fleet Footwork immobile
Runes besides
and Build. his +satchel
Ignite Flash. charge, his W, which
Dorans shield has a 24
start. Zilean has
great disengage and crowd control against Tryndamere but if you manage
Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Cleanse + Flash. Long sword refillable potion to avoid
Zoe cannot kite you if you cleanse her sleep bubble. You can cleanse the bubble
Fleet Footwork Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Dorans shield start. Zyra has really as
good harass, and her plants provide an extra zoning tool. The way you beat Zyra is
Challenger Guide to All Matchups
Tryndamere Top
Partially Updated 7/15/2019 Patch 9.13

Lethal Tempo Build

Lethal Tempo Runes

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Partially Updated 7/15/2019 Patch 9.13

po Build

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Partially Updated 7/15/2019 Patch 9.13

2. Fleet Footwork Build

Fleet Footwork Runes

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twork Build

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3. Grasp Build

Grasp Runes
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Partially Updated 7/15/2019 Patch 9.13

More Resources
If you would like to show me support for this document watch me and subscribe at
Discord: Stream schedule is Sunday - Friday 9am EST Thru 5PM EST
Check on my discord to keep up to date with my stream:
If you are interested in my coaching services you can email My prices are $50 t
look over a replay with you and $100 for a 2 hour coaching session
Subscribe to my Youtube channel. I upload fun gameplay, serious guides, tips, and resources for
of Runes:

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Partially Updated 7/15/2019 Patch 9.13

show me support for this document watch me and subscribe at
v/foggedftw2. Stream schedule is Sunday - Friday 9am EST Thru 5PM EST
rd to keep up to date with my stream:

d in my coaching services you can email My prices are $50 to

with you and $100 for a 2 hour coaching session
utube channel. I upload fun gameplay, serious guides, tips, and resources for

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