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Everyone should buy wards not just support // Control

Timers: Dragon and Baron // Never chase like a madman //

Use this only if you plan on First blood=/= gg // Minimap, take a peek to assess
Bot lane: Sustain Golem/Lizard 5: playing this champ, these are everyones location // Tower hug if you are getting
beats Poke, Poke 00, Dragon 6: champions that have good wrecked, better to lose some exp than to die //
beats Burst, Burst Email suggestions to synergy in lane, or as a team Sometimes, that last creep you want to kill, might get
beats Sustain 00, Baron 7:00 composition you killed // Don't Facecheck bushes.
Counter #1 Counter #2 Counter #3 Synergy Counter Mechanics: Role Played: Tips & Tricks
Aatrox Jax Fiora Pantheon Kayle/Zilean/Yorick Dots, Mobility, Hard CC Jungle/SoloTop Juking the knockup is very critical, there is a cast time and a landing indicator.
Ahri Brand [1] Malzahar Diana Jax/Malphite/Lulu [2] Hard CC, Mobility SoloMid Skillshot heavy hero, just put on your skillshot dodging pants and don't get baited by her ulti
Akali [3] Swain Heimerdinger Renekton Amumu/Blitzcrank/Shen Hard CC, Stealth Detect, Non-Target Aoe SoloTop If her Q already up on you, Don't approach her. // If she is low health hiding in her shroud remember she can jump to nearby champions & minions cut her off. // She gains a ult stack on all kills & Assists.
Alistar Lulu Zyra Sona Vayne/Tristana/Graves Displacement, True Damage Support/Top Watch out for lvl 1 gank, watch out for that infamous "bush to cliff knockback-knockup combo"
Amumu Cho'gath Sejuani LeeSin [4] Kennen/Annie/Galio Counter Jungling, Displacement, Mobility Jungle Blue Dependent early without mana items so try steal he's 1st/2nd blue at 07:30. // If he's running directly to the middle of champions he's most lilely going to ult, CC, get out or knock him away!
Anivia Gragas Fizz Leblanc/Kassadin JarvanIV/ReeSingAh/Maokai Mobility SoloMid Run towards her to the side instead of away, when she tryes to land her Q, makes it a lot harder to land and time. // 95% of cases don't tower dive her. gives easy opportunity to stun. kite and kill you. // Steal "her" blue at 7:15
Annie Brand Kassadin [5] Orianna Amumu/Kennen/Fiddlesticks Hard CC, Tenacity, Range SoloMid/Support Many annies Flashes in and drops her whole combo on you at level 6, dont let it happen. stay max xp range or go back before 6 for full health. and watch out for her Stun-buff its above 2 there is a potentional of stun on next combo
Ashe Jinx Graves [6] Sivir Sona/Zyra/Janna Mobility, Gap Closer RangedAD A good Ashe will ult to initiate or wait till team engages so just be aware of that fact.
Azir Ziggs Xerath Syndra Yasuo/LeeSin/Jayce Poke, Hard CC SoloMid Works well in siege comps
Bard Braum [7] Blitzcrank [8] Nautilus [9]
Blitzcrank Alistar Leona Taric [10] Tristana/Corki/Vayne Mobility, Vision Support 0+
Brand Kassadin [11] Fizz Leblanc [12] Amumu/Kennen/Galio Hard CC, Mobility SoloMid Stay behind minions so he can't land hes skill shot stun, // skillshot only stuns when your burning from one of hes spells // Dont stand clumped up in fights or hes ult will tear you apart.
Braum Zyra Morgana Alistar Lucian/Jinx/Twitch AOE, Poke Support
Caitlyn Jinx Ezreal Draven Janna/Elise/Nami Mobility, Strong Early Game RangedAD Avoid traps if she's in range to shoot you. // Dodge her Harass, its easy look for the animation. // And save your team m8s (use flash if neccesary!) from her ult! // She can jump walls with her Net
Cassiopeia Ziggs Fizz Leblanc Singed/Amumu/Teemo Mobility SoloMid Dodge her Snake trap(not purple) if she's close to you. if she hits you, either beg to god she dont have ult up and nuke her, or run! IF you exspect ult, turn away for a second so it doesn't stun!(think medusa)
Cho'Gath Warwick Olaf Rumble Lulu/Alistar/Warwick Mobility, HP, % based dmg SoloTop Dont fight Cho'gath with less than 300/475/650+0.7AP hp, Feast has a low cooldown
Corki Draven Lucian Jinx Nami/Sona/Leona Mobility, HP RangedAD Pretty squishy easily bursted down, will usually use his escape skill towards his teamates so don't get baited
Darius Malphite Jayce Yorick Olaf/Amumu/Draven CC. Kitability SoloTop Make sure you keep your distance as much as possible.. If he has full stacks on his passive he can ult you at 30-50% hp ez
Diana Mordekaiser Irelia Jax Annie/Malphite/Riven Hard CC, HP, Mobility Jungle/SoloMid She has the potential to dish out a lot of damage within about 5 seconds, make sure you use plenty of CC on her in teamfights.
Dr. Mundo Darius Shyvana Renekton JarvanIV/Darius/Olaf Displacement, Mobility, Heal Reduction SoloTop Stay behind minions to avoid as many cleavers as possible and use your ranged spells to harass him whenever possible.
Draven does a lot of damage with his twirly blade bull shit... it's your job to not let him dance and punch him in the face like a man when he goes to catch his baton. On a more serious note... I would like to once again note the importance of not allowing his
Draven [13] Varus Caitlyn Thresh/Leona/Janna Mobility, Kitability RangedAD steroid to refresh especially in trades.
Ekko Diana [14] Annie [15] Morgana [16]
Elise Nocturne Jax LeeSin Ahri/Rengar/LeeSin Mobility, Burst, Slows Jungle If she has no other target to hop to just stand in the center and wait for her to come back down.
Evelynn Lee sin [17] Cassiopeia Twisted Fate Shen/Kayle/Zilean Hard CC, Stealth Detect Jungle If Janna is the goddess slut of assists that makes Eve the goddess slut of KS. Totally irrelevant.... Tips: Pink important bushes depending on which side you're on
Ezreal Draven Corki Graves Lulu/Taric/Sona/Lux Hard CC, Mobility RangedAD Ezreal is a highly mobile champ that has a decent amount of burst with a drawback, if he uses his teleport attack to move forward his only escape mechanic other than flash is now on a generous cooldown... counter attacks are key.
Fiddlesticks LeeSin Janna Alistar Pantheon/Galio/Kennen Hard CC/Displacement, Healing Reduction Jungle/Support Warding fiddles ult spots, and countering his blue, since he is blue dependent, and remember his ganks are usually timed to his ult cd
Fiora Renekton [18] Trundle [19] Shen [20] MasterYi/Morgana/Vladimir Fast animations, Early game lane bullies SoloTop If you have a champ with decent mobility just bait her into using her E, dodge her then run in for some dps and dip out.
Fizz Ryze Mordekaiser Pantheon Warwick/JarvanIV/Talon Hard CC, Kitability SoloMid Get to know the distance of his trick.
Galio Pantheon Talon Zed Amumu/Fiddlesticks/Kennen Hard CC, Silence, Displacement, True Damage SoloTop/SoloMid The key to countering Galio is having an on hit-effect that applies a CC. Champions such as Udyr, Xin Zhao, and Garen are great for this cause once they get to Galio and hit him, the ult stops channeling, or good ol' ranged displacement
Gangplank Pantheon [21] Poppy [22] Fiora [23] TwistedFate/Nocturne/Ahri Equivalent Ranged Poke, Roughly same CD SoloTop Gangplank's biggest weakness is someone who has a low cd poke of equivalent range, and, when possible, a re appliable cc
Garen Tahm Kench [24] Ryze [25] Heimerdinger [26] Kennen/Sejuani/Darius Hard CC, High Sustain, Kitability SoloTop Constant harass is key to beating Garen, make him fear you early, his late game is total dildos so if you can survive until mid game without feeding him he should fall off pretty hard
Gnar Nidalee Pantheon Swain [27] Yasuo/Lulu/Orianna Range, Poke Spam, Sustain SoloTop Gnar doesn't fair well in a poking match, as his only form of poke is easily sidestepped. Keep an eye on his rage bar and don't get baited into an extended fight when he is near transformation
Gragas Riven Fizz Ahri JarvanIV/Janna/Amumu Hard CC, Mobility SoloTop When Gragas takes a drink from his flask is a great time to harass him, as he can't move while doing it. Placement is key with Gragas' ultimate, moving yourself ever so slightly can be the difference between him knocking you towards or away from him.
Graves Sivir [28] Corki [29] Caitlyn [30] r Mobility, Kitability Jungle/Top/RangedAD Graves has high burst potential, and his passive stacks armor and mr with each hit. His only mobility is on a long cooldown so wait until he uses it foolishly so you can burn his flash.
Hecarim Nasus Sejuani Nautlius Gangplank/Sivir/Zilean [31] Counter Jungling, Health, High Sustain, Tenacity Jungle A well timed hard CC can shut down Hecarim's charge. He stacks MS as his charge continues, also at the end of his charge he has a knockback. Burning flash to get on the other side of him may cause him to push you in the proper direction.
Heimerdinger Nunu [32] Caitlyn [33] Karthus [34] Blitzcrank/Amumu/Kennen Hard CC, Mobility, SoloMid/SoloTop Chasing Heimer with his turrets around, even with ally creeps is dangerous because his ult will mow down the creeps before you know it and will be hitting you. His rockets hit the three closest targets, try to put 3 creeps between you and him at all times.
Illaoi Irelia [35]
Irelia Olaf Udyr Cho'Gath Riven/LeeSin/Ahri [36] Displacement, HP, Strong Early Game SoloTop With high mobility, sustain, and true damage, HP is a very important buy vs her. Shutting her down early will make her ungodly scaling much easier to manage.
Janna Blitzcrank Sona Nami Kog'Maw/Ashe/Graves Mobility Support Always..... be....... JANNA.
Jarvan IV Nocturne [37] Xin Zhao LeeSin [38] Anivia/Annie/Swain Mobility, High Sustain, HP SoloTop/Jungle Flash or use an ability to get out of his ult, sidestep his knockup combo.
Jax Renekton Ryze Singed [39] Zilean/Gangplank/Morgana CC, Mobility SoloTop Pretty simple really. DON'T FEED JAX. Losing xp by going b is much better than feeding him any kills. He is reliant on his good early game to scale him into a late game monster.
Jinx Draven Caitlyn Ez Leona/Thresh/Alistar Poke, Hard CC, Denying Resets RangedAD
Jayce Yorick Fiora Irelia Riven/Malphite/LeeSin Mobility, High Sustain, HP SoloTop As soon as you see his acceleration gate goes down take evasive maneuvers. His snipe does a lot of damage but is easy to dodge, also beware of his percent based damage when in melee mode.
Kalista Caitlyn Draven
Karma Janna [40] Soraka [41] Sona Graves/Ezreal/Corki Sustain, Equal Poke Support/SoloMid Smash face repeatedly against keyboard with mouse hovering over Karma. Proceed to laugh.
Karthus [42] Leblanc Ahri Veigar Soraka/Vladimir/Yorick/Kayle Hard CC, Displacement, Silence, Burst SoloMid KARTH PRESS R! Then I Zhonya's and everything was k
Kassadin Gangplank [43] Talon Pantheon Maokai/Blitzcrank/Malphite Hard CC, Strong Early Game, High Sustain SoloMid Kass is a really good ganker from mid and can burst quite quickly, be wary
Katarina Kassadin Leblanc Diana JarvanIV/Amumu/Malphite Hard CC, Displacement, Silence SoloMid Exhaust lowers ult damage
Kayle Anivia Malzahar Jax Karthus/Katarina/Yorick Hard CC, Gap Closers SoloMid/Jungle When she is near 1/4 hp you can almost guarantee she will pop her ult, try to save your cooldowns until her ult has finished.
Kennen Ryze Malzahar Swain MEH Displacement, High Sustain SoloTop His bread and butter is his ult which probably follows after a flash, good warding and positioning is key
Kha'Zix Ahri Lee Sin Pantheon Orianna/Rengar/Amumu Hard/Soft CC, Mobility, Jungle Kha'Zix is like Shaco; he excels when you're running away. Try to stay near other champs/creeps and just suck it up and be a man if you have to. His dueling potential is greatly decreased if he doesn't get his procs on Q
Kog'Maw Varus Caitlyn Blitzcrank Janna/Alistar/Nami Hard CC, Mobility RangedAD Hes pretty squishy so try to burst him down fast before he can get any damage off
LeBlanc Lulu [44] Morgana [45] Kassadin Udyr/Nautilus/Warwick Hard CC, Mobility, Strong Early SoloMid Anyone who can survive burst does wonders vs LB. One Negatron Cloak will deny her ability to kill you in one combo. Also.... DON'T FEED HER. She falls off hard after 20 mins or so if she isn't fed.
Lee Sin Pantheon Udyr Jax Warwick/Udyr/Riven Hard CC, Mobility Jungle Be all like,,,, AH SHIT IT'S LEE SIN HE GONNA BE NEAR ME SOON then you dodge his Q and proceed to laugh.
Leona Janna Thresh Alistar Graves/Corki/Ezreal Displacement, Tenacity, True Damage, Mobility Support Dodge her Xenith Blade and she's pretty much useless. Her ult only stuns if you're in the middle of it so run to the side when it is channeling. Also being Lulu makes you win at life..... FOREVER
Lissandra Diana Lux Leblanc Trundle/Sejuani/Ashe Silence, Tenacity, Mobility SoloMid
Lucian Graves Jinx Caitlyn Braum/Sona/Karma Mobility, Displacement, Hard CC RangedAD Don't stand in front of the minions in this lane, you generally want to stand to the side of them so it's harder for him to harass you with Q. Don't feed him early and he will scale horribly into mid game.
Lulu Soraka Ziggs Syndra Caitlyn/Ezreal/Ashe Hard CC, Mobility Support/SoloTop Wherever her pix is is somewhere else she can use Glitter Lance. Keep away from her fairy and out heal her. A well timed Silence/Stun can deny her ultimate from saving someone.
Lux Ahri [46] Leblanc Katarina Ashe/Caitlyn/Varus Mobility, Kitability SoloMid Dodge skillshots/lazerbeam
Malphite Yorick [47] Vladimir [48] Cho'Gath Ahri/Gragas/Orianna Kitability, Mobility, High Sustain SoloTop He's there for his ult, watch for it
Malzahar Gangplank [49] Leblanc [50] Galio [51] Warwick/Nocturne/Maokai Hard CC, Silence, Mobility, Displacement SoloMid Exhaust lowers ult damage, quicksilver if hes "doin' dirt"
Maokai Cho'gath Xin Zhao LeeSin Malzahar/Ryze/Swain Counter Jungling SoloTop/Jungle OH NO MAOKAI IS ADVANCING ALL TWISTED LIKE, but then I flashed back to my tower and laughed as he follows the whole way there.
Master Yi Fiddlesticks Skarner [52] Rammus Malphite/Ahri/Morgana Hard CC Jungle If you see a Master Yi picked just build your team around Hard CC. He's very easy to shutdown.
No escapability except slow and summoner, it's much easier to dodge a bounce if you run sideways of the creep line or even forward. It does more damage on the second hit and if she doesn't have that ability off cooldown it's a good time to get some harrass
Miss Fortune Tristana [53] Draven [54] Ezreal [55] Thresh/Sona/Nami Range, Mobility, CC RangedAD in. Don't waste heal spells/pots when her impure shots is on you
Mordekaiser Heimerdinger Malzahar [56] Twisted Fate Yorick/Fiddlesticks/Malphite Hard CC, Kitability, High Sustain SoloTop Try to get harass off in between creep waves when he doesn't have as many minions to gain shield. DoTs make him cry .
Morgana Sona Karma Janna Jinx/Caitlyn/Lucian Displacement, Kitability, Mobility Support Dodge those skillshots, expect shields
Nami Annie Fiddlesticks Karma Graves/Ezreal/Caitlyn Hard CC, Silence, Mobility Support Ehhh, just dodge her skill shot. This champ relies too heavily on the ADC to be effective. Also try not to stay bunched up as her heal bounces.
Nasus Teemo [57] Renekton [58] Garen Pantheon/Udyr/Nautilus Strong Early Game, Kitability, Tenacity SoloTop Nasus relies heavily on farming up his Q use that to your advantage
Nautilus LeeSin Hecarim [59] Ashe/Ahri/Singed Hard CC/Displacement, Mobility, Kitability, Tenacity Jungle Dodge the hook and depending on your positioning you may want to consider flashing backwards if his ultimate is coming towards you.
Nidalee Vi [60] Master Yi [61] Fiddle [62] Lulu/Alistar/Warwick Hard CC, Mobility SoloTop Don't chase a nid as they like to say
Nocturne Fiddlesticks [63] LeeSin [64] Vi TwistedFate/Pantheon/Shen CC, Mobility Jungle Warding the places he will ult from, figure out the distance and ward accordingly
Nunu Maokai Vi Nocturne Orianna/Lulu/ Hard CC/Displacement Jungle Exhaust lowers ult damage, any hard CC cancels the channel of his ult but the damage will still apply.
Olaf Teemo Yorick Jayce Ahri/Warwick/Skarner HP, Kitability, Mobility, High Sustain Jungle/SoloTop Gank Olaf before he hits 6 to shut him down early. He becomes much harder to kill post 6 as CC is essentially useless.
Orianna Ziggs Syndra Diana Amumu/JarvanIV/Malphite Hard CC, Mobility, HP SoloMid Stay mobile and try not to be predictable, don't let her zone you and try to drop damage on her whenever possible. Learn the range of her q because she needs to get in closer to make it go behind you.
Pantheon Yorick [65] Wukong Cho'Gath [66] Yorick/Kayle/Amumu Hard CC, Strong Early Game, High Sustain Jungle/SoloTop Same as all the other globals, if you are low it will come and kill you
Poppy Quinn [67] Swain [68] Rumble Vayne/Anivia/Alistar Hard CC, True Damage, Kitability SoloTop/Jungle Poppy is a total bitch. The End. JK! But her Q does HP% based magic damage so pick up some MR and make sure you never position yourself where you're in between her and a wall
This champ is mediocre all around. She's not op and she's not weak. Her ultimate is kind of a joke except for in dueling situations, her kit is well rounded but overall it's kinda bad imo. Her valor proc is random and her gap closer isn't really a gap closer at all.
Quinn Vladimir [69] Teemo [70] Rumble [71] Nami/Leona/Lulu Hard CC, Lane Bullies/Ranged Harrass SoloTop She's definitely not a hyper carry as her skillset relies too much on poor positioning.
Rammus Trundle [72] Cho'Gath [73] Shyvana Annie/Ahri/Xerath Hard CC, Counter Jungling, True Damage Jungle Use your escape summoner wisely, if done properly you can easily kite a rammus gank.
Renekton Trundle Ryze Garen Pantheon/LeeSin/Udyr Strong Early Game, Mobility SoloTop He doesn't get sustain until level 3 but he'll probably come with pots, his dash only becomes a double dash if he goes through either you or creeps. His early game damage is very strong but he starts falling off pretty hard later on.
If he's jungling just throw a pink in your lane, Rengar has been nerfed a lot lately so he isn't as prevalent but his ultimate is retarded good. Top lane, just stay away from the bushes so he can't hop out at you. His sustain isn't as high after the ap rengar nerf. Just
Rengar Lee Sin Jax Riven Shen/Evelynn,Zilean Stealth Detect, Mobility Jungle/SoloTop try to trade him as much as possible and if you are scared going in lane just stack pots and buy an elixir.
Riven Leblanc Renekton Alistar/Nautilus/Amumu Hard CC, HP, Kitability SoloTop Riven has really high mobility so being able to kite and/or being mobile gives an advantage. They key to beating her is trying to trade with her before she uses her shield dash. If you can get some dps in before then just back off then rinse/repeat.
Rumble Xin Zhao Jayce Yorick Amumu/Morgana/Malphite Hard CC, High Sustain, Kitability, Mobility SoloTop Tight spots are rumbles best friends, so don't be in one
Ryze Orianna Brand Cassiopeia Maokai/Udyr/LeeSin Hard CC, Kitability SoloTop/SoloMid Try not the be in range of his snare unless need be, His Q is longer range than his snare
Sejuani Trundle Amumu LeeSin Ashe/Rumble/Renekton Tenacity, Counter Jungling Jungle With the addition of Liandrys Torment Sejuani sucks slightly less.
Shaco [74] Lee sin [75] Vi Rammus [76] Shen/Alistar/Blitzcrank Stealth Detect, Mobility Jungle Ward the spots he usually decieves from, honestly if your team can survive 15 minutes without feeding him once, you're most likely gonna win.
Shen Trundle Tryndamere [77] Darius [78] TwistedFate/Nocturne/Ahri Hard CC, True Damage, Kitability SoloTop Remember that guy that was gonna die but then shen ults and the tables turn? yea, gotta learn from it
Her clear times are amazing so funny story here, I always play Nautilus vs Shyvana and I'll tell you why. She's all like I'M GONNA GO DRAGON MODE AND FLY AWAY. Then Nautilus is like, AW HELL NAW YOU GET BACK HERE. Long story short, his
Shyvana Ryze Trundle Olaf Udyr/LeeSin/Maokai Kitability SoloTop dredge line if used properly makes her ultimate's dash essentially useless.
Singed Teemo [79] Elise Jayce ssiopeia CC, Kitability SoloTop Early gank from your jungler help, just ask for one, a little lead on singed will do loads
Sion Gnar Nidalee Irelia SoloTop Most Sion's are AP mid and will get boots of mobility, care for his ganks that will come after hes pushed the lane
Sivir Corki Vayne Kog'Maw Nami/Janna/Alistar Mobility RangedAD You really only have to worry about her skilshot
Skarner Olaf Gangplank Teemo [80] Sivir/Malphite/Lulu Hard CC/Displacement Jungle Being out of position = food for Skarner
Sona Thresh Blitzcrank Leona Ashe/Ezreal/Graves Hard CC/Displacement Support Her main usage is ult, so care
Soraka Blitzcrank [81] Leona Zyra Ashe/Sivir/Urgot Hard CC, Heal Reduction Support Just expect getting silenced or cc her down
Swain Cassiopeia Fizz Galio JarvanIV/Maokai/Vladimir Mobility, Heal Reduction SoloMid/SoloTop Exhaust lowers the ult damage->Heal
Syndra Ziggs [82] Ahri Cassiopeia Maokai/Udyr/LeeSin Hard CC, Mobility SoloMid Never let a ball be between you and syndra. Also consider just buying mr right off the bat as she statistically has the highest burst potential in the game at level 6.
Tahm Kench
Talon Malphite Darius Riven Fizz/Swain/Sion Hard CC, Stealth Detect, HP, High Sustain SoloMid Don't get caught by yourself with a Talon MIA
Taric Lulu Zyra Nami Graves/Caitlyn/Sivir Tenacity Support Taric stun is usually followed up by another cc from another hero, play your lanes safe
Teemo Yorick Pantheon [83] Rumble [84] LeeSin/Cassiopeia/Volibear Hard CC, Kitability SoloTop There are mushrooms everywhere....
Thresh Morgana Blitzcrank [85] Lulu Draven/MissFortune/Caitlyn AP based harass, Hard CC, Displacement Support Thresh works very well with ADC's that don't have their own escape mechanism, also try to harass him when he is running in the middle of a creep wave as he is likely picking up souls.
Tristana Corki Sivir [86] Lucian Leona/Alistar/Nami Hard CC RangedAD She CAN burst you down be wary, shes in the back one second, the next she blast you in the face up front
Trundle Fiora Teemo Kennen Anivia/Annie/JarvanIV True Damage, Mobility Jungle/SoloTop Try not to get in tight spots where his pillar is just godly
Tryndamere Teemo Jax Malphite Kayle/Zilean/Yorick Hard CC/Displacement, Kitability SoloTop Always keep in mind his ult, try to time it if you can (will get ult cd's later), but don't forget about the other 4 heroes
Twisted Fate Fizz Ahri Kassadin Kennen/Sejuain/Morgana Hard CC, Mobility SoloMid The Quilted Quicker Picker Upper, TF he WILL come for the cleanups, be wary
Twitch Corki Graves Kog'Maw Lulu/Nami/Leona CC, Stealth Detect RangedAD Pink wards, hes really squishy and can be caught off guard with the ward, just try to make sure no one sees you putting it down
The reason Udyr isn't seen much in competitive play anymore is he only has one CC and he has to actually get to you for it to proc. Don't get me wrong, Udyr is a phenominal counter jungler and his clear times are amazing. His biggest flaw is his whole kit is
melee and he relies too much on his laner while ganking. Perhaps if they added tenacity into his passive since he lost the dodge aspect it would make him more viable late game. Regardless, the key to beating Udyr is never letting him get to you. HE HAS NO
Udyr Trundle VI Olaf Sion/Ryze/LeeSin Silence, Kitability Jungle DASHES. In lane, his sustain is very good and he has a dot via tiger stance, this lane can be very hard.
Urgot Soraka [87] Sivir Janna Soraka/Thresh/Taric/Leona Hard CC, Mobility, High Sustain RangedAD As long as you can dodge his Noxian Corrosive Charge he is quite ineffective, Late game as a squishy champ, make sure you in the back of team fights to avoid his dreaded Ultimate
Varus Sivir Graves Ezreal Nami/Sona/Zyra Hard CC, Mobility RangedAD Having a spell shield is a great way to reduce incoming damage
Vayne Caitlyn Draven Lucian Lulu/Nami/Nunu Hard CC, Mobility, High Sustain RangedAD Try to catch her out of position, chase only when its advantageous. Vayne's only form of CC is if you are in between her and a wall. NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN
Veigar Leblanc Ryze Kassadin Jax/Malphite/Amumu CC, Mobility, Not being an AP SoloMid The key to beating Veigar is baiting his event horizon. Absolutely do NOT GET STUNNED. better to take a q to the face while sitting inside the ring than to take his w too.
Vel'Koz Leblanc Fizz Yasuo Support/SoloMid
Vi Xin Zhao Lee Sin Elise Orianna/Nautilus/Jayce CC, Mobility, Displacement Jungle Armor shredder? MOAR HP PLOX
Viktor either maxes his dildos laser or his stupid sheild. Since his sheild doesn't proc until the animation hits you try to preemptive strike him so he doesn't negate the damage. They key to trading is hitting him first. Also his stun is a fucking asshole move and he
Viktor(REWORK) Syndra Ziggs Malzahar Amumu/Malphite/JarvanIV Hard CC, Kitability SoloMid should get punched in the face. Don't get caught in a position where he removes your potential escape.
Vladimir Swain Malzahar Ryze Swain/Karthus/Kennen Hard CC, Kitability SoloTop Channeling spells work even when he is pool'd
Volibear Fizz Teemo Darius Singed/Blitzcrank/Nautilus High Sustain, Kitability Jungle/SoloTop Someone with dots and good mobility makes Voli a sad sad bear
Warwick Kayle Yorick Olaf Malzahar/LeeSin/Ahri Hard CC/Displacement, Kitability Jungle CC when he ults
Wukong LeeSin [88] Darius Garen Kennen/Amumu/Malphite Hard CC, Harass, High Sustain Jungle/SoloTop When you expect him to use his Decoy try to run so that you block off as many possible exits.
Xerath Ahri Leblanc/Kassadin Fizz Varus/Rammus/JarvanIV Hard CC, Mobility SoloMid Interrupt him mid combo, if he is smart casting it is possible for him to get his full combo off in 1.5 seconds so BE QUICK
Yasuo Kayle Akali Katarina Malphite/Janna/Nautilus Melee SoloMid Yasuo's dash is really predictable on where he'll end. Use that knowledge to your advanatage
Xin Zhao
(REWORK) Malphite Jax Pantheon Alistar/Blitzcrank/Nautilus Hard CC, Kitability Jungle Keep your distance and don't let him knock you up.
The KING of top is a hard lane indeed, his list of counters is very slim and his sustain is just shy of FUCKING RETARDED. Good sustain and mobility are your best friend. Honestly.... just be Cho'Gath. Also his minions don't follow you if you run into bushes,
Yorick [89] Cho'Gath [90] Trundle Nunu Pantheon/Tryndamere/Vayne Hard CC, Sustain, Mobility SoloTop stay near them
Zac Amumu Elise Cho'Gath Anyone with hard CC Hard CC, % Based Damage, Grievous Wounds, AOE SoloTop Zac is kinda like Fiddlesticks in terms of where he ganks from, deep wards are essential
His shadow dash is on a long cool down and if he uses it offensively dodge his shuriken and don't stay near the shadow so his aoe doesn't hit you. Go ham on him while he's on his 20 odd second cool down so he has to consider burning flash. Trading with him
Zed Lissandra Kayle Pantheon Shen/Kayle/Zilean Hard CC, Mobility, Range SoloMid is really easy as long as you can dodge his skill shots.
Ziggs Fizz Ahri Kassadin Amumu/Malphite/JarvanIV Hard CC, Mobility SoloMid They key to beating Ziggs is moving in undpredicatble ways, also always try to stay behind your creeps, but not too far behind that he can throw his bouncer past them. Dodge sidewways rather than back to front;
Zilean Sion Master Yi Morgana Yorick/Tryndamere/Hecarim Hard CC, Sustain, Kitability SoloMid/Support Bait his ult.... DO NOT ATTACK WHOEVER HAS THE ULT ON THEM.... wait....... WAIT.......... YOLO SWAG KILL THAT FOOL
Her root has a retarded long range, don't try to run away from it just step to the side. Her ult does it's damage initially before it knocks you up, so if you still have good hp after the initial damage and you think you can live just suck it up and let her knock you up.
Zyra Morgana Blitzcrank Soraka Amumu/Nautilus/JarvanIV Hard CC, HP Support Otherwise flash as soon as you see the animation begin, as far as I know you have some slight breathing room before the damage procs.
[1] I used to play this matchup a lot. Brand's W outranges ahri, use it every time she goes to auto a minion.
Her level 6 CAN beat yours, but if you fight near minions and take advantage of your ults bounce you can
win the fight.

[2] lulu!!!!! movespeed + ability power + pix atks + shield + GIANT AHRI OF DEATH = gg

[3] Rush hexdrinker

Mitigate burst

[4] DragonKick

[5] Silence is deadly.

[6] Depends on the supports but Graves is a boss

[7] Easily tanks harass and can punish extended trades. Braum's shield also blocks Q from passivng to a
target behind you.

[8] Relatively straightforward. Blitz excels in matchups vs squishy ranged supports. Try to hit level 2 first
and go for big plays.

[9] Same as with blitz except more cc and a shield to negate poke harrass. Don't hesitate to jump on an
opportunity to make a flash play. Take ignite for easy lane pressure.


[11] Mobility/Epic Burst

[12] Straight up out-burst him & silencing him.

[13] don't pick draven if they have a j4, just dont.

[14] A tanky(ish) high mobility mage such as diana makes it hard for ekko to all in. She can negate his poke
and scales just as well if not better throughout the game

[15] Long range harass and threat of stun makes ekko wary of all ins. Ekko is a higher skill cap champ and
Annie essentially crushes him because of her front loaded damage and ease of play.

[16] Morgana has been making a comeback in mid lane for good reason. She has good sustain, solid cc,
and cc negation. Her ability to fast push ekko helps deny him cs and post 6 her ult makes it hard for him to
want to engage. Building zhonyas is always good on morgana and the gives you outplay potential.

[17] Can detect stealth if you catch her at the right moment.

[18] Renekton in a close range matchup has an advantage if you hold your stun, try to bait her parry.
Renekton's stun is a hard animation to anticiapte so with patience you can win a trade with ease.

[19] Another hard animation to anticipate and his pillar makes it hard to all in him. Bully her early and try not
to just fast push into her tower unless you think you can dive with your jungler.

[20] Shen's new w negates Fiora's ability to hit your vitals. Also if she attempts to go in you can easily
shadow dash from close range making it harder to parry. Her parry is a directional cc so shadow dash
makes it even harder to hit.
[21] Shield blocks parley. Rework GP still struggles heavily in this matchup.

[22] Be brave whenever you get your shield and don't run away from a longer engagement. Dance around
and try to make a wall play.

[23] Very mobile and can counter barrels and parley with here riposte.

[24] If he spins on you just keep autoing and eat his ass. Easy day for TK

[25] Can farm easily and disengage with W. Be wary of jungle pressure when playing ryze or this matchup
can be swung around.

[26] The donger is oppressive as fuck and Garen has no cc and no mobility. Play the lane smart and ward.

[27] Start chalice

Poke and kite

[28] Sivir wins at life, especially against graves. Pick up a pro as fuck soraka to win this lane with spam,
otherwise lulu is also a good option

[29] Similar level of burst with outplay potential from both sides. Corki is stronger in teamfights.

[30] Poke the fuck out of him and just farm up.

[31] MS increases

[32] Consume his turrets.. yummy

[33] Kill his turrets whenever he puts one up, and harass him with your über range! use Net to dodge his

[34] Harass his turrets w/ your q making heimer essentially useless

[35] As long as you don't get hit by that stupid soul steal crap this matchup is easy. stun her when she goes
in and fuck her up

[36] mobile champs with cc

[37] This is my go-to counter for J4. spellshield his knockup and he suddenly has run out of escapes and
your fear is channeling

[38] good mobility/ can kick j4 out of his ult or w out if it himself

[39] skill matchup, you have to fling him as he's casting counter strike so that he doesn't stun you

[40] Shield that gives BF sword as opposed to a dot...

[41] Infinite sustain!


[43] Gangplank makes mince meat out of Kassadin

[44] soft counter, hard counter late game

[45] Spellshield her combo and ult when she jumps you with her chain.

[46] Any champ with good mobility as well as epic burst will run circles on lux if she happens to mid lane.

[47] Harrass w/ your minions and outsustain

[48] If malphite begins to stack MR, just get a haunting guise. That item is so ridiculously good on vladimir
against high mr champs

[49] Eat oranges, make everything k.

[50] All the op mages own malz, namely kassadin, and leblanc

[51] Dat shield

[52] Looks like Yi is gonna escape? Stab him with your tail and drag his ass back. + potential faster

[53] Your ult stops her ult and you can negate her passive with your e. you win longer trades with her and

[54] His e cancels her ult and he wins extended trades. Be wary of low health minions you're standing

[55] Not a super hard counter but the lane is pretty easy for ezreal thanks to his mobility and long range

[56] Dot him after he used one of his spells on minions, and bait him to use his E(Range) ability, afterwards
give him the combo when you get him to 40-50% and kill him. just make sure to harass & kill him when he
has no shield and preferable no minions to gain extra shield off on.

[57] THIS IS SIMPLE PEOPLE, Haunting guise rush, boots of swiftness, nashors tooth, deathcap/finish

[58] The sand brothers are beasts but renek does dirt on Nasus. nuff said

[59] Horse scales better into late game

[60] Strong early pressure and good mid game with gap closers and strong cc. Counter gank or go fight her
in her jungle.

[61] Stay away from her early game but by mid game you should be able to blow her up. She has no cc to
stop you.

[62] 2 strong cc to counter nidalee and good sustain.

[63] Usually my go to jungler vs noc, you're both level 6 junglers, he may have a better early game but your
counter ganks are very strong.

[64] Knock him away and run away from him when he channels fear on you, and immidiatly Q him again
when its broken, and then slow and rape him. make sure to not kick the spellshield tho.
[64] Knock him away and run away from him when he channels fear on you, and immidiatly Q him again
when its broken, and then slow and rape him. make sure to not kick the spellshield tho.

[65] Out sustain, and his passive is essentially useless

[66] Pantheon is manly.... but CHO IS MONSTERLY

[67] Quinn is a cunt. If you're going to play quinn at least make sure your team has a tank. This matchup is
easy as fuck.

[68] Strong harass without pushing hard early and good mid game scaling give poppy a hard time.

[69] Massive sustain and decent poke, if you're not familiar with the match up just play it safe it's a relatively
easy counter.

[70] Non skillshot blind and dot harass. Be wary of outplay and try to harass without pushing out too much.

[71] Flame that bitch

[72] Trundle is the best counter to jungle rammus, he steals his AD and his tankiness. Pillar of Filth does
wonders to initiators.

[73] Interrupt, silence, and true damage makes Rammus a sad panda.. can counter jungle rammus and/or
top solo. If you have never jungled cho you should try!

[74] Volibear fears the clone with E, Leona Zenith Blade won't move her to clone. Ping shaco before he
clones and the ping will be on the real one

[75] Rape his face. Like a real Lee sin.

[76] Keeps up with shaco in terms of ganking potential plus would pwn him in a 1v1.

[77] Strong lane bully that capitalizes on shen's global pressure with his turret taking ability

[78] make him bleeeeeed

[79] Perfect counter to Singed, move quick + ranged harass what more could you ask for? (doesn't
currently counter singed but will once again after patch buff)

[80] Ranged harass, high mobility

[81] Grab that bitch and fucker up. If you don't have a blitz poclet pick to play vs squishy supports you
shouldn't main suport

[82] not necessarily a counter, but you can farm safely. highly recommended pick vs syndra


[84] pwn him with your 1337 fire

[85] k seriously everyone thinks thresh counters blitz. i have 65 % win on blitz in ranked and i pick him
specifically against thresh.

[86] Sivir is a baws

[87] Her heal also applies armor which makes Urgot early game harass a lot less effective.
[88] Stealth detection, CC, and sustain

[89] Syndra.... LOL, throw his ghouls back at his face. COME AT ME BRO!

[90] You heal off his ghosties! :D

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