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Simply type Ctrl N, or go to FILE on the Menu Bar, select NEW. The Birth Data Entry Screen Appears.
Enter the following:

Name: Enter the name with as many characters as you would like; first name, middle name, last
name, whatever you like. The birth data is saved under the name entered.

Date: American or European format is provided for, simply select the appropriate box. You can put
colons, slashes, semi-colons, commas, or just spaces between the Month Day Year.

Time: 24 hour clock is used. For those not familiar with a 24 hour clock, AM times are from 00:00
midnight - 12:00 noon. PM times are from 12:00 - 24:00. So if the time is PM simply add 12 hours to
convert it to the 24 hour clock. Remember 12 midnight - 1:00 AM is 00 hours, not 12 hours. Again
you can put colon's, slashes, semi-colons, commas, or just spaces between the Hours Minutes

Country: Select the Country from the drop down box, or type the country's name. Typing the first
letter of the countries name will bring the drop down box to that country. Only countries names that
are in Kala's Atlas will appear in the drop down box. If for some reason you want to enter a city
without using Kala's Atlas, make the Country box blank.

City: Begin typing the name of the City, Kala will begin to search for that city, along with the
Longitude, Latitude and Time Zone. When the city appears select it with the mouse, or use the up
down arrow keys to get to the city you want and then hit the Tab key. If there is more than one city
by the same name, make sure the city is in the proper state and/or county.

Currently Kala's Atlas has over 174,000 US localities, including 5,000 hospitals, with complete Time
Zone information. International countries are also available, and more are continuously being
added. If you come across a country or city that is not in the Atlas, please contact us so that we can
include it.

Longitude: If the Atlas does not contain your city, manually enter the Longitude. The correct format
is: 00E00’00 or 00W00’00 depending on whether the location is East or West.

Latitude: If the Atlas does not contain your city, manually enter the Latitude. The correct format is:
000N00’00 or 000S00’00 depending on whether the location is North or South.

Time Zone: If the Atlas does not contain your city or the Time Zone of the location, manually enter
the Time Zone in Hours and Minutes. If the location is East, then put a - before the Hours and
Minutes (for example: -3:00). (Please note that European convention is to put + for East zones and -
for West zones, however, Kala, being made in the US, follows the US convention of - for East and +
for West longitudes.) If the Atlas does not contain the Time Zone or DST then it will display a ?.
Alternately you can click on the appropriate 3-letter time zone designation.

DST: If the Atlas does not contain your city or the DST of the location, put 1:00 if Daylight Savings
Time or War Time was observed.

Naamakshar: For Shayanaadi Avastha calculations the first letter of the native’s first name must be
entered here. This requires some knowledge of Sanskrit phonetics. If you have not studied
Shananaadi Avasthas and the required Sanskrit phonetics, leave this blank; it will not affect the rest
of the calculations.

BC Dates: Kala calculates charts for BC dates, however, you must enter the date correctly.

There are two numbering systems for years before the year 1 AD. The historical numbering system
(indicated with BC) has no year zero. Year 1 BC is followed directly by year 1 AD.

The astronomical year numbering system (used by Kala and ephemeris) does have a year zero;
years before the zero year are indicated by negative year numbers. The sequence is year -1, year 0,
year 1 AD.

The historical year 1 BC corresponds to astronomical year 0, the historical year 2 BC corresponds to
astronomical year -1, the historical year 3 BC corresponds to the astronomical year -2.
So when you want to calculate a BC chart, add 1 to the BC year when entering the data. So if you are
entering 3102 BC, enter -3101 in Kala.


Simply type Ctrl S, or go to FILE on the Menu Bar, and select SAVE, or SAVE AS. A file management
window will appear, select SAVE, or press the ENTER key.


Go to FILE on the Menu Bar, and select EDIT. A data entry screen appears.


Simply type Ctrl O, or go to FILE on the Menu Bar, and select OPEN. A file management window will

You can open Quick Chart files by simply going to FILE, OPEN and going to the directory where your
Quick Charts are stored. Select Quick Chart Files under “Files of type:”


All charts except for the Rasi have either numbers or abbreviations in their center. We did this in
order to maximize the size of the charts and not waste visual space with large headings. The vargas
will have the number of the varga in their center, other charts will have suitable abbreviations. If
there is nothing in the center of the chart, that means it is the Rasi Chart. The following are the
numbers and abbreviations for the different charts:

2- Hora: for accomplishment, possessions, prosperity and wealth.

3- Drekkana: for siblings.

4- Chaturthamsa: for fate, fortunes and property.

5- Pancamsa

7- Saptamsa: for children and grandchildren.

8- Ashtamsa.

9- Navamsa: for spouse, though it also has many other important uses.
10- Dasamsa: for great fruits, profession, power and position.

10P- Dasamsa: with Parivritti calculation.

11- Ekadamsa.

12- Dwadasamsa: for parents.

16- Shodamsa: for easy running or difficulties from vehicles.

20- Vimsamsa: for worship and spiritual life.

24- Chaturvimsamsa or Siddhamsa: for knowledge and learning.

27- Saptavimsamsa, Bhamsa, or Nakshatramsa: for strengths and weaknesses.

30- Trimsamsa: for disasters and misfortunes.

30L- Trimsamsa: calculation based on planetary lords.

40- Khavedamsa: for auspicious and inauspicious effects.

45- Akshavedamsa: for all areas of life.

60- Shastiamsa: for all areas of life.

EqH- Equal-House Bhava Chart.

SriP- Sri Pati Bhava Chart.

Pd- Padas

Tr- Transit Chart.

UG- UpaGrahas chart containing all Gulikaadi and Dhoomaadi Upagrahas and Mandi.

Sar- SarvaAshtakaVarga.

Su- Sun's AshtakaVarga.

Mo- Moon's AshtakaVarga.

Ma- Mars' AshtakaVarga.

Me- Mercury's AshtakaVarga.

Ju- Jupiter's AshtakaVarga.

Ve- Venus' AshtakaVarga.

Sa- Saturn's AshtakaVarga.

The Main Screen is the first Screen that opens when you open or calculate a chart. On the Main
Screen you will find:


the large chart in the upper left of the screen.

A table with Vimshottari Dasa.

Choosing 1-5 dasa levels: Click on the buttons 1-5 to choose 1-5 levels of vimshottari, the default is
2 levels. The 4 and 5 levels shown will be determined by the currently highlighted dasa line.
th th

To go to a second set of Dasas, for instance, after the first 120 years of Vimshottari, to go the 2 nd set
of 120 years, click on the right pointing arrow in the upper right hand corner of the Vimshottari box.
To go back a set of Dasas, click on the left pointing arrow.

Navigating through the Dasas: You can scroll through the dasas with the scrollbar, you can click
through the dasas one line at a time by clicking on the arrows on the ends of the scrollbar, or you
can use the Up Down arrow keys to move through the dasas. Our favorite way, in fact, is to move
through the dasas with a scrollable mouse, which is the fastest, most efficient way.

Several other Dasas are also available. Simply click on the Vimshottari Button on the Dasa Table
and a menu will pop up where you can select the dasa you like.

Viewing Multiple Dasas: Go to the Options on the Menu Bar. Select Chart Options and then Select-
Show Two Dasas on Main Screen.

A table of important Planetary Details is provided in a List Control Window. This works just like
your Windows Explorer. You can change the width of the columns, or the arrangement of the
columns. You can also remove particular columns from view.
Changing the Width of the Columns On the Header Control Bar, point your mouse to the boundary
line at the end of the column, the mouse will change to a cross, then click and drag the column to the
width you like, and then unclick.

Changing the arrangement of the columns: Click on the Header of the column you want to move
and drag it to where you want it.

Removing Columns from View: On the Header Control Bar, point your mouse to the boundary line
at the end of the column, the mouse will change to a cross, then click and drag the column to the left
until you can no longer see the particular column. Be careful that you don't inadvertently hide more
columns then the one you want to hide.

The table is saved when you exit Kala, or simply when you click anywhere else on the screen.

Navigating through the Planetary Information Table: You can scroll through the table with the
scrollbar, you can click through the table by clicking on the arrows on the ends of the scrollbar, or
you can use the Left Right arrow keys to move through the table. Again the fastest most efficient
way, is with a scrollable mouse.


RIGHT clicking on any of the six smaller squares on the Main Screen displays a Menu of charts and
tables that can be viewed on the screen. LEFT click on the Menu and the chart/table you selected
appears on the Main Screen where you clicked. This is automatically saved.


RIGHT clicking on the Large Rasi Chart displays a Menu. LEFT click on the Menu and the chart/table
you selected is displayed on the center of the Large Rasi Chart. You can move this chart anywhere
on the screen, and display as many of these charts as you desire.

Note: If you select a second chart/table is comes up behind the first one, so you need to move the
first chart/table in order to view the second one.


The Menu that is displayed by RIGHT clicking on your screen is the heart of Kala's user functionality.
You can RIGHT click on any of the Screens- Main, ShodasaVargas, Prasna, AshtakaVarga, etc. and the
Menu will be displayed and you can select any chart you may wish to view.
On screens with customizable windows, the customizable windows will initially appear as blank
white squares. These windows will also have a yellow instead of orange border.

The following are some special features of some of the charts/tables that may be selected.

The small chart with the Tr in the center. The transiting planets are placed respectively from the
birth lagna. To see the degrees of the transits, click in the center of the chart on the Tr. A window
will be displayed with the degrees of the planets as well as the nakshatra the planet is in. To
calculate the transits for a given date/time, just enter the date and time where provided and click on
calculate. The Transits use the default location, if your default location is not in the Atlas then the
Time Zone and DST for the transits will have to be entered manually. Since the transits are
calculated for the default location, the lagna will only be accurate for your default place. If you want
to find the transiting lagna for other places you will have to change your Default Place.

Note: the Transit interactive features are only available when the chart is displayed in the 6 small
squares in the main screen.

Currently all the ShodasaVargas as well as the Pancamsa and two Trimsamsas will be found here.
Click on the desired Varga and it will be displayed on your screen. One of the Trimsamsas is the
commonly used one derived by dividing a rasi into five parts. The other is derived by dividing the
rasi into 30 parts.

Clicking on the button in the center of any of the Shodasavargas chart will bring up a table with the
dignities, Jagradadi and Baladi Avastahs and the the Varga deities.

Note: these special interactive features are only available when the varga charts are displayed in
one of the squares on the screen, not when the Vargas are pulled up as floating windows.


Clicking on the center of any of the Chalita Bhava Charts (SRiP, Alcb, Reg, etc.) brings up a window
with the house cusps, beginning and ending of the houses, and the nakshatra, lord and sub-lord of
the houses cusps.


As a general rule, secondary tables, charts or information relevant to the screen or chart can be
brought up by clicking wherever there is an underlined word or planetary glyph or where the
heading is in YELLOW. So always click on any underlined words or glyphs or on yellow headings, it
will bring up other important information. Also- clicking on the center of some of the charts (where
the name of the chart is and you see a button) brings up secondary information.

Before printing set your print Options by going to OPTIONS and selecting PRINT. Choose COLOR, if
you would like to make color printouts. Choose BLACK AND WHITE if you have a color printer, but
want to print in black and white, or if your printer is black and white only.

Customize Kala

You can easily go through and customize the major options in Kala by going to your Options Menu,
and select Customize Kala. Kala will also run you through the customization when you start Kala the
first time.

With the push of a button Kala would let you set calculation options that are recommended by some
of the following Astrology teachers/schools. Just remember, you can always change any of these
settings to your preference by going to “Options->Calculation Options” or “Options->Chart/Screen

Ernst Wilhelm Recommendations

Ayanamsa: Dhruva Galactic Center, Middle of Mula

Tropical Rasis, Sidereal Nakshatras

Dhruva Equatorial Longitude for Nakshatra Positions

Interpolated True Node

YearLength for Nakshatra Dasas: 359.0167 days Nakshatra

YearLength for Rasi Dasas: 365.2422 days Saura

House System: Campanus

HouseCusps: Middle of House

PranaPada/BhavaLagna/HoraLagna/GhatikaLagna for Yamakoti

Muhurta (Tithyamsa) as part of tithi

Vara/Hora/Nadika for Yamakoti

Moon/Mercury Debilitation: Moon 0-3 Scorpio/Mercury 0-15 Pisces

Combustion: Surya Siddhanta Method

Search Yogas with: Rasi Aspects

Varshaphala: Exact Aspectual Values

Calculate Temporal Friendships from Rasi Chart

Square South Indian Style Charts

Outer Planets: No

Planetary Glyphs: No

Show BhavaChalita Cusps in Charts

Dirah Recommendations 'system Dirah'

Ayanamsa: Lahiri

Sidereal Rasis, Sidereal Nakshatras

True node

YearLength for Nakshatra Dasas: 365.2422 days Saura

YearLength for Rasi Dasas: 365.2422 days Saura

House System: Sripati

HouseCusps: Beginning of House

PranaPada/BhavaLagna/HoraLagna/GhatikaLagna for Yamakoti

Muhurta (Tithyamsa) as part of tithi

Vara/Hora/Nadika for Yamakoti

Moon/Mercury Debilitation: Moon all of Scorpio, Mercury all of Pisces.

Combustion: Contemporary Method

Search Yogas with: Planetary Aspects

Varshaphala: Exact Aspectual Values

Square South Indian Style Charts

Outer Planets: Yes

Planetary Glyphs: Yes

Astrovedic Recommendations
Ayanamsa: Lahiri

Sidereal Rasis, Sidereal Nakshatras

Mean node

YearLength for Nakshatra Dasas: 365.2422 days Saura

YearLength for Rasi Dasas: 365.2422 days Saura

House System: Sripati

HouseCusps: Middle of House

PranaPada/BhavaLagna/HoraLagna/GhatikaLagna for Local Place

Muhurta (Tithyamsa) as part of tithi

Vara/Hora/Nadika for Local Place

Moon/Mercury Debilitation: Moon all of Scorpio, Mercury all of Pisces.

Combustion: Contemporary Method

Search Yogas with: Planetary Aspects

Varshaphala: Exact Aspectual Values

Square South Indian Style Charts

Outer Planets: No

Planetary Glyphs: No
Kala provides both North and South Indian style charts as well as western style round wheels. To
easily change from North style to South style or Round, simply press the F2 key. This allows you to
easily change styles in order to easily accommodate others who may use a different style then you
do. Note: If the Planetary Details Table or the Dasa Table is activated pressing the F2 key will have
no effect on changing the chart styles, you will first have to reactivate the charts window by clicking
anywhere on it with the mouse, then the F2 key will function as normal.

Kala contains several sidereal ayanamsas as well as a user defined function. To Set the Ayanamsa to
your preference: Go to OPTIONS on the Menu Bar. Select Calculation Options and then select the
Ayanamsa tab. Select the ayanamsa you would like to use, select OK. If you want to define your own
ayanamsa, then enter a Date and the ayanamsa value at that date.

On the Ayanamsa Options you will find a “Use Tropical Rasis with the Above Ayanamsa for
Nakshatras,” which is if you want to see the tropical Rasis. You also have the option of calculating
the Nakshatras equatorially (Dhruva Equatorial) or with polar longitudes (Dhruva Ecliptic).

It is important that you select the default place for where you are at, as all transits, and such things
are calculated by default for that location. To set your default place (usually the place where you
are), go to the Options Menu, select Set Default Place, type in your city and click on the city when it
comes up in the Atlas. Then click on the Set as Default Place button to save the information.

Several calculation options are available:

Kala offers the traditional True and Mean node calculations. Additionally a new node option is
offered: Interpolated True Node as conceived by Astrologer, Astronomer and Sanskrit Scholar
Dieter Koch. The concept of the Interpolated True Node is that in the conventional True Node
calculation the nodes are really only true twice a month, at the times that the Moon crosses the
ecliptic. In-between these times the positions are completely hypothetical. Thus instead of follow
the true node hypothesis, the node is interpolated between the true node passages of when the
Moon crosses the ecliptic. This has the advantage of removing the direct motion of Rahu and Ketu
and perhaps providing a more precise position of the nodes – research over the next couple of years
will determine if indeed this new calculation is more accurate. This differs from the Mean Node
calculation in that with the Mean Node calculation the Moon may be exactly conjunct a node but not
have 0 latitude.

Trimsamsa Used in Calculations, for calculating ShadBala, and Subha and Asubhankas you can select
to use a Trimsamsa based on dividing the rasi into 5 portions allotted to the five starry planets, or a
Trimsamsa calculated by dividing the rasi into 30 portions following the same principle as navamsa

Planets can be calculated Geocentrically- from the Center of the Earth, or Topocentrically- from the
surface of the Earth. If you want to use the Lunar Parallax, choose Topocentric.

Fatal Degrees for the Moon can be calculated as per Phaladeepika or Saravali. The Saravali method
is the same as other methods choose for the Lagna, so the Phaladeepika method is recommend and
has proven itself through research.

The Solar Sanskrantis can be selected according to the Saura month or according to the Sidereal
Rasis. The Saura month method is the correct method and the only method that is presented in the
ancient texts and the method that is law in India, however, most modern astrologers use the
incorrect Sidereal method due to lack of astronomical knowledge.

Dasa Length- four dasa year lengths are available. Three from the Surya Siddhanta- the Saura Year of
the Sun’s motion through the tropics, the Savana Year of 360 sunrises and the Nakshatra Year of 360
earthly revolutions, and the sidereal year. Different year length options are available for Nakshatra
and Rasi Dasas.

The Bhava, Hora and Ghatika Lagna can be calculated for the ancient Prime Meridian at Yamakoti, or
for the local place. Brihat Parashara recommends their calculation at the Prime Meridian. In fact,
these lagnas cannot be calculated for the local place for places north or south of the polar circles.

The Vara (weekday), Hora (24th part of the Vara) and the Nadika (60th part of the Vara) can be
calculated for the ancient Prime Meridian at Yamakoti or for the local place. All the ancient
astronomical works, as well as the Muhurta books, calculate these for Prime Meridian, not the local
place as is currently the practice. The Vara, Hora and Nadika are used extensively in the Muhurta
The Muhurta, or 30th part of the day, can be calculated for the lunar day (the tithi), or for the local
day of sunrise to sunrise.

Gulika and related UpaGrahas can be calculated from the beginning of their portion or the ending of
their portion.

Yogas can be searched for using Planetary Aspects or Rasi Aspects.

Several different House systems can be selected from. These house systems are known as Bhava
Chalita. Additionally, the house cusps can be selected as the middle of the house (traditional
method) or as the beginning of the house (Western and KP method).

Nakshatra Dasas can be calculated from the Moon, the Lagna or any other planet.

Temporal Friendships between the planets can be determined in the Rasi chart and carried over
into the other Vargas or calculated for each individual Varga.

For selecting the Year Lord in Varshaphala either simple aspects can be used or better yet, the Exact
Aspectual Value.

Combustion of planets can be determined in one of two ways. Either using the contemporary
method of zodiacal degrees, or by using the explicit method of calculation specified by Varaha
Mihira and the Surya Siddhanta. This method requires very involved calculations for which reason
astrologers at some point began to approximate combustion by using zodiacal degrees, but now
with computers available to us there is no reason to not use the method endorsed by Varaha Mihira
and Surya Siddhanta.

Here you can select to view the outer planets, but it is easier to do by simply pushing the F8 Key.

You can also choose your chart style North, South or Round, but it is easier to do this simply by
pushing the F2 key.
If you want to see the Special Lagnas (Bhava, Hora and Ghatika Lagna) in the Vargas- select the
appropriate box.

There are options to select any Asteroids that you may want to display in the chart.

You can select the screen that you want Kala to automatically open the chart up to. The default
screen is the Main Screen, but select the screen that you find yourself using the most.

You can select to show the Lagna on the left in the Animated Transits, Compatibility Screen
(Western method) and the Sudarsana Chakra, or on the top (Indian method).

You can show the Bhava Equal Houses or the Bhava Chalita Houses in the Animated Transits screen.

You can show all nine conditional Nakshatra Dasas in the Dasa menu or only the Dashas that apply
to the chart in question.

If you want to see the rasi names in the South Indian chart, select the “Show rasi names in South
Indian Chart.”

Here you can select to view the degrees in the Vargas and to show the Nakshatras that the planets
are in in the Rasi Chart.

You also have the option of showing a large Round Bhava wheel on the Varshaphala and Bhava
Chalita Screens which is a special wheel showing Rasis, Bhavas and Tajika Aspects – basically a
round type wheel with aspects as used by western astrologers.

Show Padas as Rasis: By default the Padas are shown as number 1-12 for Rasis 1-12 counted from
the Lagna. Clicking on this checkbox shows the Padas as Rasis Aries-Pisces, rather than as Bhavas.

Show House Numbers in South India Chart: Selecting this checkbox allows you to see the house
numbers 1-12 in the South Indian Chart for Rasis 1-12 as counted from the Lagna.

Here you can change the font type, or font size. You can also use Kala’s astrological glyphs by simply
checking the “Use Kala Glyphs for Planets and Rasis” box.

You can now use this font in your word processor as well. Lower case letters a, b, c, etc. are the fonts
for the Rasis beginning from Aries. Upper case letters from A, B, C, etc. are for the Planets beginning
from the Sun, Moon, Mars, etc.

Here you can change the colors used for the planets, signs, and charts.
Print Options allows you to choose Black and White or Color printing.

In your custom printouts you can choose to put your “signature.” Here you can put in your Name,
and contact information so that it will appear on your custom printouts.

Kala features several languages: English, German, Russian, French, Spanish and Hungarian. To
change the language, make sure all the charts are closed, go to File, select Languages, and then
choose the language.

For technical support or questions? Please call 760-420-5648, or e-mail

Pop Ups are larger tables that you can view by selecting them from the main menu that you access
by Right clicking on the screen. Currently Pop-Ups contains:


Tables showing the sensitive Ashtakavarga transit places from each of the Planets and the Lagna.
The transits of planets through the given Rasis and Nakshatras will effect the Bhava as counted from
the Planet in question. Please See the Free Kala MP3 Classes on these techniques at

A large table containing all the Shad Bala information.

A small notepad where you can write an unlimited amount of text. The Notes are automatically

Subha/Asubha Yogas are calculated in Virupas as shown in the two books by Ernst Wilhelm- Vault
of the Heavens and Core Yogas.

Aspects of Time (Kala) calculated for the natal chart. Here you will find the Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra,
Yoga, Lunar Month, Hora, Karana, Muhurta, Nadika, Vela, etc. that the person was born under.

The Vimshopaka of each planet is calculated. The Vaisheshikamsas, or divisional dignities of the
planets are shown on the bottom half of the table.
A table which conveniently shows the Yogada points of Jaimini’s Raja Yogas to the lagna and 7 th
Bhava and to the Bhava, Hora and Ghatika Lagnas. These are the key yogas to examine for predicting
elections and level of success in life.


The Yogas Menu offers searches for yogas and planetary placements in a horoscope. Currently Kala
offers the following searches:


Effects from Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra of each of the 12th Lords placed in each of the 12 Rasis
as counted from the Lagna. Translations by Ernst Wilhelm.

Over 100 combinations that have an important bearing on the results of nakshatra dasas like
Vimshottari Dasa. Many subtle rules for interpreting Vimshottari Dasa are being given here from the
classical texts.

All the Yogas from the book by Ernst Wilhelm- Core Yoga, except the Nabhasa Yogas. The important
beneficial named yogas from over 30 texts. Yogas such as Saraswati Yoga, Gajekesari Yoga, Matsya
Yoga, Lakshmi Yoga, etc. And the important named ruinous yogas that give downfall, poverty, and
humiliation. About 200 yogas.


700 yogas from over 30 texts for illnesses and accidents.

Yogas for Short, Medium and Long Life. Short is upto 36, Medium is 36-72 years of age, long is 72+
years of age.
Over 400 yogas relevant to marriage and the sexual nature of the native from over 30 classical texts.

A compilation of yogas from over 30 texts indicating mental illness and related disorders.

Results of Lagnas according to Jataka Parijata.

Planets in Rasis according to Brihat Jataka.

Planets in Houses according to Brihat Jataka and also from Hora Sara.

House Lords in Houses according to Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra.

Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six Planet Conjunctions according to Saravali and Hora Sara.

Planets in the Rasis Aspected by Other Planets according to Saravali.

The Moon's Nakshatra according to Brihat Jataka.

From Vault of the Heavens- A Treatise on Vedic Astrology, by Ernst Wilhelm.

Results of Lagnas.

Rahu and Ketu in the Rasis and Houses.

Rahu and Ketu Joining and Aspecting Other Planets.

Results of Combust Planets.

Results of Exalted and Debilitated Planets.


Symbolic and detailed meanings of house lords for the different lagnas from Vault of the Heavens- A
Treatise on Vedic Astrology, by Ernst Wilhelm.

Yogas from over 30 texts pertaining to whether a native does spiritual karmas, meditation, etc. as
well as special Yogas that indicate understanding and intelligence.

Yogas can be searched for using Planetary Aspect or Rasi Aspect. The default is Rasi Aspects. The
change the type of aspects to search for, go to Options, and select Calculation Options. “Under
Search for Yogas with,” select either Rasi Aspects or Planetary Aspects.

This screen allows you to see a large south Indian chart on the right and a north Indian on the left.
Changing any one of those large charts will update both. Change by right clicking on the center
button of the chart. Any charts selected for the space under the south Indian chart will come up as
south Indian. Any charts selected for the space under the north Indian chart will come up as North


In this screen you will find all the calculations pertaining to the Avasthas provided by Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra to judge a horoscope and its Bhavas. Please visit
for classes on using the techniques on this screen. There are three options for this screen.
Calculations can use Shad Bala; calculations can use Shadbala as modified by Jagradaadi and Balaadi
Avasthas; or calculation options can use Vimshopaka values. The recommended is simply using
ShadBala. To change options, select Alt+a.


In this screen you will find all the calculations pertaining to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra's Ishta &
Kashta, Subha & Asubha Phala and Dig Bala useful in Judging Yogas. Please visit for classes on using the techniques on this screen.

Animated Transits Screen

Transits are easily seen with Kala’s transit screen. Under Screens go to Transits to view the
animated transits.
The planets in the inner circle are the birth planets. The planets in the outer circle are the transiting
planets. The roman numerals are the Equal House house cusps.

A line is drawn from the transiting planet to the planets in the birth chart when they aspect or are in
a trine to the planets in the birth chart. The orb of influence is dependent upon the transiting planet
being in the same navamsa (3 degrees 20 minutes) portion of the rasi. This is the method advocated
in Phaladeepika.

Three Buttons in the Upper Left Hand Corner allow you to have the Lagna, Chandra Lagna or Aries
on the Left. When Chandra Lagna is on the left, the house cusps shown will be from Chandra Lagna.

The planetary details of the transits are shown in the upper right hand section of the screen.


Ashtakavarga details and the Tara Bala are in the middle left of the screen. The Tara Bala is from the
Moon in the Birth Chart.

A navamsa chart of the transiting planets and transiting lagna are at the lower left portion of the

Five levels of Vimshottari dasa are shown below the Set Date button.

Transit Speed

The transit speed is selected by one of seven buttons along the bottom left of the screen:

Real Time: Transits for you current system time.

Minutely: Transits updated every minute.

Hourly: Transits updated every hour.

Daily: Transits updated every day.

Weekly: Transits updated every 7 days.

Monthly: Transits updated every 30 days.

Yearly: Transits updated every 365 days.

The selected speed is indicated by the Orange button.

Transits can also be selected for any specific date by clicking on the Set Date button. Here you can
also select the place. If the place the in the Atlas, DST changes will be automatically updated.

Transits are regularly viewed from the Default Place as chosen by the Set Default Place button on
the Birth Data Entry Screen.

Control buttons are directly under the transit wheel.

Backward: Moves the transits backward in time one click at a time. This option does not work in
Real Time.

Forward: Moves the transits forward in time one click at a time. This option does not work in Real

Fast Forward: Moves the transits forward until the Pause button is pushed. This option does not
work in Real Time.

Fast Backward: Moves the transits backward until the Pause button is pushed. This option does not
work in Real Time.

Pause: Stops and starts the transits.

Transits Calendar: Jumps directly to the Transits Calendar Screen.

In the center of the Transit Wheel is a Gochara Report Button that, when selected, will generate a
Gochara Report of the classical results of the planets transiting from the Moon, along with the Vedha
and Vipareet Vedhas. This is a great technique that will easily allow you to see the Ups and Downs.
The Gochara Report is generated for the date and time that the Transit Wheel is at. Please See the
Free Kala MP3 Classes on Gocara at

The AshtakaVarga Screen displays nine AshtakaVarga tables for the planets, lagna and sarva
ashtakavarga, complete with reductions. On the right of each table are the Kaksya Degrees of each
Rasi. The Rasi in which the planet is placed has an * next to it. On the right side of the screen is a
yearly table of the periods during which the planets (not including Moon, Rahu or Ketu) are in a
particular Rasi. The sign as counted from the planet itself is given as well as the Bindus for that sign.
The year can be selected at the bottom of the table. How to use this technique will be shown in a
video that you can find on youtube, just search “Ernst Wilhelm Ashtakavarga” to find the video.

Clicking on the yellow corner of the tables displays the Rasi Pinda, Graha Pinda and Yoga Pinda in
addition to several other Ashtakavarga calculations.

On the upper right are the important Ages for the planet in question which will be years when that
planet’s natural indications become more prominent in the individual’s life. The years of Saturn, for
instance, will be years when illness or death may likely threaten.

Below the ages is a table, “Important Transit Places for Rasis from …” This table gives the Rasis and
Nakshatras the transits through which a planet will influence the planet and it house. Taking, for
example, Jupiter’s Ashtakavarga. Jupiter represents children, the 5th from Jupiter also represents
children. The Rasi and Nakshatra under the 5th Bhava from Jupiter will be sensitive for children.
Saturn transiting these will cause difficulties to the children. Jupiter transiting can indicate the birth
of a child and the Sun transiting the Rasi can indicate the Saura (tropical) month of the child’s birth.

Below the table are given the effects of the planet according to the ancient texts for the Rasis it is in
with the Bindus it receives.

Finally, auspicious directions based on Ashtakavarga calculations are given.

Please See the Free Kala MP3 Classes on these techniques at

Remember, you can also RIGHT click on the AshtakaVarga Screen and the Menu will appear where
you can select any chart or table.

In the calculation options, under the menu Options/Calculation Options you can select to use
Varhamihira or Parashara Ashtakavarga calculations.

Compatibility Module Screen

Kala has a very extensive Compatibility Module. When you go to the Compatibility Module, which is
under the Screens Menu, a File Open box will appear from which you must choose the chart to make
the comparison with.

The Planets, etc for the First Chart opened is in Blue, while the Planets, etc. for the Chart that is
being selected to compare with the First Chart are in Green.

Following are the Compatibility Features:

This traditional method of horoscope comparison is centered on the Moons of the couple. Several
different considerations are looked into between the Moons. The traditional method has been
expanded to include the other planets as well, each of these other planets indicating greater or
lesser compatibility in respect to those qualities and traits that those planets represent. The Moons
are the fulcrum of the compatibility, if they are in order the relationship has possibilities, any of the
other planets not in order will only cause stress on one level. If on the other hand, all the planets
except for the Moons are in order, the relationship will still be difficult on all levels, and eventually a

The beauty of the Vedic compatibility is that it is based upon a deep understanding of the
masculine/feminine dynamics that are part and parcel of every human relationship. Studying and
applying the various techniques will greatly facilitate our understanding of how men and women
can truly get along.

If compatibility is being done for a partnership, etc. that is not centered on marriage or romance,
then the karaka planet for the type of relationship becomes very important to examine. In this case
the native who is the drive, initiative, or who has the final say should be considered the “male” in the
relationship, and the other the female.

The traditional Kutas are calculated for all the planets and not just the Moon. While the Moon
is the most important- the Kutas of the other planets will reveal those areas in which the
couple are more or less compatible. The exceptions for all the Kutas are also calculated,
without which it is not possible to make effective use of the Kutas.
To learn more about each of the individual Kutas, simply click on the name of the Kuta in the
compatibility screen and a window will be displayed with a description and effect of the Kuta.

The exceptions are calculated and listed as #1, #2, etc. in the event that they are present. To
see what the exception actually is, click on the name of the Kuta and look for the appropriate

IMPORTANT: You have to have the correct sex of people entered in the data entry screen or else the
Kutas will be calculated incorrectly. If a compatibility is being done for same sex partners, then that
person to whom it is more important to be respected for what they do and what they think should
be considered the male, and that person to whom it is more important to be respected for
themselves and for their feelings should be considered the female. Simply change the sex of the
persons as necessary in the Edit Birth Data window before running the compatibility, or do the
compatibility from the chart of the more masculine partner, the open chart is always considered the
male in the event that the sex of both people are the same.

An extensive Kuta Report on the Moon is available by clicking on the Kuta Report button on the
bottom right of the screen.


To Compare a different horoscope, in the Menu box on the bottom right of the screen, there is a
yellow box around one of the names, clicking on this box will bring up a File Open box from which
you can select another chart.

You can compare one persons rasi chart to the other’s rasi or navamsa chart, and the navamsa of
one to the navamsa of the other simply by clicking on the Rasi or Navamsa boxes on the bottom
right of the screen. On the upper left of the screen are three buttons with which you can select the
Lagna from the outer chart, the lagna from the inner chart of Aries to be on the left.

A composite chart is calculated by clicking on the Composite Chart Button on the bottom right of the
A Davidson chart is calculated by finding the mid date between the birth dates of the couple and by
finding the mid longitude and latitudes.

Planetary aspects are shown in Virupas from one persons planets onto the others- these aspects are
one way. Clicking on the Yellow bar on top of the aspect table will show the aspects from the
other person’s planets. The aspects shown are between the charts as selected in the menu on the
bottom right of the screen- you can see aspects between the rasis, the navamsas, or the navamsa
and rasi, or in the composite chart.

Tajika- Western style aspects are shown in the table with the traditional prediction tested orbs- Sun
15-degrees, Moon 12-degrees, Mars 8-degrees, Mercury 7-degrees, Jupiter 9-degrees, Venus
7-degrees and Saturn 9-degrees. Outer planets are given a 9-degree orb. The aspects are calculated
by taking the average of the two aspecting planet’s orbs.


A table of one person’s planets falling in the others houses with ashtakavarga points, Kaksha and
Tara is given. Clicking on the Yellow Title Bar on the top of the chart shows the other persons
planets falling in the other’s chart.

To print compatibility charts or Kutas simply go to the Print Menu and print what you want from
the Compatibility menu. Just be sure you have selected the horoscope, in the Compatibility Screen,
that you want to print the comparison with.


The Jaimini Screen consists of a large Rasi Chart on the upper left with a button in the middle of it
and several Jaimini Relevant tables. Right Clicking on the button in the center of the chart will pull
up a menu where you can select any Varga. The corresponding tables will be for the selected Varga.
This allows you to easily examine each Varga with Jaimini Techniques without having to change
several charts/tables. Just one click will do it.

Prathama Prana is Jaimini’s First Strength which is important for determining the strong rasis and

Dvitiya Prana is Jaimini’s second strength which is based on the productive capacity of a Rasi. The
rasi aspected or conjunct by its lord, Jupiter or Mercury becomes a bigger producer.

Tritiya Prana is Jaimini’s Third Strength which reveals the stronger Bhava lords in the selected
Varga. The Bhava lords on Angles from the Atmakaraka are the Strongest. The Bhava lords in the 2 nd,
5th, 8th or 11th from the Atmakaraka are the second strongest. Bhava lords in the 3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th
are the weakest.

Bhava, Hora and Ghatika Lagnas are given and are important for determining special Jaimini Raja

A small chart giving the Padas (1P, 2P, 3P, etc.) is also provided along with a Cara Karaka table.


Kala’s Muhurta Module is very involved and designed for the serious astrologer to really find the
best moment to perform some activity. More Muhurta factors have been programmed into Kala’s
Muhurta Module than in any other software. Please See the Free Kala MP3 Classes on the Muhurta
Module at
The bottom of the screen gives a monthly time line showing the favorable and unfavorable
Nakshatras, Karanas, Tara, Yoga and Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yogas for the event selected.

Green is favorable, red is unfavorable and yellow is middling. Lining up the favorable marks on the
time lines allows you to quickly and easily find the best days available during any month.

In respect to the Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yogas- VTN (Yogas in the Graph). Vara Tithi Nakshatra
Yogas are the most important factor in Muhurta. A Nakshatra, Vara, or Tithi that is normally
favorable for an event becomes unfavorable if it forms an unfavorable Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yoga.
On the other hand, an unfavorable Nakshatra, Vara or Tithi becomes favorable if taking part in a
favorable Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yoga. Periods during which a favorable Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra Yoga
is running are shown in green. Also, if a favorable yoga formed by all three of Vara, Tithi and
Nakshatra is running and at the same time an unfavorable Vara Nakshatra Yoga, or unfavorable
Vara Tithi Yoga is running the graph will show green since a yoga formed by all three of Vara, Tithi
and Nakshatra will always override the effects of a yoga formed by only a Vara and Nakshatra or
Vara and Tithi. Similarly, if an unfavorable yoga formed by all three of Vara, Tithi and Nakshatra is
running and at the same time a favorable Vara Nakshatra Yoga, or unfavorable Vara Tithi Yoga is
running the graph will show red. If a favorable yoga formed by a Vara and Nakshatra or Vara and
Tithi is running at the same time as an unfavorable yoga formed by a Vara Tithi or Vara and
Nakshatra, the graph will show yellow, for mixed. If no Vara/Tithi/Nakshatra yoga is running the
graph will show white.

The top part of the screen gives a rasi chart, two small charts and a table of extensive Muhurta

Right Clicking on the two small charts brings up a menu of Muhurta charts and tables which you can
select from. Right clicking anywhere else on the screen brings up the standard menu for natal charts
and tables.

To use the Muhurta Module, first select the event by clicking on the top button on the control panel
at the right of the screen. This sets the time line at the bottom of the screen for the event that you
are searching for a Muhurta for.

The Muhurta Guidelines button on the control panel brings up the guidelines for the event in
question, so that you know what to look for.
If the event is not to take place at the default place that you have set, click on the Select Time and
Place button and set the place at which the event is planned to take place.

The first thing to do is to select the best day in the month. Do this by studying the time lines at the
bottom. Clicking on the time lines sets the upper part of the screen to midnight at that day. You can
change the month by clicking on the arrows next to the month/year at the left of the time line. You
can change the year by clicking on the button with the month/year on it.

On the timeline the days of the week are not the astronomical days of the week, but the modern
days of the week. To see the true Vara (weekday) simply look at the table in the middle of the
Muhurta Screen.

After selecting the best day in a month, search the day by clicking on the up and down buttons
labeled Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Karana, Lagna, Navamsa, Hora, Muhurta, Nadi, and Minutes. Clicking
the up button changes the time to the very beginning of the next Vara, Tithi, Navamsa, etc.
depending upon the button clicked. Clicking the down button changes the time to the very end of the
next Vara, Tithi, Karana, etc. Changing the time this way instead of with modern days, hours, etc.
allows you to more quickly find the favorable Vara, Tithi, Karana, Lagna, etc. If you want to go up or
down hour by hour, click on the Hora buttons, which are equivalent to an hour.

After finding a chart that you are happy with, click on the Doshas and Neutralizations button on the
control panel to see if there are any unfavorable Muhurta Blemishes present. All the blemishes from
the classical Muhurta texts will instantly be searched for. Then click on the Special Considerations
button to see if there are any especially favorable or unfavorable factors present for the specific
event for which you are searching for a muhurta.

After finding a favorable muhurta, or if you want to take a break, click on the Save button on the
control panel to save the date and time chosen. At a later point you can go back to this day and time
by clicking on the open button.

Muhurta is very involved and this Muhurta Module has a lot to offer and extensive calculations. To
use it top its capacity you have to understand Muhurta and then you will be able to very quickly find
a favorable Muhurta. Ernst Wilhelm’s Muhurta book, Classical Muhurta, available at or 760-420-5648 is recommended and will cover each and every factor
that is in the Muhurta Module. Video classes covering the book are also available.

The Muhurta Helper searches over 100 factors and comes up with favorable muhurtas. To use the
Muhurta Helper, first select the event you are searching for by clicking on the top event selector
button. Then click the Muhurta Helper and select your time frame and begin searching. After search
results come up, you can click on the search results to set the Muhurta Module to that time and
make the final examination of the Muhurta. The parameters for choosing the favorable Muhurtas are
customizable. Go to the Options Menu, select Muhurta Helper. You can then change the default
values as you see fit.

To see the astrological factors that are present at the moment and taken into account to arrive at the
Muhurta point score, click on the point value box in the lower right hand corner of the Muhurta
control panel.

You can print the Muhurta screen by clicking on the Print button on the control panel.


Kala’s Prasna Module is designed to help you answer questions and do readings based upon a
horoscope cast for the moment of the question. Prasna is a life long study in itself, there are very few
Prasna Masters these days, we hope that this Prasna Module will assist one in learning classical

Please See the Free Kala MP3 Classes on Prasna at

The Prasna Module is located in the SCREENS menu. After entering the time of the question in the
regular Birth Entry screen and calculating the horoscope go to the Prasna Module Screen. Here you
will find the following:
A large Rasi chart, the Navamsa, Drekkana, and Bhava Chart.

A one year dasa for use in Prasna. This Dasa is basically a one year “Vimshottari dasa,” calculated
from the Moon.

A list of important Sphutas used in Prasna from Prasna Marga.

A table with the Chandra Kriya, Chandra Vela, Chandra Avastha and the Hora lord at the time of the
question. These are all helpful snap shot prasna tools, that can also reveal a lot about the nature of
the query. These are also applicable to the birth chart as well so you may want to check these for
natal charts as well.

A SELECT ARUDHA button. The Arudha is an important point used in prasna, it is determined by the
direction the questioner is in. If this is not possible it is found by the querent placing a coin on a
wheel divided into 12 parts. To Select the Arudha, click on the button, a window will be displayed
where you can select the appropriate Arudha. A wheel is also included where the querent can select
the Arudha. After the Arudha is selected, the Chattira Rasi is calculated. The Arudha and Chattira are
then displayed below the Select Prasna button. The degree of the Arudha matches the degree of the
rising lagna. The Chattira Rasi is another important point used in Prasna, thus in Prasna we have 3
important Lagnas: Rising Lagna, Arudha Lagna and the Chattira. Kala uses all three of the lagnas in
its Prasna searches. However if for some reason you don’t select the Arudha, searches will still be
performed from the Rising Lagna, which alone will reveal plenty of information with which to
perform the reading.

A SELECT PRASNA button. This is the heart of the Prasna Module. After clicking on the button a
menu is displayed with different categories you can choose from. Each of these categories contains a
host of prasna specific yogas that the computer will search for as well as additional techniques and
guidelines that you can perform manually. Not only is the Prasna Module a search tool, it is also a
complete guide to Prasna. We have over 30 categories planned, more will be available with each
version. Two categories require special explanation:

This category has techniques and searches useful for a general reading based on prasna. It can be
used for any prasna to do a complete reading, not just stopping after answering one simple

This category contains general searches to determine the success or failure of the query. It also
specifically searches standard principles of success for each house. You will want to use this one for
any question to check the house governing the question under consideration.

To get the most out of the Prasna Module you will want to do the following:

1. Select the Arudha.

2. View the Success or Failure category after clicking on the SELECT PRASNA button. Especially look
under the House the question pertains to.

3. View the specific category the question relates to and judge the yogas the computer has found.

4. Then, for if you are comfortable will astrology, judge the various techniques and principles the
computer does not search for.

In all categories there are some techniques that the computer doesn’t search for, rather then
exclude these we decided to put them in so that you have all the prasna techniques at your disposal.
These have a heading that states the computer is unable to search for them.

The Prasna Module contains information from the following texts:

Prasna Marga, Prasna Tantra, Shatpancasika, Kalaprakasika, Uttara Kalamitra, Sanketa Nidhi,
Krishnaneeyam, Phaladeepika, Daivagna Vallabha, Gnana Pradeepika, Pragnana Deepika, and
Muhurtha Chintamani.


Here you will find Western type progressions. Click on the center chart "Select Progressions" button
to select the Progression Method.

The Sankranti Screen simply shows the 12 ingresses for the 12 solar months for the year selected in
the Mundane Screen. Sankranti’s are not ingresses into Rasis, they are ingresses into the solar
months. The solar months of Vedic astrology correlate to the tropical signs of western astrology.
There is a tendency for many astrologers to consider the Sankranti’s based on the Rasis, but this is
clearly refuted in the Surya Siddhanta, the authority book on astrological calculations.


In this SCREENS are Sarvatobhadra Chakra calculations as well as the simple to use Dimbha and
Sani Chakras with interpretations given for the Dimbha and Sani Chakras.


Shayanadi Avasthas indicates the effect of the individual's name upon the active strength of the
planets and how this strength changes in accordance with the Dasas.


In the SCREENS on the Menu Bar select SHODASAVARGAS. This brings you to another screen view
containing the 16 divisional charts. The charts are arranged in order of ShadVargas- Rasi, Hora,
Drekkana, Navamsa, Dvadasama, and Trimsamsa; SaptVargas- ShadVargas plus Saptamsa,
DasaVargas- SaptVargas plus Dasamsa, Shodamsa, and Shastiamsa; and ShodosaVargas- DasaVargas
plus Chaturthamsa, Vimsamsa, Chaturvimsamsa, Saptavimsamsa, Khavedamsa and Akshavedamsa.
By organizing them in this way, instead of in numerical order, allows you to easily use the different
groupings (ShadVargas, etc) of Vargas easily.

The Hora Chart, number 2, is an actual chart with all 12 rasis; it is not just a list of which planets fall
in the Hora ruled by the Sun or the Moon. The Hora chart is calculated by rules pointed out in
classical works, and has been proven effective by those who use it. To see the Hora Lords, whether
the planets fall in the Hora ruled by the Sun or the Moon, click on the center of the chart on the
number 2, a window is displayed with the divisional lords.

Remember, you can also RIGHT click on the ShodasaVarga Screen and the Menu will appear where
you can select any chart or table.


The Mundane Module is used to make World Event Predictions. The Mundane Module consists of
the Mundane Screen and the Sankranti Screen. In classical Vedic Astrology mundane predictions are
based upon the planetary positions at the beginning of each year and each month, much like a solar
return. The texts that reveal the proper use of Sankranti’s and world predictions are Kalaprakasika
and Muhurta Chintamani, each which devotes a chapter to it.

Entering Mundane Data: First you need to enter a mundane chart. From the File Menu, select, New
Mundane Chart and enter the city for which you which make predictions. If you which to make
predictions for a country, select the capital city of that country. Then click on Calculate and you will
be brought to the Mundane Screen.

The Mundane Screen consists of a large chart on the left which is the Sankranti, or monthly ingress
chart for the year, which coincides to the moment that the Sun crosses the equator, or the vernal
equinox, which is 00 degrees tropical Aries. This yearly ingress chart reveals the important events
for the year. By clicking on the button in the center of the chart you can view other ingress for the
months of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, etc. and for the Ardra ingress- when the Sun crosses the first
point of Ardra. Whichever chart is selected here is the primary chart for which all other calculations
will be made.
Control Box: You can select the year for which you wish to make predictions by selecting the year
button on the upper middle of the screen or by clicking on the left and right arrows. This box also
shows pertinent Sankranti information, including a description of the Sankranti Devi, which is a
disruptive deity that destroys the things that she is involved with.


The Lords of the year are shown on the right of the screen. You can view the effects of these lords by
clicking on the Results of Lords button. The ill results will be more felt if the lord is in bad shape in
the charts while the good results will be more felt if the lord is in good shape in the charts.

The five small boxes are customizable by right clicking on the screen and pulling up the standard
menu, which is now primed for the ingress time indicated in the control box.


The Sudarshana Chakra has been calculated along with Sudarshana Chakra Dasas and transits for
Dasa beginning dates as instructed in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra.

Sudarshana Chakra is a technique where the chart is looked at simultaneously from the Lagna, Moon
and Sun. Three charts are erected, one inside the other. One chart is from the Lagna, one is from the
Moon and the other from the Sun with the Lagna, Moon and Sun of the three charts all on the left of
the Chakra or on the top as specified in the options. These three charts are shown in the light yellow
with the planets in blue. The inner chart is from the Lagna, the middle chart from the Moon and the
outer chart from the Sun. In the light brown sections with colored planets are seen the transiting
planets for the beginning date of any selected Dasa.

Dasas are calculated by the Dasa of the 1st house being one year, the dasa of the second house being
the second year and so on. After 12 years the dasa repeats itself. Antardasas are each 1 month long.
Dasas are always used in accordance with the transits, thus when you click on a dasa period, the
transits will update to that time.
I will have a class available on using the Sudarshana Chakra soon, please visit Kala’s website at


Tara is the number of a Nakshatra as counted from the Moon. Complete predictions can be made
with Vimshottari Dasa and Nakshatras alone with no need to use Rasis or Bhavas. These techniques
are particularly useful when the time of birth is not accurate. The technique, while not all that
difficult, is to involved to attempt to explain here. Please see my Nakshatras course, available at if you are interested in learning the technique.


Kala’s Transit Calendar reveals a wealth of transit information at a glance.

The top part of the screen shows the Gochara of the seven planets from the Rasi of the natal Moon.
With this graph you can easily see a month of ups and downs. The planets represented by the colors
on the graph that are above the time line are those planets that are in favorable places from the
natal Moon and not obstructed. The planets represented by the colors on the graph that are below
the time line are those planets that are in unfavorable places from the natal Moon, without being
obstructed. The initials of the planets both below and above the bar graph are those planets that are
either in unfavorable places and obstructed or in favorable places and obstructed. Clicking on the
date in the time line brings up the Gochara report for that day at noon. Please See the Free Kala MP3
Classes on Gocara at to help you get the most out of this part of Kala.

The bottom part of the screen gives a calendar with many symbols in it. These symbols represent
different “trigger transits.” Trigger transits are those transits that trigger an event, with which the
astrologer times an event to the day. The trigger transits in the calendar are those given by
Phaladeepika namely:
Transits bringing together the lagna, the house, their lords, or the karaka trigger events:

Transits of the Lagna Lord

1. When the lagna lord joins, transits in trine or aspects the house lord.
2. When the lagna lord joins, transits in trine or aspects the karaka.
3. When the lagna lord joins the house cusp.

Transits of the House Lord

4. When the lord of the house joins, transits in trines or aspects the lagna lord.
5. When the house lord joins, transits in trine or aspects the karaka.
6. When the house lord joins the lagna cusp.

Transits of the Karaka

7. When the karaka joins, transits in trine or aspects the lagna lord.
8. When the karaka joins, transits in trine or aspects the house lord.
9. When the karaka joins the lagna.
10. When the karaka joins the concerned house cusp.

Transits of Jupiter

11. Jupiter joining, transiting in trine, or aspecting the lord of the house.
12. Jupiter joining, transiting in trine, or aspecting the karaka.
13. Jupiter joining the house cusp.

Transiting Planets in the Heavens

14. When the transiting lagna lord and transiting house lord conjoin, aspect, or trine in the
15. When the transiting karaka and the transiting lagna lord conjoin, aspect, or trine in the
16. When the transiting karaka and the transiting louse lord conjoin, aspect, or trine in the

Consider this from both the lagna and Chandra Lagna.

When one of these trigger transits occurs, and when the Dasa, Antardasa and Pratyantar are
favorable for the event, the event happens. Though there are many, many different trigger transits
mentioned in the classical astrology texts, these are the one’s that have the most wide spread use.

The transits indicated by the symbols are explained on the right hand column. Thus the heart
symbol followed by 7th/Venus indicates one of the above-mentioned transits bringing together the
7th and Venus, the 7th and lagna or the lagna and 7th, which would indicated a romantic event.
Clicking on the calendar for any day transfers you to the Animated Transits wheel, where you can
see the transits on that day. Once you are at the Animated Transits wheel, you can return to the
Transits Calendar by clicking on the Transits Calendar button.

For better learning the techniques in the Transit Calendar, video and audiocassette classes are
available from or 760-420-5648.

Kala’s Varshaphal calculations are the most complete available. The screen consists of a large chart
for the varshaphal year. Planetary details for the varshaphal year. Varshaphal Dasas. A navamsa and
Sri Pati chart for the varshaphal year, and a table showing the Tajika Apects. The age, year, muntha,
year lord, and panchadhikaris. A Sahams button, and a Select Year Button. You can also select
monthly Solar Returns, or Masaphala charts.

Right clicking anywhere on the Varshaphal Screen brings up the Main Menu where you can select
any chart or table from the birth chart to appear in a moveable window.

Select Year
Simply click the Select Year button and enter the age you want to view the varshaphal for.

Simply click the Sahams button to view the Sahams. If you want to see the Sahams for the birth chart
simply enter 0 for the age in the Select Year box. The Sahams are also printed on the Varshaphal
printout. On the Sahams page you will find three columns: Bhava: Saham – Lord, which are the
degrees from the lord of the Saham to the Saham in House degrees; Saham – Lord, which are the
degrees from the Saham lord to the Saham; and Saham – Lord x Rising, which are the degrees from
the Saham lord to the Saham as multiplied by the rising time of the Saham’s Rasi. These are used for
the Timing of Sahams. Each degree represents one day since the start of the Varshaphala and
indicates the likely day the effects of the Saham will be realized. The degrees/days and the date are
given in the column. Also in the table you will find the aspectual strength of the Saham lord to the
Lagna, the greater the strength the more significant the Saham. You will also find the aspects of the
planets to the Saham. The Hadda of the Saham is also given, which is important as the Saham will
often give its effects during the Hadda Dasa of its lord.

Four dasas are calculated. A one year Vimshottari Dasa which uses the Varshaphal Moon to calculate
the dasas. Mudda Dasa which uses the birth Moon to determine the dasas. Patyanini Dasa, which is
based on the degrees of the planets in the Varshaphal. Hadda Dasa which is based on the Hadda of
the Lagna. To select the desired dasa, left click on the yellow dasa name on the upper left corner of
the Dasa window and a window will appear with the available dasas.

The year lord is determined with the Moon considered as a contender for year lord. Some
authorities do not consider the Moon as a contender for the lord of the year.

All the three Varshapala Strengths have been calculated:

The Panchavargiya Bala indicates the inherent strength, or raw muscle of the planet; its ability to
fulfill its indications in the horoscope.

Dvadasavargiya Bala indicates the benefic or malefic effects of the planets. The more benefic vargas
(shown as B:#) the more benefic the planet. The more malefic vargas (shown by M:#) the more
malefic the planet. There are a total of 12 vargas in the Dvadasavargiya Bala, adding the benefic and
malefic vargas and subtracting from 12 indicates the number of neutral vargas of the planet. This
strength indicates how benefic or malefic a planet is; the benefic/malefic quality.

Harsha Bala is the Happiness Strength of a planet. This strength indicates the quantity of good a
planet can give.

A table is shown with the Tajika Aspects. The Square symbol indicates 90-degree aspects, which are
considered Secretly Inimical Aspects. The Line with A circle on Each End indicates 180-degree
aspects, which are considered Openly Inimical Aspects. The Circle with a Line indicates a
conjunction, which is also considered an Openly Inimical Aspect. The Triangle indicates 120-degree
aspects, which are considered Openly Friendly Aspects. The 3 Intersecting Lines indicate a
60-degree aspect, which is considered a Secretly Friendly Aspect.
Kala also calculates the exact Aspect strength as per Tajika Neelakantha, this is shown in the table: Tajika
Aspectual Strength. Aspected planets are on the top, aspecting planets on the left of the table.

Varshaphal Printouts and Varshaphal Dasa Printouts are available in the Print menu or you can
simply click on the buttons on the Varshaphala screen. The year selected in the Varshaphal Screen
will be the year that is printed.


On the bottom left of the screen you will find three buttons: Varsha, Masa, Dina, with which you can
select the yearly return - Varsha, monthly return - Masa, or daily return – Dina.


The Cards of Truth Screen gives calculation for the birth card system. A system of astrology that
uses card symbolism instead of sign based symbolism. It’s very complementary to the principles of
Vedic Astrology, just without the signs. Tara bala numbers 1-9, the order of the planets from
Sun-Rahu, Rahu and Ketu and even Lajjitaadi Avasthas have a role to play in reading the birth card
spread. To learn more about the system, please visit

Custom printouts are easily made with Kala. Under the Print Menu there are several Custom
Printout templates. Select the custom printout that you wish to use and then Right click on the page
where you want to place a chart or table. A Menu will appear. Click on the chart or table you desire
and it will be added to your page. The custom printouts are automatically saved.

If you want to view the planetary details on your custom printout simply check the “Add planetary
information table” at the bottom of the custom printout page.

You can also insert a Custom Signature that contains your Name, Phone Number, Address, E-Mail
and Website. To make your signature, go to the Options Menu and select Print Options.
You can select north or south Indian style charts for the custom printouts and even have both north
and south charts on one printout. Normally your default chart style, whether north or south, will
come up. To select a different style, select the North Indian or South Indian option at the bottom
right of the custom printout menu before selecting the chart. Then select the chart and it will come
up in the style you have chosen.

You can make jpeg images to email of any custom printout, simply click the Make JPEG button. You
will then be prompted to save the JPEG.

You can make a pdf by selecting the Save to PDF option whenever you print.

Kala has a couple of tools to make your study of astrology simpler and more enjoyable:


The change time tool- located under the Tools Menu, allows you to add or subtract seconds,
minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years from to birth time. This tool is especially helpful for
rectification. Make sure you save the chart after changing the time.

Kala has a very extensive and comprehensive and yet very simple to use Search tool. You can do
very extensive searches on the charts saved with Kala and the charts on the Kala Database, in a
matter of seconds. This tool can be very helpful in doing researches on complicated Yogas present in
the charts.

You can search any number of combinations of “AND or OR” with the Search Tool. For example:

Mars in 6th House OR

Moon in Sixth House OR

In the Navamsa Mars is in a Great Friend’s House


Sun in Exaltation OR

First House Lord in Aries, etc, etc. There is no limit to the length of the search protocol.

You can search for several considerations not shown in the Search Tool by typing in the appropriate
search codes. You can even search for time factors such as the Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Lunar
Month, Hora, Karana, Muhurta, Nadika, etc. Please contact Kala at or
760-420-5648 if you would like the extra search codes and instructions sent to you.


The Transit Hit List tool search transits for you. You can select transit to natal planets, transit to
transit planets, ingresses, transiting eclipse and transits to house cusps. After setting your transit
preferences click on the Set as Default button to store your settings. These will be the setting that
are used in the Batch Printing.

The sunrise calculator allows you to find the sunrise, sunset, midday and midnight. These are
important for various astrological calculations and also the ideal times of the day for meditation and
other spiritual activities. It is during these 4 periods of the day that marked effects can happen in
one’s consciousness, thus meditating during these times is most beneficial. On the other hand, if one
is not meditating and their consciousness is instead involved in some harmful activity than that
activity will have a much great bond on the person and create stronger bad habits. Things that we
do during other times of the day do not have nearly the impact to change us, for better or worse,
than do things during these 4 periods.


This tool allows you to search the passage of the Moon’s Nakshatra lords down to five levels, like in
Vimshottari Dasa. At any given moment, the nakshatra lords of the Moon determine the most active
planets in the chart, just like the vimshottari dasa does. These are useful when predicting world
events, stock market prices and other fluctuating and moment by moment mundane astrology


To batch print you will first have to select the printouts that you would like to use by going to the
Print menu and selecting: Set Batch Printing. After selecting the printouts that you would like in
your batch, click on the Set button to save your batch. Then, to print the batch, go to the Print menu
and select Batch.

Special Features of Batch Printing

Varshaphala printouts can be selected for several years by simply indicating the span of years for
which you want the Varshaphala printouts.

The time period for Dasa printouts can be selected by either date to date, or from the specified days,
months or years before the current date to the specified days, months or years after the current

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