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2187. Indicator of organic pollution in the sediment of Capitella capitata

temperate marine ecosystem
2188. Organic of sediments derived from organism Biogenous
2189. Organic of sediments derived from water Hydrogenous
2190. Organic of sediments derived from rocks Lithogenous
2191. Diatomaceous sediment predominant in High latitude (N. Pacific & Antarctica)
2192. Radiolarian sediment predominant in Equatorial pacific
2193. Radiolarian accumulation rate is highest 15 mm/ 1000 year
2194. Normal sedimentation rate is 1 mm/ 1000 years
2195. CaCO3 can be easily dissolved at 4500 m depth (as CO2 is rich)
2196. Sediments containing more than 30% biological Ooze
constituent by volume
2197. When diatoms are dominant in the sediment Diatom ooze
2198. When foraminiferal are dominant in the sediment Foraminiferal ooze
2199. When diatoms shells constitute more than 30% Diatomaceous mud
by volume
2200. When foraminiferal shells constitute more than Foraminiferal mud
30% by volume
2201. When radolarian shells constitute man than 30% Radolrian mud
by volume
2202. When none of the biogenous constituent Deep sea mud /red clay
2203. Per year deposition of CaCO3 1.5 billion tons
2204. Per year deposition of siliceous sediment 0.5 billion tons
2205. P.C. calcareous mud composition of deep ocean 48%
2206. P.C siliceous mud composition of deep ocean 14%
2207. P.C brown mud composition of deep ocean 38%
2208. Ooze containing upto 95% CaCO3 in the form of Globigerous ooze
foraminiferan shell
2209. Most conspicuous hydrogenous sediment Manganese nodules/iron-manganese
2210. One of the slowest chemical reaction known Mn nodules formation
2211. Dust particle from space falling into ocean Cosmic spherules (30,000 tons/year)
2212. Organism which inhabit the surface of the water Neuston


2213. Large floating assembled organism blown about Pleuston

by the wind
2214. Community of microscopic organisms composed Periphyton **
of algae, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and small
2215. Organisms which burrow beneath the mud Infauna
2216. IIOE (International India Ocean Expedition) 1960 to 1965 (peak : 1962 to 64)
2217. Area of Indian Ocean Long 200E & 1150 E, Lat 400S
2218. Size of Indian Ocean 3rd largest ocean & cover 1/7th of earth
2219. World population living in border of Indian Quarter of world population
2220. Coordinator of II0E Robert Saindu (USA)
2221. SCOR Scientific committee on Oceanic
2222. International station for zooplankton samples Indian ocean Biological center,
Ernkulam (Kerela, 1963)
2223. International Meteorological Centre Bombay
2224. World data centers for oceanography Washington & Moscow
2225. Ships participated in II0E INS kistna, RV Vanuena, RV Conch,
MFV Bangada
2226. First oceanography book in English Physical Geography of the sea by M.F.
Maury, 1853
2227. Challenger expedition 1872 to 1876 (Dec to May)
2228. Nansen Bottle was invented by Fredrick Nansen, 1905
2229. Ekman current meter was invented by V.F Ekman, 1905
2230. First vessel for oceanographic study Alkantis (USA, 1931)
2231. Challenges expedition is also known as Era of exploration
2232. Era of National systematic & dynamic oceans 1925 to 1940
2233. A new era of deep sea research 1925 by Garman using ‘Meteor’
2234. Era of new geological geophysical, biological & 1947-1956
physical methods
2235. Albatros expedition 1947, Swedish
2236. Systematic study of “Gulf stream” Operation Cabod (USA, 1947)
2237. International geophysical year 1957 to 1958 (Era of international
research cooperation)
2238. Era of synoptic oceanography 1971 to 1980
2239. Large quantity of water brine Bittern
2240. Phosphorus conc. in fish than in sea water 2  106 times
2241. Nitrogen conc. of sea water 8 to 18 ml /litre


2242. Oxygen conc. of sea water 5 to 10 ml /litre

2243. Carbondioxide conc.of seas 35 to 65 ml /litre
2244. Nitrate conc. is higher at 500 fathoms or so
2245. Organic carbon in organic matter of sea water 80 to 99%
2246. Terrigenous deposits are found at Continent shelf & upper part of
continental slope
2247. Ocean temperature ranges form - 20C to 300C
2248. Highest value of surface temp. in all oceans North of equator
2249. Annual variation of ocean temp. in equator & sea 0.2 to 0.30C
2250. Diurnal variation of sea surface temp. depends on Cloudiness & wind velocity
2251. Plankton found in oceanic open water Off shore plankton
2252. Plankton found in continental shelf In share plankton
2253. The largest mangrove area occur in Indonesia (30%)
2254. P.C. of mangrove area in India 3%
2255. Largest mangrove area in India W.B (4, 200 km2)
2256. Amount of salt & other material dump in to 400 million
ocean by rivers
2257. Precipitation rate of ocean 3 times than continent & 10 times
receive form rivers
2258. Salt contain of ocean today 50 billion tons
2259. Proportion of land to water in northern 2:3
2260. Proportion of land to water in southern 1:4.7
2261. Area of sudden increase in salinity in ocean Halocline
2262. Caspian sea is also known as Salk lake
2263. Lowest water body on earth Dead sea (salinity : 230 to 250 ppt)
2264. Salinity range of Arabian sea 36 to 36.5%
2265. Salinity range of Bay of Bengal About 33.34%
2266. Depth zone in ocean where density increase with Pcynocline
2267. Water density range of open ocean 1.02400 to 1.3000 gm/cm3
2268. Water density of ocean is count in Equatorial region
2269. ** is the measure of atm. presence (1 at = 1.0133  106 dybes/cm2)
2270. Pressure exerted per sq. cm by one metre of sea 1 decibar
2271. Indicators indicating the abundance of oil sardine Diatoms (Fragilasia oceanica 
in the west coast and chodai in east coast Hemidiscus hardmanniarnus)
2272. White water phenomenon is due to abundance of Coecolithophores


2273. Light emitted by dinoflagellate (cold living light) 1/20 sec

last for
2274. Indicator indicating the mixed & unmixed water Sagitta elegans
in North sea
2275. Indicator indicating the mixed & unmixed water S. setosa
in English channel
2276. Indicator indicating the presence of antarctica kill Fragilariopsis Antarctica
2277. Indicator indicating the presence of Herring soal Calanus spp
2278. One of the important fishery indicator Tintinids (Marine Protozoans)
2279. One of the important indicator for water quality Rotifers
& pollution
2280. One of the important indicator of oceanic current Planktonic molasses ?
2281. Dominant representative of fouling crustacean Barnacles
2282. System/method best against fouling as well as Chlorination
slime film formation
2283. Chief wood borers are Lamellibranch & crustaceans
2284. Ship worms belongs to family Teredinidae
2285. Light emitting substrate Luciferin (enzyme:luciferase)
2286. The largest dinoflagillate Noctiluea (2 mm in diameter)
2287. Red tide is caused by Dinoflagellate (20 mill. cells /L )
2288. Eating contaminated (saxiton) shell fish caused PSP (Paralytic shell fish poisoning)
2289. Eating contaminated (dinoflagellate toxin) fish Ciguatera
2290. Development of benthic invertebrate feeding & Planktotrophic larvae
2291. Development of benthic invertebrate, non- Lecithotrophic larvae
feeding & pelagic
2292. No. of invertebrate among animals 97%
2293. Sponges belong to phylum Porifera
2294. Flatworms belongs to phylum Platyhelminthes
2295. Ribbon worms belongs to phylum Nemertea
2296. Round worms belongs to phylum Nematoda
2297. The highest zone of seashore which require aerial Littoral fringe or supra-tidal zone
2298. Zone of sea shore communities tolerant of short Eulittoral zone/intertidal zone
period of exposure to air between tides but
require regular submersion
2299. The low shone zone upto continental edge Sub-litoral fringe/sub-tidal zone
2300. Shallow pelagic habitat within continental shelf Neritic province


2301. Deep pelagic habitat beyond continental shelf Oceanic province

2302. Maximum concentration of nitrate and phosphate Mesopelagic zone (200 to 1000m)
2303. Bioluminescens are found mainly in Bathypelagic zone (1000 to 4000m)
2304. Benthic zone comprising mainly of continental Bathy benthic (continental edge to 4000
slope m)
2305. 100m3 water filtered & 100 units of plankton One catching efficiency of plankton net
2306. Amount of water return back after hitting the Back wash
(4/3) strand of net
2307. Most dominant phytoplankton of saline Diatoms
2308. Two capsules of diatoms are collectively call as Fructules
2309. Bigger half of fructules Epithica
2310. Smaller a of fructules Hypothica
2311. Pigment responsible for color (brown) in diatom Diatomin (fucoxanthene)
2312. When epithica & hypothica join together and Centric diatom (eg. Cossinodiscus)
available throughout fructules
2313. When epithice & hypothica join with one pair Pinnate type (eg. Gysosigma Navicula)
called raphaes
2314. Concept of biotic community started to 1914
developed around
2315. ‘Ecosystem’ was coined by Eng. ecologist, Tnsley (1935)
2316. Dark complex organic matter resulting from Humus
decomposition of plant and animal tissue in the
2317. Terrestial flora appearing brown and becomes Terrestial zone
bluish green during rainy season
2318. Rocky shore dominated by blue green algae Black zone
2319. Most important Barnacle in Indian rocky share Balanus amphitrite
2320. Organic substance release by barnacle nauplius Arthopedum
2321. Biggest community in the rocky shares Barnacles
2322. Maximum settlement of barnacles occur in Sep to Oct (decrease in temp.)
2323. Tolerance to extreme temperature variation Eurithermicity
2324. Gastropod Littorina sp can tolerate salinity upto 50 ppt
2325. Barnacle fitter and feed through Fine cirri
2326. Bivalves feed by Entangling over mucus of gills
2327. Tunicates feeds by Scieving apparatus (branchial basket)
2328. Numerous opening of branchial basket Stigmata
2329. Algal film grazer feed by Screeping with a file like tongue


2330. Plankton community in mixed group of plant & Seton

2331. Living plankton & non living particulate matter Tripton
of seston
2332. Individual plant animal or bacterium in plankton Plankton
2333. Retained by the screen of 1.0 to 0.425 mm Macrobenthic forms
2334. Retained by the screen of 0.050 to 0.045 mm Meiobenthic forms
2335. Total species of plant & animal on the earth 5 to 50 million
2336. Species of plant & animal identified till date 1.7 million
2337. Position of India in terms of Mega? Diversity – 12
2338. No. of biogeographic zone in India 10
2339. No. of biotic province in India 25
2340. India’s “hot spot” biodiversity Eastern Ghats, Western Ghats & N.E
2341. No. of plant species found in India 45,000 (7% of world)
2342. No. of animal species found in India 81,000 (6.5 of world)
2343. No. of fish species found in India 1693
2344. Economic zone of India 201 million ha.
2345. Continental shelf area of India 45 million ha
2346. ‘RED DATA BOOK’ is related to Threatened species
2347. IUCN International Union for Conservation of
2348. No. of threatened fishes of India 98
2349. P.C. of nitrogen in lithosphere 93.75%
2350. P.C of nitrogen in atmosphere 6.2%
2351. P.C of nitrogen in hydrosphere & biosphere 0.05%
2352. No. of ATP molecules require to fix a molecule of 36
2353. Quantity of soluble other phosphate 5 to 20 g/litre as P (max 0.1 mg/litre as
2354. Organic sucking a run** harm one another in the Interference competition
2355. Interference competition is also known as Contest competition
2356. Resource competition also known as Scramble competition
2357. Chemical interaction by which the organism of Allelochemic
one species affect the well being and growth of
individual or population biology of other
2358. The suppression of growth through share of Allilopathy
chemical by higher plant
2359. Some phytoparasites Rafferia sp, Curcuta sp


2360. Carnivorous fungi Dactylella sp., Zoophagus sp

2361. Carnivorous plant Utricularia sp. , Darlingtonia sp.
2362. Radio isotopes method C14 method
2363. The word plankton was first used by Hensen (1987)
2364. The correct meaning of plankton given by Ernst Haechel (German)
2365. Area covered by coral reef Hermatypic
2366. Coral reef doesn’t between depth 50 to 70 m(avg. <25m)
2367. Source of nutrition of reef building corals Zooxanthellae
2368. Type of coral reefs Attols and coastal reef
2369. Coral reach sexual maturity at 7 to 10 years
2370. GESAMP Group of Expert on the Scientific
Aspects of Marine Pollution (1980)
2371. Amount of effluent discharge daily 4000 million litres
2372. BOD levels in distillery industry 3000 mg
2373. Sewage produced daily by a population can be Multiply 13.4 ft3 or 0.38 m3 by the
estimated by population
2374. Amount of organic matter removed by primary 25 to 30%
2375. Derive used to screen & grind the martial while Comminutor
2376. Amount of suspended solid & BDO removed by 40 to 75%
primary treatment
2377. Amount of BOD reduced form initial in 10%
secondary treatment
2378. Amount of Bacteria remove in secondary 95%
2379. Amount of P & N2 remove in secondary 10% and 50%
2380. Duration of water passing through activated 4 to 8 hours
sludge system
2381. Activated carbon (tertiary or Advanced system 70 to 80%
can remove organic & inorganic compounds upto
2382. A possible method of removing salts Electrodialysis
2383. River water quality monitors Costal Water Commission, State &
Central Pollution Control Board, Global
Environment Monitoring System
2384. Ground water quality monitors Ground Water Board, State Water
Investigation Departments
2385. Radioactive isotopes present in human body K40 and 14 C


2386. Extraterrestial radiation coming from outer space Cosmic ray

2387. Radiation irradiate human body from outside External exposure
2388. Radiation effects on DNA Base damage, SSB, DSB, Gross links
2389. Radiation effects on chromosome Break in one chromosome, break in
separate chromosome, two or more bark
insane chromosome, stickiness or
2390. Broken chromosome ends & rejoin with no Restitution
visible damage
2391. Loss part of chromosome at next mitosis give Aberration
size to
2392. Radiation effect of cellular level Division delay, interphase death,
reproductive failure
2393. Gross annual oil source from terrestrial 3.3 MT
2394. Gross annual oil source from Marine 2.81 MT
2395. Gross annual oil source from living organism 6.1 MT
2396. Gross annual input of petroleum product into the 12.21 MT
2397. Oil pollution Act started in 1990
2398. Components of crude oil O2, N2, S (3%, 1%, 0.1% to 1%
2399. Well weathered oil at sea Tar balls
2400. Density of metal more than 5 related to water Heavy metal
2401. ‘Hiding’ if active ions within a protein Metallothionein
2402. Average content of arsenic in fresh water 1.5 to 2 ppb
2403. Average content of arsenic sea water 0.15 to 6 ppm
2404. Organisms oxidising toxic arsenite (11) to Achromobacter, Psuedomonas
arsenate Arthrobaetor
2405. Organism reducing arsenate to toxic arsenite Yeast (Candid), Algae (Chlorella)
2406. ‘Itai – itai diseases (‘Ouch – ounch’) is caused by Cadmium poisoning
2407. DDT was first synthesised in 1877 (USA)
2408. Single largest class of insecticide Organophosphorus (40%)
2409. Natural insecticide from (Chrysanthemum) Pyrethrum
2410. Insecticide having highest/longest persistence Chlorinated hydrocarbon (92-15 yrs)
2411. UNEP (1979) United Nations Environmental
2412. Daily municipal sewage discharge by Kolkata 1100 million litres
2413. “Well nourished or enriched’ was derived by Hutchinson (1969) for Eutrophiction
2414. Concentration of phosphorus in lake can be Mean or maximum chlorophylla conc.


related to
2415. Lake having clear water & no phytoplankton Ultraoligotrophic
hypolimnion saturated with oxygen & Salmon
2416. Lake with turbid water, dense algal growth, Hypereutrophic
anaerobic hypolimnion & cyprinid fish
2417. Study of soil as a natural body Pedology
2418. Study of soil from the stand point of highest plant Edaphology
2419. Individual layers of soil are call Horizon
2420. Vertical section through the horizon Soil profiles
2421. Soil horizon found in soil profiles 0 (i,e,a) AEBCR
2422. Triangle method or laboratory method of soil USDA
2423. In water two hydrogen molecules are bonded to Covalently
one oxygen atom
2424. Angle between hydrogen nucleic and oxygen 1050
2425. Distance between hydrogen & oxygen nucleic 0.96  10-8 cm
2426. Dielectric constant of water 81 V
2427. Latent heat of fusion of water 80 Cal/g
2428. Latent heat of vaporisation 540 Cal/g
2429. Upper part of the soil darken by organic matter Epidon
2430. No. of soil orders in soil taxonomy 11 (eleven)
2431. All orders of soil have common ending Sol (Latin: Solum – soil)
2432. Ideal loam is a mixture (in equal proportion) Sand, silt, clay
2433. Optical activity was first explained by Louis Pasteur (1843)
2434. Minimum oxygen requirement of carps at 10C 0.8 mg/litre
2435. Minimum oxygen requirement of carps at 300C 1.8 mg/litre
2436. Species which can survive above 520C Cyprinodon macrulasis
2437. Carp which can survive at freezing temperature Crussian carp
2438. pH range of sea water 7.5 to 8.4
2439. pH range of fresh water 3.5 to 10 (avg.)
2440. Up & down rhythmic movement with the Vertical migration
intensity of light
2441. Avg. oxygen content in Antarctic (surface) 7.5 mg/lt
2442. A body of water defined by a single point of Water type
temperature or salinity
2443. Pacific ocean & Indian ocean are called Oceanic common water
2444. Oceanic common water is given by Prof. Montgomary (1.50 C & 34.7 ppt)


2445. Estuary were evaporation exceeds run off from Inverse precipitation
2446. Sediment deposits on the continental margin may 10 km
be as thick as
2447. Continental shelf area out of total oceans area 8%
2448. Smallest continental shelf is found in Pacific coast of S. America
2449. Sediment moving down a submarine canyon Deep sea fan
accumulates at the canyon base in a deposit call
2450. Adjacent deep sea fan may merge to form Continental rise
2451. Flat sea floor in called Abyssal plain (3000 to 5000 m)
2452. Submarine volcanoes in abyssal plain Sea mounts/volcanic is land
2453. Flat topped seamounts are called Guyots
2454. Material rising from the mantle pushes up the Ridges
oceanic crust
2455. Center of the ridge where gap or depression is Central rift valley
2456. Central rift valley is also call as Wound in the earth’s crust
2457. Path where heated sea water comes up Hydrothermal vent/deep-sea hot spring
2458. Temperature of water from hydrothermal vent 10 to 200C (upto 3500C)
2459. Type of mineral deposit from at hydrothermal Black smokers
2460. Smoke from hydrothermal vent is Dense cloud of mineral particles
2461. Conversion of light energy into chemical energy Light reaction
2462. Conversion of energy into chemical energy Dark reaction
without light
2463. Light reaction is carried out in Grama (of chloroplast)
2464. Dark reaction is carried out in Stroma region
2465. z-scheme was proposed by Hill and Bundall (1960)
2466. Dave reaction was founded by Calvin (1962)
2467. Photosynthetic Carbon Reduction cycle is known Calvin cyelin
2468. Sulphur bacteria Thiobacillus, Thiothrix, Beggiatoa
2469. Iron bacteria Leptothrix, Ferrobacillus
2470. Hydrogen bacteria Hydrogenomonas
2471. Green sulphur bacteria Chlorobium, chlorobacterium
2472. Purple sulphur bacteria Chromatium
2473. Bacteria chlorophyll is a pigment present in Purple sulphur bacteria
2474. Pigment present in green sulphur bacteria Bactrioviridis, bacteriopurpurin
2475. Purple non-sulphur bacteria Rhodopseudomonas, Rhodispirillum


2476. Reduction Carboxylic acid cycle Evans, Buckanan, Arnon (1966)

2477. Phytoplankton at the uppermost part of the water Shade plants
2478. Currents supplied by upwelling Canaries, Benguela, Perus, California,
W. Australia current
2479. Different layers of water mixed by vertical eddies Turbulence
2480. Charges of CO2 concentration cause the Acidity of water
2481. Alkalinity range for productive water >40 ppm
2482. Lake which undergo a regular annual alternation Temperate lake
of summer & inverse winter stratification
2483. Lake which the water never cooled below 40C & Tropical lakes
2484. Lake which the water temperature never rise Polar lake
above 40C & inversely stratified
2485. Lakes scaled off perennially by ice from most Amictic Lakes
annual temperature variation
2486. Lakes with temperature average greater than 40C Cold monomictic lakes
& one period of circulation
2487. Lake which circulate twice a year (in spring & Dimictic lake
2488. Lake with temperature always deep below 40C & Warm monimictic lakes
circulate freely in winter
2489. Circulation period at irregular interval with Oligmetric lake
temperature above 40C
2490. Lakes with frequent or continuous circulation Polymictic lakes
2491. Region of uppermost layer of sea and air Pleuston
2492. Neritic zone extende upto 0 to 200 (depth)
2493. Diphotic zone extends upto depth of 200 to 400 m
2494. Aphotic zone extends upto depth of Beyond 400 m (no light)
2495. Co-ordinater of SCOR (Scientific committee in Robert Snider, 1957
Oceanic Research)
2496. Berm with a reverse slope into the back share Scarb
2497. Salinity can be measured/estimated by Multiplying Cl into 1.80655
2498. 10 yearly warm current flowing the coast of S. El-nino
2499. Layer of ocean which bounce back sound Deep scattering layer (300 to 400m)
2500. Condition of atmosphere at any time at any Weather
2501. Statistical collection of weather of specified area Climate
& interval of time (decades)


2502. Station which record, compile & make note Climatological station
monthly data
2503. Station which record weather message for Synoptic station
2504. Homogenous atmosphere layer is present in 50 to 90 kms
2505. Heterogenous atmosphere layer is present in Above 90 kms
2506. Lowest layer of earth atmospheres Troposphere (satellite)
2507. Temperature with increase in highest it decrease Laps rate
at constant rate
2508. The next layer above or beyond troposphere Stratosphere ( 50 to 55 km)
2509. Ozone concentration is highest in Stratosphere
2510. Mother/nautilucus could are seen in (20-30km) Stratosphere
2511. Mesophere tends upto height 80 to 90 kms
2512. Thermosphere layer extends upto 500 km
2513. Altitude above thermosphere Exosphere
2514. The ozone hole is as large as 8 times the size of India
2515. Ionosphere is divided into 3 layer viz D (90 km) E (100 km) F (300 km)
2516. Mercuric barometer is also known as Fortin’s/Kew’s barometer
2517. Pressure reading when connected from Index, Station pressure
temperature & gravity error
2518. Temperature at which air become saturated w.r.t Dew point temperature
2519. Temperature at which air become saturated w.r.t Frost point temperature
2520. Amount of water vapour in gm mixed with 1 kg Mixing ratio
of dry air
2521. Amount of water vapour in gm present in 1 kg wt Specific humidity
2522. Instrument used to measure humidity Psychrometer
2523. The difference between dry & wet bulb Wt. bulb depression
2524. Changing temperature of a mass instant transfer Adiabatic change
of heat
2525. DALR (Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate) 100 C/km (constant)
2526. SALR (Saturated Adiabatic lapse rate ) 60C/km (not constant)
2527. Instrument used to measure amount of water in Dudevani dew gauge
2528. Instrument used to measure relative humidity Thermograph/Hydrograph
2529. Radii of a rain drop 250 
2530. Radii of drizzle 100 to 200 
2531. Cloud was classified by Luke Howard, 1803


2532. Number genera of cloud 10

2533. Thunder cloud Cumulonimbus
2534. Mackeral cloud Cirrocumulus
2535. Oldest limonoligical society of world Limnological society of America, 1936
2536. Linnological society of America renamed Limnological society of America and
oceanography, 1948
2537. ‘Introduction to limnology’ written by Prof. Swetch (1935), America
2538. ‘treatise on limnology’ written by G.E. Hutching (1957)
2539. ‘Limnology’ written by R.G. Neteel (1975)
2540. ‘Ecology of Runing water’ H.B.N Hynes (1972)
2541. Pioneer limnologist of India Ganapath; Sriveevasan Banerjee
2542. Lake with no productivity is call Dystrophic lake
2543. Instrument used to measure turbidity Naphlometer
2544. Pyramid of number was advanced by Charles Elton (1927)
2545. The production of organic matter by way of Gross primary production
2546. Amount of organic material synthesis by Net primary production
photosynthetic organism to excess of that
respired of excreted
2547. Organism flourishing the sun lit surface zone ? of the ocean
2548. Amount of solar radiation absorb in the upper 10 80%
2549. Amount of solar radiation utilized for production 0.02 to 2% (0.1% avg)
of organic matter
2550. Compensation depth in gulf of Mannar & Palk 6 meters
Bay of Indian Ocean
2551. Light saturation for chlorophytes 5,000 to 75000 lux
2552. Light saturation for diatoms 10,000 to 20,000 lux
2553. Light saturation for dinoflagellates 25,000 to 30,000 lux
2554. Major upwelling areas Of west Africa, off Chile & Peru, off
California coast, off Southern Arabian
2555. High productivity during South west monsoon in South West coast
2556. Green algae which require high concentration of Nannochloris, Stichococcus
2557. Green algae which require high concentration of Isochrysis
2558. Most productive areas of the world oceans Upwelling areas
2559. Bacteria acting upon the compound broken down Transformer


by decomposer
2560. Organism acting as middle men in pelagic food Copepod Euphausid
2561. Area of natural lake in India 0.72 million ha.
2562. Fish culture on a very limit scale has been As early as 600 & 350 BC
practictised in China and India since
2563. The medical monks of Europe used to practice Monasteries
carp culture in their
2564. Murrels are found all over India but its culture is Southern India
common in
2565. Gourami (Osphrounemus gourami) was first Before 1850
introduced in India from Java
2566. Gouramy lay about 500 – 800 eggs
2567. Tench (Tinca tinca) along with crusian carp 1874
(Carassus carassus) were introduced from
Europe in lakes & ponds of Nilgiri hills in
2568. Tilapia (Tilapia mossambica) was first introduced 1952
in India in
2569. Chinese carps including silver carp & grass carp December 1959
were brought from Tokyo and Hongkong to
Cuttck in
2570. European carp or common carp is originally a China
native in
2571. The German strain of Mirror carp was introduced 1939
in Nilgiri hills from Ceylon in
2572. The Chinese strain of common carp (Scale carp) August 1957
was brought from Bangkok to Cuttack in
2573. Catla grows faster in Alkaline water
2574. The fecundity of catla ranges from 1-2 lakh eggs/kg wt of fish
2575. Spawning season of catla is July – September
2576. The colour of the eggs of catla are Light red – light violet colour
2577. The spawning of rohu is June – early August
2578. The colour of the eggs of Rohu are Slightly reddish transparent
2579. Fecundity of Rohu same as that of catla 1-2 lakhs
2580. The spawning season of mrigal varies from June – early August & late October
2581. The colour of the eggs of Mrigal are Yellow transparent
2582. Fecundity of mrigal is 1-1.5 lakh
2583. The spawning season of grass carp is June to Septembers
2584. The colour of the eggs of grass carp are Copper colour
2585. Fecundity of grass carp is 1.5 – 3 lakh/2.6 kg of fish
2586. Silver carp spawns once in a year June – August


2587. The colour of the eggs of silver carp is Dirty white

2588. Fecundity of silver carp is 1.50 – 1.80 lakh
2589. Common carp spawns through out the year Peak period March – April
2590. The eggs of common carp are Yellow colour
2591. Fecundity of common carp 1.30 – 1.60 lakh
2592. The major carps are known to breed over a wide 40C – 400C
range of temperature between
2593. The recorded suitable pH for the spawning of 7.5 – 8.3
major carp is
2594. The bund breeding of the IMC seems to have Midnapore & Bankura
originated from West Bengal especially from the
districts of
2595. In the bundh breeding technique of carp the ratio 1O:2♂
of breeders is
2596. The stocking density of breeders varies from 3000 – 5000 kg/ha
2597. The injection dozes of pituitary gland in male and Male 3 – 4 mg/kg & Female 7-3mg/kg
female is
2598. The spawning take place after 4-5 hrs.
2599. The collection of the eggs are done by dragging a Mosquito net cloth
2600. The collection of eggs is impossible in Wet bundhs
2601. The hatchlings are lifted from the pits by 12 hrs
dragging & muslin cloth after
2602. In the tanning process, the fish skins are treated Trypsin
with bating enzyme such as
2603. In the algin corporation process, dried sea weeds Calcium chloride solution
are spaced in
2604. Carrageen widely used in the manufacture of Dental impression compounds
2605. The liver oil of bony fish like cod & haddock has Vitamin D activity tthan vitamin A
more activity
2606. In India the best quality isinglass is produced Siluridae
form fishes of
2607. Stick water usually contains 95% H2O & 4-5% solids.
2608. The two naturally occurring pigments of fish oil Xanthophilis & Caroteroids
2609. Sardine oil looses its fleshy odor when its iodine Hydrogenation
value is brought down from 145 – 150 to 81 by
2610. The two impurities present in air bladder of fish Fatty tissue & Blood cloatings
2611. Class & livers such as livers of cod & paddock 50 – 75% oil by weight
2612. Class a liver due as livers of cod & haddock has a 500 – 20,000 U.S.P.
vitamin G.A potency in the range of


2613. Hydrogenation can be used to deodorize the Fish oil

2614. Hydrogenation process also is known as Hardening
2615. Development of oxidative rancidity is largely Vitamin a potency in fish
responsible for the loss of
2617. Saponifaction value of sardine oil is 140
2618. Moisture content of fish eggs ranges from 55% - 60%
2619. Fish meal is rich in Lysine
2620. Fish flesh is an excellent source of Steroporenon
2621. Steroporenon is commonly known as Protein utilization factor
2622. Chitin is an important structural material of Crustaceans & insects
invertebrate such as
2623. Prawns & squilla waste are good source of Chitin
2624. Deacetylated Chitin was named as Chitosan by Seyler in 1994
2625. In chitin the monomer is linked to one another Cellulose
as in
2626. Among the saturated fatty acids, palmitic starch Fish oils
& myristic acid occur widely in
2627. Sulphurization reaction is made use of in the Factice
manufacture of
2628. In an oil/Fat contains more saturated fatty acids, Room temperature
it will tend to be solid at
2629. Requirements of acid for fish silage depends on Bone content of fish used
2630. For fish silage manufacture formic acid as used 25% - 35%
in the range of
2631. Canning is a Bacteriocidal technique
2632. Fish is a low acid food of 4.6 pH
2633. Clostridium botulinum is a mesophilic Spore forming bacteria
2634. The Z value for Cl. botulinum is 100C
2635. The general method of process determination Bigalow
for canned food was developed by
2636. The first person to investigate spoilage of Russel
canned foods was
2637. The process of sealing of a can with lid for Hermetic seal
complete air light is called a
2638. OTS stands for Open top sanitary
2639. A can having separate lids is OTS
2640. The palatability of post rigor fish is better than Pre-rigor fish
2641. The thermal conductivity of a frozen fish is Fresh fish.
higher taken
2642. Commonly used antistatic agent in plastics is Quatanery ammonium compounds


2643. The Hg concentration in fish flesh should not 0.5 – 1.0 mg/kg
2644. Inosine monophosphate is a degraded product ATP
2645. The enzyme involved in melanosis of prawn is Tyrosinase
2646. Stick water is the product obtained during the Reduction process
process of
2647. The phospholid used as emulsifier is Lecithin
2648. The hart capacity of fish mainly depends on its Temperature & moisture
2649. Freezer burn observed in frozen stored fatty fish Dehydration & oxidation of fat
is due to
2650. Oxidative rancidity of lipid in fish meat is TBA
determined by estimating
2651. The spoilage flora of iced fish in tropical Mesophilic
country is
2652. Torrymeter is an instrument used to determine Freshness of fish
2653. The glass like crystals formed in canned Salt of magnesium & calcium.
2654. The compound in fish which act as a biological Tocopherol
antioxidant and also act as vitamin is
2655. The main carbohydrate in fish muscle is Glycogen
2656. The term natural casing means Cleansed animal intestine
2657. Lipids present in fish is highly reactive because Fatty acids are highly unsaturated in
2658. The non protein nitrogen constituents in shark Urea & TMAO
meet is mainly contributed by
2659. Fish muscle contain group of proteolytic Cathepsins
enzymes commonly refered as
2660. Myoylobin pigment is a Glyco protein
2661. The term cryoprotectant refers to Protection of proteins at low
2662. Myosin is a Oligomeric protein
2663. The term meat curing refers to Salting & picking
2664. During surmi productin removal of water from Screw press
meat is achieved by
2665. The quality of surmi is judged by Moisture, color & gel forming ability
2666. In fin fishes important nitrogenous extractive in IMP
importing delicate taste/flavour is
2667. The term modori? refers to Disruption of network
2668. The most common form of synthetic casing for Krehalon
fish is
2669. Peptide pond in protein molecule is Covalent bond


2670. Struvite crystals in canned fishery products can Sodium hexametaphosphats & EDTA
be controlled by
2671. The main basis for acidity classification of Destruction effect on bacteria by the
canned food is increasing acidity of food
2672. A measure of heat resistance which is not TDT
affected by the initial no of microorganisms
present is
2673. In fish hypoxanthin is formed from ATP
2674. The process of removing air from canned food Paneling
sealing is called
2675. Stick water is the water released during Fish oil preparation
2676. Mallard reaction occurs only in Foods containing protein & reducing
2677. Fish body oils are a good source of Omega – 3 fatty acids
2678. Whole fish meal is Meal from whole fish or meal with
fish solubles mixed
2679. A sea food product, which needs the use of Canned
chemical additive for preservation is
2680. The gas mixture used in packing fatty fish N2, CO2
2681. Ambergris is a Secretion of whales
2682. The polysaccharide extracted from seaweeds is Agar
2683. Black spot formation in shrimp is controlled by Sulphites
2684. The air bladder of fish is chemically Collagen
2685. A canned food which is bacteriologically tight Breather
but not exactly air tight is called
2686. The minimum hook overlap percentage in a 45%
good double seam should be

2687. The pasteurization heat treatment given to fruit Aspertisation

can presence them by canning can also be called
2688. The micro-oroganism which causes flat sour in B. stearothermophseus
low acid food is
Taxonomy of shell fishes
2689. Shell fishes have two broad categories Molluses & crustacean
2690. The fishes which are having Shell fishes
exoskeleton & hard covering are called
2691. The fishes belonging to Crustaceans are Shrimps, prawns, crabs, lobsters etc.
2692. The fishes belonging to molluscs are Clams, oysters, squids, cuttle fishes, octopuses
2693. The characters of the phylum Body is hyploblastic i.e. divided into head,
Arthropoda is thorax & abdomen
2694. The circulatory system in Arthropoda is Open type


2695. The sub-phylum of Arthropoda are Mandibulata, Univemia, Chelicerata &

2696. The most important sub-phylum of the Mandibulata
Arthropoda is
2697. The classes of sub-phylum Mandibulata Crustracea, Insecta, Arachnida & Myriapoda
2698. The most important sub-classes is Crustracea
2699. General characters of class Crustracea Head with 5 pairs of appendages, Thorax with
are & abdomen with 6 pairs of appendages
2700. Sub-classes of Crustracean are having Cephalocarida,Copepoda,Ostracoda,
of sub classes Branchiopoda,Mystacocarida, Branchiura,
Cirripedia & Malacostraca.
2701. General characters of Cephalocarida are Endopodites are segmented
(Most primitive ones)
2702. General characters of Branchiopoda are Body segments are with similar appendayes*
2703. The orders of sub-class Branchiopoda Anostraca, Diplostraca & Notostraca.
2704. General characters of Anostraca are Carapace is present
2705. The word straca refers to Carapace
2706. General characters of Diplostraea (Clam The carapace is laterally compressed water fleas
shrimp) and does not cover the head
2707. General characters of Notostraca Carapace is shield like
(Tadpole shrimp)
2708. General characters of sub-class Body is covered by bivalve carapace & both
Ostraeada pairs of antenna are modified for swimming
2709. The orders of sub-class Ostracoda are Mydocopa, Cladocopa, Matycoipa, & Podocopa
2710. General characters of Mydocopa are The carapace bears an aperture through the
antennae protrudes
2711. General characters of Cladocopa are The carapace is without any aperture & two
pairs of limbs present
2712. General characters of Matycopa are The carapace without any carapace & three
pairs of limbs present
2713. General characters of Cladocopa are The carapace is without any aperture & two
pairs of limbs present
2714. General characters of Matycopa are Carapace without any carapace & three pairs of
limbs present
2715. General characters of Podocopa are Carapace without any carapace & 4 pairs of
limbs present
2716. General characters of sub-class Mystaco Body is without cephalic appendages
2717. General characters of sub-class Abdominal appendages are absent


2718. The most important food items of fish S Copepoda & Ostracoda
2719. The orders of sub-class Copepoda are Calanoida, Harpaticodia, Cyclopodia, Notodel
Phyoida, Monostrilloida, Caligodia &
2720. General characters of Calanoida are 2nd antenna is biramous & carries only one egg
2721. General characters of Cyclopodia are 2nd antenna is uniramous & carries one pair of
egg sac.
2722. General characters of Monostrilloida Adults are without antenna
2723. General characters of Lernacopopaida Female acts as a parasite after spawning
2724. The sub-classes of Branchiura have Branchiura (one order)
2725. General characters of Branchiura are Mouth is modified into sucking device & sessile
eyes are present.
2726. General characters of sub-class G 6 pairs of biramous appendages & coax-pace
Cirripedia are covers the whole body
2727. The orders of sub-class Cirripedia are Thoracica, crothoracica, Apoda,
Ascothorracicag & Rhizocephala
2728. General characters of Thoracica are 6 pairs of trunk appendages are present
2729. General characters of Acrothoracia are 4 pairs of trunk appendages are present
2730. General characters of Apoda are Trunk appendages are absent
2731. General characters of Thoracica are 6 pairs of trunk append ages are present
2732. General characters of Acrothoracia are 4 pairs of trunk appendages are present
2733. General characters of Apode are Trunk appendages are absent
2734. General characters of Rhizocephala Appendages absent & body is degenerated
2735. The largest sub-class of class Crustracea Malacostraca
2736. General characters of Malacostraca are Body with 20-21 segments are distinct,
caxapoce covers cephalothorax.
2737. The are 5 super orders of sub-class Phyllocoxidam Haplocarida, Syncarida,
Molacostraca peracarida & Eucarida
2738. The super – order Phyllocarida is Nebalicea
having only one order
2739. The super order Heplocarida is having Stomatopoda
only one order
2740. General character of Stomatopoda Abdominal appendages are biramous & the last
four thoracic segments are from carapace
2741. The super order Suncarida is having Anispadacea
only one order
2742. The super order Precarida is having 5 Mysidacea, Cumacea, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, &
orders Amphipoda.
2743. General characters of Mysidacea 1st antenna is biramous & carapace is the chief


respiratory organ
2744. General characters of Cumacea Antenna is unsegmented
2745. General characters of Isopoda (both Carapace is absent
aquatic & terrestrial)
2746. General characters of Amphipoda Thoracic appendages carries gills & body is
laterally compressed
2747. General characters of super order Mandibles are present & very important grout
Eucarida includes by shrimps, prawn, lobsters & crabs
2748. The orders of super order Eucarida are Euphauslacea & Decapoda
2749. General characters of Euphousiacea Telson is with one spine
2750. General characters of Decapoda 10 pairs of legs are present ( 5 pairs each of
peleopods & pereopods).
2751. The sub-orders of Decapoda are Natantia & Reptantia
2752. The family of super order Natantia are Penaeidae, Polaeomonidae & Sergestidae
2753. General characters of Penaeidae Antennule with two flagella & 1st three pairs of
walking legs are chilated, 2nd abdominal
segment only the 3rd
2754. General characters of Palaeomonidae Antennule with three flagella & 1 st two paris of
walking legs are chileated, 2 nd abdominal
segment 1st & 3rd
2755. Sub-order Reptantia is having two Section A (Brachyura) & Section B (Macrura)
2756. General characters of family Portunida Last pair of legs are flattened for swimming
important family of Brachyura (Crabs)
2757. General characters of family panuliridae The body is brightly coloured with numerous
one important family of Macrura spots
2758. The word called “Mollis” Means “Soft-bodied”
2759. The circulatory system of Mollusc is Open type
2760. The respiratory organs of mollusc The Foot of Mollusc is modified for
consists of glib called Tenidia
2761. Creeping, swimming & burrowing
2762. The body of Mollusc is Unsegmented & without appendages
2763. In mollusc the mouth, eyes, tentacles & Head
other sensory are present in the
2764. The body of Mollusc is divided in to Visceral mass, Head, Foot & Mantle
four parts
2765. The Respiratory pigment of mollusk is Haemocyanin
2766. The excretory system of Molluscs Nephridia
consists of
2767. The fertilization of Mollusc is Both external & Internal
2768. The classification of Mollusc was done Morton & Yonge


2769. Classification of Mollusc was done on Glib, foot structure, shell & Nervous system
the basis of
2770. The classes of phylum Molluscs are Monoplacophora, Amphineura, Scophopoda,
Gastropoda apholopoda & Pelycypoda
2771. General characters of Monoplacophora Shell is made up of a single piece
2772. The word placo refers to Shell
2773. General characters of Amphineura Nervous system is primitive with longitudinal
pallial & pedal cords.
2774. The word neural refers to Nerve
2775. There are two orders of Amphineura Aplacophora & Polyplacophora
2776. General characters of Aplacophora Shell is absent
2777. General characters of Polyplacophora Shell is with of broad plates
2778. General characters of class Scaphopoda Foot is boat shaped
2779. The word Scapho refers to Boat
2780. The word podos refers to Foot
2781. General characters of Gastropoda Shells under go torsion on coiling & is
univalved, Head with large two tentacles & eyes
2782. The word gastor refers to Stomach
2783. There are thru (3)sub classes of Prosobranchia, Opisthobranchia & Pulmonata.
2784. The subclass Prosobranthis have 3 Archaeogastropoda, Mesogastropoda &
orders Neogastropoda
2785. General characters of Mantle is with two ctinidia, two auricles & two
Archaeogastropoda nephridia
2786. General characters of Mesogastropoda Mantle is with one ctinidium, one auricles &
one nephridium.
2787. General characters of class Peleycypoda Shell is without any torsion
2788. The orders of Pelycypoda are Protobranchia,filibranchia, Eulomellibranchio &
2789. General characters of Protobranchia Gills are present posteriorly & one gill filaments
are not folded
2790. General characters of Filibranchia Gill filaments are long folded with ciliary
2791. General characters of Eulamellibronchia Gill filaments are folded
2792. General characters of class Foot is modified into arms or tentacles attached
Cephalopoda to head
2793. The word cephato means Head
2794. There are three sub-classes of Nautiloidea, Coleoidea & Anthanoidea
2795. Nautiloidea is having one family Nautilidae
2796. General characters of Nautilidae Many tentacles are present & without sucking


2797. General characters of Coleoidea 8-10 tentacles with sucking devices present
2798. Two orders of coleoidea are present Decapoda & Octopoda
2799. General characters of Decapoda Head with ten tentacles of which two are long &
eight short arms
2800. Families of Decapoda are Sepiidae & Laliginidae
2801. General characters of Sepiidae Cuttle bone is head
2802. General characters of Laliginidae Cuttle bone is thin or absent
2803. General characters of order Octopoda Eight equal arms are present
2804. Only one family of Octopoda Octopodidae
2805. The subclass Antanoidae are Extinct
2806. The excretory system of a prawn Greengland, lattral duct, Renal sac &
consists of a Integument
2807. The green gland is present at the Coxa of each antenna
2808. Each gland of green gland consists of End sac, labyrinth & bladder
three parts
2809. End sac is present between Labyrinth & bladder
2810. Reproductive system of male prawn Pair of testes, pair of vas different & a pair of
consists of 3 parts vesicular seminalis
2811. In prawn the production & Maturation Spermatogenesis
of spermatozoa within the testis in male
2812. The matured & functional male sex Spermatozoa
cells or male gamates is
2813. The tests of a prawn are fused at its Anterior end
2814. The middle gap of the testes is filled up Pyloric stomach
2815. The germinal epithelium undergoes Spermatozoa or sperm
spermatogenesis to form
2816. The sperm of a prawn consists of a Nucleolus & a short tail
round cytoplasmic body which contain
a large
2817. A long coiled & narrow tube of a sperm Vas differentia
duct is called
2818. Reproductive system of a female Pair of ovary & pair of oviduct
consists of two parts
2819. Ovary is a pair of compact Sickle shaped & white in colour
2820. On the basis of Anatomy nervous Central nervous system (CNS) & peripheral
system of fish is of two types nervous system (PNS)
2821. The CNS consists of Brain & spinal card
2822. All nerve tissue excluding Brain & spinal cord


2823. All nerve tissue excluding Brain & P.N.S

spinal cord is called
2824. The anterior enlargement of the spinal A brain
cord is called
2825. Brain is present in the ?cavity of the skull
2826. The brain of fish is divided into there Fore brain, midbrain & hind brain (prosen
parts cephalon)
2827. Fore brine consists of two parts Telencephalon & Diancepholon
2828. Telencephalon has two parts Olfactory lobes & cerebral hemisphere
2829. The main function of cerebral Control the reproductive behaviour of fish
hemisphere is to
2830. The main function of olfactory lobe is To transmit smell impulses to other centers
2831. Diancepholon has two parts Dorsal epithalomus, lateral thalamus & ventral
2832. Mid brain is large in size end co** of Optic tectum & ventral tegumentum
dorsally placed
2833. Hind brain consists of two parts Cerebellum (Meten cephalon) & Medulla
oblongata (Myelencephelon)
2834. The main function of cerebellum is to Control swimming equilibration maintenance &
mascular movement etc.
2835. The main function of medulla oblongata Respiration, paling of body colour &
is for asmoreyulation
2836. Cranial nerves has 10 pairs in Teleost
2837. Auditory nerve has two branches Vestibules & **
2838. Spinal nerves consists of two roots Posterior sensory root & anterior motor root
2839. The blood vascular system of prawn is Veins & capillaries
open type because there is no
2840. The heart of a prawn is present below Carapace
2841. The anterior part of the heart of prawn Apex
is called
2842. The posterior part of the heart of prawn Base
is called
2843. The mascular well of the heart contain 5 Ostia
Paris of slit like apparatus called
2844. The shape of a prawn heat is Triangular
2845. The circulatory system of prawn is Heart & pericardium chamber, the anterior
divided into three parts artery & posterior arteries
2846. The posterior arteries is known as Median posterior artery
2847. The oxygenated blood are stored in the Pericardial chamber
2848. Sastric artery is supplied to the Stomach
2849. Mandibular artery is supplied to the Mandible


2850. The endoskeletin of teleost is more or Ossified

less completely
2851. The skull is divided into two parts Neurocranium & Branchiocranium
2852. The Neurocranium includes the Brain base, olfactory & ofice capsules
2853. The Branchicranium includes the Jaws, hyoidarch, apercular series & the gill
2854. Vertebral column is divided into Anterior complex vertebral, typical trunk
vertebrae, pre caudal vertebrae, caudal vertebrae
& Rib bones
2855. Anterior complex vertebrae is formed 1st 4 (carps) – 6 (catfishes) vertebrae
by the fusion of
2856. The last caudal vertebrae is run Urastyle
backward into an upturned rod like
process called as
2857. In trunk vertebrae a pair of small blunt Pre-zygopophysis & postozygopophysis
process arise upwards of the base of
rural arch called
2858. Ribs are of two types One is present at abdominal region & 2 nd on at
trunk & caudal region
2859. In Trunk & caudal region a second Outer mascular bones
series of rib like bones are present
called as
2860. The pectoral girdle is made up of two Dorsal scopula & a ventral coracoid bones
lateral halves & each half of girdle
consists of a
2861. The pectoral girdle is also having a Dermal bones
genes of
2862. Each may of a pelvic girdle is Pelvic bone
2863. Migration of fishes in search of food Alimental migration
and water is called
2864. Migration of fishes for reproduction is Gametic migration
2865. Migration of fishes in search of suitable Climatic migration
climatic conditions is called
2866. Migration of fishes in case of Salt balance is called – osmoregulatory
maintaining the water migration
2867. When the fishes are released from a Random locomotary movement
particular point & spread out in all
directions leading to uniform
distribution is called
2868. When the fishes moves towards or away Oriented swimming movement
from a point /source of stimulation is


2869. The several methods of migratory Drifting, Random locomotary movement

movements are oriental locomotary movement, Dentant &
2870. The movement of the fish along with Denatant
the water current is called
2871. The movement of the fish against the Contranatant
water current is called
2872. Fish migration may be divided into 3 Diadromous, potadromous & oceanodromous
2873. Diadromous meens Fresh water – seawater & vice versa
2874. Potadromous means Migration wholly in fresh water
2875. Oceanodromous means Migration wholly in sea water
2876. Diadromous is divided into three puts Anadromous, catadromous & Amphid- ramous
2877. Migration of the fishes from fresh water – Amphidromous
to Sea water & vice versa but not for the
purpose of breeding is called
2878. Development takes place in Poecilla Parthogonetic development
Formosa in which the sperms simply
induce the egg to develop, but take no
part in fertilization as called
2879. When the ovaries are naked then it is “Gymaorian” condition & is primitire (e.y
called as Elasmobranch, Dipoi, chondrostei & Ami)
2880. In lepidosteus & teleost, the ovaries Cystoarian
become enclosed in coelmic sacs & the
lumen of the ovary is continued into the
oviduct is called
2881. The testis is composed of a large Connective tissue
number of seminiferous tubules or
lobules which are closely bound
together by thin layer
2882. The walls of the lobules or tubules are Germinal epithelium
not lined by permanent
2883. The space between the lobules or Connective tissue , blood capillaries &
tubules are filled with interstitial cells
2884. The process of metamorphosis of Spermiogenesis
spermatids to sperms is called
2885. The ovaries are paired elongated sac Abdominal cavity ventral to the kidney
like structures lying in the
2886. The developing egg is known as an Oocyte
2887. In the oocyte VII the yolk vesicles are Cortical alveoli
pushed of the egg and form
2888. A mature egg is surrounded by an Follicular epithelium (Zonagranulosa)
external layer of the ** followed by
2889. On the basis of histomorphological Resting phase, early maturingphase, advanced
changes the ovarian cycle is divided maturing phase, mature or prespawning phase ,


into the following phases spawning phase & spent phase

2890. All the developing oocytes of a fish Atretic oocytes
ovary do not reach maturity &
degeneration and resorption called as
2891. The disc of cells thus formed on the Blastoderm
animal pole of the egg is called
2892. The free blostomeres which become Periblast
arranged on the top of the yolk to form
a layer of cells called as
2893. The space between the blastoderm & Blostocoal
the periblast is called
2894. During the period of the involution of Epiboly
cells, the cells of the blestoderm have
continued to grow over the yolk this
process is called as
2895. The number of eggs before fertilization in an Prefertilized Fecundity
ovary is called
2896. The number of fertilized eggs in an ovary is Fertilized fecundity
2897. The no of larvae after hatching before extresion Larval Fecundity
is called
2898. A type of eggs which float passively is called Planktonic eggs (Sardine, Mackerel
2899. A type of eggs which neither float nor settle on Semi-buoyant eggs (Shad)
bottom is called
2900. The counting of laid eggs can be done by Volumetric method & Van Bayer
2901. The otoliths are also called as Ear stone
2902. The increase in the growth of fish is achieved by Triodothyronine (T3)
a thyroid hormone called
2903. The teleostean kidney is divided into two parts Head kidney & trunk kidney
2904. There are five (5) types of kidney in Teleost
2905. The two kidney are completely fused and there is Clupeidae
no colour distinction between head & trunk
kidney found in
2906. The middle and posterior partition of the kidneys Eels & catfish
are fused & there is distinction between head &
trunk kidney found in
2907. Only the extreme posterior part of the kidney is Seahorse, pipe fish
fused & there is no distinction & head & trunk
kidney found in
2908. Only the posterior part of the kidney is fused & Mugilidae, Scombridae
head & Trunk kidney easily distinguishable tuna


2909. The two kidneys are completely separated Lophidae
2910. Testes are attached to body well that is coelomic Measorchia
epithelium by means of
2911. In the stomach the food is activated by Gastric juice & Hcl
2912. Gastric juice is of there kinds of enzymes Pepsin, rennin & gastric lypase
2913. Helps in the digestion of proteins Pepsin
2914. Helps in the digestion of lactose Rennin
2915. Bile is secreted from the Liver
2916. Pancreatic juice is secreted from the Pancreas
2917. Bile pigments are named as Beliverdin
2918. Pancreatic juice contains 3 imp enzymes Amylopsin, steapsin & Trypsin
2919. Converts standard glycogen into maltose Amylopsin
2920. Converts tats into in soluble fatty acids then to Steapsin
maltose is
2921. Converts peptides & peptones into monoacids Trypoin
2922. The intestines produces a digestive juice Successentericas
2923. The enzymes produced by successenterices are Erepsin, Lipase, Invertase, Maltose,
2924. Hydrolyses the fats Lipase
2925. Transforms peptones into amino acids Erepsin
2926. Converts cane sugar into glucose & fructose Maltase
changes Maltose into glucose
2927. Changes lactose into glucose & galactose Lactase
2928. The cardiovascular system consists of Blood, heart & Blood vessels.
2929. Blood is a Liquid connective tissue (red in
2930. Blood consists of two components Plasma (liquid) & cellular (Blood
2931. A liquid portion, colour less & which consists of Plasma
water is
2932. Cellular also is called as Corpuscular part

2933. There are there varieties of corpuscles or cells RBC (Erythrocytes), WBC
present in blood (Leucocytes) & plate lets
2934. WBC is divided into Agranulocytes & Grenulocytes
2935. Agranulscytes again is divided into Lymphocytes & Monocytes
2936. Granulocytes is divided into Neutrophils, Eosinophils/acidophils &
2937. The heart of the fishes is known as Branchial heart


2938. The heart of a fish conist of four chamber Sinus venosus, Auricle (atrium),
ventricle & Balbus arteriosus (conus)
2939. The main function of sinus venosus is To receive blood & pass it to arteries
2940. The base of the ventral aorta is thickened to form Balbus
2941. The blood vessels through which the blood are Artery
supplied away from heart is called
2942. Arterial system of fish is divided into three parts Artery to head & glib, Abdominal
artery & coronary artery
2943. Abdominal artery is divided into two parts Dorsal aorta & ventral aorta
2944. The artery which supplies blood to anterior part Coelia artery ?
of intestine is
2945. The artery which supplies to posterior part of the Mesenteric artery
intestine is
2946. The marine fishes in this body have Low salt concentration
2947. The fresh water fishes in their body have High salt concentration
2948. The maintenance of dynamic equilibrium of Osmoregulation
internal body fluid to that of the external
environment is called
2949. The organisms maintaining the body fluids Hyperosmoregulation
above the conc.of environment is called
2950. The organisms then maintain one salt conc.of Hypo-osmoregulation
their body fluid below that of the environment is
2951. When the osmotic conc.of the body fluid is ISO-osmotic
regulated to the conc.of environment is called
2952. The ions present in the fish are excreted by a Chloride cells ( present in the gills)
special type of cells called as
2953. The chloride cells are absent in Fresh water fishes
2954. The blood of elasmobranch is Isotonic to sea water
2955. The similar type of chloride cells is present in Rectal glands
2956. Rectal glands are absent in F. water elasmobranch
2957. Fishes have no salivary glands but they have Gastric glands
2958. The respiratory pigment in the fishes Haemoglobin
2959. Haemoglobin loosely combines with ozygen to Oxyhaemoglobin
2960. Haemoglobin also combines with carbon Carbonyl haemoglobin
monoxide (CO) to form
2961. Respiration in which oxygen is pass in & CO2 is External respiration
pass out from the blood is called


2962. Respiration in which oxygen of the blood is Internal respiration

given up to the tissue of the body and the CO2 is
passed from the tissue into the blood is called
2963. The gaseous exchange between the outside water External respiration
(DO2) blood is called as
2964. The international respiration also is called as Tissue respiration
2965. The air bladder is completely modified as a long Dipnoi
2966. Fast swimming tissue as Tuna can active the “Ram ventilation”.
required water flow by
2967. The rate of O2 consumption increases with the Temperature
increase in
2968. The salt concentration of water ranges from 10 mg/lt. – 200 mg/lt
2969. The study of animal function both at tissue & Physiology
cellular level is called
2970. The water is present in three compartments in Plasma, intestinal & Intracellular
any organism
2971. The hormone which is responsible for control of Neurohypophysial hormone
osmoregulation is
2972. The free stomach is characterized by the Muscularis mucosa
presence of smooth muscle called
2973. In most of the holostean & Teleostean bony Chloroid gland
fishes, the blood vessels of choroids layer are
arranged like a horse shoe shaped structure
known as
2974. The largest neurons of the retina is called the Bipolar cells
2975. The eyes of most of the fishes resemble Flattened spheres
2976. The two morphologically distinct types of Rads & Cones
receptor cells are
2977. The primary sensory organ of gestory system is Taste bud
2978. The pituitary gland is located below one Diencephalons
2979. Thyrolropin activates Thyroid
2980. Advernocorticotropic hormones activate Adrenal cortex
2981. The Pituitary gland lies on the ventral side of the Ofice chiasma
brain behind the
2982. The another name of pituitary gland is Hypophysis
2983. The pituitary gland is enclosed in the cavity of Sellaturcica
the parasphenoid bone ?
2984. The two major parts of the pituitary gland are Adenohypophysis & neurohypophysis
2985. The rostral pars distalis as also known as Proadenohypophysis
2986. The proximal pars distalis is also called Mesoadenohypophysis


2987. The pars intermedia is also known as Metadenohypophysis

2988. The glandular part is called the Adenohypophysis
2989. The nervous part is called the Neurohypophysis
2990. The Infundibulum stalk enters the gland & in Leptobasic type
such cases the gland is called
2991. The infundibulum stalk enters the gland at the Platybasic type
outer side
2992. The infundibulum stalk enters the gland at the Caudobasic type
posterior part of the neurophypophysis
2993. The stalk enters the gland from middle region of Donso-basic type
the dorsal surface
2994. The pituitary gland of elasmobranch has four Rostral pars distabs, proximal pars
compartment distalis, neurointermediate to be &
2995. The dorsal lobe is also known as Rostral lobe
2996. Sella turnica is attached to the brain by means of Infundibulum
a stalk called
2997. Rostral pars distalis has two hormones Prolactin & corticotropin
2998. Function of corticotropin is Controls secreation of adrenal galnd
& internal gland
2999. Proximal pars distalis has three hormones Thyrotropins, gonadotropin &
3000. Function of Thyrotropin is Controls the growth of thyroid gland
3001. Function of gonadotropin is of two types FSH & LH
3002. Function of FSH & LH Controls gametogenes, oogenesis &
Dpermatogenesis (i.e. controls the
maturation of gametes)
3003. Function of somatotropin (Growth hormone) is Controls the growth of the body
3004. Pars intermidia has two hormones Melanaphore stimulating hormone
(MSH) & Melanophore contracting
hormone (MCH)
3005. Function of FSH & LH Control the concentration &
depression of pigments within
3006. Neurohypophysis has two types of hormones Vasopression & oxytocin
3007. Function of vasopression is Osmoregulation & salt water balance
3008. Function of oxytocin is Mating & egg laying
3009. Gonadotropin (GTH) secretion is regulated by GnRH & Dopamine
two neurohormones
3010. Function of GnRH is To release Gonadotropin
3011. Function of Dopamine Gonadotropin releasing inhibiting


3012. Different types of hormone administration for Pituitary homogenate, purified fish
spawning are gonadotropin, somach, steroids, &
3013. Purified fish gonadotropin for spawning of IMC SG – G – 100
3014. The combination of HCG & P.G is the Somach
3015. The examples of steroids are 17-  - hydroxy, 20 -  - dihydroxy &
Progesterone (17  - 20 pp)
3016. The examples of ovaprim are Ovatide & ova – FH
3017. The spawning of the fishes is influenced by the Petrichor
3018. Two types of synthetic hormones are Pomozide & Domperidone
3019. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming (1928)
3020. The 1 successful genetic engineering U.K (1973)
experiment was conducted in
3021. Raw material for plastic industry was obtained Late 80’s
from & microbes in
3022. The enzymes extracted from yeast that can Edward Butchner (1897)
convert sugar to alcohol was discovered by
3023. The 1st genetically engineered growth hormone mid 80’s
was approved for the treatment of dwarfism in
3024. Insulin was approved for use in diabetes 1982
3025. The 1 man to who observed microbes Antone van Leeuwanhoek (1680)
3026. Sperm is divided into three parts Head, middle space & Tail
3027. The middle space of a sperm contain Mitochondria & centrozome
3028. An opening is present in the fish egg for sperm Micropile
fertilization called


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