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I am ______________ and I was diagnosed with depression.

Honestly, I don’t know when it all started. But one thing I know for sure, being okay is the last
thing that can define me. Everything is black and white, I just feel numb and disconnected.
(Walking alone in the hallways with friends but feels out of place.) Everyday is a constant
struggle to hide my pain, to be okay. I feel like a dead body walking, nothing interests me, no, I
can even barely function. (Watches people doing what they like) And all that I loved, I hurt. I am
cursed, I bring disaster (Parents shouting at each other until father walks away and leaves them.).
Would everything be fine if I am gone? Is it selfish of me to wish that I am dead, to make this
pain go away? If they truly care they would let me be, to find peace with dead. (Contemplating to
commit suicide by taking pills) If they truly care, they should have from the start (Eats dinner
alone and feels neglected). But they only care when I am gone. (Tries to commit suicide but was
found by mom and was rushed to hospital)

Story 2

I am _____________, I am diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Not to brag, but I used to be called the prettiest in school, and honestly, I love the title and the
attention s my peers have given me. My confidence has skyrocketed, I was cheerful back then,
without a care in the world. I have dreams, big dreams and I thought the gift of beauty is an
would help me through it. Boys admired me while girls cursed me but I don’t care until one day,
something happened that made me realize that this gift will also be my greatest downfall.

A guy in school asked me out, to be honest he is kind of cute, but I am not yet ready to be in a
relationship. He was sweet, he is not like the others. But I turned him down. I don’t know
anything about love and dating is a luxury for me, I have better things to do. I thought he would
understand. But no, he was desperate. He would harass me every chances he get. He begged and
begged, every day I receive messages from him. Some are sweet until he would snapped and
threat me. He would not leave me alone When I tried to bring this up I was blamed, they said it
was my fault for smiling too much, for being too friendly. I was disturbed, I cannot trust anyone,
I could barely sleep. I become paranoid, I fear for my life, Every corner I see him watching.
Until one day he got the chance and cornered me, he gripped my arms too tightly threatening to
kill me before he kills himself, if no one had seen us I don’t know what would happen. That was
the last thing I remembered before I was black out.

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