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Reina Althea C.

Sanoy English Project


A pleasant afternoon/morning to all of you, the topic that I have chosen is the “Cases of Domestic
Violence against Men”. You may or may not know that women aren’t the only victims of domestic violence.

First of all, what is domestic violence? Domestic violence occurs between people in an intimate
relationship. Domestic violence against men can take many forms, it includes emotional, sexual, and
physical abuse or threats of abuse that may happen in a heterosexual or same-sex relationships. It might
not seem easy to distinguish or recognize domestic violence against men because early in the relationship
your partner might seem attentive, generous, and protective in many ways which then turns out to be
controlling or frightening. The abuse might appear as an isolated incident, which your partner might
apologize and promise to not hurt or abuse you again. You might be undergoi ng domestic violence if your
partner, forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will, calls you names, threatens you
with violence or a weapon, and many more.

A man named Paul Chivers experienced domestic violence; four years after what he calls “the
event” he still has flashbacks and night terrors. In 2014 his then wife split his head open with a hairdryer.
By that point, as what Mr. Chivers stated, he had been receiving end of domestic abuse for ten years. His
wife was given a 16-month prison sentence and he took custody of their daughter. Particularly, police in
Britain are discovering more of such cases, about 4% of men report being mistreated at home, between
2012 and 2017 the numbers of male domestic abuse victims have been recorded by the police each year
more than doubled. In fact, there is growing recognition that men can be victims of this crime says Mark
Brooks of the ManKind Initiative.

In conclusion, women aren’t the only victims of domestic violence men are also victims of this kind
of crime. It doesn’t mean that men are traditionally thought to be physically stronger than women they
wouldn’t be subjected in such crime.

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