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It’s incredibly difficult to roll out of bed some days (especially at 4:30am to exercise).

Sometimes you
just don’t feel motivated to do anything. You don’t want to create. You don’t want to contribute to
others. You don’t want to do anything. Sometimes you’d rather sit passively in front of the television
and watch the world progress without you. We know, it happens to us too. Sometimes we procrastinate
or we just don’t feel like doing something. But we do three things that allow us to break our pattern and
take action. Good news, they’re all pretty easy too. 1. Accountability Partners. Recently, blogger Sean
Ogle tweeted about how accountability phone calls each morning helped him immensely while he
prepared for his marathon. We often exercise with each other. It helps to have someone else there to
make sure we show up when we need to show up and to make sure we give it a little extra effort each
time. Who is your accountability partner? It can be via phone, in person, or even via email or text. Get
one. 2. Taking The First Step. We tend to put things off, especially boring or mundane tasks (e.g., doing
the dishes, laundry, writing, etc.), but if we take the first step, we get 35 Joshua Millburn | Ryan
Nicodemus momentum and we are much more likely to complete the task. Sometimes we just need to
take that first step—as difficult as that might seem at times—and the rest falls in line. Go on, take that
first step. 3. Change Your State. If we don’t feel like getting up or moving, we will drastically change our
physiology (e.g., go for a walk, jump up and down like a crazy person [seriously], do push-ups, change
our breathing [deeper, more conscious breaths], run as fast as we can for 30 seconds, etc.). Do
something to radically change your physical state. Motion creates emotion. Give these three things a
shot. They will get you moving in the right direction.

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