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Liberating Yet Terrifying Once you do this—once you discover your passion and mission—it’s eye

opening. It’s liberating, but it’s also terrifying. It’s liberating because everything changes for you. You
feel new and excited and free. Now you have something to focus on, and your life has a purpose, it has a
meaning. It’s terrifying because you realize that the life you’ve been living has been total bullshit, you
realize that you must change, because if you don’t change then you’re essentially dead. This might
sound like hyperbole or exaggeration, but I assure you it’s not. It’s the cold truth. You are either living a
meaningful life or you are dead inside. Burn The Boat You’ve most likely heard that little old parable
before, the one in which the warriors arrive on the island and burn their boats so they are forced to stay
and fight because they have no other alternative. They must fight and win or die trying. There’s no
turning back. On February 28, 2011, I burned my boat. That was my last day at my big corporate job.
March 1, 2011, was my first day of freedom, the first day of my real life, my new life. This year I will
focus on my passion (primarily writing) and on my mission (growth and contribution). I will publish my
first novel As a Decade Fades towards the end of the year (my passion). I will publish content on our site
that helps people change Screw You, I Quit! 89 Joshua Millburn | Ryan Nicodemus their lives (my
passion and mission). I will spend a lot more time contributing to others through charity and mentoring
(my mission). And I will help you if you need my help. Burning your boat is also terrifying. You begin to
think things like, What am I going to do for money? and What if I end up broke, will I be homeless? and
What if I’m not successful at pursuing my passions? and What if I’m making a terrible mistake?

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