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O102 - Navigating the Classes How would you do it?

Robyn Healy

Creating a Book of Shadows

1. Name of the Teacher Teaching the Class: Jennifer Piccirillo

2. The Teacher's Email Address:

3. What is in The Subject Line: Creating a Book of Shadows

4. What is in the Body of the Email:

Hello Jennifer,

My name is Robyn. I am interested in joining your class Creating a Book of

Shadows. I see that there are no spots currently available for this class. I would
like to request to be put on the waiting list. I will leave an open class spot for when
the class does become available. I have already purchased the required binder.
Attached please find my Orientation certificate.

Thank you,

5. Items Needed for the Class: A notebook, binder, or purchased book of


6. What is Attached to the Email: Orientation Certificate

Astrology 103

1. Name of the Teacher Teaching the Class: Zanna Starr

2. The Teacher's Email Address:

3. What is in The Subject Line: Astrology 103

4. What is in the Body of the Email:

Hello Zanna,
MY name is Robyn. I am interested in joining your class Astrology 103. I am
prepared with the textbook The Only Astrology Book You Will Ever Need by Joanna
Martine Woolfolk and have attached my Orientation and Astrology 102 certificates.

Thank you,

5. Items Needed for the Class: The Only Astrology Book You Will Ever Need by
Joanna Martine Woolfolk

6. What is Attached to the Email: Orientation and Astrology 102 certificates

O102 - Navigating the Classes How would you do it? Robyn Healy

Healing of the Soul 104

1. Name of the Teacher Teaching the Class: Misty Waitkus

2. The Teacher's Email Address:

3. What is in The Subject Line: Healing of the Soul 104

4. What is in the Body of the Email:

Hello Misty,
My name is Robyn. I am interested in joining your class Healing of the Soul 104. I
am prepared with the required certificates, my Term and Ritual Journals. Attached
please find the required certificates

Thank you,

5. Items Needed for the Class: Term Journal and Ritual Journal

6. What is Attached to the Email: Certificates for Orientation, Healing of the Soul
- Magick Formula, Norse Gods, Middle Eastern Gods, Greek Gods, Celtic Goddesses,
Middle Eastern Goddesses, Greek Goddesses

Druidism 101

1. Name of the Teacher Teaching the Class: Ms. Savanna Moon

2. The Teacher's Email Address:

3. What is in The Subject Line: Druidism 101

4. What is in the Body of the Email:

Hello Ms. Savanna,
My name is Robyn. I would like to join your class Druidism 101. I have the
required items needed for the class. Attached please find the required certificates.

Thank you,

5. Items Needed for the Class: Rose Quartz, Access to Herbs

◦ Garlic Powder

◦ White Willow Bark

◦ White Oak Bark

◦ Betony

◦ Vervain

◦ Dandelion Leaf (dried)

◦ Mugwort

O102 - Navigating the Classes How would you do it? Robyn Healy

◦ Meadowsweet

◦ Agrimony

◦ Juniper Berries

◦ Mistletoe

◦ Cloves

◦ Apple Peel of one apple

• Access to OilsAccess to Ritual Tools

◦ Primrose

◦ Verbena

◦ Wisteria

• Access to Craft Items

• Stones for build an outside and inside altar and stone circles

• A Book of Shadows

• Camera

• Smudge Stick

• Charcoal Disks

• Incense Burner

• Cotton Tea Bag

• Flower Petals

• A Mirror

• 4 White Tea Light Candles

• 4 Red Tea Light Candles

• 6 Hard Boiled Eggs

• Food Coloring

• Compass

• Ingredients to make bread

6. What is Attached to the Email: Certificates for Orientation, Altars and Shrines,
Herbalism Basics 101, the herb rack 101, herbal witchcrafting, ritual basics,
meditation 101, writing ogham 102, ethical workings, symbolism, celtic gods, celtic
goddesses, wheel of the year certificates in Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane,
Litha, Lughnasadh, and Mabon

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