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(SUCK ur) n.
help; relief; assistance
Sounds like: SOCCER

“Cheerleaders giving SUCCOR to an

injured SOCCER player”

 Doctors provide SUCCOR to their patients.

 The police often provide SUCCOR to those injured in

automobile accidents.

 Wounded soldiers are SUCCORED by medics in

battlefield conditions.

(fowl) n.
any type of bird;
the meat of that bird
Sounds like: FOUL

“A FOWL hit by a FOUL ball”

 Turkey is the FOWL of choice for Thanksgiving dinner.

 Phil raised FOWL on his farm, mostly chickens and ducks.

 Snow geese are FOWL that fly south in the winter.

 Quail are a favorite FOWL in gourmet restaurants.

(runt) n.
undersized; a small
animal or person
Sounds like: BUNT

“The RUNT laid down a BUNT.”

 The RUNT of the litter is always Karen’s favorite.

 Silver was my RUNT pony, but I loved him all the same.

 Jack’s father affectionately called him “RUNT,” a

misnomer because Jack was the biggest member of the

(pree VAIL) v.
to be victorious; to persuade
Sounds like: SAIL

“The boat with the biggest SAIL PREVAILS.”

 His coach PREVAILED upon Joshua to stop moaning

about the team’s loss and get ready for the next game.

 The PREVAILING winds were out of the north most of the


 “Justice PREVAILS,” is an expression that means good

has won over evil.

(FUR vur) n.
intensity of feeling or expression
Sounds like: FEVER

“Babe Butterfinger had such FERVOR for

baseball he even played with a FEVER.”

 Avid sports fans have such FERVOR for their teams they
often argue during the games.

 The fans at the ballgame were split booing and cheering

with equal FERVOR.

 As a mark of his dedication and FERVOR for the violin,

Zachary practices six hours a day.

(wod) n.
a small mass of soft material
squeezed into a ball
Sounds like: SOD

“A big WAD of SOD.”

 After working all summer, Joey had a good WAD of

money stashed away to buy books for school.

 Jake stood before the principal and WADDED his cap into
his pocket.

 The detective found a small WAD stained with blood

behind the sofa.

(uh VERT) v.
to ward off; to turn away;
to keep from happening
Sounds like: HURT

“The quarterback found a way to AVERT getting HURT.”

 We AVERTED our eyes from the solar eclipse.

 The truck driver AVERTED an accident by driving onto the


 AVERTING disaster is often times a matter of luck.

(ZIG zag) n.
a series of turns in different directions that
nevertheless proceed in a general direction
Sounds like: TAG

“When playing TAG, ZIGZAG to avoid being TAGGED.”

 The blind person ZIGZAGGED his way across the

unfamiliar room.

 The trail ZIGZAGGED through the hills.

 ZIGZAGGING through the defenders, the quarterback ran

for a touchdown.

(WIM zuh kul) adj.
erratic in behavior; unpredictable;
having a quaint or fanciful quality
Sounds like: SWIM POPSICLE


 Todd’s suggestion to have a grape catching contest with

our mouths was a WHIMSICAL idea.

 Children’s stories often have WHIMSICAL plots;

Cinderella is one example.

 Bathing suits fashionable in the 19th century seem

WHIMSICAL to us now.

(SCAM pur) v.
to run; to go hastily of lightly
Sounds like: HAMPER


to the finish line.”

 The dogs SCAMPERED across the lawn to the house.

 The cat SCAMPERED after the rolling ball.

 We planned to SCAMPER past the guards when their

backs were turned.

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Vocabulary Cartoon Review # 6.1

Match the word with its definition.

1. ___ succor - (soccer) A) to go hastily

2. ___ fowl - (foul) B) approach indirectly

3. ___ runt - (bunt) C) to turn away

4. ___ prevail - (sail) D) a small mass

5. ___ fervor - (fever) E) intensity of feeling

6. ___ wad - (sod) F) to overcome

7. ___ avert - (hurt) G) a bird

8. ___ zigzag - (tag) H) undersized

9. ___ whimsical - (swim popsicle) I) relief; assistance

10. ___ scamper - (hamper) J) erratic behavior

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Vocabulary Cartoon Review # 6.2

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.

A) succor F) wad
B) fowl G) avert
C) runt H) zigzagged
D) prevailed I) whimsical
E) fervor J) scampered

1. Children’s stories often have ____________ plots.

2. The football player ____________ his way to a touchdown.

3. Joe found a small ____________ of lint in his pocket.

4. Ralph has ____________ for his new job.

5. The ____________ of choice for Thanksgiving is turkey.

6. We all agreed to ____________ our eyes when the scary part of the
movie appeared.

7. The ____________ of a litter is the smallest one.

8. Doctors provide ____________ to their patients.

9. Our team ____________ over the opposing team.

10. The car ____________ its way down the crooked road.
Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Vocabulary Cartoon Review # 6.3

Multiple Choice: Circle the appropriate word for the provided definition.

1. to run; to go hastily or lightly 6. what is left when a part is taken

a.) amble away; those left behind
b.) scamper a.) avert
c.) avert b.) afloat
d.) zigzag c.) remainder
d.) wad
2. to combine or unite into a uni-
fied whole; fit together 7. a floating condition; circulating
a.) wad about
b.) succor a.) avert
c.) dovetail b.) afloat
d.) endorse c.) remainder
d.) wad
3. help; relief; assistance
a.) avert 8. a small mass of soft material
b.) succor squeezed into a ball
c.) carp a.) fowl
d.) fervor b.) succor
c.) carp
4. to complain
d.) wad
a.) fervor
b.) fowl 9. to become widely open, separated;
c.) carp to stare in amazement
d.) prevail a.) gape
b.) wary
5. to become victorious; to win
c.) aghast
a.) fervor
d.) hypnotize
b.) succor
c.) outfox 10. to ward off ; to turn away; to keep
d.) prevail from happening
a.) avert
b.) zigzag
c.) prevail
d.) carp

Review #6

Review #6.1 Review #6.2 Review #6.3

Matching: Fill in the Blank: Multiple Choice:
1-i 1-whimsical 1. b.) scamper
2-g 2-scampered 2. c.) dovetail
3-h 3-wad 3. b.) succor
4-f 4-fervor 4. c.) carp
5-e 5-fowl 5. d.) prevail
6-d 6-avert 6. c.) remainder
7-c 7-runt 7. b.) afloat
8-b 8-succor 8. d.) wad
9-j 9-prevailed 9. a.) gape
10-a 10-zigzagged 10. a.) avert

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