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CE803 – Human-Machine Interaction – Spring 2013

Lab Activities – Week 22

Lab Coordinator: F. Sepulveda (fsepulv)

TOPIC: Brain-Computer Interfaces

Note: two volunteers will be needed for this experiment.


The purpose of this lab is to introduce the student to the equipment and methods used in brain-computer
interfaces. The students will participate in an experiment whereby brain signals related to movement
intentions will be recorded. The signals will later be used in Assignment 2 to control a simple virtual


A 64 channel Biosemi ActiveTwo system will be used along with an electrode cap. The software Actiview
will be used for recording the signals. For report writing purposes, more details about the system can be
found at:

After the signals are recorded, Matlab will be used for signal analysis and classification.

ElectroCap Set up

The lab coordinator will place five electrodes on a participant (four on the scalp and one on the ear lobe).
Scalp electrodes require the application of EEG electrode gel (i.e., a conductive hair gel) to reduce the
impedance between the skin and the electrode. The gel can be easily removed at the end of the
experiment by using a towel or, if the participant prefers, by briefly washing the area. Figure 1 illustrates
the set up procedure for the electrode cap.

Lab Experiment

In the laboratory we will measure EEG in channels C3, C4, Cz, and left earlobe while a participant performs
mental rehearsal of the following movements:
a. Right hand close (later to be translated into a virtual airplane’s ‘Roll to the right’ command)
b. Left hand close (airplane ‘Roll to the left’)
c. Right knee extension (airplane ‘Nose up’)
d. Right knee flexion (airplane ‘Nose down’)

A simple software on a second computer will be used to time the acquisition of the brain signals. A cable
will connect this computer with the data acquisition system. The software will display an arrow indicating
which of the above movements is to be rehearsed mentally. Each movement will be recorded 10 times.

The timing of each movement trial (i.e., attempt) will be according to the following loop, for which t=0s
indicates beginning of the task (see Fig. 2):
Time = -1s: the arrow appears on the screen
Time = 0s-50ms: A 50ms warning sound is given
Time = 0 to 3s: the participant does the mental rehearsal task
Time = 3s to 4s or 5s: the participant is allowed to relax (equivalent to t from -4s to -2s)

CE 803 – HMI CSEE Spring 2013 Page 1

Fig. 1 – Electrode cap set up.

Fig. 2 – Timing protocol for mental movement rehearsal experiment.

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