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Thanks for downloading Brutal Doom.

Main page:

Official Discord server:

1 - Step-By-Step Installation.
1.1 - Setting up the sourceports and installing the base game.
1.2 - Installing Brutal Doom.
1.3 - Setting up a skins folder.
2 - Common installation bugs and how to fix them.
3 - Brutal Doom features explained.
3.1 - Gameplay Balance.
3.2 - Skill levels.
3.3 - Classes.
3.4 - Map Enhancement System.
4 - Combat Manual.
4.1 - New abilities.
4.2 - Melee, executions, and stealth takedowns.
4.3 - Firearms.
4.4 - Heavy Weapons and Vehicles.
5 - Suggested maps to run with Brutal Doom.


1.1 - Setting up the sourceports and installing the base game.

First of all, you need the original game, a file known as IWAD. You need either a
DOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD, TNT.WAD, etc. There are thousands of ways to get it. You
can download it at Steam for US$10,00. DOOM2.WAD is the most important version of
the game to have, because you need it to play online.
Alternatively, you can just download FreeDoom.
The second thing you need, is a sourceport. You can't run a mod like Brutal Doom in
the original game's engine (you can't even run the original itself). So you need a
sourceport, a modified version of the source code, which allows you to run it on modern
OS (Windows 98/XP/2000/7/10, Linux, MacOS). A Sourceport by itself adds several new
features to the game, such as HD resolution, ability to look up/down with the mouse,
jumping, and all the necessary functions required to run modern mods. To run Brutal
Doom, you require a sourceport based on ZDoom sourceport family, which can be either
Zandronum or GZDoom. It's up to you to choose which sourceport you want (Brutal
Doom runs the same on both). If you are playing the Extermination Day pack, everything
is already configured in a Zandronum installation, and you just need to put the IWADs
into the folder, and play it.
Zandronum download:
Zandronum features a more optimized engine, and client-server Multiplayer, which
supports up to 64 players in several modes (Co-op, Deathmatch, Capture the Flag,
Invasion/Horde Mode, etc.)

GZDoom download:

GZDoom is a more advanced version of ZDoom. It features several new graphic options,
such as SSAO, Bloom, and more. It features basic Peer-to-peer multiplayer which is not
recommended (since you can't host servers and players can't connect to it on the fly).
GZDoom is way less optimized, and you will require a modern computer to be able to
run it on max settings at 60fps.
There is also a version of GZDoom that can run on Android mobile devices. You will
need to search google for a development version.

Installing the sourceports are all the same, it's basically a ZIP file that needs to be
unpacked. After you un-zip the file, go to the directory that you have the original doom
games installed and copy and paste our DOOM.WAD/DOOM2.WAD files into the
sourceport folder.
If you did everything correctly, you can start the sourceport and play the regular game.
The sourceports usually come installed with the default Doom controls (moving with
arrow keys, unable to look up/down, no keys assigned for jumping). If you are playing
the Extermination Day pack, all controls are already configured to a modern setting.

First of all, go to Options > Mouse options and enable mouselook. Go to customize
controls and map your keyboard how you want (movement in WASD, crouch on Ctrl,
jump on SPACEBAR, Open Doors with E, etc.) Also, make sure that you have assigned
a key for alt fire (preferably, Right Mouse button). This key is required to use the
weapon's alt modes (rifle iron sights, plasma shotgun, minigun spin, etc.)

More installation tutorials:

1.2 - Installing Brutal Doom

Now, copy and paste Brutal Doom's .pk3 file into your sourceport's main folder. There
are two main methods of running it.

1) The drag and drop method:

You just select BD's pk3 file, hold your mouse button, drag it over the sourceport
executable, and release it. You can also select multiple files (such as new maps to run
with it). Windows will give you the option to run the sourceport with the file automatically.
2) The .bat file method:

As you start filling your sourceport folder with more mods, dragging and dropping will
start becoming annoying. So you can make an executable that runs the mod directly.
Open your notepad, and type the following:

@echo off
start zandronum.exe -file brutalv21.pk3

Now go to "Save As.." and save the file as a .bat file instead of a .txt. Put it inside the
sourceport folder, and you got an executable to always run the sourceport with Brutal
Doom. This method can also be used to run multiple files (such as maps and addons) by
using multiple -file commands separated by commas. In this example, you can run Brutal
Doom with Doom 2 Reloaded and the Doom Metal Volume 5 mod.

@echo off
start zandronum.exe -file brutalv21.pk3 -file d2reload.wad -file DoomMetalVol5.wad

Always make sure the files are in the same folder, file names are correct, and you are
specifying the extension of the files.

You can also use ZDoom Launcher.

1.3 - Setting up the Skins folder (optional).

A Skins folder will contain files that are meant to be always loaded no matter what, such
as HD textures, HD sounds, and stuff like that. You just create a folder called SKINS in
the same directory of your sourceport. Files will be loaded in alphabetical order. Never
put any files that contain any kind of code on this folder, as it will cause bugs. It should
only be used for sound/ music packs, and multiplayer skins.
Recommended files:

Perkristian's HD sound effects: (improves the quality of all stock Doom sound effects)

Doom Metal (replace the songs of all regular Doom levels with instrumental remakes)

IDKFA (replaces the songs of the first game by professionally-made metal covers. This
only works on the first game.).

1.4 - Playing Online

GZDoom does features multiplayer, but it's extremely limited as it can go out of sync
easily, and only works on a P2P architecture (this means that all players must be
connected when the game starts. There is no server, so nobody can join after the game
started, not even people who disconnected).

So the way to go for multiplayer is only Zandronum, as it features client-server

architecture which supports up to 64 players.

So the way to go for multiplayer is only Zandronum, as it features client-server architeture which
supports up to 64 players.

A typical Zandronum installation usually comes with Doomseeker also installed. In case you don't
have it, download it here:

After you get it installed, you need to go to Options > Configure (or just press F5), and go to
Engines, and point out the place of the Zandronum executable.

After that, you are ready to join servers. You can press Ctrl + F to open the search bar, which will
allow you to filter servers by name, or files. In Brutal Doom's case, if you write bd21 on the
WADs filter as shown on the picture, you will browse all avaiable Brutal Doom v21 servers. When
trying to connect to a server that has different files, Doomseeker will automatically try to
download them.

To create servers, use the File > Create Servers option. It's pretty easy to do from there, you will
probably only have a problem if your modem has an integrated router, which will require you to
Port-Forward it. Since this works differently to each router, I can't help you.
Alternatively you can contact the TSPG group and ask them to host a server for you. It's free.
Main site:


The issue: The camera and lightning looks weird, everything stretches out when I look
up/down, the blood spots are flat, there are no dynamic lights/flashlight doesn't works,
translucent sprites are weird.

The solution: All of these aforementioned features are only possible by the 3D
acceleration features of the engine. The lack of these features means you are running
the engine in the software mode, not the OpenGL mode. To fix this, go to Options, Set
Video Mode, and change your rendering mode from "Software" to "OpenGL". You will
have to restart the game for it to take effect. Some extremely old computers won't be
able to run in the OpenGL mode and you will be stuck with the software mode.

The issue: Objects seems to be cropped into the floor.

The solution: Go to Options > Display Options > OpenGL Options, Preferences and set
"Adjust Sprite Clipping" to "Always". This bug happens because the game has sprites
cented a bit under the floor line, but the OpenGL render fails to render things which are
beneath the floor, so you need to enable this option so it can adjust the sprites to a more
natural-looking position. It's a pretty common sourceport issue which not only looks ugly,
but also can ruin your experience by making headshots more difficult as enemies will
look shorter than what they actually are.

The issue: Sound effects are way too loud, and there is a lot of clipping.
The solution: Go to Options > Sound Options, and reduce the volume of sound and
music, and increase it on your speakers/phones. Brutal Doom has been developed since
the days of the old sourceport Skulltag; while using this sourceport, sounds played much
lower in-game, and had to be adjusted to a certain pitch. Updates on the GZDoom
sourceport have changed the way the engine handles sounds, and these old sound
effects starts acting weird.

The issue: Everything looks blurred, it's like if everything was covered in vaseline.
The solution: Go to Options > Display Options > OpenGL Options > Texture Options,
and change the Texture Filter mode. Ideally, you should play it with it disabled, because
this filter makes everything blurred.

Left screen: No Filters. Right screen: Trilinear Filtering.

If you want to make things look more "HD" without making it look like a giant demon wacked
over everything, you can try checking the "High Quality Resize Mode" under the same sub-
menu. This filter scales everything up, and then scales everything down again. Some people find
this more attractive, others find it absolutely disgusting and whoever invented it should be
punished. But it's up to your personal preferences. but beware; this filter may cause a lot of lag
on your computer. If you don't have at least a GeForce GTX 650, this filter is not even worth

Left side: No filters. Right side: HQ4X filter.

The issue: I have a toaster and the game lags too much.

The solution: First of all, check the above section and make sure you have HD filters
turned off. Also try reducing your resolution (it's still Doom after all, you really don't need
to play it on 1440p, try reducing it to 720p, or 480p). There are also options to turn
dynamic lights off on OpenGL. If the amount of gibs seems to be the issue, go to Brutal
Doom Options, and reduce it.

The issue: I am trying to play it with a controller but the camera keeps spinning all
the time.

The solution: Go to the sourceport's controller options and make sure you are using
the correct controller type. Both GZDoom and Zandronum supports either Xinput or
Directinput controllers, but if you leave both options enabled, there might be some
conflicts depending on the model.

The issue: I am trying to host a Zandronum server, but the weapons disappear
when picked up and the players end up with not enough guns to fight the

The solution: Brutal Doom uses a different script for weapon placements, and they are
treated as regular items. The benefit of it is that players are able to pick up weapons in
multiplayer just like in singleplayer (that means still picking up the weapons again to get
their ammo). Make sure sv_itemrespawn is set to 1. BFGs are treated as "big powerups"
and have a longer respawn time, and and sv_bigpoweruprespawn needs to be set to 1.

Question: Can I play Brutal Doom in an Android device?

Download this GZDoom branch:
Question: Can I play Brutal Doom in split screen local game?
Well, technically you can, but that doesn't means that you should.
There is a fork of ZDoom that works with splitscreen
But it won't have any dynammic lights because it only works on software mode, and the
worse of all, you need two Xinput controllers to make it work. No, you can't run it with a
keyboard and single controller, you NEED two controllers connected, and both must be
Xinput controllers (like the XBox ones). One Xinput and one DirectInput controller won't


3.1 - Gameplay Balance.

Brutal Doom is not just about blood and guts. The mod’s design is to make everything in
the game bigger, better, louder, and faster. Enemies are smarter, move faster, and some
have new attack patterns. Everything is more lethal, all enemies are more dangerous
now, and most of your guns have to reload, but they do twice as much damage than in
the original game. This adds a new layer of strategy to the game, making the combat
less about just holding the fire button and avoiding enemy fire and more about an
elaborate dance of death. Random damage is entirely removed from both player
weapons and from enemy attacks, making the outcome of fights depend more on player
skill and less on RNG. For example, in the original game, a Revenant's homing missile
would cause to an unarmoured player between 10 to 80 damage , in Brutal Doom, it will
always deal 45 damage on a direct impact. An imp fireball can deal either 8, 16, or 24
damage, while in Brutal Doom, it will always deal 20 damage.

Armor also became more effective. On Vanilla Doom, Green Armor absorbed 33%
damage, and Blue Armor absorbed 50% damage. Now in Brutal Doom, Green Armor
absorbs 50% damage, and Blue Armor absorbs 75% damage.

Old guns no longer become obsolete as you acquire new ones. Every weapon from the
original game has been refined and perfectioned to be a useful tool: you are able to pick
up previously unavailable weapons from dead enemies such as the Mancubus' flame
cannon, or the Revenant's homing missile launcher. You also have access to weapons
previously planned in the original game but cut in the final version such as the assault
rifle, sub-machine gun, and the Unmaker.
In section 4 of this manual, there is a detailed guide on the weapons, their damage, best
uses, etc.

3.2 - Skill Levels.

All regular skills from the original game are still present (Not Too Rough, Hurt me Plenty,
Ultraviolence, Nightmare), and new ones have been added to spice up the game. For
your first gameplay, it's recommended to go with Hurt Me Plenty or Ultra-Violence, and
only use the following skill levels on a secondary playthrough.

Power Fantasy: A super easy skill level which spawns just as many enemies as in Ultra-
Violence. You take 75% less damage from everything. This mode is recommended for
extremely hard megawads such as Hell Revealed 2, or when playing on a phone.

Black Metal: A skill meant to make the game faster. Literally on every aspect. You take
50% more damage, but you also move 25% faster and your guns no longer need to be

Realism Mode: Exactly what you would expect. You take 900% more damage, and
enemies take 200% more damage from your weapons. An enemy can get close enough
to put its claws on you? You are dead. A point-blank shotgun blast? Not even armor will
save you. If you have full health and combat armor, you may be able to survive an imp's
fireball or a burst of machine gun fire leaving you with the armor completely destroyed
and with 25% health left. Ammo also becomes way more scarce. Explosive weapons
become especially more dangerous. It becomes very easy to blow yourself up.
Grenades have an assured kill radius of 5 meters, rockets will always kill you if you
shoot them too close to the target, and now, their backblast will also kill you if you are
firing it with the back too close to a wall, or aiming way too far up. Every mistake is
punishable with death.

3.3 - Classes.

Classes act like loadouts to provide a better personal experience to each individual
player. Different classes can be selected in an online game, so each player can have
their own custom experience.
Rifle Start - Regular class, the way it was meant to be played. You start with a Rifle, 31
bullets, an extra mag, and two grenades.
Pistol Start - A more traditional loadout. You start with a Pistol, 16 bullets, 4 extra mags,
and two grenades.
Purist - A completely different playing style for players that would prefer a more
traditional gameplay. Weapons have the original game's skins and brown gloves. The
weapons behave more like the original weapons (no reloading, increased spread, no alt-
fires) and they deal a bit less damage to compensate the fact they no longer need
reloading. This mode can also be played with auto-aim turned on, so you can play the
game like the original; without having to look up/down. People used to ask me why the
Purist mode has the ability to throw grenades and taunt in version 21, it's because some
people want to play like that, and if that bothers you, just unbind these keys and don't
use these features.
Tactical - A different gameplay style for those more used to modern FPS games. The
player gains the ability to sprint. You move at 70% of the regular player speed, but when
you sprint you move at 120% of the regular speed but you are not able to use your
weapons. Sprinting while carrying heavier weapons will make you tired faster. In this
mode, you start both with the pistol and rifle.
When combined with the Realism Mode, it can generate a very unforgiving and brutal

3.4 - Map Enhancement System

Brutal Doom also makes all decorative objects look better, by adding better dynamic
lights, flares, brightmaps, and often new sprites. Introduced on version 21, the Map
Enhancement System goes further than just modifying the existing objects. It
personalizes some maps to make them look prettier. Many people argue that some
maps (especially Doom 2's Earth maps) didn't age well, like the "Hell on Earth" thing
doesn't seems to exist at all. The problem is, by the time they were making the game, id
Software didn't had the budget, time, or the computer hardware to make realistic Earth
setting maps. But even what they managed to make with the terrible editing tools they
had back in the day deserves to be praised, these maps didn't even show up on the
console versions at all because none of them had the hardware power to run these
maps which many today call "ugly". So what the Map Enhancement System does is to
first, detect which map the player is currently playing on initialization, and load a preset
of new objects and textures, to make the map look more detailed and realistic without
making any actual changes on the map itself.
Here are some examples of this system in action:

This system will work on almost all IWAD maps (Doom, Doom 2, TNT, Plutonia), and a
few other PWADs such as adding better sand textures and particles to Scythe 2, Epic,
and Epic 2. It makes urban levels more realistic and war-torn, techbases have more
machinery, and hellish levels looks more evil and disturbing. The jungle levels of Plutonia
have trees and plants. Some levels even have new enemies. Some Doom 2 levels have
new exit routes (Map13 Downtown and Map16 Suburbs) which allows you to access
some of the iconic PSX Doom levels (Twilight Descents, The Mansion, Club Doom, and
The Marshes). If you want to experience the maps in their original form, the Map
Enhancement System can be disabled on the Brutal Doom Options. You must disable it
before you start the level.

3.5 - Customization Settings

You may have noticed that when bringing up the main menu, there is a big new options
menu called Brutal Doom Options. This menu allows you to modify many CVARs
(console variables) to modify the gaming experience. Most of them are self-explanatory,
but here I am going to list the most complicated-sounding ones.

BD Performance Options
Engine being used: This is the first thing you will notice on this menu. This option exists
because unlike Zandronum, GZDoom can't handle client-sided CVARs at all and all
cosmetic options need to be remapped to a server-side CVAR. You use this option to tell
the mod which engine you are using, so the scripts can select between the two different
CVARs available (client-sided for Zandronum and server-sided for GZDoom). So if you
are playing on Zandronum, set it to Client. If you are playing on GZDoom, set it to
Server and never touch this option again.

Max Wall Decals (cl_maxdecals)

Controls the maximum amount of wall decals: both blood splatters, bullet, and explosion

Max Gibs and Blood Pools(sv_corpsequeuesize)

Controls the maximum amount of floor decals and gib parts. When you have more than
this number of gibs, the oldest gib is erased. You can set it to 0, then back to a regular
number again it works as a "clean everything button".
This is a hardcoded engine CVAR which can only work on server side on both engines.
When setting up a server, only the owner of the server can change this CVAR (which is
defaulted at 64, which isn't much.)

Blood Amount (bd_bloodamount)

Defines how much blood is spawned when you shoot/gib monsters.
Some people complained about the mod not having enough blood, so there it is, you can
set this CVAR to 3 or 4, which will literally spawn gallons of blood on each shoot.

Enable Janitor (bd_lowgraphicsmode)

Old versions of Brutal Doom used to rely on a "Janitor" script, which caused gibs to
disappear after 30 seconds. This option now has been depreciated by the introduction of
sv_corpsequeuesize, and this option now reduces the amount of effects in some objects
(for example, removing the smoke trails left by imp projectiles).

Water Ripple Effects(bd_disablewaterripples)

Uses 3D models to simulate fake water physics when walking over it. It's turned off by
default because it can lag most older computers.

Among other options, you can disable footstep sounds, disable new enemies and new
weapons, revert rescuable marines back to Blurspheres, make rocket ammo shootable,
enable/disable reloading, choose different HUDs, and more.

NOTE: You can select the player's gender to male or female, using the menu or the
gender CVAR (gender 0 for male, gender 1 for female). This should change the player's
voice, and mugshot to a female version. But due to a bug in GZDoom's engine
(unnecessary changes in the HUD code which makes this feature not work) you can
only change the player mugshot in Zandronum. This is currently unfixable unless the
GZDoom devs decides to roll back the HUD code.

4. Combat Manual

4.1 - New abilities.

Brutal Doom features a set of new abilities that can be performed at any moment by
pressing new buttons. These abilities have their default key bindings, but can be bound
to any other key in the controls menu (scroll down to the end of the key bindings list, and
you will find Brutal Doom's key sections).

Kicks (default bind: Q)

A quick melee attack that can be used to knock down small enemies, or push away
medium ones, dealing 12-14 damage. You can also perform a stronger jumping kick by
pressing the kick button right after jumping, which deals 54-56 damage but has a longer
recovery time. A jumping kick will instantly kill an imp or zombie if hit in the head. Small
enemies can be kicked from high heights into certain death. When you have a Berserk
pack, all kicks does double damage.
Kicking while crouching will deal a sliding attack that deals about the same amount of
damage as a regular kick attack but can hit multiple enemies and send them upwards.
This is useful when you are running away from a bigger foe and a group of imps or
zombies are blocking your way. You must hold the crouch button during the entire move,
releasing it will make you interrupt the attack and get up again. The crouch toggle
function doesn't activate this attack.
Hell Knights, Barons of Hell, and Commando Zombies can be crotch-kicked which will
put them into a longer pain state, followed by a rage state which will make them attack

Combat Rolls (default binds: Z for left, C for right)

A quick move that can take you out of the harm's way quickly. Especially effective in
Deathmatch to avoid explosives. The third person camera might be a bit disorienting, so
it requires practice to learn to keep compensating the aim to the opposite side and keep
firing at the target.

Flashlight (default bind: F)

A basic flashlight to bright up dark areas. Only works on OpenGL. There are mods of
advanced flashlights with directional lights around that are also compatible with Brutal
Doom, but they only work with more recent GZDoom builds. I opted to give a basic
flashlight for this mod to ensure compatibility with Zandronum.
Quick Throw Frag Grenade (default bind G)
Throws a frag grenade with a fuse of two seconds, deals up to* 100 damage in a 300
map units radius*. A frag will bounce on walls, monsters, ceiling and the floor but won't
bounce on liquid surfaces. The grenade is very efficient against small enemies and
especially flying monsters (since they take bonus damage from explosives) a frag
grenade can guarantee a kill on any imps, zombies, and lost souls less than 5 meters
away from the explosion and knock down and injury them up to 10 meters away.
However, it's ineffective against everything else. For example, you would use 4 grenades
just to kill a Hell Knight.
Frag grenades are not powerful enough to pierce the armor of a Cyberdemon,
Juggernaut, or Tanks, and will deal no damage.
* As a point of reference, Doomguy is 1,83cm (6 feet tall), and in-game has a height of 56 map units. So it's considered
that 1 map unit is around 3.3cm, so 300 map units is about 10 meters.

Reload (default bind: R)

Reloads your guns (no effect when playing as Purist, since it's guns never reloads like in
the original game). Has a special function on some weapons which is latter explained in
the Weapons sections (4.2 and 4.3) of this manual.
Important: You will notice that there are two possible binds for Reloading; One among
Brutal Doom options and other on the top of the page. By the time the development of
Brutal Doom started, reloading keybindings had to be done manually and only recently
on the last year Zandronum incorporated the generic reload key from GZDoom. While
the generic key now works on version 21 it's still recommended to use the dedicated key
from Brutal Doom as it uses a more efficient code. (for example, you can press this
reload key during a kick and the reload animation will start right after the animation
finishes, while the generic function will only reload the weapon if the weapon is on it's
Ready state, not firing, switching, etc.) and can be used for some special functions in
some weapons.
Offend (default bind: H)
Flips off your enemies and yells at them. Started as a joke, but later turned into an actual
gameplay feature. Some enemies can understand your taunts, and become enraged,
become immune to painlocks, fire faster and more often, and infight with other monsters
more often. There are several situations which this can be used in your advantage. For
example; flipping off a group of zombies, then run around a group of other monsters,
they will fire their guns faster and less accurate, hitting the group of demons, starting a
huge infight. A common trick used by the community is to piss off Cyberdemons,
because they fire twice as often and twice as fast when enraged. When this tactic is
employed correctly, you can trick a Cyberdemon intro crushing an entire army of
enemies for you but usually flipping off a Cyberdemon is a stupid of an idea as it sounds.

Advanced Taunts (no default bind)

Makes Doomguy pronounce one-liners from the Doom Comics. It was removed because
most people disliked it, the recording quality is not good and people would often spam it
online. If you want to use it, download the addon from Moddb:
Put it on your skins folder and you will be able to use it online, but only players that also
have this file on their skins folder will be able to hear you.

Dual Wield (default bind: X)

Allows you to dual wield or activate special functions, or perform some special attack
modes with some weapons. It's important to keep this key close to WASD keys for quick

Select Ammo Drop(no default bind)

A Multiplayer-centric feature to drop ammo for your allies. It can also be used (both on
singleplayer or multiplayer) to make traps with your rocket ammo, since dropped rocket
ammo will explode when shot.
This can also be used to allocate ammo to near a place where you know there is going
to have a big fight.

Unload Gun (no default bind)

A Multiplayer-centric feature to drop ammo for your allies. It can also be used (both on
singleplayer or multiplayer) to make traps with your rocket ammo, as dropped rocket
ammo will explode when shoot.
Can also be used to allocate ammo to near a place where you know there is going to be
a big fight.

4.2 - Melee, executions, and stealth takedowns.

In the original game, Melee was pretty basic and only used as a last resort option. Now
in Brutal Doom it has been completely revamped to be a tactical option viable in a series
of situations.
Stealth Takedowns
You can perform stealth kills on Zombies and imps by punching them from behind when
they are idle. You don't need to switch to fists, you can perform a stealth kill by pressing
"Use" behind them at any time.

Slot 1 Weapons: Melee weapons

Melee Attacks

Your fists no longer alert enemies like in the original game. Regular fire mode will
perform quick jabs that deals 5 damage. Alt fire will perform a stronger, but slower, cross
punch which deals 10 damage and can knock down zombies. You can press alt fire right
after a regular jab to perform a faster cross punch. Pressing and holding fire button right
after a cross will perform an uppercut punch that deals 20 damage.
You can also hold the left fire button to perform a left cross punch, which can also be
followed instantly by a right cross, and then an uppercut.
Pressing the fire key rapidly will do a Jab, Jab, Left Cross combo, which can also be
followed by a right cross, uppercut, and then a kick.
Pressing the Kick key right after a cross or an uppercut will perform a kick to head level
which can deal up to 35 damage and kill a zombie in a single hit, or kill an imp if you
already hit it with the uppercut before.

Executions: After you get a Berserk Pack or a Demon Strength Rune, you will gain
supernatural strength that will last for the entire level*. You will notice that your attacks
perform a much louder woosh sound effect, all your punches will deal 3x more damage,
and killing enemies with jabs will perform an over-the-top third-person execution. These
executions will give you health and/or armor bonus depending of the enemy killed. By
pressing the Reload key you will change to "Smash Mode" which will disable the
executions and make jabs smash enemies normally. Press reload again to switch back
to "Rip and Tear mode" to enable executions again.
Some people believe that the strength buff ends when the red screen tint fades out, but it's not true, even in the Vanilla
game the Berserk pack lasts for the entire level.

Try to memorize the combos and how to get out of an enemy's melee range quickly. An
experienced player can easily take down imps and even Pinky demons with their bare

Grabbing Enemies: When you have Berserk strength and you have your fists selected,
you can press the Dual Wield button (default: X) to grab zombies and imps and toss
them at other monsters (dealing 120 damage, can kill any zombie or imp with a single
hit). After you grab them, you can press Alt Fire to use them as human shields.

Human Shields: When using human shields, you become protected from most kinds of
attacks from the front (except explosives obviously) are able to pull your pistol and fire it
until it runs out of ammo (15 bullets) with the regular fire button. The Alt Fire button will
toss the human shield away.
- The human shield can only can take a limited amount of damage before dying (in a
very gruesome animation of it's head exploding right next to you).
- You can't reload the pistol. Running out of bullets will automatically toss the human
shield away.
- Human shields are specially effective against zombies and imps, as you can safely kill
them without a chance of retaliation, but they become ineffective against bigger enemies
as the pistol and it's limited ammo capacity lacks the firepower to deal them any
significant damage.

Deathmatch Tactics: During Deathmatch, players can be knocked down by kicks

unless they are have their fists selected. A knocked down player is unable to move or fire
for 3 seconds which is more than enough time to get killed. You can goomba-stomp
knocked down enemies by simply jumping on them. Depending of what weapons you
have and how tight the room is, selecting your fists and solving things with a good ol' fist
fight might be a good tactical option.
Berserker players become pretty dangerous in close quarters as they are able to grab,
throw, or execute other players in a single hit.


The iconic weapon has been powered up significantly. It can latch on enemies and stun
lock them as you rip them apart. In the original game it was only useful against imps,
zombies, pinky demons and cacodemons. In Brutal Doom, it can stunlock and kill almost
every non-boss enemy, sometimes even Barons of Hell. The downside of this weapon is
that you become pretty vulnerable against other enemies after it latches on somebody.
Releasing the fire button is not enough. If you want to cancel an attack you need walk
backwards to force it out of the demon's guts.
The Alt Fire button performs a vertical attack which requires to be more precise, but will
deal 10% more damage.
Note: The chainsaw will not latch on an enemy's metallic parts such as the Arachnotron's
legs or the Revenant's armor and will do very little damage when hitting them in these

Deathmatch Tactics: The chainsaw is no longer a joke weapon to humiliate your

enemies, since the horizontal attack can easily latch on players and kill them without any
chance of escaping. The weapon is specially useful in Free-For-All games when you can
approach two players from behind who are busy strafe-running and shooting each other
and kill them without notice. If a chainsaw player is running into you and you don't have
a weapon powerful enough to one-hit-kill them, such as the Super Shotgun, your best
chance is trying to knock them down with a kick. Hide behind pillars or corners and wait
for other players to pass by and jump at them with your chainsaw is also a good tactic.

A rare melee weapon dropped by zombie civilians inspired in the Doom RPG series.
Unlike the chainsaw, it's a silent weapon and can be used to kill demons that wandered
away from it's group without alerting it's friends. The fireaxe is a devastating weapon;
dealing 90 damage per normal attack or 180 when you have Berserk strength. It's
especially effective when aimed at the head.
While a chainsaw is great for killing individual enemies, the axe is better for dealing with
big crowds. Unlike the chainsaw, using an axe against a Baron of Hell and specially a
Mancubus is a really bad idea but it can deal with a horde of Pinky demons with more

4.3 - Firearms.

Here is a list of all firearms available.

Note that the accuracy of a weapon is measured by how large is the spread pattern in
degrees. In Vanilla Doom, pistols, shotguns, and the chaingun had a spread of 5.5
degrees horizontally, and zero degrees vertically.

Slot 2 Weapons: Pistol bullet-based weapons.

Ammo type: Pistol bullets. Capacity: 15+1 (15 per mag, one in the chamber).
Damage: 14. Fire Rate: Semi-Auto, as fast as you can fire.
Spread: 2 degrees, cone.
Can be Dual Wielded: Yes. Spread when dual wielding: 6 degrees horizontal, 4 degrees vertical.

Basic weapon, it can be dropped by pistol zombies. It can be dual wielded but it
becomes way less accurate and has a higher reload time. Usually useful as a last resort
weapon or to kill zombies with headshots.
Alt fire: Performs a quick melee attack by punching the enemy with the muzzle of the
gun. Effective against zombies, imps, or pushing pinky demons away.

- This weapon was removed on version 2 and re-introduced as an optional loadout on v20b, and added as a regular that
can be found in-game by killing pistol zombies on v21.
- Some people asked me to do a "pistol whip" attack commonly seen on movies, but in reality, this kind of attack is
ineffective, can damage the gun and break parts of the firing mechanism, and real-life military personnel are instructed in
case of needing to use a pistol as a melee weapon to "punch" it with the muzzle, so the gun doesn't get damaged, and
you keep pointing the gun at the target all times.
- The original game used a M9 Beretta to model the pistol. On 2017, John Romero publicly released unused frames of the
pistol which are currently used for the reload frames.

Ammo type: Pistol bullets. Capacity: 40+1 (40 per mag, one in the chamber).
Damage: 12. Spread on hip fire: 3.5 degrees, cone.
Spread on aiming down the sights: 2 degrees, cone.
Can be Dual Wielded: Yes. Spread when dual wielding: 6 degrees horizontal, 4 degrees vertical.
Fire Rate: 700 per minute, 1400 on dual wield. . (140 damage per second, 280 when dual wielding)

A decent weapon for killing small enemies it can be dropped by SMG zombies. It has
relatively good accuracy when dual-wielded when compared to any other weapon. Dual-
wielding SMGs can be devastating and can easily stunlock anything but this will drain
your bullets pretty quickly.
When fighting hordes of imps and zombies, always aim for the head.

Alt fire: Aims down the sights. Can't aim down the sights when dual-wielding.

- Doomguy is seen holding this weapon on the cover of the original game and firing against demons. Unfortunately, the
weapon never made into the original game. Alpha builds had sprites for it.

Slot 3 Weapons: Shotguns (Shell-based weapons).

Ammo type: Shells. Capacity 9+1 (9 on the mag cap, one in the chamber).
Damage: 13 per pellet, 9 pellets (max of 117 damage). Fire Rate: pump-action
Spread: 2.5 degrees, cone.
Hip-Fire: 75 shots per minute. (146 damage per second)
Slam-Fire: 105 shots per minute. (204 damage per second)

Can be Dual Wielded: No.

The powerful blast usually stuns most monsters and makes them cancel their attacks. It
can one shot a Lost Soul, or two-shot a Pinky demon. When fighting against larger
enemies, aiming at the head is recommended.

Alt Fire aims down the sight which provides a bit of zoom but no accuracy change.
Instead, by holding the fire button you can slamfire it, which makes aiming a bit more
difficult but can do a lot of damage in little time.

Unlike in the original game, the shotgun does not get obsolete when you find a SSG. It
still is a better choice for long range confrontations and ammo scarcity scenarios, since it
deals a higher DPS.

Deathmatch: A shotgun blast can deal over 100 damage and insta-kill an unarmored
player if all pellets hit. Aiming at an enemies center of mass, it's guaranteed that you can
kill a player from a distance of 400 map units (about 12 meters). So in a map with
shotguns it should always be your priority to find armor right after you spawn (no need to
be a full armor set, even armor shards will be enough to prevent you from being insta-
- Unlike in video games, Shotguns are very accurate in real-life, and a buckshot can easily kill a person from a distance of
50 meters or more. Besides being one of the first video games to feature shotguns, Doom had a shotgun more realistic
than 99% of FPS games made nowadays.

Super Shotgun
Ammo type: Shells. Capacity: 2
Damage: 13 per pellet, 18 pellets (max of 234 damage).
Extra damage at point-blank range, can insta-kill small enemies, the pellets pierce
through them and hit enemies behind them.
Fire Rate: break-action, 39 shots per minute. (153 damage per second)
Spread: 7 degrees horizontal, 3 degrees vertical.
Can be Dual Wielded: No.

A point-blank range blast is powerful enough to knock down a Mancubus on it's ass, kill
two Pinky Demons, or insta-kill a Revenant or Cacodemon. A single headshot can insta-
kill a Hell Knight or a Mancubus, with two headshots you can kill a Baron of Hell.

After firing it you can immediately switch to another weapon and skip the reload
sequence. When you switch back to it, it will immediately reload by just playing half of
the animation. It's a good technique to fire the SSG and then immediately press 3 to
switch to the regular shotgun and continue firing.

Alt-Fire: Fires a single barrel at time, doesn't give you the point-blank range damage
bonus. Usually useful for killing lost souls that get in the way during a large fight.

Deathmatch: A shotgun blast can deal over 100 damage and insta-kill an unarmored
player if all pellets hit them. Aiming at an enemies center of mass, it's guaranteed that
you can kill a player from a distance of 400 map units (about 12 meters). So in a map
with shotguns, it should always be your priority to find armor right after you spawn (no
need to be a full armor set, even armor shards will be enough to prevent you from being

Assault Shotgun
Ammo type: Shells. Capacity: 20.
Damage: 11 per pellet, 9 pellets (max of 99 damage).
Fire Rate: 300 rpm . (495 damage per second)
Spread 4.0 degrees, cone.
Can be Dual Wielded: No.

A powerful shotgun which can fire at rapid succession, and still be pretty accurate. Deals
less damage than other shotguns for having a shorter barrel. Has some mild recoil. It
eats through ammo pretty fast and should only be used in late game when the player is
able to carry 100 shells.
Alt Fire aims down the sight, which provides a bit of zoom with no accuracy change, but
reduced recoil.

Since it is an open bolt weapon, reloading while there's still ammo left won't give you the
+1 ammo effect.

Deathmatch: You can't one-shot kill players with this gun, though given how accurate
and how fast it fires, it's not difficult to kill enemies pretty quickly. If this weapon spawns it
should be treated like a high priority.

Slot 4 Weapons: Rifles and Machine Guns.

Assault Rifle
Ammo type: Rifle Bullets. Capacity 30+1 (30 on the mag cap, one in the chamber).
Damage: 25. Fire Rate: 420 rpm (125 damage per second)
Spread: 1 to 4 degrees on hip fire, cone. 1 degree when aiming down the sights.
Can be Dual Wielded: Yes. Spread: 8 degrees horizontal, 3 degrees vertical.
Fire Rate on Dual Wield: 1050 rpm (350 damage per second)

The Space Marine’s bread and butter, and the starting weapon. Due it's long barrel it's a
very accurate and powerful automatic weapon. Works better against small enemies.
This weapon has an unique mechanism when firing from the hip. This weapon becomes
more inaccurate when firing for longer bursts so it's always recommended to fire it in
short bursts of 4 or 5 rounds.

Aiming down the sights allows to shoot on full-auto without having increased spread.

Dual-Wielding is a more viable early game option when you need more firepower to deal
with enemies at close range but you still haven't found a Minigun.


- In the early concepts of the game the player was supposed to carry a rifle instead of a pistol as starting weapon.

Mini Gun
Ammo type: Rifle Bullets.
Damage: 16. Fire Rate: 1050 rpm (280 damage per second)
Spread: 5 degrees, cone.
Can be Dual Wielded: No.

Wrongly named in the original game as "Chain Gun" (a totally different kind of weapon)
this gun behaves more realistically in Brutal Doom; having a fire rate high enough to
literally shred enemies to pieces. Since it has shorter barrels, the bullets will deal less
damage than if they were fired from a rifle or machine gun. This weapon doesn't need to
be reloaded as the ammo belts can be connected on the fly with the ammo belt links.
Besides consuming a lot of ammo, the Mini Gun is without any dispute the bullet-based
weapon with the highest damage per second in your arsenal and the perfect choice
when you are sure everything in the room needs to die.

Alt Fire keeps the barrel spinning so you can fire the weapon in short bursts but it will
make noise and alert enemies of your position.

Deathmatch: A Mini Gun canmake a player pretty much unstoppable at middle range.

Machine Gun
Ammo type: Rifle Bullets.
Damage: 20. Fire Rate: 700 rpm (233 damage per second)
Spread: 4 degrees on hip fire, cone.
Can be Dual Wielded: No.
Alt Ammo Type: Rockets.
Damage: 150 on impact, 100 on splash damage, 300 radius (250 max damage).

The Machine Gun sits among the rifle and the mini gun. It deals as much damage per
bullet than a rifle and doesn't require reloading, but lacks the rifle's great accuracy or the
mini gun's pain-locking capabilities. This weapon is more appropriate for fighting groups
of mixed mid-tier and low-tier enemies.

The alt-fire fires the underbarrel grenade launcher attachment, which uses Rocket
ammo. The weapon was not designed to fire this kind of ammunition, but it can fire it
anyway. The reload animation of the grenade launcher will not play immediately after
firing it, instead, the player can continue to fire the main gun right after firing the grenade
and wait until it reaches a safe position to reload it by either pressing the Reload key or
the Alt-Fire key again.

- A Machine Gun was supposed to be included in the original concept of Doom. Some Alpha Builds even featured sprites
for it which were used as base to make the weapon's sprite.

Slot 5 Weapons: Launchers.

Rocket Launcher
Ammo type: Rockets. Capacity: 6.
Can be Dual Wielded: No.
Damage: 300 on impact, 100 on splash damage, 150 radius (400 max damage).
Fire Rate: 110 rpm. (735 damage per second, 550 on armoured targets)
Actual Fire Rate (with reloading being counted) 84 rpm.
The standard Space Marine light anti-tank weapon, carries 6 rockets in a rotary drum
This weapon's blast is powerful enough to knock down a mancubus on it's ass, making
him an easy target for a second finishing rocket.
Cacodemons can be killed in a single hit, but they might try to evade the rockets.

The alt-fire opens a 4x thermal sight scope.

When fired, this weapon produces a powerful backblast which can hurt the player if near
a wall and can be used to kill enemies trying to attack from behind.
It's always important to make sure you have enough room to fire this weapon. The
backblast can also lit trees and tall grass on fire, or destroy nearby explosive barrels and
kill you.

The backblast will only damage you if you are directly touching the wall. In realim mode, the backblast
becomes realistic, and you will certainly die if you have any wall closer than two metters from your back.

Grenade Launcher
Ammo type: Rockets.
Can be Dual Wielded: No.
Damage: 150 on impact, 100 on splash damage, 300 radius (250 max damage). 50 on
Fire Rate: 43 rpm. (179 damage per second, 71 on armoured targets)

In the lack of a proper launcher, the versatile UAC Rocket Ammo can be fired from a
grenade launcher of the same caliber. Part of the ignition fuel is used to fire the warhead
like a bullet. By doing this the ammunition loses most of it's penetration power, but in the
other hand, it doubles the radius of the splash damage and turns it into a great anti-
personnel weapon.

This weapon is much more effective against zombies and imps than the Rocket
Launcher (since they have below 100 hp, the blast is guaranteed to kill them at 7 meters
of distance). It must also be noted that flying units takes double damage from splash
damage, which makes this a great weapon to wipe out groups of cacodemons and lost
Unlike the rockets, cacodemons are unable to spot and evade the grenade in time.

Armoured enemies such as Cyberdemons, Juggernauts, Tanks, and Spiderdemons are

invulnerable to splash damage. This makes this weapon far less effective against them
since it will only deal 150 damage, opposed to the 300 damage caused by an
ammunition fired from the proper Rocket Launcher.

The alt-fire makes the grenade have a timed fuse, which will not detonate the warhead
on impact. Instead, it will bounce around walls and will explode after two seconds.
Firing in this mode will deal 50 damage which is enough to insta-kill a zombie if hit on the
chest or head, knock down an imp if hit on it's chest, or kill it if hit on the head.

Unlike the Rocket Launcher, this weapon has no backblast but has a significantly higher
recoil and will even push the player backwards.

This weapon has been removed from production several years ago, and many Space Marine Division Commanders
straight out banning this weapon due so many cases of operators breaking their shoulders, noses, wrists, and in some
cases, premature warhead detonations resulting in several deaths. So finding this weapon in the battlefield might be a
rare sight.

Slot 6 Weapons: Energy Weapons.

Plasma Rifle
Ammo type: Cells. Capacity: 100.
Damage: 45. Fire Rate: 525 rpm. (393 damage per second)
Can be Dual Wielded: Yes. Fire Rate: 1050 rpm. (787.5 damage per second)

An electromagnetic cannon that launches small plasma rings, which on impact, releases
plasma gas at temperatures beyond 10,000 degrees celsius, burns flesh to the bone,
and makes awesome deaths.

The "Plasma Shotgun" alt-fire charges up the gun for 1.14 second and unleashes a
volley of 11 plasma balls, dealing a total of 495 damage if all projectiles hits, and then,
requiring another 1.31 second to cool down before firing again. This mode can't be used
when dual wielding.

When dual wielding, the weapon can deal massive damage, but has large spread of 8
degrees horizontal, 3 degrees vertical.

Ammo type: Cells (uses 10 per shoot). Capacity: 50.
Damage: 400 (direct impact), 100 (wall explosion), 100 (penetration behind the wall).
Fire Rate: 36 rpm. (300 damage per second)

The Space Marine standard heavy anti-materiel weapon. It works pretty much the same
as the Plasma Gun, but instead of relying on the plasma's hot gases itself, it uses a lot
more power to accelerate one single plasma projectile up to extreme speeds. The
plasma ball leaves the barrel at speeds of over 20.000 kilometers per second and
pierces through enemies like a hot knife cutting butter. If the projectile hits something
hard enough it will explode with the strength equivalent of about 3 anti-tank rockets. The
projectile is powerful enough to pierce walls and doors of steel.

This weapon works causing three types of damage: Rail damage, explosion damage,
and wall piercing damage.
The alt-fire opens a 4x thermal sight scope.

This weapon's projectile will not pierce a Mastermind, Juggernaut, Tank, or a Cyberdemon, it will
explode on them instead.

- The Railgun is inspired by the same weapon of Quake 3. It was made popular in the Skulltag sourceport.
- Since Brutal Doom was originally intended for Skulltag, the first versions of it had this weapon, but it had been removed since circa
2013. Only now on version 21 (2018) this weapon is making a return, fully modernized and upgraded. The original version was a
simpler version, without splash damage or wall penetration physics.

Slot 7 Weapons: Big Fucking Guns.

The alt-fire opens a 4x thermal sight scope.

This weapon's projectile will not pierce a Mastermind, Juggernaut, tank, or a

Cyberdemon.. it will explode on them instead.

- The Railgun is inspired by the same weapon of Quake 3. It was made popular in the Skulltag sourceport.
- Since Brutal Doom was originally intended for Skulltag, the first versions of it had this weapon, but it had been removed
since circa 2013. Only now on version 21 (2018) this weapon is making a return, fully modernized and upgraded. The
original version was a simpler version, without splash damage or wall penetration physics.

Slot 7 Weapons: Big Fucking Guns.

BFG 9000
Ammo type: Cells.
Can be Dual Wielded: No.
Damage: 1200 on impact, approx. 2680 on tracers, 100 on splash damage, 400 radius
(approx. 3980 max damage).
Fire Rate: 46 rpm. (approx. 3051 damage per second).

The Big Fucking Gun 9000 is an anti-anything gun that fires fucking green mini-stars of
death and fucks up everything. The gun works pretty much the same way as it does in
Vanilla Doom, except the direct hit causes 1200 damage instead of (random 100-800),
and there is a splash damage of 100 in a radius of 400.

The BFG tracers works in the same way as in Vanilla Doom. It fires 40 invisible tracers in
front of you in a 45 degree wide cone. The closer you are to the target the higher are the
chance of hitting the enemy with these tracers. Remember these tracers are fired in a
relative to your absolute position in comparison to the angle the BFG was fired, not your
facing angle.

Why the BFG works like that? Nobody knows. Ask John Carmack. You better master
how this weapon works, because some hard maps such as the late levels of Scythe 2
requires you to abuse these tactics.

- The damage dealt by the tracers is way higher than the splash damage of the ball.
- The Splash damage caused by the ball won't hurt the player.
- You don't need to have any kind of line of sight to the ball.
- The ball can explode miles away from the player, and the tracers will still deal the same
- The tracers have a maximum range of 1024 units (about 25 meters).

BFG 10000
Ammo type: Cells.
Can be Dual Wielded: No.
Damage: 350 on impact, 100 splash damage.
Fire Rate: 265 rpm. (1987 damage per second, 1545 on armoured targets).
The BFG10K works the same way as a Railgun, except twice the size, and meant to fire
ten times as fast. It lacks the penetration power but it's certainly compensated by the
high rate of fire. It can shred tanks like tin cans. The downsides of this gun are the awful
warm up time required to start firing, how it consumes your cells pretty fast, and how
easy it is to misfire it into a nearby wall and kill yourself.

- The BFG10k is inspired by the same weapon of Quake 3. It was made popular in the Skulltag sourceport.
- Since Brutal Doom was originally intended for Skulltag, the first versions of it had this weapon, but it had been removed
since circa 2013. Only now on version 21 (2018) this weapon is making a return, fully modernized and upgraded.

Slot 8 Weapons: Unconventional Weapons.

Ammo type: Napalm.
Can be Dual Wielded: No.
Damage: 600 per second.

A flamethrower really doesn't need much explanation. The only thing you need to know
about this weapon is that it doesn't work the way you are used to seeing in movies or
most videogames and is designed to function more like a real-life version.

First of all, this is NOT a short-range weapon. This weapon can toast stuff up to 30
meters away. The jet of burning napalm falls in an arc so it's recommended to aim a bit
higher when firing away. It's actually pretty dangerous to fire this weapon at close
quarters because the napalm jet can bounce on walls and fall on you.

You can find napalm ammo by killing Mancubi and picking up their arms.

Revenant Missile Launchers

Ammo type: Magic Hellish Missiles.
Damage: 50 on impact, 20 on splash (120 radius). Max: Total: 70.
Fire Rate: 300 rpm (350 damage per second).

You can pick these by destroying a Revenant's ribcage. These are magic missiles from
hell and they don't actually require aiming. Just fire them into the air and they will look for
targets. Specially useful against Cacodemons and Lost Souls.

Vehicles and Heavy Weapons.

Heavy Machine Gun
Ammo type: 20mm Autocannon Ammo
Damage: 60 Fire Rate: 525 rpm (550 damage per second)

A huge stationary dual auto-cannon. The bullets are powerful enough to shoot down
enemy projectiles. This weapon is really heavy, so carrying and firing it away is
impossible. To mount a Chain Gun you must press the Use Key on it, and press it again
to dismount.

This weapon is usually only found in Extermination Day, and in some rare places in
Doom 2, TNT, and Plutonia.

Hit Points: 2000
Primary Weapon: 150mm Cannon
Damage: 2000 direct impact, 300 splash damage over 500 radius Fire Rate: 18 rpm
Secondary Weapon: 2x 20mm Autocannon Damage: 60 Fire Rate: 525 rpm (550 damage per

The standard Space Marine Corps tank is designed to be deployed from space into
places with many kinds of terrain. It is a small, compact, and light vehicle. It is operated
by one single pilot that sits on the left side of the turret next to the cannon, and operates
everything with a VR headset which provides view from an infrared camera at the top of
the turret. In case the tank is destroyed, the pilot is always safely ejected from the

Artillery Tank
Hit Points: 1200
Primary Weapon: Quad 40mm Auto-Cannons
Damage: 60 direct impact, 10 splash damage over 120 radius Fire Rate: 1050 rpm
(1225 dps)
Secondary Weapon: Missiles. Damage: 1000 on impact, 200 splash damage over 400

The Artillery Tank is a lighter and faster variation, which is equipped with weapons to
provide anti-aircraft, anti-infantry, and indirect fire support.

Controlling tanks is a bit difficult at the beginning. Turning the mouse only controls the
turret, pressing W accelerates into the base's direction, and not the turret's direction. You
must use A and D respectively to turn the tank's base. If you have played Battlefield
before, you might be more familiarized with these kind of controls.
Since the tank is unable to strafe it is important to position yourself with the base turned
to the side when fighting against cyberdemons. Also keep accelerating/backpedaling to
constantly put yourself away from the cyberdemon's projectile route.

Remember that the tank can rotate it's tracks when standing still. Also it's possible to run
over small enemies.

Pressing the Flashlight button switches the infrared mode.

Pressing the Kick button zooms in/out.

It's suggested to warp to the Test map (open console and type changemap test) where
you can find parked tanks to practice driving and shooting.

Tanks shows up on some rare places such as a few maps in Extermination Day, Map20
of Doom 2 Reloaded, and Map 02 of Epic 1.


After you finish Brutal Doom with all the classic games, you might be looking for
something else to play with it. Here is a list of wads that works well with Brutal Doom:

Extermination Day
A 33 level campaign made by myself to be played with Brutal Doom. Features realistic
environments, apocalyptic cities, and epic battles involving allies fighting alongside you.

Scythe 2
32 level megawad featuring gothic castles, aztec and egyptian ruins. Gets really hard
after level 20, so don't play it on Ultra-Violence.

Going Down:
32 level megawad with an interesting concept: It takes place in an UAC office building,
and each level takes place in a different floor. Also pretty hard.

Epic 2:
32 level megawad themed around ancient egypt and ancient aliens.

32 level megawad with a Post-apocalyptic theme. Going through a ruined Earth, and
then into Hell.

Doom 2 Reloaded:
32 level megawad which aims to remake Doom 2.

Doom The Way Id Did:
A remake of classic Doom's maps.

Brutal Doom is meant to basically work with almost every map pack. If you want to
combine Brutal Doom with other weapon mods, look for the Brutal Doom Monsters
Only version on Moddb. If the Brutal Doom Monsters Only version doesn't work with the
desired mod, please, come to the Discord channel and ask around, there are a lot of
people there besides me that know how to code, and maybe it's something simple to fix.
So try to avoid pestering other mod creators to make their mods compatible with Brutal


Brutal Doom by Sergeant_Mark_IV

Mike12, Captain Toenail, David G, Revilution, Eriance, Perkristian, Dr. Doctor,
DoomNukem, Joey_TD, Das_M, Rafael GoldenWarrior72, Samuel 'Mryayayify'
Shank, Brandon (Keeper), Pa1nki113r, CrucuxDuo, Minigunner, Jekyll Grim
Payne, Scuba Steeve, Ghastly, Vader, Lynn Forest, EletricPulse, Mr. Enchanter,
Doom_Jedi, Kamijou, Kars van Kouwen, scalliano, Tomtefars, Azona, A James,
BretArts, 3D Realms, Raven Software.

Extra Code:
TerminusEst13, Solarsnowfall, Nash, Jekyll Grim Payne

Voice Acting:
Zero X. Diamond (Doomguy)
Black Metal Chainsaw (Female Player)
Tiberium Soul (Marines)

PSX Doom Maps:

fenderc01, Dragonsbretheren

In case of missing names of used resources, please PM them to me either in

Twitter, Discord, Moddb, Doomworld, or Zandronum forums, and I will add them
as soon as possible.


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