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University Academic Contest 2019

Mechanical Engineering Department Elimination

Basic Statistics and Probability

Name: _________________________________ Score: ______________

Year and Section: ______________ Date: _______________

Direction: Write the correct answer in the space provided before every number.

__________1. He is known as the Father of Modern Statistics and Experimental Design.

__________2. It is the another term for Cumulative Frequency Curve.

__________3. It is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show or summarize data in a
meaningful way.

__________4. What do you call to the distribution that has two modes?

__________5. It is the middle value of an ordered array of numbers.

__________6. What is the area under the curve of a normal distribution?

__________7. The mean of a distribution is 14 and the standard deviation is 5. What is the value of the
coefficient of variation?

__________8. If the standard deviation of a population is 9. What is the population variance?

__________9. Juan average grade in six subjects is 91. If another two subjects, Mathematics and Science, is
added his average grade is 92. What Juan’s average grade in Mathematics and Science?

__________10. A company has 5 Engineers in different field, if the Engineer A rate per day is ½ of Engr. B,
1/3 of Engr. C, ¼ of Engr. D and 1/5 Engr. E. What is the average salary per hour of the 5 engineers working
10 hours per day if Engr. A rate per day is 6000?

__________11. John wants to establish a company considering a 50% chance that no one has a same birthday
to others including him. How many people does John needs in his company?

__________12. There are 3 arrangements of the word DAD, namely DAD, ADD and DDA. How many
arrangements are there of the word MECHANICAL?

__________13. An urn contains 3 red balls and 2 blue balls. A ball is drawn. If the ball is red, it is kept out
of the urn and a second ball is drawn from the urn. If the ball is blue, then it is put back in the urn and a red
ball is added to the urn. Then a second ball is drawn from the urn. What is the probability that both balls
drawn are red?

__________14. It is another term for cluster sampling.

__________15. To encourage John’s promising badminton career, his father offers him a prize if he wins (at
least) two badminton sets in a row in a three-set series to be played with his father and the badminton
champion alternately: Father-Champion-Father (F-C-F) or Champion-Father-Champion, according to John’s
choice. The Champion is a better player than John’s father. Which series should Elmer choose?

__________16. A professor gives only two types of exams, “easy” and “hard”. You will get a hard exam
with probability 0.80. The probability that the first question on the exam will be marked as difficult is 0.90
if the exam is hard and is 0.15 otherwise. What is the probability that the first question on your exam is
marked as difficult?

 __________17.
Consider a set S = {2, 4, 6, 8, x, y} with distinct elements. If x and y are both prime numbers and 0 < x < 40
and 0 < y < 40, which of the following MUST be true?I. The maximum possible range of the set is greater than 33.
II. The median can never be an even number.
III. If y = 37, the average of the set will be greater than the median.

A. I only
B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. III only
E. I, II, and III

A Type I error occurs when the researcher rejects a null hypoi when it is true.

A measure of the peakness or convexity of a curve. kURTOSIS

__________18. What is the number of permutations of the letters in the word “BANANA”?
__________19. Say you're on a game show where there are three doors. Behind two of the doors, there are
goats. Behind one of the doors, there is a brand new car. The host says that once you pick a door, he'll open
one of the doors you didn't pick to reveal a goat. Then, you have the option of either staying with your door
or switching to the last unopened door. Do you switch or stay?

__________20. Given the following scores of quizzes in Mathematics and English of Ken.


Mathematics 35 46 44 32 45
English 40 35 44 34 50

If Ken’s score in two subjects are linear, what will be the score of Ken in Quiz 6 in English if his score in
Mathematics is 25? (Round off your answer to nearest whole number).

__________21. ABCD is a square. M is the midpoint of BC and N is the midpoint of CD. A point is selected
at random in the square. Calculate the probability that it lies in the triangle MCN.

__________22. In how many ways can a PSME Chapter with 20 directors choose a President, a Vice
President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and an Auditor, if no member can hold more than one position?

__________23. A researcher use Slovin’s formula to determine his sample size from a population of 1000.
If he wishes to have a margin of error of 6%, how many respondents he need? (Round off to the nearest
whole number)

__________24. How many four-letter words beginning and ending with a vowel without any letter repeated
can be formed from the word “personnel”?

__________25. How many five digit numbers can be formed from 0-9 without repeating any number?

__________26. A multiple choice test has 30 questions, and each has four possible answers, of which one is
correct. If a student guesses on every question, what is the probability of getting exactly 9 correct?

__________27. A full house in poker is a hand where three cards share one rank and two cards share another
rank. How many ways are there to get a full-house?

__________28. 20 politicians are having a tea party, 6 Democrats and 14 Republicans. To prepare, they need
to choose: 3 people to set the table, 2 people to boil the water, 6 people to make the scones. Each person can
only do 1 task. Suppose that the Democrats all hate tea. If they only give tea to 10 of the 20 people, what is
the probability that they only give tea to Republicans?
__________29. TRUE OR FALSE: The mean, median and mode are all equal in a normal distribution.

__________30. A test is graded on the scale 0 to 1, with 0.55 needed to pass. Student scores are modeled by
the following density:

What is the probability that a random student passes the exam?

6. 1
7. 35.7%
8. 81
9. 95
10. PHP 1800 / HR
11. 22
12. 9979200
13. 3/10
16. 0.735
17. 1/8
18. 60
20. 33
21. 1/8
22. 1860480 WAYS
23. 217
24. 40
25. 30240
26. 0.1298
27. 0.00144
28. 0.00542
29. TRUE
30. 0.405

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