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Mind Control Weapons

Letter to 180 Media Outlets

By Judy Wall, Summer 1999


Newsletter of The MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group

Judy Wall is a bioelectromagnetics researcher, who has published a series of

articles outlining the history and capabilities of neuro-electromagnetic weapons.
She is also recipient of one of the summer 1999 Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse
awards for her ongoing efforts to warn the world about the extreme potential for

IMPORTANT NOTE: Ms. Wall writes here about the �piggybacked ultrasound� variant in
mind control technology, one of the simplest to accomplish. Words only the
subconscious can hear are shifted upwards in frequency to the �low ultrasound�
frequency range, just above human hearing. These consciously-inaudible words are
then simply added to a normal broadcast program.

What makes such words so effective as a way to carry hypnotic commands is that the
target cannot resist them because the target can�t hear them.

This IS DIFFERENT from, and far more effective than, the early attempts at
subliminal sound, which used tiny slices of normal, audible words, inserted into
regular programming. The reader must keep this clear: The ultrasound method is FAR
more effective, as the U.S. Army�s experience in the Gulf War demonstrated.

The reader should also be keenly aware that while publicized uses to date are
benevolent, when this technology is focussed on one individual around the clock, it
is capable of putting the target into inescapable personal Hell, causing a mis-
diagnosis of mental illness. Eleanor White.


Dear Editor,


Say the words �Mind Control� and most people think of science fiction or lunatic
fringe. Yet, incredible as it may seem, mind altering technology is real.

The mind altering feat is accomplished by using standard radio and/or television
broadcasts to carry and electronic subliminal message that is perceived by the
subconscious mind.

Another method directly alters the brainwave patterns of the recipient to induce
specific emotional states. This subliminal carrier technology is described in U.S.
Patent #5,159,703, �Silent Subliminal Presentation System�. According to company
literature, this technology has been leased out to six U.S. government agencies,
(including the U.S. Army�s Psychological Warfare Operations), selected music and
movie companies, and various other governments of the world, including Germany and
former Soviet Union countries.

The U.S. Military has developed this highly sophisticated mind- altering technology
for use as a weapon. It was used during Operation Desert Storm against Iraqi troops
to induce in them feelings of hopelessness and despair that resulted in �mass
surrenders�. The use of this Psy-Ops weapon was reported by ITV News Bureau
(London) in two bulletins, dated March 23 and 26, 1991 but the U.S. press was
subject to military censorship that suppressed this information.

In addition to land based broadcasts, this mind altering technology has been
incorporated into USAF aircraft EC-130E, code named Commando Solo. The USAF
acknowledges use of this technology in the following operations: Urgent Fury, Just
Cause, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Desert Thunder, Uphold Democracy, and Joint
Guard. The last two were directed against civilian populations to influence
elections in Haiti and Bosnia.

The mind altering technology is officially listed as part of the new �non-lethal�
weapons. These non-lethal weapons are being transferred by the Department of
Defense over to the Department of Justice to be available to the local police

Dr. Michael A. Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University, Canada has

warned of the possibility of this technology being used for global mind control.
Independent researchers have determined that the HAARP (High-frequency Active
Auroral Research Program) in Alaska could be used to achieve this far-reaching

Dr. Igor Smirnov of the Institute of Psycho-Correction in Moscow says in regard to

this technology, �It is easily conceivable that some Russian �Satan�, or let�s say
an Iranian, or any other, as long as he owns the appropriate means and finances,
can inject himself into every conceivable computer network, into every conceivable
radio or TV broadcast with relative technological ease, even without disconnecting
cables. You can intercept the waves in the aether and modulate every conceivable
suggestion into it.�

In recognition of this threat, the Parliament of the European Union has passed a
resolution calling for �an international convention introducing a global ban on all
developments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human
beings� as well as having the new �non-lethal� weapons technology� covered and
regulated by international conventions.
If you would like more information about this technology, see my article in Nexus,
Oct-Nov 1998, pp. 11-16.
Sincerely, Judy Wall

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