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Artikan bacaan Dania’s classroom dan jawab soal 1 – 10 !

Dania's Classroom

This is Dania's classroom. There are thirty students in her class. They are fourteen
boys and sixteen girls. The classroom has fifteen tables and thirty chairs. It also has
one whiteboard, two cupboards, five pictures, a fan, a vase and two maps. The
classroom is very clean and beautiful. The fan is beside the cupboards and the
maps are in front of the picture.

1. How many students are in Dania's classroom?

2. There are ... boys in the classroom.
3. There are ... girls in the classroom.
4.. How many tables are in the classroom?
5. How many chairs are in the classroom?
6. How many maps are in the classroom?
7. Where is the fan?
8. Where are the maps?
9. How many pictures are in the classroom?
10. What is the tittle of the text?

Artikan dalam bahasa inggris !

 1. Aku menonton kartun di Televisi

 2. Aku tidur di malam hari di kasur sendirian
 3. Aku mengambil bajuku dari lemari
 4. Ketika aku meninggalkan kamarku, aku menutup pintu
 5. Aku menulis pekerjaan rumahku di buku
 6. Aku membaca buku jika aku sedang sendirian
 7. Aku membereskan kasur-ku setiap pagi
 8. Aku menyimpan baju, celana, kaos kaki, dan baju dalamku di lemari
 9. Setiap minggu aku mencuci sepatuku
 10. Aku menyimpan foto-fotoku di dalam komputer
 watch cartoon on the Television (Aku menonton kartun di Televisi)
 I sleep at night on the bed alone (Aku tidur di malam hari di kasur sendirian)
 I take my clothes from the cupboard (Aku mengambil bajuku dari lemari)
 When I leave my bedroom, I close the door (Ketika aku meninggalkan kamarku, aku
menutup pintu)
 I write my homework in my book (Aku menulis pekerjaan rumahku di buku)
 I read a book when I was alone (Aku membaca buku jika aku sedang sendirian)
 I tidy my bed every morning (Aku membereskan kasur-ku setiap pagi)
 I put my clothes, pants, socks, and underwear in the cupboard (Aku menyimpan baju,
celana, kaos kaki, dan baju dalamku di lemari)
 Every sunday I wash my shoes (Setiap minggu aku mencuci sepatuku)
 I save my pictures on the computer (Aku menyimpan foto-fotoku di dalam komputer)

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