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Sixth Grade Policies and Procedures

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Parkland! We are very excited to begin our new school year. Below we have listed some of the
important information related to homework, incentives, and behavior expectations. We believe that understanding
expectations will ensure that we make the most of their classroom experiences.

Behavior Expectations:
Use appropriate/respectful language with students and adults
No phones-They should be turned off, and in your backpack.
Keep your hands/feet to yourself.
Bring all necessary materials to class each day.
Necessary materials include:
○ class textbooks
○ pencils AND erasable pens
○ notebook paper/spiral notebook
○ red/correcting pen
○ folders for class handouts
○ agenda/assignment notebook
○ silent reading book
○ other ​assigned materials ​such as ​homework, project materials, etc.
Arrive to class on-time.
Participate in assigned work and class activities.
Use an appropriate level of your voice.
Take out any work that is due for the day when you enter the room. If your work for the day is not
complete, you should fill out the late Google Form.
Use passing time wisely.
***Students will have 10 free passes per week for emergency bathroom or locker trips. We encourage
students to use their passing time effectively, to ensure minimal classroom disruptions.

Students are to follow all school rules, as designated by the discipline policy established by
Parkland School and stated in the school handbook, and sixth grade expectations listed above.
Students who are not following school rules and expectations will receive yellow slips.
● 1-2 yellow slips = warning
● 3 yellow slips = phone call home
● 6 yellow slips = phone call home and lunch detention
● 9 yellow slips = phone call home and Office Referral

Trimester Rewards:
Students that have shown proper school behavior and great responsibility in turning in their homework
assignments and bringing their materials to class will be allowed to participate in an end of the trimester
reward. Any late assignments or yellow slips received after the 6th yellow slip, the student will no longer be
allowed to participate in the end of the trimester reward. Office referrals results in immediate
disqualification from the trimester reward.

It is YOUR responsibility to check with ALL of your teachers for missed work while absent.
Homework, quizzes and tests need to be completed in the same number of days you have been absent.
It is your responsibility to turn homework in that was missed while you were gone.
Missed tests and quizzes may have to be made up during lunch or before/after school if class time is not
It is your responsibility to check with your teacher prior to going to band or chorus lessons.
Band/chorus lessons are not an absence. Therefore, all assignments must be completed as assigned.
Notes will be taken regularly.
It is your responsibility to make sure that you have all notes. Use a friend’s notebook to get your
notes updated if you were absent.

Teachers do not give you a grade, you earn it.
Tests will generally be announced days in advance.
Grades will be updated weekly/biweekly through Family Access.
Check Family Access for updated grades and contact the teacher with any concerns.
Extra credit will be offered to the whole class and cannot be done in place of an assignment. More
information is on our team website.

An assignment will be considered late if the assignment is not fully completed on the due date, at the time
class begins.
5 late assignments = 1 yellow slip
Late/Missing assignments are expected to be completed the following day and turned in.
Assignments will only be accepted up to 3 days late. Assignments will not be accepted for credit after the
third day.

In order to better assist our students in managing their missing work, we will continue implementing the following
policies this quarter:
● Students with 3 or more missing assignments will be required to attend Homework Help on days it
is offered (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:30-4:00-activity buses are available for
transportation home) They will be required to stay until their total missing assignments is less than
3, and each time it is 3 or more. Any students not following this procedure will be required to
attend the following Saturday Intervention option-transportation is not provided.
● Students with 6 or more missing assignments will be required to attend Saturday
Intervention-transportation is not provided. They will be required to attend Saturday Interventions
until their total missing assignments is less than 6, and each time it is 6 or more. Any students not
following this procedure will be referred to the office.


The best way for you to reach us is by e-mail. We enjoy communicating with you about your child. If you prefer to
contact us by phone, we will respond as promptly as possible. We are also free from 1:00-2:20 pm daily to set up a
meeting, if necessary.

We look forward to working with you and your student to make this the best year for your child!

Thank you,

The Sixth Grade Team

Our Contact Information:

Miss Haley Mueckenhoff: Miss Alex Houck:

6 White Language Arts 6 White Math
Email: h​ Email: a​
Phone: 779-244-1700 Phone: 779-244-1700
Ext. 1747 Ext. TBD
Room: 1126 Room: 3101

Mrs. Courtney Kinert: Mr. Bill Palm:

6 White Resource Teacher 6 White Science
Email: c​ Email: b​
Phone: 779-244-1700 Phone: 779-244-1700
Ext. 1733 Ext. 1750
Room: 1143 Room: 1122

Mrs. Melynda Virgil-Maurer:

6 White Social Studies
Email: m
Phone: 779-244-1700
Ext. 1765
Room: 1124

~Please sign, detach, and return bottom portion to your Core D teacher~

We have read and understand the team policies of Sixth Grade.

Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________

Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date:_____________

Occasionally, during the year we watch movies. May your child watch “PG” movies with us?

Yes ____________________ No_______________________

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