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Rena Malda

July 2, 2019
Misfiled Proposals Case Study
Rena Malda

You have set up an electronic filing system for your office, complete with directories and folders.
At numerous staff meetings you have asked the managers in your organization to please file
their completed proposals into the correct folders that you have set up. However, whenever you
have to search for a proposal, you rarely find it in the correct folder or even in the correct
directory. What ideas do you have for solving this problem?

After taking the time and doing the work to set up an entire filing system in an office it
would frustrating to still not be able to find things filed by others in the workplace. Things
placed in the wrong folders and directories would cause confusion and make the workplace less
effective. I would start to address this by reaching out to those using the system to make sure
that they do know how to properly use the system I had created. The problem could be as
simple as they don’t understand where to properly file and put things. If they are having issues,
I would take the time at the appropriate moment to walk them through the system and how to
properly use it. Everyone should know how to properly store and retrieve the files.
It is also important to create a manual while creating a records management system. I
would make sure that there is one created, and that each manager/employee has a copy or at
the very least, access to one. It is very important to have a manual that everyone can refer back
to if needed.
I would also reach out to the managers to ask if there was anything, they noticed that
needed improvement within the records system. I may be thinking that everything is organized
and easy to access/use, but it may very well not be. It is always great to have some feedback
and constructive criticism. This would give them the opportunity to express anything they are
struggling with and we could improve and work on anything that is concerning or difficult for
them to use.

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