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PRINCIPLES OF MEDICAL -Nature of human person human agent

LABORATORY SCIENCE - BSMT -Criteria of judgement -Use of norms

Lesson 3: Ethics -Character of moral agent
-Situational analysis
● Ethics - Moral code that guides
how an individual should behave
● Ethical Relativism - aka: Moral
-Branch of knowledge that deals with moral
Relativism, morality is relative to the
norms of a particular culture
- Acknowledges societal diversity
- Covers the philosophy of doing what’s
- Challenge: Preservation of
cultural uniqueness & Acknowledgement
of cultural differences
- Individual’s search for meaning while
dealing with problems such as:
● Ethical Pragmatism - Philosophical
❏ Logical (Reasoning)
approach/movement that began in
❏ Epistemological (Truth)
the 1870s
❏ Cosmological (Universe)
❏ Ethical (Morality)
- Term was coined by Charles
❏ Aesthetical (Art & Beauty)
Sanders Pierce
❏ Scientific Problems (Science)
- “Human beings are logical beings but
- Further developed by William
- Human existence is inexplicable.
- At the moment a person is born, he or she
begins to suffer and will continue to suffer
- America’s most distinctive and
until death” :((
major contribution to Philosophy
*All according to Timbreza, 1993
- More of a theory on knowledge,
● Schools of Ethics
truth, and meaning than morality
- Ethics deals with a diverse prescription of
universal concepts and principles that serve
- Conception of good and truth
as foundation of moral beliefs
can be applied in medical context,
specially in terms of decision
- Donal Harrington: Morality can be viewed
making & moral reasoning
in different perspectives-- as a law, inner
conviction, love, personal growth, &
● Ethical Utilitarianism - “Rightness
social transformation
or wrongness of actions are
determined by their consequences”
- James Gustafson (1974):
Ethics Morality - Founded by Jeremy Bentham
(1748-1832) & John Mill (1806-
Theoretical Based on principles
prescriptions/critiques practiced by a particular 1873)
- According to Mill, actions are:
-Nature of the good -Fundamental convictions of
Good→when it promotes happiness
Bad→when it produces unhappiness pain & suffering
Utility/usefulness of an
action→extent to which it promotes - (Herbert Engineering,
happiness rather than its reverse 2004): process of
inducing the painless
death of a person who is
● Moral Issues - Some concerns debilitated for reasons
needed to be considered when assured to be merciful
doing an ethical review (incontext of
- 3 types:
the healthcare profession): ❏ Voluntary-
Diversity, Decision-making, Individual gives
compliance, & governance consent

Ex: Assisted suicide or

-Various views have been refusal of burdensome
formulated by philosophers, treatment
theologians, & moralists provide
❏ Non-voluntary -
people with difficult decisions as to When permission
whether an action is acceptable or for patient to
not perform process
is not available
The following ethical issues are those that Ex: Deep comatose or
continue to be talked about: neonates born w/ major
birth defects

Abortion - Illegal in the Philippines ❏ Involuntary -

(Article II, Section 12 of Individual doesn’t
the 1987 Constitution) give his/her
- Can be: Direct,
Induced, Ex: Person wants to live
Caused by natural but is killed anyway.
events or accidents Usually murder but not
-For Anti-abortion
groups: It’s the ultimate
violation of life, for it’s the
act of killing an individual
that is not yet able to
speak for himself/herself

- For those who support

abortion: Rape victims
should be gven the
chance to decide for

Euthanasia (Mercy - Practice of ending a life

Killing) intentionally, in
situations when the
individual is terminally
ill, to relieve him/her of
Genetic Engineering - Genetic manipulations
that are perceived to be
against moral standards
set by society

- Humans are seen to be

acting as their own
gods because of
procedures that enable
them to manipulate the
genetic make-up of

- 4 Types:
❏ Genetic
(Ciabal, 2003):
To screen,
choose, and
select the genes
for proper
detection of any
genetic disease
and other

- Usually done for

early diagnosis
of diseases

❏ Genetic
Interventions -
(Ciabal, 2003):
Genetic control,
therapy, and

- Intervene in
biological process

- Control bad or
defective genes

❏ Stem-Cell
Therapy - Use of
stem cells to treat
or prevent

- Subject of
controversy: How
stem cells are
sourced (from
❏ In Vitro
Fertilization -
aka Laboratory

- In the past,
Many religious
groups oppose
the procedure as
they perceive it as
a deviation from
the natural
process of
● Major Body Cavities
● Professional Ethics - Cranial Cavity: formed by the skull,
- Covers the morally accepted behavior in protects the brain
the workplace
- Vertebral: contains the spinal cord
- Guides individuals in dealing with issues &
conflicts in the workplace for them to remain - Thoracic: formed by ribs, muscles of
functional chest, sternum, pleural, & pericardial
cavities and mediastinum
- Code of Ethics of a particular profession
serves as the guiding principle in the - Abdominal: contains stomach, spleen,
ethical practice of a profession liver, gallbladder, small intestine and most
of the large intestine
- Professionalism is necessary in
maintaining a healthy and productive -Pelvic: contains portions of large intestine,
work environment urinary bladder, and reproductive organs

Lesson 4: Medical Terminologies and ● Abdominal Regions

Abbreviations -Right Hypochondriac:
contains the right portion of the liver, the
● Anatomical Position
gallbladder, the right kidney, and parts of the
- Standing upright, Palms facing directly
forward, Upper limbs to the sides, Feet small intestine
parallel w/ lower limbs close together
-Left Hypochondriac: contains part of the
● Anatomical Planes
spleen, the left kidney, part of the stomach,
- Median Sagittal/ Midsagittal/ Median
pancreas, and parts of the colon
Plane: Divides body into equal left and
right halves , passing through the center of
body, vertical plane -Epigastric: contains the majority of the
stomach, part of the liver, part of the
- Transverse/ Cross-sectional/ Horizontal pancreas, part of the duodenum, part of the
Plane : Divides body into superior (upper) spleen, and the adrenal glands. This region
and inferior (lower) pushes out when the diaphragm contracts
during breathing
- Frontal/ Coronal Plane: Divides body into
anterior (front) and posterior (back)
-Right Lumbar: consists of the gallbladder,
the left kidney, part of the liver, and the
- Parasagittal/ Paramedian Plane : Divides ascending colon
body into unequal left and right halves
-Left Lumbar: consists of the descending
● Common Directional Terms colon, the left kidney, and part of the spleen
-Umbilical: contains the umbilicus (navel), the ascending and transverse colon, and
and many parts of the small intestine, such parts of the small intestine
as part of the duodenum, the jejunum, and
the illeum. It also contains the transverse
-Left lower quadrant: contains the majority
colon (the section between the ascending
and descending colons) and the bottom of the small intestine, some of the large
portions of both the left and right kidney. intestine, the left female reproductive
organs, and the left ureter
-Right Inguinal/ Illiac: contains the
appendix, cecum, and the right iliac fossa. It
-Right lower quadrant: contains the
is also commonly referred to as the right
inguinal region. Pain in this area is cecum, appendix, part of the small
generally associated with appendicitis intestines, the right female reproductive
organs, and the right ureter
-Left Inguinal/ Iliac: contains part of the
descending colon, the sigmoid colon, and
the right illiac fossa ● Spinal Column
-Cervical vertebrae (C1-C7)
-Thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12)
-Lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5)
-Sacrum (S1-S5)
-Coccyx (Co1-Co4)

● Injuries to Spinal cord

- Plegia: paralysis
- Quadraplegic: All 4 limbs
- Paraplegic: 2 limbs
● Anatomic Quadrants - Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
-Hemiplegic: half body paralysis
- Left upper quadrant: contains left portion
of the liver, the larger portion of stomach,
● Root Terms for organs, organs
pancreas, left kidney, spleen, portions of the
systems and structures:
transverse and descending colon, and parts
of the small intestine. Prefix Meaning

Hem-/Hemo-/Hema- blood
-Right upper quadrant: contains the right
vaso-/vasculo- Blood vessel
portion of the liver, gallbladder, right kidney,
Osteo- bone
a small portion of the stomach, portions of
Encephalo- brain
Gyneco-/ Genito- Reproductive endo- inside
hetero- different
Oculo-/ Opthalmo eyes
con- with
Thoraco- chest
ab- Away from
Cardio- heart
post- after
Cardiovasculo- Heart and blood vessels
ecto-/exo- outside
Entero- intestines
homo- same
Arthro- joints
hypo- Less than
Nephro- kidneys
hyper- More than
Mast- breasts
inter- between
Hepato- liver
peri-/circum- around
Pneumo-/Pulmono- lungs
macro-/megalo- big
Lympho- lymphatic
micro- small
Meningo- meninges
super- Above, excessive
Oro- mouth
infra-/sub- below
Myo- muscles
tachy- fast
Neuro- nerves
brady- slow
Naso- nose
angi- Blood vessel
Dermato- skin
leuko- white
Gastro- stomach
anti- against
Dento- teeth
meta- change
Uro- bladder
auto- self

● Common prefixes & suffixes for neo- new

medical terms:
bi- two

Prefix Meaning path- disease

a-/an- without epi- upon

ad- toward pedi- children

ante-/pre-/pro- before erythro- red

poly- many -scopy viewing/exam

ex- from -itis/-stasis Stop the flow

re- back -logist Person who specializes

hemi- half -tomy Incision of

trans- across/through -logy Study of

in-/intra- inside -toxic poison

uni-/mono- one -lysis breakdown

iso- equal

retro- At the back of ● Common prefixes and suffixes in

Suffix Meaning

-algia pain
Prefix Meaning
-megaly enlarge
a-/an- Lack,without,
-cyte cell absent, decreased

-oid resembling aniso- Unequal, dissimilar

-ectomy removal cyt- cell

-oma tumor dys- Abnormal, difficult,

-emia Blood condition
erythro- red
-osis State of/ caused by
ferr- iron
-genic Cause of
origin/production hemo-/hemato- Pertaining to blood

-pathy Pertaining to disease hypo- Beneath, under,

deficient, decreased
-gram Record of
hyper- Above, beyond,
-penia Decrease of extreme

-graphy way/method of iso- Equal, alike, same

leuk(o)- white
-plasia form
macro- Large or long
-ic,-al,-ac,-ium Pertaining to
mega- Large or giant
-plasty repair
meta- After,next or change
-ism/-ia Condition of
micro- small
myel(o) From bone marrow -poletin Stimulates production
or spinal cord

pan- All, overall, all-

inclusive Examples:
1. Myocardial
phleb- vein
Myo-muscle, cardio-heart, al-pertaining to
phago- Eat, ingest 2. Electrocardiogram
Electro-electrical, cardio-heart, gram-
poikilo- Varied or irregular
poly- many 3. Dermatologist
Derma-skin, logist-person who specializes
schis- split
4. Appendectomy
scler- hard Append-appendix, ectomy-removal
5. Anisocytosis
splen- spleen Osis-abnormal, An-lack, Iso-equality, cyte-
thromb(o)- Clot or thrombus cells,
6. Aplasia
xanth- yellow A-absence, plasia-cell production
7. Anemia
An-decreased, nemia-blood
8. Dysmyelopoiesis
Suffix Meaning
Dys-abnormal, Poiesis-development, of
-cyte cell myelo-marrow cells
9. Panmyelosis
-emia blood
Osis-abnormal increase, Pan- in all, myel-
-itis inflammation marrow cells

-ylsis Destruction or
Lesson 5: Medical Technology/Clinical
-oma Swelling or tumor Laboratory Science Education

-opathy disease
● According to CHED, Medical
-osis Abnormal increase or Laboratory Science can also be
disease referred to as Clinical Laboratory
-penia Deficiency,
decreased -CHED Regulates and governs all
tertiary level schools
-phil(ic) Attracted to, affinity ● Program → BSMT (BSN, BS, BA &
-plasia/-plastic Cell production or ● Courses → Subjects (Math, PLMS,
repair HIS, Anatomy & etc.)
-poiesis Cell production or
formation Divided into 2:
General Professional additional courses
Education Courses to be accredited

Considered as Directly related to CMO No.14s, 2006 -duration of MT

review since it future profession intern program was
has been taught cut down to 7
during primary months
and secondary
education -added courses to
previous CMO
3 Subcategories: 2 Subcategories:
❏ Major ❏ Major -our program had
Courses Courses -
aligned with other
- 5 units Included in
❏ Minor the licensure
Courses exam
- 3 units ❏ Minor -BUT graduates
Courses - had psychomotor
Not included competencies
in the
licensure CMO No. 13s,2017 -reverted internship
exam program duration
back to 1 year
● Higher Education
-goal is to produce
Institutions (HEI’s) - any competent
school or university offering graduates (efficient
tertiary level programs and effective in the
- have academic freedom paramedical team)
● CHED Memorandum Order
(CMO) - specific numbers ● MT/CLS EDUCATION
given to any HEI’s which - consists of clinical laboratory testing which
contains PSG’s (Policies, focuses on:
Standards, & Guidelines) ❏ Detection (observation)
which guides the HEI’s on ❏ Diagnosis (identification of possible
how to to run the different diseases based from detection)
tertiary programs ❏ Prognosis (outcome of disease)
❏ Prevention & treatment
3 CMOs HEI’s follow:
● Curriculum - list of information that
CMO No. 8 s, 1998 - duration of MT enumerates the courses for the
intern program is 1 program and necessary student -
year teacher interactions for each course

-BUT MTs who -ex: Prospectus

used this were not
accredited in other
countries and thus; ● MT/CLS Curriculum - 4 years
had to take program with GE and Professional
courses, and with professional
licensure examination

-benchmarked by CMO No. 13s,


- course prerequisites are identified

- 1 unit lecture = 1 hr class

- 1 unit lab = 3 hrs class meeting

● General Education Courses

included in the new CMO are:
1. Understanding the Self
2. Readings in Philippine History
3. The Contemporary World
4. Mathematics in the Modern World
5. Purposive Communication
6. The Life and Works of Rizal
7. Science, Technology, and Society
8. Art Appreciation
9. Ethics

● Professional Courses include:

Minor Major

1. Principles of Charan to be
Medical continued ethics
Laboratory paman ang e
Science 1: test
to Medical
Safety, and

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