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ISSN 10193316, Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 369–377.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009.

Original Russian Text © M.A. Pal’tsev, V.I. Kiselev, P.G. Sveshnikov, 2009, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2009, Vol. 79, No. 7, pp. 627–636.

Nanotechnology is actively penetrating in all spheres of human activity, including medicine. The most prom
ising areas of nanomedicine discussed in the article are pharmacology, diagnostics, tissue engineering, and
surgery. The authors also touched upon the toxicity of nanopreparations. This article is based on a report
delivered at the Nanotechnology International Forum, Moscow, December 3–5, 2008.
DOI: 10.1134/S101933160904008X

Nanotechnology in Medicine
M. A. Pal’tsev, V. I. Kiselev, and P. G. Sveshnikov*

The current stage of medical science opens new 8% of papers and 10% of applications and Japan with
opportunities for penetrating into the vital processes of 9 and 6%, respectively (Fig. 2).
the human organism. It is fair to say that the biomolec
ular trend, based on molecular biology, genetics, and
pathology, is now shaping the future of medicine. This NANOPHARMACOLOGY
trend deals with newgeneration diagnostic and The use of nanoparticles for biomedical purposes is
medicinal preparations and the design of highly effec guided by various parameters, such as their nature
tive biosensor systems. The development of nanotech (organic and inorganic substances) and physical and
nology has become a real breakthrough in achieving physicochemical (magnetic, electric, optical, and
the objectives of contemporary medicine. mechanical) properties [3]. The range of nanoparti
cles that have already found practical applications and
Nanotechnology is a set of atomic, molecular, or
that have a medical potential is very wide. The partic
macromolecularscale techniques and methods that
ular diversity of nanomaterials makes their classifica
ensure the controllable design and use of structures,
tion arbitrary. We find among them
devices, or systems in the nanometer range. Such
designs acquire at least one excellent quality or func • metallic nanoparticles: superparamagnetic crys
tion [1]. The essence of nanomedicine is in using nan tals of iron, nanoparticles of noble metals (gold and
otech achievements to treat (molecular engineering of silver), and semiconductor nanoparticles;
medical and diagnostic preparations), diagnose, mon • organic nanomaterials: nanoliposomes, nano
itor, and control the functions of biological systems composites from natural materials, and recombinant
[2]. synthetic chimeric proteins and peptides;
All countries are trying to develop nanotechnology. • carbon nanoparticles: fullerenes and single and
The United States and Japan have implemented the multilayer nanotubes; and
largest national research programs in nanotechnology. • synthetic nanopolymers: dendrimers and other
Global investments in nanotechnology have increased synthetic polymers [1–3].
by an order of magnitude since 1997, reaching $15 bil
lion in 2004 (Fig. 1). Table 1 shows the applications and properties of
some nanomaterials.
The importance of nanomedicine is obvious. Sci Nanoparticles have a powerful potential as an effi
entific publications on nanomedicine in international cient drug delivery system. Biodegradable (natural and
scientific journals have increased four times over the synthetic polymers and lipids) and metallic nanoparti
past decade. Applications for inventions are also grow cles are used to this end. The main requirements for
ing, indicating the expanding commercialization of nanocarriers are nontoxicity, immunogenicity, and the
this sphere. The United States is the undisputed leader ability to carry and release the sufficient amounts of
in the number of both research publications and drugs [13].
patent applications, producing annually 32% of papers
and 53% of applications; then follow Germany with Cells capture nanoparticles more efficiently than
larger structures; therefore, nanoparticles are used to
* The authors work at the Sechenov Medical Academy, Moscow. transport and release drugs. Drugs can be integrated
Academician Mikhail Aleksandrovich Pal’tsev (also an acade into the particle matrix or attached to the surface of
mician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) is rector of nanoparticles. The rational development of nanosys
the academy. Vsevolod Ivanovich Kiselev, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), is a tems is based on knowledge of their interaction with
deputy director of the Research Institute of Molecular Medi
cine. Petr Georgievich Sveshnikov, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), is chief the biological environment, targetcell population,
research fellow at the Research Institute of Molecular Medicine. and the surface receptors of these cells (taking into

370 PAL’TSEV et al.

Billions of dollars

1 3

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Fig. 1. Investments in nanotechnology in (1) Germany, (2) Japan, and (3) the United States, 1998–2004.
Source: VDI Technologiezentrum, 2006.

account their changing expression during the disease). Nanoparticles introduced intravenously quickly
The design of such nanosystems must follow the care leave the blood and accumulate primarily in the
ful examination of pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, Kupffer cells of the liver and in the macrophages of the
and effective accumulation of nanocomposites in the red pulp cords of the spleen. This tissuespecific pas
sive clearance reflects the primary role of the immune
target organ. The stability and external and internal system in opposing pathogens. Opsonization with
distribution of nanoparticles in the biological nanoparticles accumulating on the surface of
microenvironment depend on their chemical nature, fibronectin, immunoglobulins, and complementsys
spatial organization, and size [14, 15]. tem components serves to recognize and absorb them
with mononuclear phagocytes and dendritic cells.
Nanoparticles are used for the address delivery of
Number of publications and patents drugs. Therapeutic and diagnostic agents can be
2500 encapsulated, attached covalently to nanocarriers, or
adsorbed on them. Thanks to the small size and func
tionalization, which is achieved by modifying the
2000 nanoparticle surface with synthetic polymers and rel
2 evant ligands, corpuscular nanocarriers are targeted at
a certain type of cells and arrive at the assumed com
1500 partment of an organism after systemic introduction.
Surface functionalization increases the time during
1 which particles circulate in the bloodstream and
avoids nonspecific distribution. Polyethylene glycol
(PEG), which creates the effect of steric stabilization,
is often used as a nanoparticle coating. Its molecules
form a protective hydrophobic layer on the nanoparti
500 cle surface to prevent particle opsonization by plasma
proteins and particle capture by the cells of the system
of mononuclear phagocytes. Alongside PEG, alterna
0 tive polymers, particularly based on polyoxazoline,
1996 2000 2004
polyvinyl ethanol, and polyglycerol, are used as steric
Fig. 2. The number of (1) publications and (2) patents in
stabilizers [16].
nanomedicine, 1996–2004. After reaching the assumed compartment, the sta
Source: VDI Technologiezentrum, 2006. bilizing coating of nanoparticles in the majority of



Table 1. The structural features of nanomaterials and their applications in medicine

Nanomaterials Size Structural features and applications

Superparamagnetic 4–5 nm Hexagonal crystals surrounded by dextran or polyethylene glycol molecules. When
crystals of iron oxide exposed to a magnetic field, these crystals with a high magnetic moment locally vio
late the homogeneity of the field and make possible the lifetime imaging of the as
sumed target. Used for the address delivery of drugs. Functional groups, such as an
tibodies, proteins, and oligonucleotides, can be attached to the surface of iron oxide
crystals [4]
Semiconductor 5–10 nm Formed from cadmium selenide and coated with a zinc sulfide shell, they have
fluorescent metallic unique optical and electronic properties, high quantum yields, and high extinction
nanocrystals ratios. Characterized by a broad band of fluorescence excitation (from the ultravio
let to visible optical spectrum) and a narrow symmetrical band of emission, which,
depending on the nature and size of a nanocrystal, can reside on the assumed spec
trum area. Quantum dots have a unique photostability [5]
Carbon nanoparticles 1–10 nm The third allotropic form of elementary carbon (after graphite and diamond) repre
(fullerenes) sented by fullerenes and nanotubes. These nanoparticles are mainly used to design
nanodevices. Ultimately, they can be used as antibacterial agents, HIV protease in
hibitors, and, after the relevant modification, as a drug depot [6]. Inorganic nano
particles, as a rule, form a nucleus that is coated with a protective layer of inert ma
terial. Functionalization is the modification of the nanoparticle surface to assign
the assumed properties to them. They can be formed by adding structural elements
that recognize molecular targets in vivo or in vitro, such as antibodies, antigens, oli
gonucleotides, etc. [7]
Dendrimers <50 nm Highly luminous polymer macromolecules with a closetodisperse 3D structure.
They have a spongy structure, which makes it possible to use them as a matrix. Ther
apeutic and diagnostic agents can be attached to the surface groups of dendrimers
by chemical modification [8]. Polymer micelles are formed in solutions as aggre
gates in which molecular components line up in a spheroidal structure with hydro
phobic nuclei and hydrophilic groups exposed outwardly. Micelles are used for
the systemic release of waterinsoluble medical preparations [9]
Nanoliposomes <100 nm Closed singlelayer lipid vesicles. Drugs enclosed in liposomes can be delivered to
target organs by modifying the vesicle surface with relevant ligands [10]
Aquasomes 60–300 nm Spherical particles. Used to deliver and release drugs and antigens. The particle nu
cleus is represented by a nanocrystalline calcium phosphate or ceramic carbon and is
coated by an oligomeric polyhydroxyl film. Drugs and antibodies adsorb on the sur
face of these particles [11]
Polyplexes/lipoplexes 100–200 nm Nanostructures that are formed spontaneously between nucleic acids and polyca
tions or cationic liposomes and are used for gene transfection. The polycations most
widely used in gene transfer are polyLlysin, linear and branching poly(ethylen
imine), poly(amidoamine), polyβamino esters, and cationic cyclodextrin [12]

cases starts to play a negative role, preventing the effi hyperpermeability and retention phenomenon. The
cient release of drugs. Stabilizer molecules are epithelial lining of a pathologically impaired capillary
attached to the nanoparticle surface with linkers. bed is changed structurally, and fenestrae appear
Linkers are selected to destroy the connection between endotheliocytes, through which nanoparti
between the stabilizing coating and the nanoparticle as cles can easily penetrate. The absence (in the case of
soon as the assumed microenvironment is reached. solid tumors) or deficiency of the lymphatic system,
Depending on a linker’s nature, the shedding of the which is responsible for the drainage of molecules
coating can be induced with low pHs, a reduction from healthy tissues, leads to the accumulation of
reaction, proteolysis, etc. [17]. nanoparticles in pathologically changed tissue [19].
The address delivery of nanoparticles is carried out The target delivery of nanoparticles is carried out
by either passive or controllable transport [18]. The by conjugating the relevant ligand with their surface.
former ensures the spontaneous accumulation of Such ligands can be monoclonal antibodies or their
nanoparticles that can circulate for a long time in fragments, other proteins, peptides, small molecules,
inflammatory tissues and solid tumors thanks to the and aptamers. The ligand’s low affinity is compen


372 PAL’TSEV et al.

Table 2. Applications of various nanosystems

Antineoplastic Immunomo
Nanosystems Antibiotics Peptides engineered Vaccines
drugs dulators
Liposomes + + + +
Polymers + + + + + +
Dendrimers + + + +
Fullerenes + +
Quantum dots + + +

sated by its avidity amplified by increasing the stocking ment efficiency in real time. The behavior of nanopar
density on the carrier. Small synthetic peptides, which ticles in the biological microenvironment and their
are more stable than antibody molecules and, most stability and extracellular and intracellular distribu
probably, nonimmunogenic, are widely used as target tion vary depending on their chemical nature, spatial
ligands. Carbohydrates, such as lactose, galactose, and structure, and size [24]. Liposomes and micelles have
mannose, can also serve as ligands. It is advisable to the potential to deliver drugs to tumors, since the use
use them for marking tumor cells, whose surface has of such nanocarriers reduces drug toxicity, sets the
excessive amounts of lectins. time parameters of their release, and modifies the
Recently, aptamers have increasingly begun to be pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of preparations
used. These target selection products of an oligonucle [25, 26].
otide nature have a high affinity and specificity for the Nanoparticles help overcome multiple drug resis
assumed target. They can be viewed as artificial ana tance by delivering cytostatics to tumor cells without
logs of antibodies but of a considerably smaller size launching the glycoprotein pump. The strategy of
[20]. The design of some carriers is such that they can overcoming drug resistance is based on the use of new
be activated by the changing pH of the environment, drug release systems that ensure selective drug accu
chemical stimuli, a rapidly changing magnetic field, or mulation in tumor tissues, tumor cells proper, or even
an external heat source [21]. If modified, carriers can in their cytoplasmic compartments. Doxorubicin
control the integrity of particles, the release speed, and loaded particles from poly(alkylcyanoacrylate) can
the local yield of drugs at the organ, cell, and subcell penetrate into cells without being recognized by pgly
levels. coprotein. Clinically, drug resistance under AIDS
During the address delivery of a drug to the cyto associated Kaposi’s sarcoma was overcome due to the
plasm, nanoparticles have to overcome the endolysos use of doxorubicin enclosed in liposomes [27].
ome compartment. Nanoparticles from poly(D,L Nanocomposites have been designed for the simul
lactidecoglycolide) or nanoparticles with attached taneous target delivery of a preparation, target imag
short peptides, like protein transduction domains, are ing, and target destruction. Biodegradable natural
used to this end. Particles are captured by the recep polymers (albumin, chitosan, and heparine), designed
torindependent mechanism of macropinocytosis to carry various drugs, such as antitumor preparations,
through lipid rafts. They are delivered to the cytoplasm antibiotics, and protein preparations, including vac
by the chaperonin GroEL E. coli, a heatshock protein cines, genetically engineered drugs, and immuno
with nanoparticles (quantum dots) imbedded in it. It modulating preparations, are increasingly often used
penetrates into the cytoplasm, bypassing the endoly as nanocontainers for drug delivery [28]. The possibil
sosome compartment, and frees a nanoparticle during ity to include any particular substances into various
ATP binding in the presence of magnesium and potas classes of nanoparticles has been proved (Table 2).
sium ions [22].
Nanotechnology opens up opportunities for solv
ing the problem of delivering drugs to brain tumors. NANODIAGNOSTICS
Nanoparticles conjugated with the lectin Ulex In the majority of nanodiagnostic tests, the nano
europeus effectively overcome the hematoencephalic probe is connected to the target molecule, which
barrier [23]. ensures the recording of the biomolecular target’s sig
Multifunctional nanocarriers have also been cre nal. For noninvasive diagnostic tumor imaging in vivo,
ated to simultaneously carry a drug, a ligand responsi liposomes and micelles are the most promising nano
ble for address delivery (for example, antibodies or carriers of contrast agents. In liposomes, contrast
aptamers), and a contrast agent. Such nanoparticles agents can be incorporated both into the internal water
can be used to release specific antitumor preparations, compartment and into the membrane to be used in
identify circulating tumor cells, and monitor treat gamma and magnetic resonance imaging. If metallic



nanoparticles serve as contrast agents, the reporter the tissue factor. Superparamagnetic nanoparticles
metal can be chelated into diethylenetriamine and carrying a ligand for apoliprotein E were used in mag
integrated into liposomes [29]. To obtain the strongest netic resonance imaging of VCAM1 in the aorta
signal during magnetic resonance imaging, all reporter endothelium [34]. Molecular imaging in vivo allows us
atoms are dislocated to contact the water phase. not only to localize pathological processes but also to
Polychelating amphipathic polymers with the main record the level of expression and activity of specific
chain and multiple lateral chelating groups have been molecules and to assess biological processes (apopto
synthesized. These polymers can bind multiple atoms sis, angiogenesis, etc.) that influence the development
of the reporter metal and hydrophobic end groups that of pathologies and response to therapeutic interven
amplify polymer adsorption on hydrophobic nanopar tion [35].
ticles or liposome or micelle incorporation into the Nanotechnology considerably improves the analy
hydrophobic domains. As a result, the number of car sis efficiency and opens new opportunities for testing
rierbound reportermetal atoms and the intensity of biological molecules whose sizes vary in the nanome
the imaging signal increase manifold. This approach ter range. The advantage of nanotesting is supersensi
has been successfully used for the in vivo magnetic res tive, automatic, and fast detection in the absence of
onance detection of the lymphoid system compo preliminary cleaning of biomaterial. Nanotests are
nents. Gadoliniumloaded nanocarriers were used to widely used to analyze molecules of nucleic acids and
identify tumor metastases in lymph nodes. Dextran proteins.
coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles of iron oxide
are used for the same purpose in prostate cancer A nanobarcode method has been developed to
patients. This method helped identify microme detect a wide range of biomolecular targets in biologi
tastases of less than 2 mm in size. Indium111labeled cal fluids [36]. Nickel nanorods are crosshatched with
longcirculating liposomes are used to diagnose lung gold and silver strips, and detector molecules (anti
cancer, head and neck carcinoma, AIDSassociated bodies or oligonucleotides) are attached to them.
Kaposi’s sarcoma, skin cancer, glioblastomas, and Thus, an individual bar code can encode a detectable
metastatic brain tumors, as well as soft tissue sarcoma object bound to it. A change in the optical properties
[30, 31]. of a bar code indicates the presence of a detectable
molecule in the sample under study [37].
The molecules of imaging agents and tumorspe
cific ligands can be built into the same nanoparticle. Nanobarcodes help identify genetic defects, which
Multivalent magnetic nanocrystals bound with the arise from point mutations of a gene owing to the
tumorspecific antibodies Herceptin are successfully replacement of a single nucleotide. Nanobarcode
being used for in vivo cancer diagnostics by magnetic based analysis may be viewed as an alternative to the
resonance. polymerase chain reaction.
Simultaneous imaging of tumor cells and photody Clinically, nanobarcodes are used to diagnose pros
namic nearinfrared laser therapy are possible with the tate cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as various
use of highadsorption gold nanorods. In addition, infections.
these nanoparticles scatter electromagnetic radiation. Cantilevers, like those used in atomic force micros
Diagnostic systems that record fluorescent signals copy, help analyze DNA samples. They are used in
prefer the use of quantum dots conjugated with anti DNA hybridization. DNA fragments capable of bind
bodies, oligonucleotides, and aptamers or coated with ing a complementary DNA target are applied to the
streptavidin. Since quantum dots are water insoluble cantilever surface (beam nanostructures on a solid
and toxic, they are coated with watersoluble ligands substrate). During sample scanning, the target DNA
or encapsulated into phospholipid micelles, polymer sequence is hybridized with the cantilever’s single
beads, or amphiphilic polysaccharides. Quantum dots stranded DNA, which leads to mechanical deforma
also find application in immunohistochemical bioptic tion of the sample, and the extent of deformation is
analysis [32]. proportionate to the amount of DNA hybridized. The
Nanocrystals can be a basis for the main supersen deformation is recorded by optical or electromechan
sitive noninvasive methods of imaging preceptor mol ical signals. This approach can be used in microchips.
ecules and disease markers of various etiologies. In In this case, the cantilever surface is coated with
cardiology, nanotech molecular imaging in vivo makes monochannel antibodies or aptamers. Cantilevers
it possible to record destructive changes in atheroscle help identify tumorassociated antigens, infectious
rotic lesions by detecting fibrin on their surface with agents, and the myocardium damage marker tropo
ultrasonic and magnetic resonance scanning [33]. The nin, as well as acetone and dimethylamine in exhaled
diagnostics of intravascular microthromb formations air [38–40].
and inflammation under atherogenesis is conducted Quantum dots are suitable for multiple spectral
with liposomes whose address delivery is carried out by coding of protein cells. Sets of quantum dots with
the ligands of intercellular and vascular cell adhesion assumed fluorescence spectra are enclosed in polymer
molecules (ICAM1 and VCAM1), fibrinogen, and microspheres to which biotargetspecific molecules


374 PAL’TSEV et al.

(monochannel antibodies or complementary oligonu the patient organism, being displaced by the healthy
cleotides) are attached covalently. The code of a implant tissue. The substrate is constructed from
microsphere is determined by the combinations of nanofibers that mimic the structure of natural tissues
colors of nanocrystals enclosed in it. Such micro on the nanometer scale. The high surfacetovolume
spheres help detect and analyze the composition of ratio of nanofibers in combination with their
complex protein or nucleotide mixes [41]. microporous structure ensures cell adhesion, prolifer
ation, migration, and differentiation.
Oligonucleotidemodified nanoparticles of gold
are used to image and quantify DNA in living cells. A Nanomatrices are formed from natural and syn
new class of probes (nanoflares) has been designed to thetic polymer materials [46]. The advantage of the
identify and quantify mRNA in living cells. The prin former is the similarity and often identity to macro
ciple of their use is based on the unique optical prop molecular substances represented in the organism.
erties of gold nanoparticles, powerful dissipators of The natural material usually used is collagenous
fluorescence. Gold nanoparticles, functionalized by a nanofibers from which myoblasts and chondrocytes
recognizing oligonucleotide sequence, hybridize with are successfully grown [47, 48]. Thanks to the cross
a short complementary reporter sequence that carries linking of nanothreads of type II collagen, matrices
fluorochrome Cy5. In the bound state, the Cy5 fluo from this biomaterial have a high mechanical strength.
rescence of the reporter sequence is dissipated due to The same is typical of the nanofibrils of type I collagen
the closeness of the nanoparticle surface. In the pres modified by polyethylene oxide [49]. The nanoparti
ence of an mRNA target, the reporter sequence dis cles of another natural polymer, chitosan, form in
unites with the nanoparticle. As a result, a long and combination with polyethylene oxide a matrix suitable
stable duplex is formed between the target and the for growing osteoblasts and chondrocytes [50]. The
nucleotidemodified nanoparticle, which leads to a natural component of a territorial matrix, hyaluronic
sharp amplification of the fluorescent signal, a flare. acid, as well as gelatin in combination with poly(ε
Such nanoprobes can be used not only for mRNA caprolactone), silk fibroin, and tropoelastin nano
detection but also for transduction, as well as for the threads are successfully used to design tissue matrices
assessment of its efficiency [42]. [51].
Molecular antennae, or genetically coded fluores Synthetic polymer materials, such as polylactic
cence resonance energy transfer (FRET) nanosensors, acid and poly(ethylene terephthalate), are used to
are used for the fine analysis of biological processes in design blood vessels; poly(εcaprolactone), to regen
vivo. The FRET phenomenon means the transfer of erate nervous and cartilaginous tissues; and poly(1
energy between two chromophores (the donor and the lactidcoεcaprolactone) serves a territorialmatrix
acceptor), whose emission and absorption spectra biomimetic for smoothmuscle and endothelial cells
overlap. Energy transfer strictly depends on the dis [52]. Polylactic coglycolic acid is a polymer widely
tance between the donor and the acceptor, which used to obtain nanofibers for bone and cartilaginous
allows us to trace the process of intermolecular inter tissue design and for controllable drug release [53].
actions. Such sensors are already used to detect Carbon and aluminum nanofibers are used as bioma
glutamate release by neurons, as well as to assess terials to produce dental and orthopedic implants.
glutamate metabolism and transport in glia cells and to Bone matrices are formed from polymer inorganic
detect neuronal activity intravitally [43, 44]. To mea composites (for example, PLLAhydroxyapatite) with
sure the level of glucose in the human blood serum, a improved osteoconductivity and mechanical proper
FRET nanosensor has been designed on the basis of ties [54].
energy transfer from CdTe quantum dots conjugated The deficit of endogenous signal molecules, neces
with concanavalin A (donor) to Au nanoparticles sary to repair major tissue defects, replenishes growth
modified by thiolated βcyclodextrins (acceptor). and differentiation factors. Techniques have been
Glucose competes with βcyclodextrins for the bind developed to immobilize nanospheres that carry signal
ing sites of lectin (concanavalin A), which leads to the molecules in the matrix cavity [55].
allosteric modification of sensor components and the
generation of a fluorescent signal [45].
The objects of nanosurgical intervention are cells
TISSUE BIOENGINEERING: TISSUE and subcellular structures (organelles, chromosomes,
REGENRATION AND REPLACEMENT the cytoskeleton, etc.). Nanosurgery also helps to
Tissue engineering strategy implies the isolation of actively intervene in the vital processes of cells.
cells from the organism followed by their in vitro Methods have been developed to assess the local
expansion and seeding on a 3D biodegradable sub ization, transport, and interactions of molecules in liv
strate. The latter serves as a structural matrix and res ing cells. Magnetic forceps are used to study the
ervoir for active molecules, such as cytokines and behavior of individual micromolecules and to relocate
growth factors. The substrate disintegrates with time in small magnetic nanoprobes in living cells [56]. Optical



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