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Evidencia 5: Virtual session “Using verbs to build customer satisfaction tools” En todo

proceso del manejo de una segunda lengua, no se puede obviar un tema de tanta
importancia como los verbos. Si un profesional no posee un léxico enriquecido por el manejo
de los verbos en inglés, sería casi imposible que pueda expresarse en este idioma. Para
afianzar el tema mencionado, realice las siguientes acciones:

1. La empresa “My sweet candy” produce caramelos y chicles, y necesita conocer el grado
de satisfacción de los clientes. Ellos elaboraron una encuesta para medir la opinión de los
clientes, la cual se encuentra más adelante y necesitan conocer el resultado de ésta. Para
ello, lea los resultados de dicha encuesta, posteriormente, simule y escriba un informe en
inglés de ello, donde utilice verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado y presente.


Jugos del norte, in the framework of the Implementation of the Comprehensive

Management Policy HSEQ and concerned about the continuous improvement in
their processes and the procedures applied in each of them, as well as in the
satisfaction of their users, which through of statistics allow you to measure the
attention provided, and establish mechanisms of contact with them. Based on the
foregoing, customer satisfaction surveys were conducted in the development of
public audiences for socialization and accountability management report validity
2018, in the department of Atlántico, were made according to the parameters
established in the procedure of the customer satisfaction survey analysis, which
resulted in the following analysis of the questions surveyed:
The people surveyed expressed a good satisfaction towards our product, they feel
comfortable with the product we offer and they give us an improvement such as
implementing new flavors, this survey is a good tool to visualize that we are doing a
good job.

2. Luego, participe en la sesión virtual exponiendo en inglés lo realizado en el informe e

indicando si el tipo de herramienta utilizada para medir el grado de satisfacción de los
clientes fue el adecuado y el porqué.

A satisfaction survey is a study used to measure how satisfied customers are and what level
of commitment they have towards a brand, product or service. Carrying out a satisfaction
survey is always the best way to find out what customers think. There are many methods to
do surveys, through a satisfaction survey you can also meet dissatisfied customers and
prevent them from abandoning your brand, product or service. Thus, it will have the tools to
meet the expectations of customers and not affect the income of the company.
A satisfaction survey has to be used to make decisions in the short, medium and long term.

These are the main objectives of a satisfaction survey:

• Know exactly what you need to improve.
• Know what the customers of your brand are saying.
• Know which are the points that most please your customers.
• Understand the needs of customers.
• Know what you can do to retain customers.
• Know if you are doing the right thing with certain strategies.
• Extend the expectations of customers.

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