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WIPRO SOS- is a intragroup helpline which comprises senior management of wipro including
azim premji . Always available for guidance on any ethical ,moral or legal issues to any
employee of the firm .

Wipro Ombudsman
Started in 2013. If an employee of firm finds out any information ,any unethical malpractice
which is happening inside the firm he can disclose this to the ombudsman committee
without any fear of loosing his job.

greement on explicit core values 1. A relevant and „user friendly‟ code of ethics 2.
Continuous training and „awareness raising‟ programmes 3. Means for employees to raise
issues without fear of retaliation 4. Employee engagement (consultation and feedback) 5.
Consistent communication and exemplary from both top and other levels of management 6.
Regular surveys of stakeholder opinions Board level oversight and reporting

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