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What have we learned from the tragedy of Karbala?

Karbala, the Land of Martyrs, bears 1000 hidden secrets beneath. A place, where almost every
prophet was tormented and faced calamities but Progeny of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) suffered
way beyond fortitude. We would have died while being alive if all those calamities had surfaced
upon us. But no comparison can be made with the great leader of Islam, Hussain(A.S), who lost
his children and companions before his sight without uttering a word.

What have we learned from this sacrifice? We have learned nothing yet. We Muslims are only
busy in prodding each other and forgot the real motive of that eminent sacrifice. Hussain(A.S)
solely took that drastic step to save the religion of his Grandfather but Muslims are still busy
authenticating the mourning of Hussain(A.S). Just imagine, how did a father let his teenage boy
be killed in the battle field only for the sake of religion? How did a brother saw his pious and
modest sister Zainab(A.S) be wandering on the streets after his Martyrdom? But we have
forgotten the real subject and moral of the battle.

Hussain (A.S) was familiar with each and every happening but still sacrificed his progeny for the
sake of religion. But how do we commemorate his sacrificial? Every year, by the beginning of
Muharram we divide ourselves in different sects and start fighting over trivial differences instead
of spreading the real message of that great sacrifice.

We can’t even spend few days to mourn his sufferings and calamities whereas Our Prophet
himself mourned in his life while recalling this grave tragedy of Karbala. Some of us will be
busy partying and spending 9th and 10th Muharram as a day off from work because we find it a
great sin to cry over Martyrs. If this is a sin then we must make a promise that we will never cry
over the tragedies and calamities of our close deceased relatives.

Being a devoted Muslim, we must not prod or provoke other sects for their beliefs as final
verdict will only be given by Almighty on the judgment day that who will be the most virtuous
and pious among us. We are all meant to follow One God, One Prophet and One Quran so there
is no point of fighting and blaming each other but still there are some unanswerable questions
that one needs to know. We must read the whole history behind that notable sacrifice. Karbala
was not just a battle but a lesson that will keep enlightening our souls till the Day of Judgment.

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