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Uthman (RA) & ‘Ali (RA) during the

lifetime of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

‘Uthman Bin Affan (RA) during the life of Prophet (SAW)’


o Uthman ibn ‘Affan (RA) was from Bani Umayyah, a powerful clan of the Quraish tribe.
He was born six years after the birth of Prophet Mohammad (SAW).
o His father was ‘Affan, and his mother Arwa bint Kurayz.
o His kunyah was Abu ‘Amr, or Abu ‘Abdillah.

Pre-Islamic life: Before accepting Islam, he abstained from corrupt practices like drinking
and gambling etc.

Personality Traits

o He was modest, honest and upright since his childhood.

o The Holy Prophet said, “Should I not show modesty to one whom even the Angels
show modesty.” Sahih Muslim 2401

Entrance to Islam

o He was one of the first converts. On his return from Syria, he had stopped to rest,
when a caller called, “O sleeping ones! Wake up, for Ahmad has emerged in Makkah.”
Reaching Makkah, he heard of Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬through Abu Bakr (RA) who invited him
to Islam. Thus, he decided to convert to Islam whereupon Abu Bakr (RA) took him to
Prophet (SAW) to whom he declared his faith, and also narrated what he had heard on
his way back from Syria.
He Experienced Persecution

o His uncle captured him and said he wouldn't free him until he left the new faith he had
accepted. Uthman (RA) swore not to renounce his religion. Noticing his firmness his
uncle released him.
Relationship with Prophet (SAW)

o After his conversion to Islam, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) married off his daughter
Ruqayyah to him. When Ruqayya (RA) died, he married her sister Umm Kulthum (RA).
Therefore, he earned the title of Zul Noorain means The Possessor of the two lights as
he married two daughters of Prophet (SAW).


o He migrated to Abyssinia with Ruqayyah (RA).

o They were among the first group who migrated. He remained there for six years and
established business later returned to Makkah.
o He also migrated to Madinah with Ruqayyah.
o He stayed with Abu Talha ibn Thabit (RA). After a short while, he purchased a house
of his own and moved there. As he was a rich man and brought all his wealth to
Madinah, he didn't need any financial support from his Ansari brothers.

Service to Islam
Uthman (RA) accompanied Prophet (SAW) in various battles against Quraish except in

o He didn't take part in Badr because of his wife's illness.

During this battle his wife Ruqayyah (RA), who is also the daughter of Prophet PBUH, fell
ill. So, following Prophet (SAW)'s orders he stayed back. Ruqayyah (RA) passed away
during this time before the battle was over.

o He acted as the Prophet (SAW)'s Ambassador to Quraish.

He accompanied Prophet (SAW) in journey towards Hudaibiyah in 6 A.H. He was sent to

Makkah for negotiation with Quraish but due to delay in his return a rumor of his murder
was spread. Hearing the news Prophet (SAW) took pledge in order to release him if he was
alive or to avenge his blood if he was dead. This pledge of Ridwan.

o He took part in conquest of Khyber, and Conquest of Makkah.

At the time of conquest of Makkah, his foster brother Abdullah bin Saad was not granted
forgiveness by Prophet (SAW). Later, on his appeal Hazrat Abdullah bin Saad (RA) was
forgiven by Prophet (SAW). Following the conquest of Makkah his entire family converted
and he rejoined his family.

o He also took part in Battle of Hunain followed by the siege of Taif.

The conquests of Makkah and Taif had great importance for him, as he had considerable
properties in both cities.
He Contributed his Wealth to pay for Expeditions Particularly Tabuk.

He prepared two hundred saddled camels to travel to Syria. He presented them all with two
hundred ounces (of gold) as charity. Then he brought once hundred saddled camels. He
also brought a thousand dinars (gold coins) and cast them all into the lap of Allah's
Messenger who turned them over and said: "From this day on nothing will harm Uthman
regardless of what he does". (Tirmidhi)
Uthman (RA) gave till his charity reached nine hundred camels and a hundred horses,
besides the money he paid. He accompanied Muslim army under Prophet (SAW) in this
expedition. During this, his wife Umm-e-Kulthum died in Madinah.
o Due to his generosity, he was entitled as Ghani (the generous).
o He bought a well ’Bir Ruma’ which was owned by a Jew for twenty thousand dirham and
allowed Muslims to use it for free.
o He purchased the surrounding plot for extension of Masjid-e-Nabwi.
o During the famine in Madinah, he donated immense food supplies for the residents
despite having offers with large bids from merchandisers.

o He was one of the Ten blessed companions

Donating the well ‘Bir Ruma’ was the very first act of charity in the history of Islam too.
Upon this, Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬congratulated him (R.A) on attaining the Pleasure of
Allah SWT and gave him the glad tidings of Jannah (Paradise) in the hereafter.

o He had Honour of being the scribe of Divine Revelation.

Due to his great command over the Arabic language and out of the ordinary style of
writing, he (R.A) was chosen by the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah SWT to have the nobility of
being one of the scribes of the Holy Revelations. Hazrat Usman (R.A) was not only a
huge intellectual on the subject of Quranic Revelations and the chronological order of the
Chapters and Verse of Quran but also was its Hafiz.

o Role after the Demise of Prophet (SAW)

He also enjoyed a place of prominence during the caliphates of first two Caliphs and
served as a member of Advisory Council. (Majlis e Shoora). He was also empowered to
vote for Umar (RA)'s successor. He also became the third caliph and preserve the Holy
Quran bringing people to a single recital process, for which he is called “Jami’ul-Qur’an”
‘Ali Ibn Abu Talib (RA) during the life of Prophet (SAW)’
Answer must begin with the general introduction and details about the ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA)
during the life of Prophet (SAW)’ as mentioned in the outline.


o His full name is Ali ibn Abi Talib ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim.
o He came from the most respectable clan of Quraish tribe, the clan of Banu Hashim,
and he was the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
o His father Abu Talib was a chief of Banu Hashim tribe and he was the custodian of
the Kaaba. Abu Talib was uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). His mother was
Fatima bint Asad.
o ‘Ali had two kunyahs. He was called Abu al-Hasan, as well as Abu at-Turab.

Pre-Islamic life

o He was close to Holy Prophet (SAW) since childhood.

o After marriage to Khadija the Prophet (SAW) brought Ali (RA) at his house to relieve
his uncle. He gained the special opportunity to be in the company of Prophet (SAW)
so developed his great love for him since childhood.
Personality Traits

o Ali (RA) is known for his courageous personality, noble character, simplicity, and for
being wise, a symbol of justice and fairness.
Entrance to Islam

o He became one of the first Muslims. He found the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his wife praying.
On inquiry, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬told him about Tawhid and called him to Islam, explaining
that it is religion chosen by Allah. Being a child, he was reluctant to decide without
consulting his father. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked him to not disclose this matter to his
father. However, the next day, he went to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and announced his Islam.
He was the first child to accept Islam, aged 10 years old.
o He showed his courage before his tribe Banu Hashim. In a feast where Prophet
Mohammad (SAW) invited Banu Hashim towards the monotheistic faith, it was Ali
(RA) who stood up thrice to admit his support courageously for Prophet (SAW).
o He took the Prophet (SAW)'s place on his bed at the time of migration, the Hijra.
o Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬appointed him to sleep in his place in order to return all the items Prophet
‫ ﷺ‬had been holding in trust to their owners. With his courageous support Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
was able to fool the Quraishites who thought the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was at home till morning.
He was then taken by Quraish who persecuted him to inquire about Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and
Abu Bakr (RA).
o He was one of the Ten blessed companions

He was one of the Ten blessed companions who was given the glad tidings of
paradise by Prophet (SAW).
Relationship with Prophet (SAW)

o He married the Prophet (SAW)'s daughter Fatima (RA).

o After two years of migration to Madinah, be married the Prophet (SAW)'s youngest daughter
Fatima (RA). He went to ask for her hand but couldn't express it. Prophet (SAW) at his side
noticed his wish and accepted Ali (RA)’s proposal for Fatima (RA).
o In following two years i.e., 3 AH and 4 AH, Hasan and Hussain  were born respectively.


o He migrated to Madinah after Prophet (SAW). After he was set free by Quraish, he began his
journey to Yathrib and met Mohammad (SAW) and others at Quba. There they built a mosque
named Masjid-e-Quba.
o He was paired with Prophet (SAW) in the bond of brotherhood. When emigrants and helpers
were paired by Prophet Mohammad (SAW), he took Ali (RA) as his brother. The Prophet said:
"You are my brother in this world and the next.” He also once said to ‘Ali, "You are from
me, and I am from you," Sahih Bukhari

Service to Islam

Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA) was one of the foremost warriors of Muslim community. He would very
often offer to engage in one-on-one duels before the main battle started, which only the
bravest would dare to do.

o During battle of Badr, he shared a camel with Prophet (SAW), he led the scouts to discover
enemy's movement, and be was chosen to carry the Muslim banner into the fighting where he
killed many from Quraish. He also engaged in the duel with Walid ibn Utbah and killed him.

o In the Battle of Uhad, he held Muslim’s banner and defended Holy Prophet (SAW) during the
chaos especially when Khalid (RA)'s cavalry attacked Prophet (SAW)'s camp from the rear.
He also participated in the duels against Quraish along with Hamza (RA) and others to kill 6
members of the family of Abu Talha, who all tried to uphold the banner of the Mushrikeen.

o In the battle of Trench, he defended the mount of Sila and killed Amr bin Abd Wud in a single
contest. He was among the leaders in the siege against Bani Qurayzah.
o He showed his Distinctive Efforts at Khyber. The Prophet Mohammad (SAW) supplicated
for his eyes, gave him the banner and instructions to fight. He killed the Jewish leader
Marhab in a one-on-one fight.
o During conquest of Makkah, he was present in the Muslim army. At the Muslim entry into
Makkah, he once again carried the Muslim banner.
o At conquest of Hunain he defended Prophet Mohammad (SAW). He also participated in
Siege of Taif and was sent as a commander of Muslim forces in expeditions to Fadak and
o He also played a vital role as a scribe. He wrote the treaty of Hudaibiyah and was one of the
witnesses of it. He was among very few people of Makkah who could read and write. He also
memorized many traditions and used to pen them down.

o He was sent by Prophet (SAW) to read the verses in Makkah. During the pilgrimage led by
Abu Bakr (RA) in 9 A.H, he was sent by Holy Prophet (SAW) to read out the new rule, reveled
verses about the prohibition of pagans to enter in Makkah.
During the expedition to Tabuk, he was left behind to take care of Prophet (SAW)'s family.
He went to complain Prophet (SAW) that he was not going with the fighting men, the Prophet
(SAW) said: The Prophet (SAW) said, "Will you not be pleased that you will be to me like
Haroon was to Musa? Except that there will be no prophet after me."
o He Accompanied Prophet in Farewell pilgrimage. When the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
was returning to Madinah, he gave a short speech at the place given name as Ghadir Khumm,
which illustrates Prophet (SAW)'s high regard for Ali (RA). Prophet (SAW) took his hand and
declared "Of whomsoever I am friend; this Ali is also his friend. O Allah! Be the supporter
of whoever supports Ali and the enemy of whoever opposes him."

o He Fulfilled Funeral Rights of the Prophet (SAW). He lowered down the Prophet (SAW)'s
body in grave inside Aisha (RA)'s apartment.

o Role after Demise of Prophet (SAW)

o He did give allegiance to all three caliphs who preceded him. He himself was elected as the
4th caliph among the Rightly Guided Caliphs.

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