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Abu Bakr (RA) during the

lifetime of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

‘Abu Bakr Siddique (RA) during the life of Prophet (SAW)’


o Abu Bakr ‘Abdullah ibn Uthman Abi Quhafah at-Taymi al-Qurashi.

o His pre-Islamic name was Abdul Ka’bah.
o After embracing Islam, he was called ‘Abdullah’.
o His love for camels earned him the nickname (kunya) "Abu Bakr", the father of the
camel's calf.
o The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬gave him the title ‘Ateeq (the freed one), saying, “You are ‘Ateeq
(freed) from hell-fire.”
o His father’s name was Uthman and was known as Abu Quhafa. His mother’s name
was Salma and was known as Umm-ul-Khair.
o He was born in Makkah in 573AD
o He belongs to Banu Taym a Branch of Quraish. His lineage meets with Prophet
(SAW) six generation back at Murrah bin Ka’b.

Pre-Islamic life

o Abu Bakr was a person well-liked and known for his admirable virtues during the Age
of Ignorance.
o He had the duty of overseeing the payment of blood money and compensation in
o He was born into a reasonably well-off family and established himself as a successful
trader. He was involved in the textile and clothing trades; his wealth was forty thousand
Dirhams, when he accepted Islam and he spent most of it for Islam.
Personality Traits
o As a prominent Meccan, he was famous for his knowledge of genealogy and narration.
He was known to be obliging and upright in nature.
o Even before accepting Islam never prostrated to idols.

Entrance to Islam
o He was first free adult male, outside the family of Prophet (SAW) to embrace Islam.
o The Quran describes his acceptance as “And he who comes with the truth
(Prophet) and he who confirms it those are righteous.” (As-Zumar - 39:33)
o Prophet (SAW) said about his acceptance as “I never invited anyone to Islam
except that they were hesitant to embrace it, except Abu Bakr.”

Relationship with Prophet (SAW)

o Abu Bakr was two years younger than the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. They reportedly knew each other
when the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was married to his first wife Khadijah, and Abu Bakr was their
o After Khadijah’s death, Abu Bakr (RA) gave his daughter Aisha (RA) in marriage to the
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. This was before migration, and the consummation of the marriage
happened after migration to Madinah.

Makkan Period

Abu Bakr was the first to his faith to the Prophet after Khadija. After accepting Islam, he
devoted his life and wealth to preach Islam.

Invited People to Islam

o Many influential Makkans accepted Islam due to his invitation including Uthman ibn
Affan (RA), Talha (RA), Zubair (RA), Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA), Abu Ubaidah (RA)
Saad bin Abu Waqas (RA).

Freeing Slaves

o He protected the helpless and slaves who were subject to torture by the idolaters, and
he used his wealth to buy and free persecuted slaves including Bilal ibn Rabah, Ammar
bin Yasir, Zinneerah.
o He used to help poor and needy by spending generously on them.
o Prophet (SAW) said, “The most compassionate member of my people towards
my people is Abu Bakr (RA)”

First Open Call to Islam

o The first public address inviting people to offer allegiance to Muhammad (SAW) was
delivered by Abu Bakr. In a fit of fury, the young men of the Quraysh tribe rushed at
Abu Bakr and beat him till he lost consciousness.
o Following this incident, Abu Bakr's mother converted to Islam. Abu Bakr was
persecuted many times by the Quraysh.
o Abu Bakr (RA) stood by Prophet (SAW) side during all such hardships. He was the
first companion to openly invite people to Islam.
First to Believe in Night Journey
o First person to testify the Messenger (SAW)’s event of Miraj (ascension to the
heavens) and was given the title of ‘al Siddique’ for immediate belief of the journey.

Accompanied Prophet (SAW) During Migration

o According to Aisha's narration, Abu Bakr, who had remained at the Prophet's side for
thirteen years in Mecca, began to cry with joy when he received the command the
Prophet (SAW) to emigrate and learned that they would migrate together.
o Both stayed in the Cave of Thawr for 3 days. Abu Bakr entered the cave first ensured
safety of Prophet (SAW).
o This event is mentioned in the Qur’an: “…he being the second of two (or one of
the two) when they were in the cave...’’ (at-Taubah 9:40)
o The whole family of Abu Bakr (RA) was a great support during this journey. Abdullah
ibn Abi Bakr (RA) brought news of Quraysh and his daughter Asma bint Abu bakr (RA)
provided fresh provisions in the cave.
o His servant Amr ibn Fuhairah (RA) used to come with fresh milk and erase footsteps
of Asma & Abdullah.

Madani Period
Abu Bakr (RA) continued his services to Islam in Madinah. He paid for the piece of land for
the mosque (masjid-e-Nabvi) and participated in construction too.
He rendered invaluable services in all the battles and expeditions in Madinah.

o Participation In Battles

Battle of Badr

o He was in charge of the right wing of the troops and fought against his own son Abdur
Rehman who was polytheist at the time and embraced Islam on the Day of Hudaibiyah

Battle of Uhad
o He negated the rumor of the Prophet’s (SAW) death and acted as a shield to save him
during the battle.

Battle of Hunain
o He remained firm and called the scattered Muslims to come back and fight as they fled
the battle field, when enemy showered them with arrows.

Tabuk Expedition
o Abu Bakr (RA) brought all his wealth to help the Muslims and set an example of
Services of Abu Bakr (RA) Near the Demise of Prophet (SAW)

Abu Bakr as Amir-ul-Hajj

o In 631 AD, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent from Medina a delegation of three hundred Muslims to
perform the Hajj according to the new Islamic way and appointed Abu Bakr as the
leader of the delegation.

Led the Daily Prayers

o Abu Bakr was instructed by Prophet (SAW) to led the prayer, when the Prophet (SAW)
could not due to illness in his last days.

Role of Abu Bakr (RA) after Prophet’s Demise.

o When Prophet Mohammed died, many Muslims refused to accept the truth of his death
out of devastation including Umar (RA).
o Despite being overwhelmed by grief, Abu Bakr addressed the people, He recited the
verses from Quran, ‘Mohammad is not but a messenger: (other) messengers have
passed on before him. So, if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on
your heels?’ (Al-Imran 3:144) and said, “Whoever worshipped Mohammed, then
Mohammed is dead, but whoever worshipped God, then God is Ever-living and
shall never die.”
o Abu Bakr (RA) continued to perform meritorious services for Islam even after the death
of the Holy Prophet (SAW). He was unanimously elected the first Caliph of Islam. Abu
Bakr died on 22nd Jumada- al- Akhira at the age of 63.

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