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You like feeling special and important to others. Your need to matter and make a
difference drives you to create a strong sense of identity.

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How does this need drive your life? Scroll down and find out.


Your powers
A sense of purpose: You know what you’re doing and why. Maybe you gain purpose through

 earning money, academic success, or a massive Twitter following. 1/3

Accomplishments: You set goals and achieve them. Then you set more goals. You can do
anything you set your mind to, no matter if it’s tough.
Care and compassion: Another way to get significance is through commitment to community,
charity, and other kinds of causes.
Uniqueness: Whether it’s your personal style or signature incredible talents, you stand out from
the rest.

Your kryptonite
Overly status-focused: You mark your progress by keeping track of others to make sure you’re
doing better and feel upset if you feel behind. Material possessions, degrees and money are
common ways people gain significance.

Individualism: You always want to lead, not follow. To some, you seem cold and uncaring. You
can have trouble relating to others because need to be the best. Not very connected can make
giving and receiving love challenging.
Perfectionism: The dark side of significance, you can get overly judgmental of others as well as

Anger/Violence: Anger can be a way to gain attention when you feel insignificant; the same
goes for violence. You also can significance from having bigger problems than others around
you. 2/3

Where to shift your focus

Connect with others: Humans crave connection, not just recognition. Being respected and
admired by many, but loved by few, is not a formula for lifelong happiness. What can you do to
gain deeper connections with others around you?

Relax: Instead of always thinking about what you need to achieve, indulge in pleasurable
experiences just for the sake of the moment. Try things that won’t give you special respect or
admiration. You don’t have to be an expert at something to enjoy it.
Growth and Contribution: Combined, these two needs make us feel fulfilled and whole.
Happiness isn’t about holding yourself to high standards; it comes from giving joy to share with
the others in your life who need it. Think about others’ needs instead of just your own. How can
you start giving back while you continue to grow?

Is the need for significance holding you back?

Take massive action today and get started with the #1 personal development program, developed
by Tony Robbins himself, to help people like you break through limitations and make essential
shifts in the forces that drive them.

Unlock the Ultimate Edge Today!

©2019 Robbins Research International

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