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Sacral Authority

The Business of Busy-ness

Anyone who is a generator (defined sacral) who DOES NOT have the emotional center defined has sacral authority. This particular
authority is the most closely aligned to the Type. For the Generator type, their strategy is to respond.

If they have the emotional center defined also then they have to wait out the emotional wave to see how they feel before they respond.
But if they don’t have the emotional center defined then their authority is in the response itself. This is the sacral voice of "Uh huh" or
"uh uh", for example.

Generators are busy people. They really aren’t all that comfortable being at rest. To some extent this is simply because once the engine
shuts down it can be hard to restart it, so for a generator it’s just easier to keep the motor going all the time.

Generally when you tell a generator they have to “wait to respond” you kind of set up a state of anxiety for them. You’re introducing a
‘mental concept’ into an arena that is purely biological – body mechanics. They’re wired to be busy. Generators without the knowledge
of HD don’t have a clue that not everyone has this busy-ness. Being busy is simply the normal state of affairs – anything else is a
temporary aberration.

Sacral Variety

There are really a lot of different ways to have a defined sacral. There are 11 different channels that can define the sacral (three out of
gate 34). Most of them are in the Tantric energy flow and feed into the G Center (the channels from the root-sacral-G). The sacral is
the center of life energy and as such it is very powerful.

Then there are the manifesting generators (MG). Someone can be an MG if the sacral connects directly to the throat (e.g. 20-34 -
green in the image to the right), or via a connection from the sacral to the G and from the G to the throat (e.g. 29-46, and the 1-8
- blue). Or they might have the ego to throat and the sacral to root as a split (purple).

When the solar plexus is defined along with the sacral then the solar plexus is the authority and the strategy is to respond as a
generator. They need to wait through the wave before they can respond with clarity.

When the spleen is defined along with the sacral then the authority is sacral splenic. It is a response in the now.
To Respond or to Wait

None of us are really very aware on a moment to moment basis of the way we operate. A lot of things come and go very quickly in life
and for someone who is accustomed to being busy this concept of waiting seems very alien.

Remember that generators tend to have their heads down doing what they are doing They’re not really paying a lot of attention to the
world of possibility. When you tell them they have to wait to respond they take that to mean they have to go sit down and wait for
something obvious to come along and it’s kind of an “Oh no, I can’t sit around waiting.”

But this is not true. When a generator walks out into their garden and sees that the plants are dry, or the leaves are brown, or something
needs pruning – that is the “something to respond to.” The question is do they have the energy at that moment to water, or fertilize or
prune. This is the magic of the sacral response. The body either responds with the enthusiasm of Uh huh or the lack of energy of uh uh.
This is what makes it so easy for the generator. The Uh huh is their own way of knowing if they want to do something in the moment.
They can completely trust this response.

There’s never a lack of things to which a generator can respond. The floor is dirty, the trash is full, the painting is askew, the bed is
unmade, the laundry is ready to go into the dryer, there’s food to be bought and prepared, etc. The world is teeming with stuff to do. It’s
the sacral that enables the generator to know which of the many things it wants to do now.

Generators can really like having a list of things to do. They look at the list and their body responds uh huh or uh uh not now to various
things on the list. They like finishing the list and making another one.

The Sacral Sounds

The moan, the groan, the sigh, the uh uh, and the uh huh, these are all sacral sounds. It is imperative for generators to listen to and trust
these sounds. Not all generators have these sounds. Some just don't have them naturally and respond in more subtle ways, others have
ignored them for so long that they aren't there (and need to be awakened through practice). But if you have them, these sounds are great

When we extrapolate this into the larger world, for example someone calls and asks “Do you want to go out to dinner?”, the generator
has this reliable voice uh huh or uh uh. “Do you want to marry me?” Uh huh or uh uh. Do you want to study in Paris? Uh huh or uh uh.
What’s really important for the generator is to know how reliable this is. If the generator has an uh uh (no), then don’t do it! Maybe
tomorrow they will have an uh huh (yes). It’s their very energy source saying either yes the energy is available or no it isn’t available now.


The theme of frustration enters the picture when the generator thinks they have to do something even though their body says uh uh (no).

"I have to marry you because you asked me and everybody knows we’re perfect for each other."
"I have to go out to dinner because it’s Saturday and we always go out to dinner on Saturday."

If they have a sacral no and they go ahead and do it, the experience just won’t be worth it to them. Lacking the right energy (either too
much or too little) they will be frustrated that they couldn’t make it work.

They may have a yes to something and they may enter into an experience and the results of that experience may, to an outside
observer, look bad. The generator may respond to the friend who asks her to go kayaking and she might get seasick, or blisters, or fall
out of the boat and shiver with cold, but if she did it from the response of uh huh (yes), she will consider the experience good and
worthwhile. It will not be frustrating for her.

If that same generator goes kayaking because her boyfriend expects her to, and her body is saying no, then no matter how beautiful the
day or how easy it goes she will be disappointed. It just won’t work for her, and she will be frustrated.
Manifesting Generators

With manifesting generators the story is a little different. In the generator sense they respond to whatever presents itself. But the
manifesting generator doesn’t really know his response until he enrages in the activity.

Of course we’ve all heard the maxim “Finish what you start.” Well, for a manifesting generator that’s simply not true. They can start many
things and not follow through because once they engage in it and their body is in the act of doing, the sacral might say no.

Can this be frustrating? Only if they don’t understand their dynamic. Of course others like to put the pressure on them. “Hey we just
started this game, you can’t quit now.” But they can and they should if they get an uh uh.

What’s important for a generator is how reliable that internal gut response is. It’s not the waiting for something to respond to, there’s
never any lack of things to respond to. It’s accepting the fact that at any given moment in time their body will reliably inform them whether
or not the response will result in a satisfying experience for them.

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