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5 Sacrifice

The fifth line, the line of universalization, is how everybody else sees the hexagram, or how they
project onto the hexagram This is the line of the dead. Think about what that is like: You are a
commander in the fields and you have to take some hill away from the enemy. There are only two
members of your troop that are going to stand out to you automatically: the 19.2 and the 19.5. The
19.2 will be of service because they are projecting out, "I will go and do it." But you also know about
the 19.2 that there is a limit to what they do, because they are expecting a resource in return.
Therefore, they will do only so much and go no further. The 19.5 is a bargain for a commander,
because a 19.5 is quite ready not only to be of service, but to sacrifice themselves in that service
and in the larger context of the movie, they do not get any resources for it other than a medal that
is placed on their grave. In other words, they are quite willing to sacrifice themselves without any
need for resource in return and remember, that that is not their true nature. That is what is projected
on them.

The projected field wants to see the 19th hexagram - this need - as a readiness to sacrifice. "Why
should I pay you? Do it for the benefit of the tribe. Why do you need resources? Make a sacrifice.
Take a day off a week and work for the state for nothing." You have countries in our century who
have done that. Everyone has to take a day off, at least it is not three days a week to build the
pyramids but nonetheless, the sacrifice is inherent here. When you see somebody with a 19.5, there
is a Christ complex at work in there. This sacrifice for the higher good is projected on them. "This
one will make the sacrifice. This one will bleed for the cause. This one will die." This is projected on
them. Given the right principle, they will.

The need to limit personal potential in order to achieve a larger goal. "I will die, so that others may
live. I die on this cross, so all of you can be redeemed for your sins" This is the basic theme. It goes
back to the sacrifice of children. When they were going to sacrifice children for the fertility festival in
the springtime, the 19.5’s were sacrificed, and all spotted by the 49.5. I am a 49.5. I know them
when I see them. "This one over there can be sacrificed," and the 19.5 will come forward and say
“yes.” In the Mayan culture, they had ritual sacrifices. Most of the time they were criminals and
border tribes, but they had certain numbers because mathematics was very important. There were
times when there were not enough numbers to fill the list of those that had to be sacrificed, and they
were people who would come forward and agree to be sacrificed. "I have to make a sacrifice for the
greater good, because if I don’t die the tribe will have a problem and the magic of the tribe will die."
The Earth exalted, The self-restraint fundamental to such a nature. If you will sacrifice, you have to
be very clear about what kind of sacrifice you want to make. Fifth lines have great opportunities in
life because they are projected on. They are recognized for an inherent trait within them. In this
case, these people can make enormous sacrifices for the societies around them and get almost no
return on that. They are part of what keeps the tribe alive and in our time, this energy is very
important. We expect sacrifice. Think about how millions and millions of people in this century
walked off and sacrificed their lives in wars. "I will fight communism. I will sacrifice my life."

Jupiter in detriment, A tendency in sacrifice to condescend. "I have to do it for them, because they
cannot do it themselves. After all, they can never hang on the cross long enough." Sacrifice can fuel
a lack of sensitivity. Those who are constantly asked to sacrifice, because that is the projection
become desensitized after a while due to the role that they have to play. One of the most important
things for anybody who carries the energy of the 19.5 is to recognize, that this sacrifice is always
going to be essential, but only for the correct principle. This is a dilemma, because the principle is
an emotional principle that moves in a wave. This is not an easy thing. We are ready to sacrifice
one moment to spare ourselves from Catholics, nazis and the next moment they are suddenly
acceptable. One has to be careful about the principles one is ready to sacrifice for. That is a key
There is no choice. You can only care in the sense of being aware of what it is. All mammals have
the 19th gate. They will make those sacrifices and die. They do that quite regularly, it is built in. It is
built into us, too. We exalt it and take it to another level, because we take it to a higher principle. We
bring in the emotional field and the potential for Spirit. There will be a time in which this sacrifice will
be very different. Like all things. The moment that you change the nature of the emotional system,
we will change the nature of sacrifice. Because who decides about who gets sacrificed, or not, is
the 49th gate which operates in an emotional wave and is not aware. Therefore, those sacrifices are
unusually cruel and meaningless. Stalin saying, "Kill all the gulags," so you go into the Ukraine and
kill millions of people and you take all of the crop for four years in a row and sell it on the foreign
market. Thus, they starve to death. For what? This is when the principles of the 49 haywire, because
they are being ruled by an emotional wave and there is no awareness and no spirit consciousness.
Sacrifice in our times is still something that can be very sad. It can also be beautiful, because we
glorify it. Our tribes are built on our martyrs. Wherever you go there is somebody who has done
something for the state, the last offender of the wall. We consider these people heroes at the highest
level because they were ready to sacrifice for the benefit of others. That is what we expect from
them. What they are is either interdependent, or dependent.

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