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The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love

25 (The Spirit of the Self)46 (The Determination of the Self)10 (Behavior of the Self)15 (Extremes)
At the very center of all your energies is love. You have the love of the body, the love of humanity,
the love of behavior and universal love. You are here to be universally loving to all things. You may
be met with shock at some point in your life, and your challenge is to overcome it.

The Personal Life Theme of THE VESSEL OF LOVE (1)

Your Life Theme is to be a living demonstration of love in all its forms of expression. Love of life,
love of self, love of sensuality, and love of the journey and the people you meet along the way are
all part of your path. If you were wounded as a child, your innocent and natural expression of love
may be restricted. Life is always asking you, again and again, to trust the rhythm of love that springs
eternal within and through you, and which you carry everywhere you go. Love is the intrinsic nature
of the energy flying through this Universe, and you are a natural conduit and medium for love’s
expression here on Earth.

Whether or not you are aware of it, you always affect everyone you meet; you open people up to
relax more into their lives and remind them of our inherent interconnectedness. Prompting others to
recognize and remember the importance of celebrating the amazing gift of life, you are the one who
makes people feel connected, recognized, and cherished. You help people move past their trials
and comfort those who are different, outsiders, or ostracized for any reason. Love, as it’s said, “is a
manysplendored thing,” and you are its ambassador. Learn to accept all the differing ways in which
love is expressed, whether or not you always feel comfortable in that role.

With your Conscious Sun in Gate 25, you carry within a distillation of innocence that sometimes
selflessly and sometimes with great purposeful courage stands for a universal love that goes beyond
the bounds of what people consider love to be. You endure trials at times that can shock you to your
core, and you can suffer heartache until you find a calming and comforting embrace. If you cannot
always find a suitable human embrace, nature is always ready to enfold you. Life on Earth is not the
easiest of passages, and many people have very peculiar ideas of how to receive or express their
love, but you are the one who can shine and mirror the purity of love back to the world. You reflect
to other people that everyone and everything in the world deserves love and that you are an
ambassador for that most precious quality. Trust your own Type and Authority to know when and
where to be.

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