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6 The Bodhisattva

In the 18.6 we have ‘Buddhahood,’ the spoilt one. Here ‘The Bodhisattva’ is the spoilt one. If other people are not there waiting
for their pronouncement they get very upset. They understand what is good for everybody and they expect everybody to be
there. By the way, they just might. That is the other side of it. The bodhisattva is quite a role. The capacity is truly there but
again, like all sixth lines which are transition lines, two things are always there in the transition: one is this sense of not giving
what you are, not giving understanding because it is not worthwhile. You want something much greater than that. You want
to see everything organized. It is not enough just to understand, you want to see it immediately implemented so you can see
all of that organized. That is what is interesting for this sixth line. Most of the time that understanding does not necessarily
come out because there is this immediate recognition - no energy - that it is not going to be able to get organized.

Perfected following, one with and the same as perfected leading. Moon exalted, The great nurturer. The nature of this position
is always positive. (including the detriment). Jupiter in detriment, The tendency on the perfected path that it is a straight line
that ends, rather than a circle. Here in the white book, The possibility in understanding the nature of interdependence to
express opinions of value to others. But the fact that it is a possibility does not mean that you will do it. This is the kind of
being that is not going to share their opinion with you if they don’t think that you will not do anything about it. The moment
that you are saying to them, "Give me your opinion and tell me what to do," these people love to have people come to them
and say, "Oh, Master. What do I do?" The Master sits there and says, "Don’t…" The role is if somebody comes to them and
says, "Oh, please tell me what I should do?" they are ready because the organization can take place. "Let me organize you."
But if they can’t organize them, then they don’t do it. One of the things about these people is that they are often deeply
attractive, because they don’t offer you the understanding unless you ask them, unless you go to them, unless you express a
need for that. The detriment, Where understanding is achieved, the possibility of having the opinion that there is nothing else
to learn. These can be very arrogant people. I have met this many many times with people who have the 17.6 and they are
astrologers, chakra workers, whatever esoteric field, they always have the same response, "I don’t need to understand anything
else. I have this." There is always that aspect to them as well. The tendency of the perfected path and you think that this is it.

The whole thing to recognize about the inherent danger in both collective processes is that both of them are at the mercy of
mutation. The organization of humanity is not going to take place until a mutation takes place. This mutation will change the
way in which we will reproduce. It will make it very difficult for our species to reproduce. It forces us to be organized. This
will come out of mutation. I was growing up in Montreal in a very nice neighborhood, and it got more and more busy as more
and more people bought automobiles. There were a lot of children in that neighborhood. The adults were always saying, "We
should really ask the city to put up a traffic light. You know when they put up the traffic light: when the first child was killed.
That moment the traffic light went up. So the reality is that the way in which that operates is going to wait until the mutation
takes place, in order for that process to change.

So the collective is at the mercy of mutation, because everything they thought they understood or every experience they
thought they had made sense of, all of a sudden there is something new. In the moment that something new is there, that
whole process on both sides has to go through a transformation in order to try to come to grips with what the new is. The
resonance here is in the fifth line, because this line is going to be ready. The Uranian generation will be ready to cooperate
in order to keep the species alive.

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